The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Late Night Thoughts on Blogging While Reading Duncan Kennedy's Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Arkansas Motel Room, Franklin G. Snyder
More Pieces of the CEO Compensation Puzzle, Franklin G. Snyder
Nomos, Narrative, and Adjudication: Toward a Jurisgenetic Theory of Law, Franklin G. Snyder
Nonjudicial Foreclosure Under Deed of Trust May Be a Fraudulent Transfer of Bankrupt's Property: Durrett v. Washington National Insurance Co., Franklin G. Snyder
Relational Contracting in a Digital Age, Franklin G. Snyder
Sharing Sovereignty: Non-State Associations and the Limits of State Power, Franklin G. Snyder
The Pernicious Effect of Employment Relationships on the Law of Contracts, Franklin G. Snyder
The Shaft: The Hadley v. Baxendale Song, Franklin G. Snyder
The Death of Contracts, Franklin G. Snyder and Ann M. Mirabito
Ethical Issues in Civil Trial Advocacy, Roy M. Sobelson
Determining Limitation Periods for Actions Arising under Federal Statutes, Neil Sobol
Determining Limitation Periods for Actions Arising under Federal Statutes, Neil Sobol
Charging the Poor: Criminal Justice Debt & Modern-Day Debtors’ Prisons, Neil L. Sobol
Protecting the Consumer from Zombie Debt-Collectors, Neil L. Sobol
The Need for a Federal Fair Assessment and Collection of Criminal Justice Debt Act, Neil L. Sobol
Protecting Consumers from Zombie-Debt Collectors, Neil L. Sobol
Protecting Consumers from Zombie-Debt Collectors, Neil L. Sobol
Inclusion of Electrochemically Active Guests by Novel Oxacalixarene Hosts, D. Sobransingh, M. B. Dewal, J. Hiller, Mark D. Smith, and Linda S. Shimizu
More Than Receptacles: An International Human Rights Analysis of Criminalizing Pregnancy in the United States, Vanessa D. Soderberg
Merger Control under China's Anti-Monopoly Law, D. Daniel Sokol
Policing the Firm, D. Daniel Sokol
The Transformation Of Vertical Restraints: Per Se Illegality, The Rule Of Reason, And Per Se Legality, D. Daniel Sokol
Introduction: The International Financial System, Steven Davidoff Solomon and Stavros Gadinis
Privacy Law Fundamentals, Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz
The Fixation Thesis: The Role of Historical Fact in Original Meaning, Lawrence B. Solum
Beyond the Written Constitution: a short analysis of Warren Court, Thiago Luis Sombra
Trust and Good-Faith taken to a new level: an analysis of inconsistent behavior in the Brazilian legal order, Thiago Luis Sombra
Adolescent girls in out-of-home care: Associations between substance use and sexual risk behavior., Cheryl Somers and Angelique G. Day
Would the implementation of the UN CRPD help the disabilities enjoy fair human rights in the US?, Ashley H. Song Ms.
The Liberal Tightrope: Brettschneider on Free Speech, Sarah Song
Gender Justice through Public Interest Litigation: Case Studies from India, Avani Mehta Sood
The Plasticity of Harm in the Service of Criminalization Goals, Avani Mehta Sood and John M. Darley
Copyright: Cases and Commentary on the Canadian and International Law, Second Edition, Barry B. Sookman, Steven Mason, and Carys Craig
Law, Politics and the Art of the Possible, Gregory Sorbara, Edward J. Waitzer, Harry W. Arthurs, Mamdouh Shoukri, and Barbara Hennick
Law, Politics and the Art of the Possible, Gregory Sorbara, Edward J. Waitzer, Harry W. Arthurs, Mamdouh Shoukri, and Barbara Hennick
The family point of view, family social capital, and firm performance: An exploratory test, Ritch L. Sorenson, Kenneth Goodpaster, Patricia R. Hedberg, and Andy Yu
El Estado y la universidad a la luz de la Constitución, Daniel Soria Luján
1996 John Marshall National Moot Court Competition in Information and Privacy Law: Bench Memorandum, 15 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 587 (1997), David E. Sorkin
Judicial Review of ICANN Domain Name Dispute Decisions, David E. Sorkin
Judicial Review of ICANN Domain Name Dispute Decisions, 18 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 35 (2001), David E. Sorkin
Payment Methods For Consumer-to-Consumer Online Transactions, David E. Sorkin
Payment Methods for Consumer-to-Consumer Online Transactions, 35 Akron L. Rev. 1 (2001), David E. Sorkin
Spam Legislation in the United States, 22 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 3 (2003), David E. Sorkin
Technical and Legal Approaches to Unsolicited Electronic Mail, 35 U.S.F. L. Rev. 325 (2001), David E. Sorkin
Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, 45 Buff. L. Rev. 1001 (1997), David E. Sorkin
Session IV: Technology and The Future of Privacy, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 379 (2012), David E. Sorkin, Ann Bartow, Robert S. Gurwin, and Doris E. Long
