The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Legislative Reform of California's Direct Democracy: A Field Guild to Recent Efforts, Glenn Smith and Brendan Bailey
Protecting the Weak: Religious Liberty in the Twenty-First Century, Gordon Smith
Religious Freedom and the Challenge of Terrorism, Gordon H. Smith
Summit Report: Freedom of the Press in the Twenty-First Century – An Agenda for Thought and Action - Panel IV: The Future of the Press and Secrecy, Jeffery A. Smith, Robert E. Drechsel, W. Wat Hopkins, Derigan Silver, and Erik Ugland
Papa’s Brand New Bag: The Need for IRS Recognition of an Independent Nonprofit Limited Liability Company, Kenya Smith
Biden Decides Not to Run, Mark Caleb Smith
Bob Burney Live, Mark Caleb Smith
Boehner Loss to Cost Ohio, Mark Caleb Smith
Book Review: The Re-Enchantment of Political Science, Mark Caleb Smith
Candidates Pushed to Release Tax Data, Mark Caleb Smith
Debate Rages Over Monopoly Claim, Mark Caleb Smith
Governor Kasich Announces Presidential Bid, Mark Caleb Smith
Homosexuality, the Constitution, and Gay Marriage, Mark Caleb Smith
Issue 3 in Ohio, Mark Caleb Smith
Let's Talk with Mark Elfstrand: February 19, 2015, Mark Caleb Smith
Ohio Ballot Issue 3, Mark Caleb Smith
Ohio State-wide Ballot Issues, Mark Caleb Smith
Ohio Votes on Marijuana Ballot Issue, Mark Caleb Smith
Professor: Boehner Hanging by a Thread, Mark Caleb Smith
Republican Candidates for the Presidency, Mark Caleb Smith
Republican Presidential Debate Analysis, Mark Caleb Smith
Republicans Give Kasich Speech High Marks, Mark Caleb Smith
Same-sex Marriage and the Supreme Court, Mark Caleb Smith
Supreme Court Ruling on Same-sex Marriage, Mark Caleb Smith
Supreme Court Ruling on Same-sex Marriage, Mark Caleb Smith
The Politics of Fear, Mark Caleb Smith
The Republican Field Grows, Mark Caleb Smith
Thinking About God and Government, Mark Caleb Smith
Through the Eyes of the Constitution, Mark Caleb Smith
Trump Takes Hits in Debate; Kasich Joins Fray, Mark Caleb Smith
What is Happening at Yale?, Mark Caleb Smith
WHIO Reports: Legalization of Marijuana, Mark Caleb Smith
Why Bother with Politics?, Mark Caleb Smith
Supreme Court Ruling on Same-sex Marriage, Mark Caleb Smith and Jason K. Lee
Rendering to God and Caesar: Critical Readings for American Government, Mark Caleb Smith, Jewerl Maxwell, Marc A. Clauson, Kevin F. Sims, David L. Rich, and Andrew Travis
The moral dilemma of death on the internet, Paul Smith and Katina Michael
When Machines Are Watching: How Warrantless Use of GPS Surveillance Technology Terminates The Fourth Amendment Right Against Unreasonable Search, Priscilla Smith, Nabiha Syed, Albert Wong, and David Thaw
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
Panel, Part 4, Stephen F. Smith
A Judicial Cure for the Disease of Overcriminalization, Stephen F. Smith
Yates v. United States: A Case Study in Overcriminalization, Stephen F. Smith
Accreditation Revisited: ABA Reexamination of Approved Law Schools, Steven R. Smith
A Remarkable Period in International Scholarship: Thirty Years Before the Masthead, Steven R. Smith
A Term to Remember: The Supreme Court and the Future of Healthcare Reform, Steven R. Smith
Constitutional Privacy in Psychotherapy, Steven R. Smith
Deaning's Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Deanly Virtues, Steven R. Smith
Disabled Newborns and the Federal Child Abuse Amendments: Tenuous Protection, Steven R. Smith
Financing the Future of Legal Education: "Not What It Used to Be", Steven R. Smith
From Expert Witnesses to ‘Fleeting Expletives’: The Supreme Court 2008-2009, Steven R. Smith
From Law and Bananas to Real Law: A Celebration of Scholarship in Mental Health Law, Steven R. Smith
Gresham’s Law in Legal Education, Steven R. Smith
Law, Behavior, and Mental Health: Policy and Practice, Steven R. Smith
Legal Perspectives: The New Supreme Court, Steven R. Smith
Life and Death Decisions in the Nursery: Standards and Criteria for Withholding Lifesaving Treatment from Infants, Steven R. Smith
Life, Death, or Miranda: The Supreme Court Term 2009-2010, Steven R. Smith
Limiting Execution of the Mentally Ill: Highlights of the 2006-2007 Term of the Supreme Court, Steven R. Smith
Medical and Psychotherapy Privileges and Confidentiality: On Giving With One Hand and Removing With the Other, Steven R. Smith
Mental Health and Medical Rights: The Supreme Court of the United States in 2010-2011, Steven R. Smith
Mental Health Malpractice in the 1990s, Steven R. Smith
The Dean and the Budget: Not 'Just A Bunch of Damn Numbers', Steven R. Smith
The Meaning of Quality, Steven R. Smith
The Supreme Court 2007-2008: Competency, Gun Control, and Capital Punishment, Steven R. Smith
The Supreme Court 2013-2014: The Happiest Term?, Steven R. Smith
Comment: Volunteering and Community Service, Steven Rathgeb Smith
Symposium: Creative Problem Solving Conference -- Conference Transcript Excerpt--Session 1: Envisioning the New Lawyer, Steven R. Smith and Robert Walsh Dean
Does the Law of Delict Have a Future? On Neuroscience and Liability, Jan M. Smits
Enforcing Corporate Social Responsibility Codes Under Private Law, Or: On the Disciplining Power of Legal Doctrine, Jan M. Smits
Het privaatrecht van de toekomst.pdf, Jan M. Smits
Wetgeving en andere normenstelsels.pdf, Jan M. Smits
What is Legal Doctrine? On the Aims and Methods of Legal-Dogmatic Research, Jan M. Smits
Who Does What? On the allocation of regulatory competences in European Private Law, Jan M. Smits, Bram Akkermans, Nicole Kornet, and Jaap Hage
Can the Center Hold? The Vulnerabilities of the Official Legal Regimen for Intercountry Adoption, David M. Smolin
Moving from Fad to Fundamentals: The Future of the Evangelical Christian Adoption and Orphan Care Movement, David M. Smolin
Surrogacy as the Sale of Children: Applying Lessons Learned from Adoption to the Regulation of the Surrogacy Industry's Global Marketing of Children, David M. Smolin
Off-Label Drug Advertising and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla
South Carolina: Give Up a Little Pride to Grant Others a Little Peace, Rodney A. Smolla
Take Down That Confederate Flag, Out of Compassion, Rodney A. Smolla
The Government Shouldn’t Make the Wrong Call on the Redskins, Rodney A. Smolla
The Prior Restraint Question in Garcia v. Google, Rodney A. Smolla
The Washington Redskins, The Slants, And a Land Where Often Is Heard a Disparaging Word, Rodney A. Smolla
The Washington Redskins Trademark Decision Violates the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla
Who’s the ‘We?’ Who’s ‘the People?’, Rodney A. Smolla
Academic Freedom, Hate Speech, and the Idea of a University, Rodney A. Smolla