The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Some New Kinds of Authorship Made Possible by Computers and Some Intellectual Property Questions They Raise, Pamela Samuelson
Statutory Damages as a Threat to Innovation, Pamela Samuelson
Survey on the Patent/Copyright Interface for Computer Programs, Pamela Samuelson
The Constitutional Law of Intellectual Property after Eldred v. Ashcroft, Pamela Samuelson
The Copyright Principles Project: Directions for Reform, Pamela Samuelson
The Digital Content Symposium, Pamela Samuelson
The Generativity of Sony v. Universal: The Intellectual Property Legacy of Justice Stevens, Pamela Samuelson
The Google Book Settlement as Copyright Reform, Pamela Samuelson
The Need for Reform of the Software Licensing Policy of the Department of Defense, Pamela Samuelson
The Originality Standard for Literary Works under U.S. Copyright Law, Pamela Samuelson
The Quest for a Sound Conception of Copyright's Derivative Work Right, Pamela Samuelson
The Quest for Enabling Metaphors for Law and Lawyering in the Information Age, Pamela Samuelson
The Supreme Court Revisits the Sony Safe Harbor Rule, Pamela Samuelson
The Uneasy Case for Software Copyrights Revisited, Pamela Samuelson
The U.S. Digital Agenda at WIPO, Pamela Samuelson
Three Reactions to MGM v. Grokster, Pamela Samuelson
Too Many Copyrights, Pamela Samuelson
Toward a "New Deal" for copyright in an Information Age, Pamela Samuelson
Toward a New Politics of Intellectual Property, Pamela Samuelson
Unbundling Fair Uses, Pamela Samuelson
Understanding the Implications of Selling Rights in Software to the Defense Department: A Journey through the Regulatory Maze, Pamela Samuelson
Watching TV on Internet-Connected Devices, Pamela Samuelson
When is a "License" Really a Sale?, Pamela Samuelson
Why Copyright Law Excludes Systems and Processes from the Scope of Its Protection, Pamela Samuelson
Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?, Pamela Samuelson
Why the Google Book Settlement Failed--and What Comes Next, Pamela Samuelson
Will the Copyright office Be Obsolete in the Twenty-First Century, Pamela Samuelson
Why Plaintiffs Should Have to Prove Irreparable Harm in Copyright Preliminary Injunction Cases, Pamela Samuelson and Krzysztof Bebenek
Before UCITA: Licensing, Selling and Using Information Under the Proposal Formerly Known as UCC Article 2B and Federal Database Protection Legislation, Pamela Samuelson, George A. Cooke Jr., Robert W. Gomulkiewicz, and Raymond T. Nimmer
A Manifesto concerning the Legal Protection of Computer Programs, Pamela Samuelson, Randall Davis, Mitchell D. Kapor, and J. H. Reichman
Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Library and Hypertext Publishing Systems, Pamela Samuelson and Robert J. Giushko
Comparing the Views of Lawyers and User Interface Designers on the Software Copyright Look and Feel Lawsuits, Pamela Samuelson and Robert J. Glushko
The Path of IP Studies: Growth, Diversification, and Hope, Pamela Samuelson, Robert P. Merges, and John M. Golden
The Path of IP Studies: Growth, Diversification, and Hope, Pamela Samuelson, Robert P. Merges, and John M. Golden
The Path of IP Studies: Growth, Diversification, and Hope, Pamela Samuelson, Robert P. Merges, and John M. Golden
How to Achieve (Some) Balance in Anti-Circumvention Laws, Pamela Samuelson, Jerome H. Reichman, and Graeme Dinwoodie
Clues for Determining Whether Business and Service Innovations are Unpatentable Abstract Ideas, Pamela Samuelson and Jason Schultz
Should Copyright Owners Have to Give Notice of Their Use of Technical Protection Measures, Pamela Samuelson and Jason Schultz
The Law and Economics of Reverse Engineering, Pamela Samuelson and Suzanne Scotchmer
Unconstitutionally Excessive Statutory Damage Awards in Copyright Cases, Pamela Samuelson and Ben Sheffner
Solving the Orphan Works Problem for the United States, Pamela Samuelson, Jennifer M. Urban, David R. Hansen, Kathryn Hashimoto, and Gwen Hinze
Solving the Orphan Works Problem for the United States, Pamela Samuelson, Jennifer M. Urban, David R. Hansen, Kathryn Hashimoto, and Gwen Hinze
Solving the Orphan Works Problem for the United States, Pamela Samuelson, Jennifer M. Urban, David R. Hansen, Kathryn Hashimoto, and Gwen Hinze
Solving the Orphan Works Problem for the United States, Pamela Samuelson, Jennifer M. Urban, David R. Hansen, Kathryn Hashimoto, and Gwen Hinze
Statutory Damages in Copyright Law: A Remedy in Need of Reform, Pamela Samuelson and Tara Wheatland
The Accrual of Constructive Discharge Claims Under Title VII, John E. Sanchez
Political Refugees, Captives, Slaves and Other Migrants in International Law of Ancient Near East (2nd Millenium BC), Víctor M. Sánchez
