About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Social Rights: Towards a Principled, Pragmatic Judicial Role, Craig M. Scott

Social Values Projected and Protected: A Brief Appraisal of the Federal and Ontario Government Proposals, Craig M. Scott

Tim Parks in Transatlantic Translation, Craig M. Scott

To Start A War: NATO’s Failure to Pursue the Russia Option During the Kosovo Crisis, Craig M. Scott

Towards the Institutional Integration of the Core Human Rights Treaties, Craig M. Scott

Translating Torture into Transnational Tort: Conceptual Divides in the Debate on Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Harms, Craig M. Scott

A Memorial for Bosnia: Framework of Legal Arguments Concerning the Lawfulness of the Maintenance of the United Nations Security Council Arms Embargo on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Craig M. Scott, Francis Chang, Peter Copeland, and Jasminka Kalajdzic

Grenada, Nicaragua and Panama: Tracking Force-for-Democracy Discourse in the 1980s, Craig M. Scott, Philippe Kirsch, and W. J. Fenrick

Constitutional Ropes of Sand or Justiciable Guarantees? Social Rights in a New South African Constitution, Craig M. Scott and Patrick Macklem

Constitutional Dialogue, Craig M. Scott and Jennifer Nedelsky

Transnational Governance of Corporate Conduct through the Migration of Human Rights Norms: The Potential Contribution of Transnational ‘Private’ Litigation, Craig M. Scott and Robert Wai

Transnational Governance of Corporate Conduct through the Migration of Human Rights Norms: The Potential Contribution of Transnational ‘Private’ Litigation, Craig M. Scott and Robert Wai

Book Review: European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), Dayna Scott

Book Review: Law as Local Knowledge, Dayna Scott

Carbon Sinks Science and the Preservation of Old Growth Forests under the Kyoto Protocol, Dayna Scott

Environmental Justice, Dayna Scott

Hazardous material from infamous U.S. environmental disaster to be shipped to Ontario, Dayna Scott

Nature/Culture Clash: The Transnational Trade in GMOs, Dayna Scott

Our Chemical Selves : Gender, Toxics, and Environmental Health, Dayna Scott

Risk as a Technique of Governance in an Era of Biotechnological Innovation, Dayna Scott

Shifting the Burden of Proof: The Precautionary Principle and its Potential for the Democratization of Risk, Dayna Scott

Situating Sarnia: Unimagined Communities in the National Energy Debate, Dayna Scott

Testing Toxicity: Proof and Precaution in Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan, Dayna Scott

When Precaution Points Two Ways: Confronting, Dayna Scott

Body Polluted: Questions of Scale, Gender and Remedy, Dayna Nadine Scott

Body Polluted: Questions of Scale, Gender, and Remedy, Dayna Nadine Scott

Book Review: Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, by Rob Nixon , Dayna Nadine Scott

Commentary: The Forces That Conspire to Keep us "Idle", Dayna Nadine Scott

Fossil Capitalism & the Implications of the New Pipeline Proposals for Environmental Justice in Canada, Dayna Nadine Scott

Gender-Benders': Sex and Law in the Constitution of Polluted Bodies, Dayna Nadine Scott

Law's Slow Violence: A Review of Rob Nixon's "Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor" (HUP, 2010), Dayna Nadine Scott

Situating Sarnia: 'Unimagined Communities' in the New National Energy Debate, Dayna Nadine Scott

The Networked Infrastructure of Fossil Capitalism: Implications of the New Pipeline Debates for Environmental Justice in Canada, Dayna Nadine Scott

The Quest for Environmental Justice on a Canadian Aboriginal Reserve, Dayna Nadine Scott

What is Environmental Justice?, Dayna Nadine Scott

Pollution and the Body Boundary: Exploring Scale, Gender and Remedy, Dayna Nadine Scott and Sidra Sabzwari

The Production of Pollution and the Consumption of Chemicals in Canada, Dayna N. Scott, Lauren Rakowski, and Laila Zahra Harris

Confronting Chronic Pollution: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Risk and Precaution, Dayne Nadine Scott




A role for strategic litigation, Matthew Scott


Förebered för framtidens klimatflyktingar genom att fokusera på nutidens flyktingar och migranter, Matthew Scott


Natural hazards, human actors, serious harm: Refugee protection through understanding the social construction of disasters, Matthew Scott

Refuge from climate change-related harm: Evaluating the scope of international protection within the Common European Asylum System, Matthew Scott

American Innovation and the Limits of Patent Law: A Response to William Hubbard, Competitive Patent Law, Christopher B. Seaman

Comment on “Groove is in the Hart”: A Workable Solution for Applying the Right of Publicity to Video Games, Christopher B. Seaman

Introduction: The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2015, Christopher B. Seaman

The Case Against Federalizing Trade Secrecy, Christopher B. Seaman

New York City's Gun Industry Responsibility Act: Why It May Do More Harm than Good, Anthony J. Sebok and Timothy Lytton

