The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
A Mysterious Power: Industrial Accidents and the Legal Construction of Employment Relations in Massachusetts, 1800-1850, Christopher L. Tomlins
The Heavy Burden of the State: Revisiting the History of Labor Law in the Interwar Period, Christopher L. Tomlins
The New Deal, Collective Bargaining, and the Triumph of Indistrial Pluralism, The NLRA: A Symposium, Christopher L. Tomlins
Superposition coded modulation with peak-power limitation, Jun Tong, Li Ping, and Xiao Ma
Foreword Advances in the Behavioral Analysis of Law: Markets, Institutions, and Contracts, Avishalom Tor
American Blood: Who is Counting and for What?, Gerald Torres
Changing the Way Government Views Environmental Justice (Keynote Address), Gerald Torres
Democracy Means that the People Make the Law, Gerald Torres
Environmental Burdens and Democratic Justice, Gerald Torres
Grutter v. Bollinger/Gratz v. Bollinger: View from a Limestone Ledge, Gerald Torres
Grutter v. Bollinger/Gratz v. Bollinger: View from a Limestone Ledge, Gerald Torres
Law and the Creation of Meaning: A Brief Reflection on the Work of Jane Larson, Gerald Torres
Legal Change, Gerald Torres
Legal Change, The Eighty-Third Cleveland-Marshall Fund Visiting Scholar Lecture , Gerald Torres
Legalities: The Experience of Justice and Plural Legal Systems, Gerald Torres
Liquid Assets: Groundwater in Texas, Gerald Torres
Sex Lex: Creating a Discourse, Gerald Torres
Social Movements and the Ethical Construction of Law, Gerald Torres
Social Movements and the Ethical Construction of Law, Gerald Torres
Some Observations on the Role of Social Change on the Courts, Gerald Torres
Synecdoche, Gerald Torres
Taking and Giving: Police Power, Public Value, and Private Right, Gerald Torres
The Evolution of Equality in American Law, Gerald Torres
The Evolution of Equality in American Law, Gerald Torres
Visions of Guadalupe: Traces of the Ghost Panel, Gerald Torres
"We Are on the Move", Gerald Torres
Who Owns the Sky?, Gerald Torres
Who Owns the Sky? (2001 Garrison Lecture), Gerald Torres
Who Owns the Sky? Seventh Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Gerald Torres
The Public Trust: The Law's DNA, Gerald Torres and Nathan Bellinger
The Constitutional Imaginary: Just Stories About We the People, Gerald Torres and Lani Guinier
The Constitutional Imaginary: Just Stories about We the People, Gerald Torres and Lani Guinier
Translating Yonnondio by Precedent and Evidence: The Mashpee Indian Case, Gerald Torres and Kathryn Milun
Understanding Patriarchy As an Expression of Whiteness: Insights from the Chicana Movement, Gerald Torres and Katie Pace
Algunas notas sobre la caducidad del derecho al cobro de dividendos, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
¿Amores en crisis o crisis en el amor? La tutela al conviviente perjudicado tras la ruptura de una unión de hecho, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
El dominio fiduciario como propiedad ad tempus y la responsabilidad civil del fiduciario, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
La doctrina de los actos propios en la variación de la tenencia, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
La noción de alimentos tras la Ley Nº 30292: Una solución que nada soluciona, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
La tutela de los acreedores frente a la escisión societaria, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
Los efectos de la sentencia de divorcio. La protección del tercero de buena fe a partir de su inscripción en el Registro Personal, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
¿Puede un infiel «agraviado» demandar por violencia familiar psicológica porque su mujer le gritó y lo echó del hogar conyugal al encontrarlo in fraganti con su amante?, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado
La prueba de la relación de causalidad en la responsabilidad médica, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Jorge Alberto Beltrán Pacheco
La tercería excluyente de dominio versus el embargo. Algunas consideraciones más allá del falso dilema, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Abner Casallo Trauco
