About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

A Call to Leadership: The Future of Race Relations in Virginia, Rodney A. Smolla

Accounting for the Slow Growth of American Privacy Law, Rodney A. Smolla

A Defense of the Annenberg Libel Reform Proposal, Rodney A. Smolla

Affirmative Action in the Marketplace of Ideas, Rodney A. Smolla

Assassination, the War on Terrorism, and the Constitution, Rodney A. Smolla

Bring Back the Legislative Veto: A Proposal for a Constitutional Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla

Categories, Tiers of Review, and the Roiling Sea of Free Speech Doctrine and Principle: A Methodological Critique of United States v. Alvarez, Rodney A. Smolla

Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico and the Ideal of Judicial Independence, Rodney A. Smolla

Contemplating the Meaning of "The Rule of Law", Rodney A. Smolla

Content and Context: The Contributions of William Van Alstyne to First Amendment Interpretation, Rodney A. Smolla

Dun & Bradstreet, Hepps, and Liberty Lobby: New Analytic Primer on the Future Course of Defamation, Rodney A. Smolla

Emotional Distress and the First Amendment: An Analysis of Hustler, Rodney A. Smolla

Emotional Distress and the First Amendment: An Analysis of Hustler v. Falwell, Rodney A. Smolla

Essay—From Hit Man to Encyclopedia of Jihad: How to Distinguish Freedom of Speech from Terrorist Training, Rodney A. Smolla

Exercises in the Regulation of Hate Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

First Amendment Martyr, First Amendment Opportunist: Commentary on Larry Flynt's Role in the Free Speech Debate, Rodney A. Smolla

Fisher v. University of Texas: Who Put the Holes in “Holistic", Rodney A. Smolla

Fisher v. University of Texas: Who Put the Holes in “Holistic”?, Rodney A. Smolla

Freedom of Speech for Libraries and Librarians, Rodney A. Smolla

Free the Fortune 500! The Debate over Corporate Speech and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla

From Hit Man to Encyclopedia of Jihad: How to Distinguish Freedom of Speech from Terrorist Training, Rodney A. Smolla

Harlot's Ghost and JFK: A Fictional Conversation with Norman Mailer, Oliver Stone, Earl Warren and Hugo Black, Rodney A. Smolla

Information as Contraband: The First Amendment and Liability for Trafficking in Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

Information, Imagery, and the First Amendment: A Case for Expansive Protection of Commercial Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

Information, Imagery, and the First Amendment: A Case for Expensive Protection of Commercial Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

In Pursuit of Racial Utopias: Fair Housing, Quotas, and Goals in the 1980's, Rodney A. Smolla

Integration Maintenance: The Unconstitutionality of Benign Programs that Discourage Black Entry to Prevent White Flight, Rodney A. Smolla

Integration Maintenance: The Unconstitutionality of Benign Programs That Discourage Black Entry to Prevent White Flight, Rodney A. Smolla

Intertwining the Constitution and the Common Law: Evolving Doctrines of Defamation in Arkansas, Rodney A. Smolla

Introduction: Exercises in the Regulation of Hate Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

Introduction to the Bill of Rights at 200 Years: Bicentennial Perspectives, Rodney A. Smolla

Lawyer Advertising and the Dignity of the Profession, Rodney A. Smolla

Let the Author Beware: The Rejuvenation of the American Law of Libel, Rodney A. Smolla

Limitations on Family Size: Potential Pressures on the Rights of Privacy and Procreation, Rodney A. Smolla

Nineteen Rules to Dean By, Rodney A. Smolla

Politics and Due Process Don't Mix: Should the State Claims Commission be Abolished, Rodney A. Smolla

Preserving the Bill of Rights in the Modern Administrative-Industrial State, Rodney A. Smolla

Preserving the Bill of Rights In The Modern Administrative-Industrial State, Rodney A. Smolla

Prison Overcrowding and the Courts: A Roadmap for the 1980s, Rodney A. Smolla

Privacy and the First Amendment Right to Gather News, Rodney A. Smolla

Qualified Intimacy, Celebrity, and the Case for a Newsgathering Privilege, Rodney A. Smolla

Regulating the Speech of Judges and Lawyers: The First Amendment and the Soul of the Profession, Rodney A. Smolla

Report of the Coalition for a New America: Platform Section on Communications Policy, Rodney A. Smolla

Restoring Reason and Civility to the Judicial Selection Process, Rodney A. Smolla

Rethinking First Amendment Assumptions about Racist and Sexist Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

Rethinking First Amendment Assumptions About Racist And Sexist Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

Should the Brandenburg v. Ohio Incitement Test Apply in Media Violence Cases?, Rodney A. Smolla

Taking Libel Reform Seriously, Rodney A. Smolla

Terrorism and the Bill of Rights, Rodney A. Smolla

The Bill of Rights at 200 Years: Bicentennial Perspectives, Rodney A. Smolla

The Constitutionality of Mandatory Public School Community Service Programs, Rodney A. Smolla

The Constitutionality of Mandatory Public School Service Programs, Rodney A. Smolla