The New Bill to Protect the Gun Industry From Lawsuits: How It Strikes at the Heart of Age-Old Tort Law Principles, Anthony J. Sebok and Timothy D. Lytton

Duty in the Litigation-Investment Agreement: The Choice between Tort and Contract Norms when the Deal Breaks Down, Anthony J. Sebok and W. Bradley Wendel

Advance Materials: Expert Testimony in International Arbitration, James H. Seckinger

Criminal Case File, State v. O'Neill, James H. Seckinger

Criminal Trial Advocacy, James H. Seckinger

Dixon v. Providential Life Insurance, James H. Seckinger

Hennessey v. Morgan Case File, James H. Seckinger

Hennessey v. Morgan: Problems and Case File, James H. Seckinger

Jim Seckinger gave Workshop on International Arbitration Advocacy at the Graduate Institute on March 14 & 15, James H. Seckinger

Presenting Expert Testimony - An American Perspective, James H. Seckinger

State v. Diamond, James H. Seckinger

State v. O'Neill: Problems and Case File, James H. Seckinger

State v. Stone: Problems and Case File, James H. Seckinger

Problems and Cases in Criminal Trial Advocacy, James H. Seckinger and Donald H. Beskind

Green v. Hall and Rose Case File, James H. Seckinger and Kenneth S. Broun

Materials for NITA Teacher Training Program, James H. Seckinger and Kenneth S. Broun

Potter v. Shrackle and the Shrackle Construction Co.: Problems and Case File, James H. Seckinger and Kenneth S. Broun

Problems in Trial Advocacy, James H. Seckinger and Kenneth S. Broun

United States v. Peters Case File, James H. Seckinger and Kenneth S. Broun.

Evidence in Context: A Trial Evidence Workbook, James H. Seckinger, Robert P. Burns, and Steven Lubet

NITA's Guide for Teaching Advocacy Skills, James H. Seckinger and Mark S. Caldwell

Recent Decisions, James H. Seckinger, William T. Coleman, John A. Burgess, and John E. Amerman

Williamson v. Shrackle: Case File, James H. Seckinger, Mooly O'Brien, Kenneth S. Broun, Steven Friedman, and Kevin L. Prins

State v. Lawrence, James H. Seckinger, Frank D. Rothschild, Deanne C. Siemer, and Frank D. Rothschild

Dixon v. Providential Life Insurance Co.: Technology Case File, James H. Seckinger, Frank D. Rothschild, and Edward R. Stein

Judicial Discretion, James H. Seckinger and J. Eric Smithburn

Dixon v. Providential Life Insurance Co.: Case File, James H. Seckinger and Edward R. Stein

Faith Doesn't Justify Discrimination Against Women, Eric Segall

Justice Thomas and Affirmative Action: Bad Faith, Confusion, or Both, Eric Segall

Same-Sex Marriage, Political Backlash and the Case for Going Slow, Eric Segall

Silence Is Golden: Moments of Silence, Legislative Prayers, and the Establishment Clause, Eric Segall

Supreme Court Prayer Decision in Gerece v. Galloway Should be Easy, Eric Segall

Supremely Elite: The Lack of Diversity On Our Nation's Highest Court, Eric Segall

Book Review, Doctrinal Legal Scholarship and Religious Liberty: A Review of Jesse Choper's Securing Religious Liberty, Eric J. Segall

Book Review, The Black Holes of Constitutional Law, Eric J. Segall

Book Review, The Nine, Eric J. Segall

Color Blindness Isn't Necessary, Eric J. Segall

Contributor, Eric J. Segall

Grinding the Canons, Eric J. Segall

How an Inaccurate Soundbite Might Take Down Obamacare, Eric J. Segall

Judge Posner and Judicial Humility, Eric J. Segall

King v. Burwell Tests the U.S. Supreme Court's Reputation, Eric J. Segall

Mired In The Marsh: Legislative Prayers, Moments Of Silence, And The Establishment Clause, Eric J. Segall

The Court: A Talk With Judge Richard Posner, Eric J. Segall

The Supreme Rivalry That Runs America, Eric J. Segall

King v. Burwell and the Validity of Federal Tax Subsidies Under the Affordable Care Act, Eric J. Segall and Jonathan H. Adler

Field Placement Programs: Practices, Problems and Possibilities, Robert F. Seibel and Linda H. Morton


The Kingfish’s Mineral Legacy: An Analysis of the Legality of State Mineral Leases Granted to W.T. Burton and James A. Noe During the Years 1934-1936 and Their Relevance to former United States Senator and Louisiana Governor, Huey P. Long, Ryan M. Seidemann, Ethel S. Graham, Steven B. Jones, William T. Hawkins, and Frederic C. Augonnet

Purpose, Policing, and the Fourth Amendment, Nirej S. Sekhon

Om kriminaliseringen av papperslösas arbete och argumenten för att avskaffa den, Niklas Selberg

Om kriminaliseringen av papperslösas arbete och argumenten för att avskaffa den, Niklas Selberg


Svar på "När domaren blir överkörd", Niklas Selberg