About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Elections Clause: Arizona State Legislature, Steven D. Schwinn

Faces of Open Courts and the Civil Right to Counsel, Steven D. Schwinn

Faces of Open Courts and the Civil Right to Counsel, 37 U. Balt. L. Rev. 21 (2007), Steven D. Schwinn

Federal Preemption: Oneok v. Learjet, Steven D. Schwinn

Filed Response by Appellant Glenn Verser Attorney Steven D. Schwinn to Defendants-Appellees' Submission of Supplemental Authority, Glenn Verser v. Jeffrey Barfield, et al, Docket No. 11-02091, 741 F.3d 734 (7th Circuit Court of Appeals 2013), Steven D. Schwinn

First Amendment: Williams-Yulee, Steven D. Schwinn

Foreword: The Impact of Citizens United, 44 J. Marshall L. Rev. xxiii (2011), Steven D. Schwinn

Fourth Amendment: Rodriguez v. United States, Steven D. Schwinn

Health Care: King v. Burwell, Steven D. Schwinn

Holding the UN Accountable for Cholera in Haiti: The Constitutional Right to a Remedy, Steven D. Schwinn

Holding the UN Accountable for Cholera in Haiti: The Constitutional Right to a Remedy, Steven D. Schwinn

Immigration: Kerry v. Din, Steven D. Schwinn

Immigration: Torres v. Lynch, Steven D. Schwinn

Judicial Review of Referendums: The Political Process Doctrine and the Protection of Human Rights, Ho Chi Minh City University Law Review (forthcoming 2015), Steven D. Schwinn

Justiciability and Sovereign Immunity: Campbell-Ewald Co. v. Gomez, Steven D. Schwinn

Legal Rights of Older Persons, Steven D. Schwinn

Marriage Equality: Obergefell v. Hodges, Steven D. Schwinn

Marriage Equality v. Religious Liberty, Steven D. Schwinn

Plaintiffs’ Comments on Defendant’s Remand Results and Motion for Second Remand, Former Employees of Boeing Co. v. U.S. Sec'y of Labor, Docket No. 1:13-cv-00281-GWC, 6 F.Supp.3d 1348 (United States Court of International Trade 2014), Steven D. Schwinn

Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, Dus & Derrick, Inc. v. United States Secretary of Agriculture, Docket No. 1:05-cv-00346 (Court of International Trade May 06, 2005), Steven D. Schwinn

Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, T.W.R., Inc. v. United States Secretary of Agriculture, Docket No. 1:05-cv-00356 (Court of International Trade May 06, 2005), Steven D. Schwinn


Rauner aims to break all public-sector unions—not just Illinois', Steven D. Schwinn

Reconstructing the Constitutional Case against Mandatory Welfare Home Visits, 42 Clearinghouse Rev. 42 (2008), Steven D. Schwinn

Reply Brief of Plaintiff-Appellant, Glenn Verser v. Jeffrey Barfield, et al, Docket No. 11-02091, 741 F.3d 734 (7th Circuit Court of Appeals 2013), Steven D. Schwinn

Responsibilities of Counsel When Appellate Adversary Appears Pro Se, Steven D. Schwinn

Sidestepping Lassiter on the Path to Civil Gideon: Civil Douglas, Steven D. Schwinn

Sidestepping Lassiter on the Path to Civil Gideon: Civil Douglas, 40 Clearinghouse Rev. 217 (2006), Steven D. Schwinn

Silenced Justice, 3 Am. U. J. Gender & L. 335 (1995), Steven D. Schwinn

Standing: Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, Steven D. Schwinn

Supreme Court October Term 2014 Review, Steven D. Schwinn

Supreme Court October Term 2015 Preview, Steven D. Schwinn

The Framers' Federalism and the Affordable Care Act, 44 Conn. L. Rev. 1071 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn

The People’s Term, Mostly, Steven D. Schwinn

The Right to a Remedy for Torture, Steven D. Schwinn

The Right to a Remedy for Torture, Steven D. Schwinn

The Right to Counsel on Appeal: Civil Douglas, 15 Temp. Pol. & Civ. Rts. L. Rev. 603 (2006), Steven D. Schwinn