The Displacement of Federal Due Process Claims by State Tort Remedies: Parratt v. Taylor and Logan v. Zimmerman Brush Company, Rodney A. Smolla

The "Do-Not-Call List" Controversy: A Parable of Privacy and Speech, Rodney A. Smolla

The Erosion of the Principle that the Government Must Follow Self-Imposed Rules, Rodney A. Smolla

The Erosion of the Principle the Government Must Follow Its Own Rules, Rodney A. Smolla

The First Amendment and the New Civil Liability, Rodney A. Smolla

The First Amendment, Journalists, and Sources: A Curious Study in "Reverse Federalism", Rodney A. Smolla

The Free Exercise of Religion After the Fall: The Case for Intermediate Scrutiny, Rodney A. Smolla

The Ghosts of Homer Plessy, Rodney A. Smolla

The Life of the Mind and a Life of Meaning: Reflections on Fahrenheit 451, Rodney A. Smolla

The Ollie North, Bob Bork, Bye, Bye, Bye Centennial Blues, Rodney A. Smolla

The Poor Image of the Profession and the Ethical Pressures on the Modern Lawyer, Rodney A. Smolla

The Puffery of Lawyers, Rodney A. Smolla

The Reemergence of the Right-Privilege Distinction in Constitutional Law: The Price of Protesting Too Much, Rodney A. Smolla

The Trial of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Rodney A. Smolla

What Passes for Policy and Proof in First Amendment Litigation?, Rodney A. Smolla

What Types of Losses are Recoverable Under Arkansas' Products Liability Law, Rodney A. Smolla

"Where Have You Gone, Walter Cronkite?" The First Amendment and the End of Innocence, Rodney A. Smolla

Will Tabloid Journalism Ruin the First Amendment for the Rest of Us?, Rodney A. Smolla

Words "Which By Their Very Utterance Inflict Injury": Evolving Treatment of Inherently Dangerous Speech in Free Speech Law and Theory, Rodney A. Smolla

Words "Which By Their Very Utterance Inflict Injury": The Evolving Treatment of Inherently Dangerous Speech in Free Speech Law and Theory, Rodney A. Smolla

Introduction: Perspectives on the World's Search for Stable Democracy, Rodney A. Smolla and Darlene P. Bradberry

Winds of Change: Perspectives on the World's Search for Stable Democracy, Rodney A. Smolla and Darlene P. Bradberry

The Annenberg Libel Reform Proposal: The Case for Enactment, Rodney A. Smolla and Michael J. Gaertner

The Future of the Press Clause: New Media in a New World, Rodney A. Smolla, Lili Levi, and Lyrissa Lidsky

The Future of Defamation in Illinois After Colson v. Steig and Chapski v. The Copley Press, Inc., Rodney A. Smolla and Linda A. Malone

Reform Libel Law?, Rodney A. Smolla and Don Reuben

Propaganda, Xenophobia, and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla and Stephen A. Smith

Introductions, Rodney Smolla, Susan D. Franck, and Anna Joubin-Bret

Opening Remarks, Rodney Smolla, Kenn Ruscio, and Lewis Powell III

Panel One, Rodney Smolla, Kathleen Sullivan, and James Comey

Cybercrime in Canadian criminal law, Sara Smyth

Does Australia really need mandatory data breach notification laws - and if so, what kind?, Sara Smyth

The greening of Canadian cyber laws: What environmental law can teach and cyber law can learn, Sara Smyth

Bioethics and Self-Governance: The Lessons of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, O. Carter Snead

Carter Snead lecture "Physician Assisted Suicide: Objections in Principle and in Prudence", O. Carter Snead

Dynamic Complementarity: Terri's Law and Separation of Powers Principles in the End-of-Life Context, O. Carter Snead

Preparing the Groundwork for a Responsible Debate on Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning, O. Carter Snead

Public Bioethics and the Bush Presidency, O. Carter Snead

Response to Nicholas Boyle, O. Carter Snead

The Pedagogical Significance of the Bush Stem Cell Policy: A Window into Bioethical Regulation in the United States (President George W. Bush, Fifth Anniversary Essay Collection), O. Carter Snead

The (Surprising) Truth about Schiavo: A Defeat for the Cause of Autonomy, O. Carter Snead

Unenumerated Rights and the Limits of Analogy: A Critque of the Right to Medical Self-Defense, O. Carter Snead

LIFE IN THE BALANCE: PHYSICIAN ASSISTED SUICIDE/AID IN DYING, Orlando Carter Snead, Tia Powell, Donald Landry, David Leven, and Timothy Quill

Cheshire & Fifoot: Law of Contract, 10th edition, N. C. Sneddon, Rick Bigwood, and M. P. Ellinghaus


Shareholder Primacy and Corporate Compliance, Judd F. Sneirson

Labour, Law, and Crime: An Historical Perspective, Francis G. Snyder and C. Douglas Hay

Clouds of Mystery: Dispelling the Realist Rhetoric of the Uniform Commercial Code, Franklin G. Snyder

Employer Withdrawal from Multiemployer Bargaining--Charles D. Bonanno Linen Service v. NLRB, Franklin G. Snyder