About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Radikalisierung islamistischer Terroristen, Daniel H. Heinke

Radikalisierung islamistischer Terroristen, Daniel H. Heinke

The Current Jihadist Mobilization in Western Europe: Germany, Daniel H. Heinke


Warum Deutschland eine Nationale Präventionsstrategie gegen gewaltbereiten Extremismus braucht – Ein Plädoyer, Daniel H. Heinke


Das Dabiq-Magazin als Rekrutierungswerkzeug des IS, Daniel H. Heinke and Hazim Fouad

Zur Bedeutung jugendspezifischer Faktoren bei der Radikalisierung islamistischer Gewalttäter, Daniel H. Heinke and Mareike Persson


German Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq, Daniel H. Heinke and Jan Raudszus

An Empirical and Constitutional Analysis of Racial Ceilings and Public Schools, Michael Heise

Are Single-sex Schools Inherently Unequal?, Michael Heise

Assessing the Efficacy of School Desegregation, Michael Heise

Brown v. Board of Education, Footnote 11, and Multidisciplinarity, Michael Heise

Closing One Gap But Opening Another?: A Response to Dean Perritt and Comments on the Internet, Law Schools, and Legal Education, Michael Heise

Educational Jujitsu: How School Finance Lawyers Learned to Turn Standards and Accountability Into Dollars, Michael Heise

Equal Educational Opportunity and Constitutional Theory: Preliminary Thoughts on the Role of School Choice and the Autonomy Principle, Michael Heise

Equal Educational Opportunity by the Numbers: The Warren Court's Empirical Legacy, Michael Heise

Equal Educational Opportunity by the Numbers: The Warren Court's Empirical Legacy, Michael Heise

Equal Educational Opportunity, Hollow Victories, and the Demise of School Finance Equity Theory: An Empirical Perspective and Alternative Explanation, Michael Heise

Federal Criminal Appeals: A Brief Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise

Goals 2000: Educate America Act: The Federalization and Legalization of Educational Policy, Michael Heise

Judicial Decision-Making, Social Science Evidence, and Equal Educational Opportunity: Uneasy Relations and Uncertain Futures, Michael Heise

Justice Delayed?: An Empirical Analysis of Civil Case Disposition Time, Michael Heise

Litigated Learning, Law's Limits, and Urban School Reform Challenges, Michael Heise

Mercy by the Numbers: An Empirical Analysis of Clemency and its Structure, Michael Heise

No Lawsuit Left Behind, Michael Heise

Preliminary Thoughts on the Virtues of Passive Dialogue, Michael Heise

Public Funds, Private Schools, and the Court: Legal Issues and Policy Consequences, Michael Heise

Schoolhouses, Courthouses, and Statehouses: Educational Finance, Constitutional Structure, and the Separation of Powers Doctrine, Michael Heise

State Constitutional Litigation, Educational Finance, and Legal Impact: An Empirical Analysis, Michael Heise

State Constitutions, School Finance Litigation, and the "Third Wave": From Equity to Adequacy, Michael Heise

The 2006 Winthrop and Frances Lane Lecture: The Unintended Legal and Policy Consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act, Michael Heise

The Courts, Educational Policy, and Unintended Consequences, Michael Heise

The Court vs. Educational Standards, Michael Heise

The Future of Civil Justice Reform and Empirical Legal Scholarship: A Reply, Michael Heise

The Importance of Being Empirical, Michael Heise

The Past, Present, and Future of Empirical Legal Scholarship: Judicial Decision Making and the New Empiricism, Michael Heise

The Unintended Legal and Policy Consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act (The 2006 Winthrop and Frances Lane Lecture), Michael Heise

Why ADR Programs Aren’t More Appealing: An Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise

Goals 2000: Educate America Act: The Federalization and Legalization of Educational Policy, Michael M. Heise

An Empirical Analysis of Empirical Legal Scholarship Production, 1990-2009, Michael R. Heise

Courting Trouble: Litigation, High-Stakes Testing, and Education Policy, Michael R. Heise

The Political Economy of School Choice, Michael Heise and James E. Ryan

Free Exercise of Religion before the Bench: Empirical Evidence from the Federal Courts, Michael Heise and Gregory C. Sisk

Religion, School, and Judicial Decision Making: An Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise and Gregory C. Sisk

Regulatory Competitive Shelters, Yaniv Heled

Regulatory Competitive Shelters as Incentives for Innovation in Agrobiotech, Yaniv Heled J.S.D.

Regulatory Competitive Shelters in the Area of Personalized Medicine, Yaniv Heled


Arbitration's Counter-Narrative: The Religious Arbitration Paradigm, Michael A. Helfand


Between Law and Religion: Procedural Challenges to Religious Arbitration Awards, Michael A. Helfand



Religious Institutionalism, Implied Consent and the Value of Voluntarism, Michael A. Helfand


The Persistence of Sovereignty and the Rise of the Legal Subject, Michael A. Helfand


The Challenge of Co-Religionist Commerce, Michael A. Helfand and Barak D. Richman

Commercializing and Protecting Intellectual Property in an Increasingly Open and Fluid World,” 32nd Annual Nonprofit Organizations Institute, Austin, Texas (Jan. 16, 2015), Terri L. Helge

