The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Peculiar Discrimination Case of Joe’s Stone Crabs, David Sherwyn and Melenie J. Lankau
Progress Report: The Center at Fifteen, David S. Sherwyn
Synergies for HR in Hospitality, David S. Sherwyn
The United States Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Employees in the Young and Abercrombie Cases: What Do They Really Hold?, David S. Sherwyn and David B. Ritter
Job Sharing: A Potential Tool for Hotel Managers, David Sherwyn and Michael C. Sturman
The Perversity of Sexual-harassment Law: Effects of Recent Court Rulings, David Sherwyn, Michael C. Sturman, Zev J. Eigen, Michael Heise, and Jenn Walwyn
The Perversity of Sexual-harassment Law: Effects of Recent Court Rulings, David Sherwyn, Michael C. Sturman, Zev J. Eigen, Michael Heise, and Jenn Walwyn
Mandatory Arbitration of Employment Disputes: Implications for Policy and Practice, David Sherwyn and J. Bruce Tracey
Sexual-Harassment Liability in 1998: Good News or Bad News for Employers and Employees?, David Sherwyn and J. Bruce Tracey
Arbitrating Securities Industry Employment Discrimination Claims: Restructuring A System to Ensure Fairness, David Sherwyn, J. Bruce Tracey, and Zev J. Eigen
The Mixed Motive Instruction: Did the Supreme Court Make Discrimination Cases Unwinnable for Employers?, David Sherwyn, Paul Wagner, and Joe Baumgarten
Addressing Employee Lawsuits, David Sherwyn and Paul E. Wagner
You Can’t Move All Your Hotels to Mexico: Unions and the Hospitality Industry, David Sherwyn and Paul E. Wagner
Trying to Make Sense of Sexual Harassment Law after Oncale, Holman, and Rene, David Sherwyn, Paul Wagner, and Gregg Gilman
Religion and Democracy, Steven Shiffrin
The Politics of the Mass Media and the Free Speech Principle, Steven Shiffrin
A Reply to Professor Krotoszynski, Steven H. Shiffrin
Defamatory Non-Media Speech and First Amendment Methodology, Steven H. Shiffrin
Government Speech, Steven H. Shiffrin
Liberalism and the Establishment Clause, Steven H. Shiffrin
Liberalism, Radicalism, and Legal Scholarship, Steven H. Shiffrin
Racist Speech, Outsider Jurisprudence, and the Meaning of America, Steven H. Shiffrin
Should Progressives Support the Constitution?, Steven H. Shiffrin
The First Amendment and Economic Regulation: Away from a General Theory of the First Amendment, Steven H. Shiffrin
The First Amendment and the Socialization of Children: Compulsory Public Education and Vouchers, Steven H. Shiffrin
The Pluralistic Foundations of the Religion Clauses, Steven H. Shiffrin
The Religious Left and Church-State Relations: A Response to Kent Greenawalt and Bernie Meyler, Steven H. Shiffrin
The Search and Seizure of Private Papers: Fourth and Fifth Amendment Considerations, Steven H. Shiffrin
Antidiscrimination Laws & Artistic Expression, Steven H. Shiffrin and Gregory R. Smith
Ethics of the Body: Postconventional Challenges, Margrit Shildrick and Roxanne Mykitiuk
Self-Assembly of a Bis-Urea Macrocycle into a Columnar Nanotube, Linda S. Shimizu, Mark D. Smith, A. D. Hughes, and Ken D. Shimizu
4th Annual Conference on Employee Benefits, Social Security and Executive Compensation; Thomas R. Kline School of Law, Drexel University, Natalya Shnitser
Can Law Solve the Public Pension Problem?, Natalya Shnitser
Funding Discipline for U.S. Public Pension Plans: An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Design, Natalya Shnitser
Retirement Security in the Age of Devolution, Law & Society Annual Meeting, Natalya Shnitser
Magna Charta: The Charter of the Forest, and the Prerogatives of Kings, Allen E. Shoenberger
Punishment for Unjust War: First International Court Decision Awarding Damages for Aggression: Will it be Enforced?, Allen E. Shoenberger
The Not So Great Writ: The European Court of Human Rights Finds Habeas Corpus an Inadequate Remedy: Should American Courts Reexamine the Writ?, Allen E. Shoenberger
M'Naghten Is a Fundamental Right: Why Abolishing the Traditional Insanity Defense Violates Due Process, Michael Shoptaw
Challenges and Opportunities in Legal Education, Aric Short
Post-Acquisition Harassment and the Scope of the Fair Housing Act, Aric Short
Post-Acquisition Harassment and the Scope of the Fair Housing Act, Aric Short
Is the Alien Tort Statute Sacrosanct--Retaining Forum Non Conveniens in Human Rights Litigation, Aric K. Short
Is the Alien Tort Statute Sacrosanct--Retaining Forum Non Conveniens in Human Rights Litigation, Aric K. Short
Slaves for Rent: Sexual Harassment in Housing as Involuntary Servitude, Aric K. Short
Slaves for Rent: Sexual Harassment in Housing as Involuntary Servitude, Aric K. Short
Theory of Transparency: The Right to Know, Amartya Shrivastava Mr.