Session IV: Technology and The Future of Privacy, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 379 (2012), David E. Sorkin, Ann Bartow, Robert S. Gurwin, and Doris E. Long
The Twenty-Fifth Annual John Marshall International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law: Bench Memorandum, 24 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 673 (2006), David E. Sorkin, Larisa V. Benitez-Morgan, J. Preston Carter, William P. Greubel III, Matthew Hector, Kellen Keaty, and Lisa Rodriguez
1997 John Marshall National Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law: Bench Memorandum, 16 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 685 (1998), David E. Sorkin, Steven A. McAuley, and David B. Nash III
2011-2016 Strategic Plan: Experience Osgoode, Lorne Sossin
Access to Administrative Justice and Other Worries, Lorne Sossin
Administrative Justice and Adjudicative Ethics in Canada, Lorne Sossin
Administrative Justice in an Interconnected World, Lorne Sossin
An Intimate Approach to Fairness, Impartiality and Reasonableness in Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: An Appeal to Reason: A Review of Roy B. Flemming, Tournament of Appeals: Granting Judicial Review in Canada, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: Charter Conflicts. What is Parliament's Role?, by Janet L. Hiebert, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: Courting the Right - Review of: The Charter Revolution and the Court Party, by Ted Morton and Rainer Knopff, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: Good Government? Good Citizens?: Courts, Politics and Markets in a Changing Canada, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: In Search of ‘Bora’s Head’, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: Peter Hogg & Patrick Monahan’s, Liability of the Crown, 3rd edition, Lorne Sossin
Book Review: The Politics of Imagination: Roberto Mangabeira Unger’s, What Should Become of Legal Analysis, Lorne Sossin
Boundaries of Judicial Review: The Law of Justiciability in Canada [1st Edition], Lorne Sossin
Boundaries of Judicial Review: The Law of Justiciability in Canada, Second Edition, Lorne Sossin
Bureaucratic Disentitlement, Vulnerable People and the Appeal of Review, Lorne Sossin
Can Canadian Federalism be Relevant?, Lorne Sossin
Carter & dying with dignity: now comes the hard part, Lorne Sossin
Class Actions Against the Crown: A Substitution for Judicial Review on Administrative Law Grounds, Lorne Sossin
Column: Concerns over Bill C-51 not addressed, Lorne Sossin
Constitutional Accommodation and the Rule(s) of Courts, Lorne Sossin
Crown Prosecutors and Constitutional Torts: The Promise and Politics of Charter Damages, Lorne Sossin
Crown Prosecutors and Constitutional Torts: The Promise and Politics of Charter Damages, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 1997-98 and 1998-99 Terms, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 1999-2000 Term, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 2000-2001 Term, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 2002-2003 Term, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 2003-2004 Term, Lorne Sossin
Discourse Politics: Legal Research and Writing's Search for a Pedagogy of Its Own, Lorne Sossin
Discretion and the Culture of Justice, Lorne Sossin
Discretion Unbound: Reconciling the Charter and Soft Law, Lorne Sossin
Diversity and Data in the Canadian Legal Community, Lorne Sossin
Empty Ritual, Mechanical Exercise or the Discipline of Deference?: Revisiting the Standard of Review in Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
Experience Osgoode: Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (Highlights), Lorne Sossin
Experience the Future of Legal Education, Lorne Sossin
From Neutrality to Compassion: The Place of Civil Service Values and Legal Norms in the Exercise of Administrative Discretion, Lorne Sossin
Future of Administrative Justice, Lorne Sossin
Galati questions appointment of law prof to appeal court, Lorne Sossin
God at Work: Religion in the Workplace and the Limits of Pluralism in Canada, Lorne Sossin
Harper’s Petard? The Relationship between the Courts and the Executive under the Conservative Government, Lorne Sossin
Homeless advocates push for one final hearing at top court, Lorne Sossin
Indigenous Self-Government and the Future of Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
In Search of Aboriginal Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
Is art a fad or the future of legal education?, Lorne Sossin
Judge’s social media ‘friends’ spark concerns, Lorne Sossin
Judicial Appointment, Democratic Aspiration and the Culture of Accountability, Lorne Sossin
Mootness, Ripeness and the Evolution of Justiciability, Lorne Sossin
New Windows on Justice: Donor Reception in the Junior Common Room, Lorne Sossin