Clinical Jurisprudence: Could Thorough Documentation Have Changed The Outcome Of This Trial?, Joseph S. Sanfilippo, Steven R. Smith, and Shirley M. Pruitt
Comparison of the Illinois Commission Report on Capital Punishment with the Capital Punishment System in California, Robert M. Sanger
Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient Test Scores and the Impropriety of “Ethnic (or Socio-Economic) Adjustment” in Atkins Cases, Robert M. Sanger
IQ, Intelligence Testing, Ethnic Adjustments and Atkins, Robert M. Sanger
Managing Big Data in Complex Litigation, Robert M. Sanger
New Criminal Laws for California,, Robert M. Sanger
Rapid DNA Testing, Robert M. Sanger
Science is not Waiting for the Courts, Robert M. Sanger
Sentencing Trends for Economic Crime, Robert M. Sanger
Shredded Fish Redux, Robert M. Sanger
The Hallmark of a Champion—or Not, Robert M. Sanger
To Furman or Not to Furman, Robert M. Sanger
Commento all'articolo 2483 codice civile, Valerio Sangiovanni
Interessi corrispettivi e moratori, tasso-soglia usura e clausola penale, Valerio Sangiovanni
L'avvocato-arbitro nell'art. 61 del nuovo codice deontologico forense, Valerio Sangiovanni
Lettera di intenti, due diligence e trattative negli acquisti di azioni e quote, Valerio Sangiovanni
Unternehmenskaufvertrag und Kaeuferschutz aus der italienischen Perspektive, Valerio Sangiovanni
Una alternativa en la marca país para el empleo productivo de excombatientes, construcción de nación y obtención de paz con enfoque constitucional, Diana Carolina Santacruz Guerrero
Una mirada al ejercicio y desarrollo de la Marca País en Latinoamérica: camino a la armonización andina, Diana Carolina Santacruz Guerrero
TMI About PMI: A Basic Guide to Private Mortgage Insurance, Marie Sarantakis
Consultant, “Leadership, Learning and Change: Who’s in Charge? Why Listen to Each Other?”, Evangeline Sarda
Director, “Authority, Power and Justice: Leadership for Change”, Evangeline Sarda
Member, “Group Relations Conference on Authority and Leadership in Recovery from Addiction”, Evangeline Sarda
Presenter, “Replicating Reality: Using the Intergroup/Institutional Event Model to Simulate Societal Dynamics and the Complexity of Working for Change”, Evangeline Sarda
Moderator, “Political, Ethical and Historical Dilemmas of Building a Group Relations Institution”, Evangeline Sarda, Eduardo Acuňa, and Matías Sanfuentes
Estado de Derecho: ¿Por diseño o evolución?: Un comentario, Jose Luis Sardon
Fundamento de Voto: Caso Ley de la Reforma Magisterial, Jose Luis Sardon
¿Qué significa "ser humano" en su dimensión económica?, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto conjunto con Óscar Urviola y Marianella Ledesma contra modificación del Reglamento Normativo TC., Jose Luis Sardon
Voto conjunto con Óscar Urviola y Marianella Ledesma contra modificación del Reglamento Normativo TC., Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular: Caso Acevedo López, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular: Caso Ley de Presupuesto (negociación colectiva), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular: Caso Ley de Protección de la Economía Familiar, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular: Caso Ley Universitaria, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular: Caso Parque de los Próceres, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto Singular conjunto con Ernesto Blume: Caso Bonos Agrarios 1, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto con Ernesto Blume: Caso Bonos Agrarios 2, Jose Luis Sardon
Empirical Evidence that Formative Assessments Improve Final Exams, Carol Springer Sargent and Andrea A. Curcio
Social and Economic Sustainability, Jason Sargent, Khanjan Mehta, and Katina Michael
Apuntes de Derecho de la Unión Europea, Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
Controversy surrounding Maggi Noodles - Legal Issues, Mubashshir Sarshar
Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals, Arman Sarvarian, Filippo Fontanelli, Vassilis Tzevelekos, and Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals, Arman Sarvarian, Filippo Fontanelli, Vassilis Tzevelekos, and Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
The unexploited potential for natural gas to greatly increase energy efficiency, Harry D. Saunders
Rethinking Corporate Human Rights Accountability, Pammela Quinn Saunders
Question mark over internet privacy, Desiree Savage, Daniel Rowan, and Katina Michael
A Taxing Endeavor: Local Government Protection of Our Nation's Coasts in the "Wake" of Climate Change, Simone Savino
Impact of Political and Economic Integration on Labour Mobility in the Arabian Peninsula, J. G. A. Saviranta
Methodological and Theoretical Issues in Researching North African and West Asian Political Economy, J. G. A. Saviranta