The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Regulator’s proposal to keep trades in Canada could have unintended consequences, critics say, Edward J. Waitzer
Canada, Edward J. Waitzer, Aaron A. Dhir, Aaron Fransen, and Christen Daniels
Canada, Edward J. Waitzer, Aaron A. Dhir, Aaron Fransen, and Christen Daniels
Paradigm Flaw in the Boardroom: Governance versus Management, Edward J. Waitzer and Alfredo Enrione
Peoples, BCE, and the Good Corporate "Citizen", Edward J. Waitzer and Johnny Jaswal
Fiduciary Society Unleashed: The Road Ahead for the Financial Sector, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
Pension Fiduciaries and Public Responsibilities: Emerging Themes in the Law, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
The Public Fiduciary: Emerging Themes in Canadian Fiduciary Law for Pension Trustees, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
The Public Fiduciary: A Canadian Perspective, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
The Public Fiduciary: A Canadian Perspective, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
Federal Agencies in the Legislative Process: Technical Assistance in Statutory Drafting, Christopher J. Walker
Inside Agency Statutory Interpretation, Christopher J. Walker
Inside Regulatory Interpretation: A Research Note, Christopher J. Walker
A Farewell Salute to the Military Nexus Doctrine, Janet Walker
Agreeing to Disagree: Can We Just Have Words?, CISG Article 11 and the Model Law Writing Requirement, Janet Walker
A New Model for Interprovincial Conflict of Laws, Janet Walker
Applying Morguard to Foreign Judgments, Janet Walker
Arbitrability: Are There Limits?, Janet Walker
Are National Class Actions Constitutional?: A Reply to Hogg and McKee, Janet Walker
"Are We There Yet?": Towards a New Rule for Choice of Law in Tort, Janet Walker
A Tale of Two Fora: Fresh Challenges in Defending Multijurisdictional Claims, Janet Walker
Australian and Canadian Perspectives on Arbitration: A Joint Discussion, Janet Walker
Australian and Canadian Perspectives on Arbitration: A Joint Discussion, Janet Walker
Beals v. Saldanha: Striking the Comity Balance Anew, Janet Walker
Beals v. Saldanha: The Great Canadian Comity Experiment Continues, Janet Walker
Beyond Big Business: Contests between Jurisdictions in a Vertically Integrated Global Economy, Janet Walker
Canada's Position on a Multilateral Judgments Convention, Janet Walker
Castel and Walker: Canadian Conflict of Laws, 6th Edition, Janet Walker
Castillo v. Castillo: Closing the Barn Door, Janet Walker
Challenges to Jurisdiction and Non-Signatories in Arbitration, Janet Walker
Choice of Law in Tort: The Supreme Court of Canada Enters the Fray, Janet Walker
Class Proceedings in Canada - Report for the 18th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 1996-97, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 1997-98, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 1998-99 (Volume 1), Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 1998-99 (Volume 2), Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 1999-2000, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2000-01, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2001-02, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2003-04, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2004-05, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2005-06, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2006-07, Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2007-08 (Volume 1), Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2007-08 (Volume 2), Janet Walker
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials: 2008-09, Janet Walker
Coordinating Multijurisdiction Class Actions Through Existing Certification Processes, Janet Walker
Crossborder Class Actions: A View from Across the Border, Janet Walker
Foreign Public Law and the Colour of Comity: What's the Difference between Friends?, Janet Walker
Getting the Best Seats, Janet Walker
Getting the Best Seats (In International Arbitrations), Janet Walker
Immunity for Extraterritorial Enforcement Measures in Canada: The Supreme Court Declines to Decide, Janet Walker
International Business Transactions: Cases and Materials: 1997-98, Janet Walker
International Business Transactions: Cases and Materials: 1998-99, Janet Walker
International Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century: The Role of National Courts, Janet Walker
Interprovincial Sovereign Immunity Revisited, Janet Walker
Le droit international privé, Janet Walker
Military Justice: From Oxymoron to Aspiration, Janet Walker
Morguard at the Millennium: A Survey of Change, Janet Walker
Muscutt Misplaced: The Future of Forum of Necessity Jurisdiction in Canada, Janet Walker
Must there be Uniform Standards for Jurisdiction in a Federation?, Janet Walker
Parallel Proceedings - Converging Views: The Westec Appeal, Janet Walker
Parallel Proceedings-Converging Views: The Westec Appeal, Janet Walker
Personal Injury: The New Exception to State Immunity in Canada, Janet Walker
Preface, Janet Walker
Prohibited Means of Obtaining and Presenting Evidence, Janet Walker
Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation: Mareva and Grupo Mexicano, Janet Walker
Recent Developments in International Tort Law in the British Commonwealth of Nations--Comment , Janet Walker
Recent Developments in International Tort Law in the British Commonwealth of Nations--Comment , Janet Walker
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Canada, Janet Walker
Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions - Suggested Answers, Janet Walker
Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions—Suggested Answers, Janet Walker
Restitution in Private International Law, by G. Panagopoulos, Janet Walker
Rule 17: Service Outside Ontario, Janet Walker
Shawanaga Bound: The Ontario Court of Appeal Decides Hopton v Pamajewon, Janet Walker
Summary Judgment Has its Day in Court, Janet Walker
Teck Cominco and the Wisdom of Deferring to the Court First Seised, All Things Being Equal, Janet Walker
The Better Part of Harmonizing Jurisdictional Law, Janet Walker
The Canmar Fortune: The Supreme Court of Canada Puts Jurisdiction Agreements Back on Course, Janet Walker
The Impact of Teaching Procedure, Janet Walker
The Preclusive Effect of Judgments in Collective Actions: Implications for Jurisdiction and Appropriate Forum, Janet Walker
The Role of Domestic Courts in the International Legal Order: A Tribute to Richard Falk, Janet Walker
The Utility of Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure, Janet Walker
The Utility of the ALI/UNIDROIT Project on Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure, Janet Walker
The Vis Book: A Participant's Guide to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Janet Walker
Twenty Questions (about Section 23 of the Ontario Limitations Act, 2002), Janet Walker
What’s with Article III? The Nature of Judicial Authority and Private International Law, Janet Walker
Who's Afraid of U.S.-Style Class Actions, Janet Walker
XVIIIth Moot, Janet Walker
The Deconstitutionalization of Canadian Private International Law?, Janet Walker and Vaughan Black
Beyond Real and Substantial Connection: The Muscutt Quintet, Janet Walker, Vaughan Black, and Joost Blom
Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories, Janet Walker and Oscar G. Chase
Cuba: Will New United States Law Hurt Canadians?, Janet Walker and Geoff Creighton
Thoughtful Practitioners and an Engaged Legal Community: The Impact of the Teaching of Procedure on the Legal Profession and on Civil Justice Reform, Janet Walker, Andrew Higgins, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., and Carla Crifò
Should Businesses Fear Canadian Class Actions?, Janet Walker and Barry A. Leon
…There are Parts of the World were Things are Badly Wrong...': Forum Selection Clauses and Unfair Jurisdictions, Janet Walker, Stefan Rutzel, and Sylvia Wunsche
Class Actions in Ontario: Fresh Prospects for Securities Litigation?, Janet Walker and C. F. Scott
Civil Litigation, Janet Walker and Lorne Sossin
Civil Litigation, Janet Walker and Lorne Sossin