About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015


Should Mere Direct Participation in Hostilities Be Treated as a War Crime?, Andrea Harrison

Copyright as Contract, Jeffrey L. Harrison

Defects in Consent and Dividing the Benefit of the Bargain: Recent Developments, Jeffrey L. Harrison

"A History of the Team Production Theory", University of Seattle Law Review Vol. 38, p. 537 2015, Ron Harris

Perfecting and Maintaining the Perfection in Article 9 Security Interests under the 2010 Amendments: New Sections 9-503 and 9-316, 10 DePaul Bus. & Comm. L.J. 461 (2012), Steven Harris, Jason Kilborn, and Margit Livingston

Security Interests in Personal Property: Cases, Problems and Materials (6th ed.) (with C. Mooney, Jr.), Steven L. Harris

United States of America, in Retention of Title In and Out of Insolvency, Steven L. Harris

Perfecting and Maintaining the Perfection in Article 9 Security Interests Under the 2010 Amendments: New Sections 9-503 and 9-316, Steven L. Harris, Jason Kilborn, and Margit Livingston

Selective interaction between Trf3 and Taf3 required for early development and hematopoiesis, Daniel O. Hart, Manas K. Santra, Tamal Raha, and Michael R. Green

Report of Associate Provost Brad Hartlaub - December 2014, Brad Hartlaub, Abbie Erler, Ric Sheffield, Chris Gillen, Jan Thomas, Claudia Esslinger, Jon Sherman, Rebecca Waller, and Rebecca Wolf

Bexley Videographer Is Latest to Deny Services to Same-sex Couple, Charles S. Hartman

Sex Differences in the Likelihood to Endorse Bystander Intervention Strategies among University Students, Kelley Hartman, Christina Policastro, Laura E. Agnich, and Laurie Gould

Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Jill Elaine Hasday

Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Jill Elaine Hasday

Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations., Jill Elaine Hasday

The Canon of Family Law, Jill Elaine Hasday

The Principle and Practice of Women's "Full Citizenship": A Case Study of Sex-Segregated Public Education, Jill Elaine Hasday

Current Medico-Legal Issues in Workers' Compensation, Dean M. Hashimoto

Impact of Obamacare: Potential Case-Shifting Between Workers' Compensation and Mainstream Health Care, Dean M. Hashimoto

Keynote Address, Potential Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on the Colorado Workers’ Compensation System, Dean M. Hashimoto

Moderator and Panelist, The Affordable Care Act After King v. Burwell: What's Next?, Dean M. Hashimoto

Panelist, Non-Traditional Careers in Law, Dean M. Hashimoto

The Role of Medical Care in Workers' Compensation, Dean M. Hashimoto

Implementing an Integrated Health Protection/Health Promotion Intervention in the Hospital Setting: Lessons Learned from the Be Well, Work Well Study, Dean M. Hashimoto, G Sorensen, EM Nagler, Jack T. Dennerlein, J Theron, AM Stoddard, Orfeu M. Buxton, L Wallace, Christopher Kenwood MS, CC Nelson, SL Tamers, MP Grant, and GI Wagner


Cyprus Constitutional Law: Fundamental Rights: Foreword by Series Editor [Πρόλογος Διευθυντή σειράς "Κυπριακό Δίκαιο: Θεωρία και Πράξη", Nikitas E. Hatzimihail

Cyprus Criminal Law: General Criminal Law, pt I: Foreword by Series Editor [Πρόλογος Διευθυντή σειράς "Κυπριακό Δίκαιο: Θεωρία και Πράξη", Nikitas E. Hatzimihail


The Proverbial Right-Without-A-Remedy Dilemma to Effective Counsel in Florida Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings, Anna Haugen, Kyle Sill, and Amir Shachmurove

Can the CEO Learn from the Condemned? The Application of Capital Mitigation Strategies to White Collar Cases, Todd Haugh

Can the CEO Learn From the Condemned? The Application of Capital Mitigation Strategies to White Collar Cases, Todd Haugh

Chicago's "Great Boodle Trial", Todd Haugh

Sentencing the Why of White Collar Crime, Todd Haugh

Framing Mass Gun Violence: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies, James Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, Robert S. Wood, and John Ryan

Media Framing of a Tragedy: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech Tragedy, James E. Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, and John Ryan

Reclaiming Fiduciary Duty Balance, James Hawley, Keith Johnson, and Edward J. Waitzer

Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty, James P. Hawley, Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, and Edward J. Waitzer

Experimental Evidence of Tax Salience and the Labor-Leisure Decision: Anchoring, Tax Aversion, or Complexity?, Andrew T. Hayashi, Brent K. Nakamura, and David Gamage

Biography: Kenyon, Lloyd, first Baron Kenyon (1732–1802), C. Douglas Hay

Criminal Cases on the Crown Side of King's Bench: Staffordshire, 1740-1800, C. Douglas Hay

Dread of the Crown Office: the English Magistracy and King's Bench, 1740-1800, C. Douglas Hay

Hanging and the English Judges: The Judicial Politics of Retention and Abolition, C. Douglas Hay

Law and Society in comparative Perspective, C. Douglas Hay

Legislation, Magistrates, and Judges: High Law and Low Law in England and the Empire, C. Douglas Hay

Master and Servant in England: Using the Law in the 18th and 19th Centuries, C. Douglas Hay

Moral Economy, Political Economy, and Law, C. Douglas Hay

The Courts of Westminster Hall in the Eighteenth Century, C. Douglas Hay

Masters, Servants, and Magistrates in Britain and the Empire, 1562-1955, C. Douglas Hay and Paul Craven