"The Role of States in Shaping the Legal Debate on Medical Marijuana”., Florence Shu-Acquaye
"The Role of States in Shaping the Legal Debate on Medical Marijuana”., Florence Shu-Acquaye
Where Law Meets Culture: the Legal Protection of the Dead in China, Bing Shui
Building a More Critical Lens into the Five Habits of Cross-Cultural Lawyering, Kiran Sidhu
Information & Equilibrium in Insurance Markets with Big Data, Peter Siegelman
The Compromised Worker and the Limits of Employment Discrimination Law, Peter Siegelman
Taxonomies and Leximetrics, Mathias M. Siems
The Leximetric Research on Shareholder Protection, Mathias M. Siems
Why Do We Do What We Do? Comparing Legal Methods in Five Law Schools Through Survey Evidence, Mathias M. Siems and Daithi Mac Sithigh
Corporate Behavior and the Social Efficiency of Tort Law, John A. Siliciano
Fighting with Angry Women: A Response to Lasson, John A. Siliciano
Mass Torts and the Rhetoric of Crisis, John A. Siliciano
Negligent Accounting and the Limits of Instrumental Tort Reform, John A. Siliciano
Wealth, Equity, and the Unitary Medical Malpractice Standard, John A. Siliciano
Islamic Hamas and Secular Fatah: How Does the Governing Process Work?, Sanford R. Silverburg and Shadi Alshdaifat
Perspectives on International Students' Interest in U.S. Legal Education: Shifting Incentives and Influence, Carole Silver
What Firms Want: Investigating Globalization's Influence on the Market for Lawyers in Korea, Carole Silver, Jae-Hyup Lee, and Jeeyoon Park
Transnational Legal Practice: Cross-Border Legal Services: 2002 Year-in-Review, Carole Silver, Robert E. Lutz, Philip T. von Mehren, Laurel S. Terry, and Peter Ehrenhaft
Transnational Legal Practice Developments, Carole Silver, Robert E. Lutz, Philip T. von Mehren, Laurel S. Terry, Peter Ehrenhaft, Clifford J. Hendel, Jonathan Goldsmith, and Masahiro Shimojo
Learning From and About the Numbers, Carole Silver and Louis Rocconi
Transnational Legal Practice 2006-07, Carole Silver, Laurel S. Terry, Ellyn S. Rosen, Carol A. Needham, Robert Lutz, and Peter D. Ehrenhaft
Transnational Legal Practice 2008, Carole Silver, Laurel S. Terry, Ellyn S. Rosen, Carol A. Needham, Jennifer Haworth McCandless, Robert Lutz, and Peter D. Ehrenhaft
The Free Speech Implications of US Anti-boycott Regulations, Matthew E. Silverman
Book Review - Inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment. By Robert A. Ferguson., Jonathan Simon
Systemic Lying, Julia Simon-Kerr
The New Wild West: Preventing Money Laundering in the Bitcoin Network, Kavid Singh
INBA Report of 67th Constitutional Day of India (formaerly known as Law Day, Kaviraj Singh Sr.
INBA Report of 67th Constitutional Day of India (formaerly known as Law Day, Kaviraj Singh Sr.
Indian Legal Service Market overview, Kaviraj Singh Sr.
Censorship by Intermediary and Moral Rights: Strengthening Authors’ Control Over the Online Expressions Through the Right of Respect and Integrity, Methaya Sirichit
A Proposal for Improving Argument Before the United States Supreme Court, Louis J. Sirico Jr.
Opening an Oral Argument before the Supreme Court: The Decline of Narrative's Role, Louis J. Sirico Jr.
Ideology 'All the Way Down'? An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions in the Federal Courts, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
Ideology "All the Way Down"? An Empirical Study of Establishment Clause Decisions in the Federal Courts, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
Judges and Ideology: Public and Academic Debates about Statistical Measures, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
Muslims and Religious Liberty in the Era of 9/11: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Courts, Gregory C. Sisk and Michael Heise
Charting the Influences on the Judicial Mind: An Empirical Study of Judicial Reasoning, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
Charting the Influences on the Judicial Mind: An Empirical Study of Judicial Reasoning, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
Searching for the Soul of Judicial Decisionmaking: An Empirical Study of Religious Freedom Decisions, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
Searching for the Soul of Judicial Decisionmaking: An Empirical Study of Religious Freedom Decisions, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
Searching for the Soul of Judicial Decisionmaking: An Empirical Study of Religious Freedom Decisions, Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise, and Andrew P. Morriss
FOIA Response from ICE on Parole, Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
FOIA Response from USCIS on Parole, Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
FOIA Response on Orders of Supervision, Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
Standard Operating Procedure for Deferred Action (non-DACA), Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
Management for Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak Suppression: Does Relevant Science Support Current Policy?, Diana Six, Eric Biber, and Elisabeth Long
Strengthening Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities: A Human Rights Approach as the Essential Next Step to Accelerating Global Progress., Dimitrios Skempes and Jerome Bickenbach