The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Health related rehabilitation and human rights: Analyzing States obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Dimitrios Skempes, Gerold Stucki, and Jerome Bickenbach
Kantian Project of International Law: Engagements with Jurgen Habermas' the Divided West, Achilles Skordas and Peer Zumbansen
Cameras in the Courts: Can We Trust the Research?, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of "Experiments" with Cameras in the Courts, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
Public Opinion of Forensic Psychiatry Following the Hinckley Verdict, Dan Slater and Valerie P. Hans
Aboriginal Language Rights, Brian Slattery
Aboriginal Rights: Where From? Where To?, Brian Slattery
An Integrated Theory of Aboriginal Title and Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery
Are Constitutional Cases Political?, Brian Slattery
A Taxonomy of Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery
Balancing the Right of Self-Determination and Claims of State Sovereignty, Brian Slattery
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Override Clauses Under Section 33 -- Whether Subject to Judicial Review Under Section 1, Brian Slattery
Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- Does It Bind Private Persons, Brian Slattery
Cross-Pollination between International Norms and Canadian Domestic Law regarding Indigenous Peoples, Brian Slattery
Did France Claim Canada Upon 'Discovery'?, Brian Slattery
Historic Treaties: The Contemporary Definition of Existing Treaty Rights, Brian Slattery
Indigenous Rights: Historic or Human Rights?, Brian Slattery
Interpreting Canada's Past, Brian Slattery
Interpreting Express and Implied Treaty Rights in Canada, Brian Slattery
New Developments on the Enforcement of Treaty Rights, Brian Slattery
Paper Empires: French and English Theories of Territory and Property in Aboriginal America, 1500-1763, Brian Slattery
R. v. Powley: Its Implications for the Metis and Other Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, Brian Slattery
Some Thoughts on Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery
The Charter's Relevance to Private Litigation: Does Dolphin Deliver?, Brian Slattery
The Constitutional Dimensions of Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery
The Constitutional Guarantee of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Brian Slattery
The Constitutional Status of Historic Treaties, Brian Slattery
The Honour of the Crown: Past and Present, Brian Slattery
The Honour of the Crown: Reconciling the Past, Brian Slattery
The Legal Basis of Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery
The Trouble with Aboriginal Title (and a Solution), Brian Slattery
Transcending Community: Some Thoughts on Havel and Berguson, Brian Slattery
What are Aboriginal Rights?, Brian Slattery
Federal Jurisdiction, Brian Slattery and John M. Evans
International Law and International Relations Theory: A New Generation of Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Andrew S. Tulumello, and Stepan Wood
The Career Path, Education, and Activities of Academic Law Library Directors Revisited Twenty-Five Years Later, Michael J. Slinger and Sarah C. Slinger
Labour and Employment Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary, Eighth Edition, and Sara Slinn
An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of the Change from Card-Check to Mandatory Vote Certification, Sara Slinn
Captive Audience Meetings and Forced Listening: Lessons for Canada from the American Experience, Sara Slinn
Collective Bargaining Law, Sara Slinn
Conflict without Compromise: The Case of Public Sector Teacher Bargaining in British Columbia, Sara Slinn
Non-Union Employee Representation in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Resistance and Revitalization, Sara Slinn
Ruling on RCMP's right to unionize could influence B.C. teacher dispute, Sara Slinn
The Canadian Conception of Collective Representation and Bargaining, Sara Slinn
The Effect of Compulsory Certification Votes on Certification Applications in Ontario: An Empirical Analysis, Sara Slinn
The Limitations of Pieces of Paper: A Role for Social Science in Labour Law, Sara Slinn
The Right to Join a Union, Sara Slinn
Untamed Tribunal? Of Dynamic Interpretation and Purpose Clauses, Sara Slinn
Untamed Tribunal: The Purpose Clause as Dynamic Statutory Interpretation or Political Control?, Sara Slinn
Whither Wagner? Reconsidering Labor Law and Policy Reform, Sara Slinn
