About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2015

Promoting Innovation, Matthew Sag and Spencer Weber Waller

Video: Prof. Sahani Presents at NYU Center on Civil Justice 2015 Fall Conference on Litigation Funding, Victoria S. Sahani

Book Review "A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America", Natsu T. Saito

Getting A Grip: In the News, Natsu T. Saito

Racialized Internments and Constitutional Accountability, Natsu T. Saito

Settler Colonialism and Race in America [working title], Natsu T. Saito

Tales of Color and Colonialism: Racial realism and Settler Colonial Theory, Natsu T. Saito

Whose Homeland, Natsu T. Saito

Book Review, Natsu Taylor Saito

Race and Decolonization: Whiteness as Property in the American Settler Colonial Project, Natsu Taylor Saito


Análise Econômica do Direito nas Decisões Judiciais, Bruno Meyerhof Salama


Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica em Favor de Credores Comerciais, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Alberto Barbosa Jr.


A Racionalidade Econômica do Direito Falimentar: Reflexões sobre o Caso Brasileiro, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Fabio Crocco


Derecho y Economía en el Mundo del Derecho Continental: el Papel de las Cortes Brasileñas, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Mariana Pargendler


Chegou a Hora de Mudar a Velha Lei de Introdução?, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Carlos Ari Sundfeld

Derecho_de_Asociacion_Libertades_Limitac.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos

El_Objeto_Social_y_los_Fines_en_las_Soci.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos


¿Porqué No Dejan Competir a Gastón? Cuando las Libertades de Empresa, Libre Iniciativa Privada, Libre Competencia, y Libre Acceso al Mercado no Aplican a los Chefs, Max Salazar Gallegos

Porque_No_Dejan_Competir_a_Gaston.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos



Shedding the Uniform: Beyond a "Uniform System of Citation" to a More Efficient Fit, Susie Salmon

The Standards Regime for Communication and Information Technologies, Liora Salter


Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to Last Year's Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by this Year's Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, Vincent Samar

Out for the money: a legal analysis of economic claims for secession in Brazil, Alexandre Andrade Sampaio

Academic Author Objections to the Google Book Search Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

A Copyright Challenge to Resales of Digital Music, Pamela Samuelson

A Fresh Look at Tests for Nonliteral Copyright Infringement, Pamela Samuelson

Allocating Ownership Rights in Computer-Generated Works, Pamela Samuelson

An Academic Author's Perspective on the Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

A New Kind of Privacy? Regulating Uses of Personal Data in the Global Information Economy, Pamela Samuelson

Anti-circumvention rules limit reverse engineering, Pamela Samuelson

A Perspective on the Merits of the Antitrust Objections to the Failed Google Books Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

Are Business Methods Patentable?, Pamela Samuelson

Are Patents on Interfaces Impeding Interoperability, Pamela Samuelson

A Response to the Working Group, Pamela Samuelson

Benson Revisited: The Case Against Patent Protection For Algorithms and Other Computer Program-Related Inventions, Pamela Samuelson

Book Review: Is Copyright Reform Possible?, Pamela Samuelson

Brief Amici Curiae of 60 Intellectual Property and Technology Law Professors and the United States Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery in Support of Respondents in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster, Pamela Samuelson

Brief Amicus Curiae of ACLU, ALA, et al, in the Universal City Studios v. Reimerdes, Pamela Samuelson

Brief Amicus Curiae of Copyright Law Professors in Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International, Inc, Pamela Samuelson

Can Online Piracy Be Stopped By Law?, Pamela Samuelson

Comparing U.S. and EC Copyright Protection for Computer Programs: Are They More Different Than They Seem, Pamela Samuelson

Computer Programs, User Interfaces, and Section 102(b) of the Copyright Act of 1976: A Critique of Lotus v. Paperback, Pamela Samuelson

CONTU Revisited: The Case Against Copyright Protection for Computer Programs in Machine-Readable Form, Pamela Samuelson

Copyrightability of Java APIs revisited, Pamela Samuelson

Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Historical Perspective, Pamela Samuelson

Copyrighting Standards, Pamela Samuelson

Creating a New Kind of Intellectual Property: Applying the Lessons of the Chip Law to Computer Programs, Pamela Samuelson

