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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

CNO_41AN184_2007-18-04, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Introducing CRHR Research Reports, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

McSpadden_CB, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

McSpadden_Jar, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

McSpadden_JarStrap, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TARL_41CE19_2006-4-84, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TARL_41CE19_2006-4-84_3D_Cardboard_Model, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TARL_41CE19_424-21, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TARL_41CE19_424-21_3D_Cardboard_Model, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.1, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.10, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.10 3D Cardboard Model, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.11, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.12, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.13, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.14, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.15, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.16, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.17, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.18, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.19, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.2, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.3, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.4, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.5, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.6, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.7, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.7 Cardboard 3D Model, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.8, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

TPWD 41WD60 1976.31.9, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.458, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.459, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.504, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.507, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.510, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.512, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.513, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41CP5 O NAGPRA 2012.1.514, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.383, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.384, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.385, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.387, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.388, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.389, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.390, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41MX65 O NAGPRA 2012.1.511, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41TT13 O NAGPRA 2012.1.250, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection 41TT13 O NAGPRA 2012.1.252, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection O NAGPRA 2012.1.258, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Turner Collection O NAGPRA 2012.1.262, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S12, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S12, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S12, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 239, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 240, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 266, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 268, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 387, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 389, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 904, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 905, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 910, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Washington Square Mound Collection 41NA49 Lot 912, Robert Z. Selden Jr.


Using Photogrammetry to Document, Analyze, and Reverse-Engineer Grave Markers, Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology; Volume 42, Robert Z. Selden Jr. and Timothy K. Perttula

Temporal Dynamics of East Texas Caddo Sites with 10 or More Radiocarbon Dates, Robert Z. Selden Jr. and Timothy K. Perttula

Advances in Documentation, Digital Curation, Virtual Exhibition, and a Test of 3D Geometric Morhpometrics: A Case Study of the Vanderpool Vessels from the Ancestral Caddo Territory, Robert Z. Selden Jr., Timothy K. Perttula, and Michael J. O'Brien

Reflections on Justice John Paul Stevens's Concurring Opinion in Baze v. Rees: A Fifth Gregg Justice Renounces Capital Punishment, Elisabeth Semel

The Fair Housing Act and Religious Freedom, 11 Tex. J. C.L. & C.R. 1 (2005), Michael Seng

Brief of the John Marshall Law School Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Snyder v. Phelps, 131 S.Ct. 1207 (Supreme Court of the United States 2011) (No. 09–751), , , and Michael P. Seng

Brief Of The John Marshall Law School Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic, The Veterans Legal Assistance Clinic At Thomas Jefferson School Of Law, The Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic At The College Of William & Mary, Michael J. Wishnie As Amici Curiae In Support Of Petitioner, Witt v. United States of America, 131 S.Ct. 3058 (Supreme Court of the United States 2011) (No. 10-885), , Michael P. Seng, and

Conscientious Objection: Will the United States Accommodate Those Who Reject Violence as a Means of Dispute Resolution?, 23 Seton Hall L. Rev. 121 (1992), Michael P. Seng

Democracy in Nigeria, 9 Black L.J. 113 (1984), Michael P. Seng

Discrimination against Families with Children and Handicapped Persons under the 1988 Amendments to the Fair Housing Act, 22 J. Marshall L. Rev. 541 (1989), Michael P. Seng

Foreword - A Decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind, 25 J. Marshall L. Rev. 207 (1992), Michael P. Seng

Forward to the Chapter, Clergy in the Roman Catholic Church and the Perspective of a Family Physician Who is Also a Victim/Survivor of Clergy Sexual Abuse, Michael P. Seng

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly, and Freedom of Religion Under the Illinois Constitution, Michael P. Seng

Freedom of Speech, Press and Assembly, and Freedom of Religion under the Illinois Constitution, 21 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 91 (1989), Michael P. Seng

Hate Speech and Enforcement of the Fair Housing Laws, 29 J. Marshall L. Rev. 409 (1996), Michael P. Seng

Housing Discrimination Still Exists. Here’s What Could End It., Michael P. Seng

In a Conflict between Equal Rights for Women and Customary Law, the Botswana Court of Appeal Chooses Equality, 24 U. Tol. L. Rev. 563 (1993), Michael P. Seng

Intervention by Third Parties in Federal Administrative Proceedings, Michael P. Seng

Intervention by Third Parties in Federal Administrative Proceedings, 42 Notre Dame L. Rev. 71 (1967), Michael P. Seng

Memorandum in Opposition to the City's Motion to Amend Judgment, Harper v. Chicago Heights, Docket No. 1:87-cv-05112 (Northern District of Illinois 1987), Michael P. Seng

Municipal Liability for Police Misconduct, 51 Miss. L.J. 1 (1980), Michael P. Seng

Plaintiff Class' Response on the Issue of Voting Population Data, Harper v. Chicago Heights, Docket No. 1:87-cv-05112 (Northern District of Illinois 1987), Michael P. Seng

Private Rights of Action, Michael P. Seng

Private Rights of Action, 27 DePaul L. Rev. 1117 (1978), Michael P. Seng

Reader of the Week: Michael Seng, Michael P. Seng

Recent Decisions, 41 Notre Dame L. Rev. 579 (1966), Michael P. Seng

Reflections on War and Restorative Justice, Michael P. Seng

Reflections on When "We, the People" Kill, 34 J. Marshall L. Rev. 713 (2001), Michael P. Seng

Restorative Justice: A Holistic Approach to Resolving Antisocial Behavior (Sheila Murphy & Michael Seng eds.) (Vanderplas Publishing), Michael P. Seng

Restorative Justice and Housing Discrimination, Michael P. Seng

Restorative Justice and the Law School Curriculum, Michael P. Seng

The Cairo Experience: Civil Rights Litigation in a Racial Powder Keg, 61 Or. L. Rev. 285 (1982), Michael P. Seng

The Constitution and Informational Privacy, or How So-Called Conservatives Countenance Governmental Intrustion into a Person's Private Affairs, 18 J. Marshall L. Rev. 871 (1985), Michael P. Seng

The Disenchanted Client v. The Dishonest Lawyer: Where Does the Legal Profession Stand?, Michael P. Seng

The Disenchanted Client v. The Dishonest Lawyer: Where Does the Legal Profession Stand?, 42 Notre Dame L. Rev. 382 (1967), Michael P. Seng

The Fair Housing Act and Religious Freedom, 11 Tex. J. C.L. & C.R. 1 (2005), Michael P. Seng