Eighteenth-Century English Society: Shuttles and Swords, C. Douglas Hay and Nicholas Rogers

Policing and Prosecution in Britain, 1750-1850, C. Douglas Hay and Francis G. Snyder

Archival Research in the History of the Law: A User's Perspective, Douglas Hay

Contempt by Scandalizing the Court: A Political History on the First Hundred Years, Douglas Hay

Controlling the English Prosecutor, Douglas Hay

The Criminal Prosecution in England and its Historians, Douglas Hay

The Last Years of Staffordshire Jacobitism, Douglas Hay

The State and the Market: Lord Kenyon and Mr. Waddington, Douglas Hay

Tradition, Judges, and Civil Liberties in Canada, Douglas Hay

Women, Men, and Empires of Law, Douglas Hay

Writing About the Death Penalty, Douglas Hay

Civilians Tried in Military Courts: Quebec, 1759-1764, Douglas C. Hay

Distinct societies and the demand for distinctive law, Douglas C. Hay

‘Government by Will and Pleasure instead of Law’: Military Justice and the Legal System in Quebec, 1775-1783, Douglas C. Hay

Judges and magistrates: high law and low law in England and the Empire, Douglas C. Hay

Masters, magistrates, commanders and coercion in Britain and the Empire, Douglas C. Hay

Origins: Westminster Hall in the eighteenth century, Douglas C. Hay

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Douglas C. Hay

Prosecution and Power: Malicious Prosecution in the English Courts, 1750-1850, Douglas C. Hay

Scottish masters and servants, and English law, Douglas C. Hay

Temps, culture, droit: l'historien et les temporalites des juristes, Douglas C. Hay

The Laws of God and the Laws of Man: Lord George Gordon and the Death Penalty, Douglas C. Hay

The Meanings of the Criminal Law in Quebec 1764 to 1774, Douglas C. Hay

Time, Inequality, and Law's Violence, Douglas C. Hay

War, Dearth and Theft in the Eighteenth Century: The Record of the English Courts, Douglas C. Hay

Using the Criminal Law, 1750-1850: Policing, Private Prosecution, and the State, Douglas C. Hay and Francis Snyder

Albion's Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Century England [Revised Edition], Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh, John G. Rule, E. P. Thompson, and Cal Winslow

Identity awareness and re-use of research data in veillance and social computing, Alexander Hayes, Stephen Mann, Amir Aryani, Susannah Sabine, Leigh Blackall, Pia Waugh, and Stephan Ridgway

Oligopoly Shared Monopoly and Antitrust Law, George A. Hay

Vertical Restraints After Monsanto , George A. Hay


Mortgage Foreclosure in Buckhead, Terika L. Haynes


The Power of Religion In A Secular Society, John O. Hayward

Citations: Suggestions for Citing Authority Without Distracting the Reader, Kristin J. Hazelwood

E-Mails to Clients: Avoiding Missteps, Kristin J. Hazelwood

Technology and Client Communications: Preparing Law Students and New Lawyers to Make Choices That Comply with the Ethical Duties of Confidentiality, Competence, and Communication, Kristin J. Hazelwood

Complaint, Barrett v. Downes, Docket No. 1:13-cv-03030 (Northern District of Illinois 2013), Cristina Headley, Allison Bethel, and

Montana’s Rural Version of the School-to-Prison Pipeline: School Discipline and Tragedy on American Indian Reservations, Melina A. Healey

The School-to-Prison Pipeline Tragedy on Montana’s American Indian Reservations, Melina A. Healey

Book Review of Policy Making in an Era of Global Environmental Change (R. E. Munn, J. W. M. la Riviere & N. van Lookeren Campagne eds., 1996), Michael P. Healy

England's Contaminated Land Act of 1995: Perspectives on America's Approach to Hazardous Substance Cleanups And Evolving Principles of International Law, Michael P. Healy

Judicial Review and CERCLA Response Actions: Interpretive Strategies in the Face of Plain Meaning, Michael P. Healy

The Attraction and Limits of Textualism: The Supreme Court Decision in PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County v. Washington Dep't of Ecology, Michael P. Healy

Improving ot Impeding? The Local & National Effects of State & Federal Regulation, Michael P. Healy, Herb Miller, Tom FitzGerald, Jim Huffman, Baylen Linnekin, and Allen Olson

Keeping Secrets: The Case For A North American Trade Secret Agreement, Jonathan Heath


Disparate Impact and Pregnancy: Title VII's Other Accommodation Requirement, L. Camille Hebert


The Deeply Flawed Inaugural College Football Playoff: A Call for Structural Changes to Protect Against Undue Commercialization, to Ensure Transparency, and to Systematize Democratic Due Process, Matthew M. Heekin and Bruce W. Burton


Taxes and Takings - and First Principles, George B. Hefferan Jr


Taxes and Takings - and First Principles, George B. Hefferan Jr


Taxes and Takings - and First Principles, George B. Hefferan Jr


Das Dabiq-Magazin als Rekrutierungswerkzeug des IS, Daniel H. Heinke


Das Missverständnis der „einsamen Wölfe“ – Ein Einwurf, Daniel H. Heinke


Integration von Flüchtlingen als (auch) sicherheitspolitisches Erfordernis, Daniel H. Heinke

Nochmals: Nationale Präventionsstrategie gegen gewaltbereiten Extremismus, Daniel H. Heinke

Radicalization and Recruitment of Jihadists - A Case Study, Daniel H. Heinke