About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Det svenska arbetsrätts- och arbetsmarknadssystemet i EU – samspel och konflikt under 20 år, Mia Rönnmar


Elder Law, Mia Rönnmar

Elder Law (forthcoming), Mia Rönnmar

European Union. Court of Justice of the European Union. Union Association de médiation sociale v Union locale des syndicats CGT and Others (AMS), Case C 176/12 (forthcoming), Mia Rönnmar

The impact of Viking and Laval in Swedish labour law and industrial relations, Mia Rönnmar

Age Discrimination and Labour Law. Comparative and Conceptual Perspectives in the EU and Beyond, Mia Rönnmar and Ann Numhauser-Henning

Concluding Discussion, Mia Rönnmar and Ann Numhauser-Henning

Introduction, Mia Rönnmar and Ann Numhauser-Henning


20 razones por las que debe prevaler la posición del acreedor embargante, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual


Algunas razones por las que debe prevalecer la posición del acreedor embargante. A propósito de la decisión pendiente en el VII Pleno Casatorio Civil, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual


La resolución por incumplimiento y el resarcimiento de daños. Precisiones en torno a su acumulación procesal, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual


Tercería de propiedad contra embargo e hipoteca, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual

Comparative Perspectives on Combating Human Trafficking, Jerri Nims Rooker, Dr. Andreas Scholenhardt, and Jonathan Todres


The Freedom of Navigation Program: Assessing 35 Years of Effort, Joshua L. Root

Retaining Color, Veronica Root

The Monitor-“Client” Relationship, Veronica Root

Angelina and Madonna: Why All the Fuss? An Exploration of the Rights of the Child and Intercountry Adoption within African Nations, Veronica S. Root

Book Review (reviewing David Weil, The Fissured Workplace (2014), César F. Rosado Marzán

Can International Framework Agreements Help to Build an International Industrial Relations System? (Forthcoming), César F. Rosado Marzán

The Challenges of Equality Law in Light of Underdevelopment, César F. Rosado Marzán and Sergio Gamonal Contreras

One Big Union?: Some Thoughts on the Lack of Transnational Collective Bargaining in the Americas (Forthcoming), César F. Rosado Marzán and Margot A. Nikitas

Work, Study, Organize!: Why the Northwestern University Football Players Are Employees Under the National Labor Relations Act, César F. Rosado Marzán and Alex Tilletts-Saks

How Federal Tax Expenditures That Support Housing Contribute to Economic Inequality, Henry Rose

The Public Trust Doctrine: Does it Provide the Public With Access to the Beaches of Lake Michigan in Illinois? , Henry Rose

Alien Cloak of Confidentiality: Look Who's Wearing It Now, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

Alien Cloak of Confidentiality: Look Who's Wearing It Now, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

Alien Cloak of Confidentiality: Look Who's Wearing It Now, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

A New Day: Prime Time to Advance Afghan Clinical Education, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

Just between Yoo and He: Two Justice Department Lawyers' Imaginary Torturous Email Exchange, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

The Cambodian Law Faculty: Blueprint for a Curriculum Rich in Research and Experiential Education, Stephen A. Rosenbaum

Dignifying Madness: Rethinking Commitment Law in an Age of Mass Incarceration, Stephen A. Rosenbaum and Jonathan S. Simon

Between Home and School, Laura A. Rosenbury

Federal Visions of Private Family Support, Laura A. Rosenbury

Feminist Legal Scholarship: Charting Topics and Authors, 1978-2002, Laura A. Rosenbury

Friends with Benefits, Laura A. Rosenbury

Marital Status and Privilege, Laura A. Rosenbury

Rights and Realities, Laura A. Rosenbury

Two Ways to End a Marriage: Divorce or Death, Laura A. Rosenbury

Working Relationships, Laura A. Rosenbury

Work Wives, Laura A. Rosenbury

Sex in and out of Intimacy, Laura A. Rosenbury and Jennifer E. Rothman

What to do with Contradictory Data? Approaches to the Integration of Multiple Malingering Measures, Barry Rosenfeld, Debbie Green, Ekaterina Pivovarova, Tia Dole, and Patricia A. Zapf

Psychological testing in violence risk assessment, Barry Rosenfeld and Ekaterina Pivovarova

The New Governancism?, 59 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1079 (2015)., Mark D. Rosen

The Limits of Second Amendment Originalism and the Constitutional Case for Gun Control, Lawrence Rosenthal

The Statement and Account Clause as a National Security Freedom of Information Act, Lawrence Rosenthal

The Proliferation Gene Expression Signature is a Quantitative Integrator of Oncogenic Events that Predicts Survival in Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Andreas Rosenwald, George Wright, Adrian Wiestner, Wing Chan, Joseph Connors, Elias Campo, Randy Gascoyne, Thomas Grogan, Konrad Muller-Hermelink, Erlend B. Smeland, Michael Chiorazzi, Jena M. Giltnane, Elaine M. Hurt, Hong Zhao, Lauren Averett, Sarah Henrickson, Liming Yang, John Powell, Wyndham H. Wilson, Elaine S. Jaffe, Richard Simon, Richard D. Klausner, Emilio Montserrat, Francesc Bosch, Timothy Greiner, Dennis D. Weisenburger, Warren G. Sanger, Bhavana J. Dave, James C. Lynch, Julie Vose, James O. Armitage, Richard I. Fisher, Thomas P. Miller, Michael LeBlanc, German Ott, Stein Kvaloy, Harald Holte, Jan Delabie, and Louis M. Staudt