The Scope and Limits of the Right to Access to the Courts, Steven D. Schwinn

The Separation of Powers Cases, Steven D. Schwinn

The State Secrets Privilege in the Post-9/11 Era, Steven D. Schwinn

The State Secrets Privilege in the Post-9/11 Era, 30 Pace L. Rev. 778 (2010), Steven D. Schwinn

Toward a More Expansive Welfare Devolution Debate, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 311 (2005), Steven D. Schwinn

Trade Adjustment Assistance at the U.S. Court of International Trade: The Year in Review, 41 Geo. J. Int'l L. 137 (2009), Steven D. Schwinn

Voting Rights: Evenwel v. Abbot, Steven D. Schwinn

Voting Rights: Harris v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, Steven D. Schwinn

Welfare Reform in a Global Economy, 11 J. Gender Race & Just. 209 (2008), Steven D. Schwinn

Zivotofsky v. Kerry: A Study in Law, Politics, and Foreign Affairs, Steven D. Schwinn

Session II: Historical Perspectives on Privacy in American Law, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 319 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn, Alberto Bernabe, Kathryn Kolbert, Adam D. Moore, and Marc Rotenberg

Session II: Historical Perspectives on Privacy in American Law, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 319 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn, Alberto Bernabe, Kathryn Kolbert, Adam D. Moore, and Marc Rotenberg

Session II: Historical Perspectives on Privacy in American Law, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 319 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn, Alberto Bernabe, Kathryn Kolbert, Adam D. Moore, and Marc Rotenberg

Session II: Historical Perspectives on Privacy in American Law, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 319 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn, Alberto Bernabe, Kathryn Kolbert, Adam D. Moore, and Marc Rotenberg

Session II: Historical Perspectives on Privacy in American Law, 29 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 319 (2012), Steven D. Schwinn, Alberto Bernabe, Kathryn Kolbert, Adam D. Moore, and Marc Rotenberg

Teaching Legal Research and Writing with Actual Legal Work: Extending Clinical Education into the First Year, 12 Clinical L. Rev. 441 (2006), Steven D. Schwinn and Michael Millemann

Why add real clients and actual legal work to the first-year curriculum, Steven D. Schwinn and Michael Millemann

Book Review, Bioethics Mediation: A Guide to Shaping Shared Solutions, Charity Scott

Book Review, Judging in a Therapeutic Key: Therapeutic Jurisprudence & the Courts, Charity Scott

Book Review, Standard of Care: The Law of American Bioethics, Charity Scott

Building Global Health Team Excellence: Developing an Interprofessional Competency Domain, Charity Scott

Facilitating Collusion: The Problem of Spillover Effects and Avoiding Facilitation of Collusion in Pre-Joint Venture Negotiations, Charity Scott

Reply Letter, "Catering to Blindness: A Closer Look at a 'Just' World", Charity Scott

A Strategic Approach for Managing Conflict in Hospitals: Responding to the Joint Commission Leadership Standard, Part 2, Charity Scott and Debra Gerardi

Therapeutic Jurisprudence; Using the Law to Improve the Public's Health, Charity Scott, W. Schma, D. Kverjic, and C. Petrucci

The 25th Anniversary of the Baby Doe Rules: Perspectives from the Fields of Law, Health Care, Ethics, and Disability Policy, Charity Scott J.D.; Leslie E. Wolf J.D., M.P.H.; Paul Root Wolpe Ph.D.; Burke J. Balch J.D.; Jatinder J. Bhatia M.D.; Mary Crossley J.D.; Loretta M. Kopelman Ph.D.; Thomas W. Mayo J.D.; Mark R. Mercurio M.D., M.A.; Sadath A. Sayeed M.D., J.D.; Anita Silvers Ph.D.; Robert D. Truog M.D.; Ellen Waldman J.D., LL.M.; William J. Winslade Ph.D.; and Kathy Kinlaw M.Div.