Labor Law Reform and the Role of Delay in Union Organizing: Empirical Evidence from Canada, Sara Slinn, Michele Campolieti, and Chris Riddell
Should Congress Pass the Employee Free Choice Act? Some Neighborly Advice, Sara Slinn, John Godard, and Joseph B. Rose
Some Think of the Future: Internet, Electronic, and Telephonic Labor Representation Elections, Sara Slinn and William A. Herbert
Employment Relations in Canada and the US, Sara Slinn and Richard W. Hurd
Fairness And Opportunity For Choice: The Employee Free Choice Act and The Canadian Model, Sara Slinn and Richard W. Hurd
First Contract Arbitration and the Employee Free Choice Act: Multi-Jurisdictional Evidence from Canada, Sara Slinn and Richard W. Hurd
Can Government Workplaces be Made World-Class?, Sara Slinn, Zsuzsanna Lonti, and Anil Verma
A Cross-Jurisdictional Comparison of Collective Bargaining Structures for K-12 Education in Canada, Sara Slinn and Karen Schucher
Disability Management Best Practices and Joint Labour-Management Collaboration, Sara Slinn, Don Shrey, Norman Hursh, and Paul Gallina
Dynamic Negotiations: Teacher Labour Relations in Canadian Elementary and Secondary Education, Sara Slinn and Arthur Sweetman
Voices at Work in North America: Introduction, Sara Slinn and Eric Tucker
Labour Policy in the Internet Age: Europe's Answer to the Market Challenge, Sara Slinn and Anil Verma
Basic Legal Research Workbook, Amy Sloan, Steven D. Schwinn, and John Edwards
Basic Legal Research Workbook: Teacher's Manual, Amy Sloan, Steven D. Schwinn, and John Edwards
The Criminal Defense Lawyer's Fiduciary Duty to Clients with Mental Disability, Christopher Slobogin and Amy R. Mashburn
An Institutional Commitment to Minorities and Diversity: The Evolution of a Law School Academic Support Program, Jackie Slotkin
Comma Abuse: A Comma Can Cause Trouble by its Absence, its Presence, its Incorrect Placement, Jackie Slotkin
Should I Have Learned to Cook? Interviews with Women Lawyers Juggling Multiple Roles, Jackie Slotkin
Rabenmutter and the Glass Ceiling: An Analysis of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Lawyers in Germany as Compared with Women Lawyers in the United States, Jacquelyn H. Slotkin
Rabenmutter and the Glass Ceiling: An Analysis of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Lawyers In Germany Compared with Women Lawyers in the United States, Jacquelyn H. Slotkin
Oklahoma Sam Sex Marriage, Ian Smiles
If Hip Hop Is Dead, Did the Law Kill It? How Over-Restrictive Interpretations of Copyright Law Promote Sex and Violence in Hip Hop Music, Andre L. Smith
Other People’s Property: Hip Hop’s Inherent Clashes with Property Laws and Its Ascendance as Global Counter Culture, Andre L. Smith
Tax Law and Racial Economic Justice: Black Tax, Andre L. Smith
After NFIB v. Sebelius, When Does the Cost of Voting Become an Illegal Poll Tax?, Andre L. Smith
American Tourist Guide to English English, J. Eric Smithburn
Appellate Review of Trial Court Decisions, J. Eric Smithburn
Cases and Materials in Juvenile Law, J. Eric Smithburn
Criminal Trial Advocacy, J. Eric Smithburn
Illustrated American Tourist Guide to English English, J. Eric Smithburn
Judicial Discretion, J. Eric Smithburn
Termination of Parental Rights, J. Eric Smithburn
Supplement, Cathleen Robson Smith and Margaret Hughes Vath
Awakening the People's "Giant": Sovereign Immunity and the Constitution's Republican Guarantee, Fred Smith Jr.
Measuring Quality Church Growth, Fred H. Smith
Awakening the People’s Giant: Sovereign Immunity and the Constitution’s Republican Commitment, Fred O. Smith Jr.
Crawford’s Aftershock: Aligning the Regulation of Non-Testimonial Hearsay with the Purposes and History of the Confrontation Clause, Fred O. Smith Jr.
Due Process, Republicanism, and Direct Democracy, Fred O. Smith Jr.
Gendered Justice: Do Male and Female Judges Rule Differently on Questions of Gay Rights?, Fred O. Smith Jr.
What Now: Lessons and Questions from Ferguson, Missouri, Fred O. Smith Jr.
Figure 10.11 Souvenir Program Cover for Yes! Mr. Barry. Courtesy of Fred Ransome Smith. IWM Misc 90 Item 1323., Fred Ransome Smith
Faculty Colloquia, Spring 2011 Series, Fred Smith Jr., Albert Yoon, Ted Blumoff, Charlene Luke, Stephen B. Burbank, Jayne Barnard, Chaim Saiman, and Amy Gajda
Human Dignity as a Normative Standard or as a Value in Global Health Care Decisionmaking?, George P. Smith
Legislative Reform of California’s Direct Democracy: A Field Guide to Recent Efforts, Glenn Smith