Denying Deference: Civil Rights and Judicial Resistance to Administrative Constitutionalism, Bertrall Ross II


Embracing Administrative Constitutionalism, Bertrall L. Ross

The Representative Equality Principle: Disaggregating the Equal Protection Intent Standard, Bertrall L. Ross II

Transparent Adjudication: Promoting Democratic Dialogue on Judicial Conceptions of Politics, Bertrall L. Ross II

Destabilizing Property Conn. L. Rev. 2015 [Rosser].pdf, Ezra Rosser

Displacing the Judiciary: Customary Law and the Threat of a Defensive Tribal Council: A Book Review of Raymond D. Austin, Navajo Courts and Navajo Common Law: A Tradition of Tribal Self-Governance (2009), Ezra Rosser

Political Possibilities of Reparations [Rosser].pdf, Ezra Rosser


A Case Ill Suited for Judgment: Constructing 'A Sovereign Access to the Sea' in the Atacama Desert, christopher robert rossi


Impaled on Morton's Fork: Kosovo, Crimea, and the Sui Generis Circumstance, christopher robert rossi

The Uneasy Case for Marijuana as Chemical Impairment Under a Science-Based Jurisprudence of Dangerousness, Andrea L. Roth

Generalist Judges, Technical Expertise, and the Standard of Review: A Presentation by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada, Marshall Rothstein, Giuseppina D'Agostino, and David Vaver

Generalist Judges, Technical Expertise, and the Standard of Review: A Presentation by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada, Marshall Rothstein, Giuseppina D'Agostino, and David Vaver

Advocacy in IP Litigation in the Supreme Court: a Presentation by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada, Marshall Rothstein and David Vaver

A Minimum Wage of Zero, Ronald D. Rotunda


Book Review: The Once and Future King: The Rise of Crown Government in America, Ronald D. Rotunda

Cameras in the Supreme Court, Ronald D. Rotunda

Disciplining Lawyers Who Engage in Moral Turpitude, Ronald D. Rotunda

Donald Trump and Wong Kim Ark, Ronald D. Rotunda

Dred Scott After Nearly Two Centuries, Ronald D. Rotunda

Hillary's Emails and the Law, Ronald D. Rotunda

Ignoring the Supreme Court When You Don't Like the Result, Ronald D. Rotunda

Is the Federal Government Really a State, if the IRS Says It Is?, Ronald D. Rotunda

Je Suis Charlie Hebdo, Ronald D. Rotunda

Judges Who Broadcast Their Imprudent and Injudicious Behavior, Ronald D. Rotunda

Judicial Campaigns and the Appearance of Impropriety, Ronald D. Rotunda


King v. Burwell and the Rise of the Administrative State, Ronald D. Rotunda

Lawyers Lying in Negotiations, Ronald D. Rotunda

Marriage Litigation in the Wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, Ronald D. Rotunda

O Direito de Dissidência e a Dívida dos Estados Unidos com Heródoto e Tucídides, Ronald D. Rotunda

Protecting Rights in the Supreme Court, Ronald D. Rotunda

Regulating Lawyer Advertising When It Is Not Misleading, Ronald D. Rotunda

Requiem for the Export-Import Bank, Ronald D. Rotunda

Shooting a Wedding is Different from Taking a Passport Photo, Ronald D. Rotunda

Sotomayor: 'Do as I Say, Not as I Do', Ronald D. Rotunda

The Celgard Decision and Lawyer Disqualification, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Government Campaign to Weaken Religion, Ronald D. Rotunda

The House of Representatives Lawsuit Against the Executive Branch, Ronald D. Rotunda

The President's Power to Waive the Immigration Laws, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Right of Dissent and America’s Debt to Herodotus and Thucydides, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Anti-Semitism Here and Abroad, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Unintended Consequences of Campaign Finance Reform, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Way of Death in the Netherlands, Oregon, and Perhaps, California, Ronald D. Rotunda

Thin-Skinned and Upset? Call a Lawyer, Ronald D. Rotunda

Women Lawyers in America - From the 17th to the 21st Century, Ronald D. Rotunda


"Au moins, dans un système totalitaire, on sait à quoi on a affaire". Grand entretien réalisé par Xavier de La Porte et Andréa Fradin, Antoinette Rouvroy


[Grand entretien réalisé par Andréa Fradin et Xavier de La Porte] "Au moins, dans un régime totalitaire, on sait à quoi on a affaire", Antoinette Rouvroy


L'algorithme n'est "pas un système de prédiction mais d'intervention" (entretien réalisé par Jérôme Hourdeaux, Antoinette Rouvroy


Le régime de vérité numérique, Antoinette Rouvroy and Bernard Stiegler

Panel One: What Empirical Research Tells Us, and What We Need to Know About Juries and the Quest for Impartiality , Ford Rowan, Abner J. Mikva, Peter Blanck, Joseph E. DiGenova, Jamie S. Gorelick, Valerie Hans, Norbert L. Kerr, and Robert Maccoun

Alleviating Barcelona's Public Housing Shortages Through Historic Properties, Ryan Rowberry

Avoiding Atlantis: Protecting Urban Cultural Heritage from Disaster, Ryan Rowberry

The Social Origins, Education, and Financial Relationships of Gilbert Rothbury, a Clerical Common Law Judge (1295-1321), Ryan Rowberry

From Criminal Law to Urban Law And Policy: A Tribute to Professor Feridun Yenisey, Ryan Rowberry and Julian C. Juergensmeyer