2 + 2 = 5 El error de cálculo y error de cantidad en el negocio jurídico, Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado and Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi
Aliens, Aggravated Felons, and Worse: When Words Breed Fear and Fear Breeds Injustice, Emily C. Torstveit Ngara
Going to Bat for the "Baseball Rule", Benjamin G. Trachman
SOME KEY THINGS ENTREPRENEURS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LAW AND LAWYERS, Lawrence J. Trautman, Anthony Luppino, and Malika S. Simmons
Disqualifiying Universality Under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, Michelle A. Travis
Middle Income Access to Justice, Michael J. Trebilcock, Anthony Duggan, and Lorne Sossin
Ethical Issues for Advertising Lawyers, Paul R. Tremblay
Group Facilitator, Transactional Law: Small Business, Tax, IP, Paul R. Tremblay
Panel Participant, The New Normal in Public Interest Lawyering: Small Business and Transactional Clinics at the Forefront of Change, Paul R. Tremblay
Researching Ethical Issues, Paul R. Tremblay
Scholarship: Why, What, Where, and How?, Paul R. Tremblay
The New Normal and Our Social Justice Mission, Paul R. Tremblay
Transactional Legal Services, Triage, and Access to Justice, Paul R. Tremblay
Levels of Generality in the Definition of Rights, Laurence H. Tribe and Michael C. Dorf
A Critique of ‘Liberal Peace’ and ‘Conflict Resolution’: A Critical Peace Alternative, Nicos Trimikliniotis
Το σφύριγμα του κόκκινου τραίνου: Ο Κύπριος διανοούμενος την εποχή της αβεβαιότητας Καλοκαίρι 2015, σελ. 28-34., Nicos Trimikliniotis
Το σφύριγμα του κόκκινου τραίνου: Ο Κύπριος διανοούμενος την εποχή της αβεβαιότητας Καλοκαίρι 2015, σελ. 28-34., Nicos Trimikliniotis
Book Poster Presentation, New Visions for Trade and Sustainable Development, Elizabeth Trujillo
Book Presentation, New Visions for Trade and Sustainable Development: An Introduction, Elizabeth Trujillo
Book Presentation, New Visions for Trade and Sustainable Development: An Introduction, Elizabeth Trujillo
El Malecón: A Comparative Approach to Finding Pathways for Trade and Investment with Cuba, “See Things as They Are", Elizabeth Trujillo
The Failure of Corporate Internal Controls and Internal Information Sharing: A Conceptual Framework for Taiwan, Chang-hsien Tsai
Constitutional Borrowing, Robert Tsai
Democracy's Handmaid, Robert Tsai
John Brown's Constitution, Robert Tsai
Review of Beau Breslin's "From Words to Worlds", Robert Tsai
Speech and Strife, Robert Tsai
Legal Language in Nineteenth-Century America, Robert L. Tsai
Three Arguments About War, Robert L. Tsai
Langston Hughes: The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai
The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai
Assessing psychopathy among justice involved adolescents with the PCL:YV: an item response theory examination across gender, Siny Tsang, Karen M. Schmidt, Gina M. Vincent, Randall T. Salekin, Marlene M. Moretti, and Candice L. Odgers
Antisemitism and Hate Speech Studies, Alexander Tsesis
Free Speech Constitutionalism, Alexander Tsesis
Of Democracy and Other Fables: The 2012 Greek Parliamentary Elections, Anna Tsiftsoglou
Of Democracy & Other Fables: The 2012 Greek Parliamentary Elections, Anna Tsiftsoglou
Public Security & Privacy (Δημόσια Ασφάλεια και Ιδιωτικότητα), Anna Tsiftsoglou
Security in the Balance: Reviewing Surveillance Measures in the 'War on Terror', Anna Tsiftsoglou
Course, Counselor, and Teacher Gaps: Addressing the College Readiness Challenge in High-Poverty High Schools, Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Bryant
Contributor, Anne Tucker
The Meaning of Hobby Lobby: Bedrooms, Boardrooms & Burdens, Anne Tucker
Business Organizations, Anne M. Tucker
Locked In: The Competitive Disadvantage of Citizen Shareholders, Anne M. Tucker
Diverging Trends in Worker Health and Safety Protection and Participation in Canada, 1985-2000, Eric Tucker
Farm Worker Exceptionalism: Past, Present, and the post-Fraser Future, Eric Tucker
"Great Expectations" Defeated?: The Trajectory of Collective Bargaining Regimes in Canada and the U.S. Post-NAFTA, Eric Tucker
Industry and Humanity Revisited: Everything Old is New Again: Review of Paul C. Weiler, Governing the Workplace, Eric Tucker
Labor's Many Constitutions (and Capital's Too), Eric Tucker