Did MGM Really Win the Grokster Case?, Pamela Samuelson

Digital Media and the Changing Face of Intellectual Property Law, Pamela Samuelson

Digital Rights Management {and, or, vs.} the Law, Pamela Samuelson

Does Copyright Law Need to Be Reformed, Pamela Samuelson

Do Software Copyrights Protect What Programs Do?, Pamela Samuelson

Do You Own the Software You Buy?, Pamela Samuelson

Enriching Discourse on Public Domains, Pamela Samuelson

Enriching Discourse on the Public Domain, Pamela Samuelson

Essay: A Fresh Look at Tests for Nonliteral Copyright Infringement, Pamela Samuelson

Fair use for Computer Programs and Other Copyrightable Works in Digital Form: The Implications of Sony, Galoob and Sega, Pamela Samuelson

Foreword, Pamela Samuelson

Freedom to Tinker, Pamela Samuelson

Good Legal Writing: of Orwell and Window Panes, Pamela Samuelson

Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace, Pamela Samuelson

Google’s Court Victory is Good for Scholarly Authors. Here’s Why, Pamela Samuelson

Hacking Intellectual Property Law, Pamela Samuelson

IBM's Pragmatic Embrace of Open Source, Pamela Samuelson

Information as Property: Do Ruckelshaus and Carpenter Signal a Changing Direction in Intellectual Property Law, Pamela Samuelson

Information as Property: Do Ruckelshaus and Carpenter Signal a Changing Direction in Intellectual Property Law?, Pamela Samuelson

Intellectual Property and Contract Law for the Information Age: Foreword to a Symposium, Pamela Samuelson

Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy: Why the Anti-Circumvention Regulations Need to Be Revised, Pamela Samuelson

Intellectual Property Arbitrage: How Foreign Rules Can Affect Domestic Protections, Pamela Samuelson

Is Software Patentable?, Pamela Samuelson

Justifications for Copyright Limitations and Exceptions, Pamela Samuelson

Legally Speaking: The Dead Souls of the Google Book Search Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

Legislating About Digital Rights Management Technologies, Pamela Samuelson

Legislative Alternatives to the Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

Lotus Development Corporation v. Borland International, inc. - Brief Amicus Curiae of Copyright Law Professors, Pamela Samuelson

Mapping the Digital Public Domain: Threats and Opportunities, Pamela Samuelson

Mass Digitization as Fair Use, Pamela Samuelson

Modifying Copyrighted Software: Adjusting Copyright Doctrine to Accommodate a Technology, Pamela Samuelson

Only Technological Processes Are Patentable, Pamela Samuelson

Oracle v. Google: Are APIs Copyrightable?, Pamela Samuelson

Pamela Samuelson's Letters to the Court: Concerns on the Proposed Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson

Patent Reform Through the Courts, Pamela Samuelson

Preliminary Thoughts on Copyright Reform, Pamela Samuelson

Principles for Resolving Conflicts between Trade Secrets and the First Amendment, Pamela Samuelson

Privacy as Intellectual Property, Pamela Samuelson

Proposal for a New "Rights in Software" Clause for Software Acquisition by the Department of Defense, Pamela Samuelson

Protecting Privacy Through Copyright?, Pamela Samuelson

Quantafying the Value of Patent Exhaustion Rules, Pamela Samuelson

Questioning Copyrights in Standards, Pamela Samuelson

Reflections on the State of American Software Copyright Law and the Perils of Teaching It, Pamela Samuelson

Regulating Technical Design, Pamela Samuelson

Reverse Engineering Under Siege, Pamela Samuelson

Revisiting Patentable Subject Matter, Pamela Samuelson

Reviving Zacchini: Analyzing First Amendment Defenses in Right of Publicity and Copyright Cases, Pamela Samuelson

Sentence Review and Sentence Disparity: A Case Study of the Connecticut Sentence Review Division, Pamela Samuelson

Should Economics Play a Role in Copyright Law and Policy, Pamela Samuelson

Should the Google Book Settlement Be Approved?, Pamela Samuelson

Software Patents and the Metaphysics of Section 271 (f), Pamela Samuelson

Software patents are falling down, Pamela Samuelson