The 25th Anniversary of the Baby Doe Rules: Perspectives from the Fields of Law, Health Care, Ethics, and Disability Policy, Charity Scott J.D.; Leslie E. Wolf J.D., M.P.H.; Paul Root Wolpe Ph.D.; Burke J. Balch J.D.; Jatinder J. Bhatia M.D.; Mary Crossley J.D.; Loretta M. Kopelman Ph.D.; Thomas W. Mayo J.D.; Mark R. Mercurio M.D., M.A.; Sadath A. Sayeed M.D., J.D.; Anita Silvers Ph.D.; Robert D. Truog M.D.; Ellen Waldman J.D., LL.M.; William J. Winslade Ph.D.; and Kathy Kinlaw M.Div.

A Core Curriculum for the Transnational Legal Education of JD and LLB Students: Surveying the Approach of the International, Comparative and Transnational Law Program at Osgoode Hall Law School, Craig Scott

A Perspective from Honduras' Civil Society Truth Commission, Craig Scott

A Surfer’s Guide to US Foreign Policy in Egypt, or Has Obama Been Snookered?, Craig Scott

Diverse Persuasion(s): From Rhetoric to Representation (and Back Again to Rhetoric) in International Human Rights Interpretation, Craig Scott

Interdependence and Permeability of Human Rights Norms: Towards a Partial Fusion of the International Covenants on Human Rights, Craig Scott

Interpreting Intervention, Craig Scott

Iraq and the Serious Consequences of Word Games: Language, Violence and Responsibility in the Security Council, Craig Scott

Israel’s Seizure of the Gaza-Bound Flotilla: Applicable Laws and Legality, Craig Scott

Postscript on "The Serious Consequences of Word Games": The Signaling Game around the "Final Opportunity" of Security Council Resolution 1441, Craig Scott

Producing an Insightful Research Paper: Some Elements to Consider, Craig Scott

Ronald St. John Macdonald and International Legal Education, Craig Scott

Taking Tea with Torturers, Craig Scott

The Transnationalization of Truth: A Meditation on Sri Lanka and Honduras, Craig Scott

Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation, Craig Scott

'Transnational Law' as Proto‐Concept: Three Conceptions, Craig Scott

"Transnational Law" as Proto-Concept: Three Conceptions, Craig Scott

Will Canada Be an Open Democracy after May 2?, Craig Scott

Adjudicating Constitutional Priorities in a Transnational Context: A Comment on Soobramoney’s Legacy and Grootboom’s Promise, Craig Scott and Philip Alston

1972: New Approaches to International Law, Craig M. Scott

Bodies of Knowledge: A Diversity Promotion Role for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig M. Scott

Canada’s International Human Rights Obligations and Disadvantaged Members of Society: Finally Into the Spotlight?, Craig M. Scott

Commentary on Part IV (Human Rights), Craig M. Scott

Covenant Constitutionalism and the Canada Assistance Plan, Craig M. Scott

Dialogical Sovereignty: Preliminary Metaphorical Musings, Craig M. Scott

Foreword: An Art of Mind, Craig M. Scott

Foreword: The Art of American Values, Craig M. Scott

Human Rights in a Global Classroom, Craig M. Scott

Indigenous Self-Determination and Decolonization of the International Imagination: A Plea, Craig M. Scott

Introduction to Torture as Tort: From Sudan to Canada to Somalia, Craig M. Scott

Iraq and the Serious Consequences of World Games: Language, Violence, and Responsibility in the UN Security Council, Craig M. Scott

Kosovo, the Russia Option and Chechnya, Craig M. Scott

Magnanimity in our time – I, Craig M. Scott

Magnanimity in our time – II, Craig M. Scott

Multinational Enterprises and Emergent Jurisprudence on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Craig M. Scott

Reaching Beyond (Without Abandoning) the Category of `Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’, Craig M. Scott

Remarks ("Beyond the Sosa v Alvarez-Machain Terms of Debate: Conceptualizing International Human Rights Torts in Terms of 'Transnational Law'"), Craig M. Scott

Scott to seek re-election in Toronto-Danforth, Craig M. Scott