Emerging Issues in Fundraising, Terri L. Helge

EO/TEGE Updates from Tammy Ripperda, Terri L. Helge

Nuts and Bolts of Unrelated Business Income Tax, Terri L. Helge

Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Exemption to 501(c)(3) Applicants, Terri L. Helge

Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Exemption to 501(c)(3) Applicants, Terri L. Helge

You’ve Got a Great Reputation: Let’s Keep it That Way, Terri L. Helge

Policing the Good Guys: Regulation of the Charitable Sector through a Federal Charity Oversight Board, Terri Lynn Helge

Policing the Good Guys: Regulation of the Charitable Sector through a Federal Charity Oversight Board, Terri Lynn Helge

The Taxation of Cause-Related Marketing, Terri Lynn Helge

The Taxation of Cause-Related Marketing, Terri Lynn Helge

Judicial Activism is Not the Solution to the Attorney's Fee Problem, Brant J. Hellwig

On Discounted Partnership Interests and Adequate Consideration, Brant J. Hellwig

Questioning the Wisdom of Patent Protection for Tax Planning, Brant J. Hellwig

Revisiting Byrum, Brant J. Hellwig

The Supreme Court's Casual Use of the Assignment of Income Doctrine, Brant J. Hellwig


Understanding Estate and Gift Taxation, Brant J. Hellwig and Robert T. Danforth

Taxing the Promise to Pay, Brant J. Hellwig and Gregg D. Polsky

Property Law, Anna P. Hemingway and Benjamin Barros

Abolir las prisiones! Y si al despertar Sócrates hubiera encontrado a Mumia Abu-Jamal en lugar de Critón? (Abolish the Prison! What If It Was Mumia Abu-Jamal Instead of Crito Who Socrates Encountered When He Woke Up?tle, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro

Abolir las prisiones! Y si al despertar Sócrates hubiera encontrado a Mumia Abu-Jamal en lugar de Critón? (Abolish the Prison! What If It Was Mumia Abu-Jamal Instead of Crito Who Socrates Encountered When He Woke Up?tle, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro

Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt. Multitude., Andrés Fabián Henao Castro

Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt. Multitude., Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


Can the Subaltern Smile? Oedipus Without Oedipus, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


DE-COLONIZAR A PLATÓN: UNA RELECTURA DE LA ALEGORÍA DE LA CUEVA EN EL CONTEXTO DE LA TOMA, CAUCA (De-Colonizing Plato: Reinterpreting the Allegory of the Cave in the Context of La Toma, Cauca), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


EXPERIENCIAS DE MIGRITUD, TEXTOS Y CARCAJADAS (Experiencias de Migritud, textos y carcajadas), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


From the “Bio” to the “Necro”: The Human at the Border, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


LA ASFIXIA, EL ESTADO RACISTA Y LA MOVILIZACIÓN SOCIAL EN DEFENSA DE LAS VIDAS NEGRAS (Asphyxiation, State Racism and the Black Lives Matter Movement), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


LOIS LANE Y SUPERMAN: EL PERIODISMO Y LA DEMOCRACIA CONTRA EL NEOLIBERALISMO (Lois Lane and Superman: Journalism and Democracy Against Neoliberalism), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


Orfeo y Eurídice: La mirada de-vuelta (Orpheus and Eurydice: The Re-turning Gaze), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro


¡PROBAR LA GRATUIDAD! AVITAL RONELL Y FIÓDOR DOSTOYEVSKI A PROPÓSITO DE LOS CRÉDITOS CONDONABLES DEL ICETEX (To Test Gratuity: Avital Ronell and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in Relation to Student Loans in Colombia), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro

A Discussion of Contract Types and the Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility (MFFF) at the Savanah River Site.docx, DOUGLAS J. HENDERSON

Universal Health Care and the Continued Reliance on Custom in Determining Medical Malpractice , James A. Henderson Jr. and John A. Siliciano

Universal Health Care and the Continued Reliance on Custom in Determining Medical Malpractice, James A. Henderson Jr. and John A. Siliciano

The Ethical Development of Law Students: An Emperical Study, Joshua J. A. Henderson and Trevor C. W. Farrow

Praise Defenders, Not Just Prosecutors, Stephen E. Henderson


Testimony on Oklahoma Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform, Stephen E. Henderson


Regulating Drones under the First and Fourth Amendments, Stephen E. Henderson, Joseph Thai, Marc Jonathan Blitz, and James Grimsley

Legal Education in North Carolina: A Report for Potential Students, Lawmakers, and the Public, William D. Henderson and Andrew P. Morriss

Legal Education in North Carolina: A Report for Potential Students, Lawmakers, and the Public, William D. Henderson and Andrew P. Morriss

Student Quality as Measured by LSAT Scores: Migration Patterns in the U.S. News Rankings Era, William D. Henderson and Andrew P. Morriss

Student Quality as Measured by LSAT Scores: Migration Patterns in the U.S. News Rankings Era, William D. Henderson and Andrew P. Morriss

Brief for Appellant, Ramirez v. Nietzel, Melissa N. Henke

Reply Brief for Appellant, Ramirez v. Nietzel, Melissa N. Henke

Take a P.A.S.S. On Your Next Legal Document, Melissa N. Henke

Amended Article 2: What Went Wrong, William H. Henning

Amended Article 2: What Went Wrong, William H. Henning

A Modified Approach to Article 9 Deficiencies in Missouri, William H. Henning