The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Trade and Development: An incremental relationship, Mary Hiscock
Global, local and glocal schools: the role of comparative law and the impact of globalisation, Mary E. Hiscock
Reflections on the three decades of international trade and investment law - and beyond, Mary E. Hiscock
Conclusions: The BRICS - ascendancy, decline or plateau?, Mary Hiscock and Vai Io Lo
Conclusions: The BRICS - ascendancy, decline or plateau?, Mary Hiscock and Vai Io Lo
Conclusion, Mary Hiscock and William van Caenegem
Conclusion, Mary Hiscock and William van Caenegem
Why Parentians Can’t Prescribe: Preferences, Principles, and Imperatives in Law and Policy, Robert Hockett
The Macroprudential Turn: From Institutional 'Safety and Soundness' to Systematic 'Financial Stability' in Financial Supervision, Robert C. Hockett
Public Actors in Private Markets: Toward a Developmental Finance State, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Should All Drugs Be Patentable?: A Comparative Perspective, Cynthia M. Ho
Sovereignty Under Siege: Corporate Challenges to Domestic Intellectual Property Decisions, Cynthia M. Ho
The Laws of Science, Constitutional Law, and the Rule of Law, David R. Hodas
Assessing Liability for Health Care Entities that Insufficiently Prepare for Catastrophic Emergencies, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
The HIPAA Privacy Rule and Bioterrorism Planning, Prevention, and Response, James G. Hodge Jr., Erin C. Fuse Brown, and Jessica P. O'Connell
Investigative Reports and Findings, Joanne Hodge
A Guide to the Independent Medical Examination, Samuel D. Hodge Jr.
Using Inhalants to Obtain a Cheap High is No Laughing Matter in Medical /Legal Circles, Samuel D. Hodge Jr.
The Controlled Substances Act: Time to Reevaluate Marijuana, Matthew B. Hodroff
Early Modern Absolutism and Constitutionalism, Kinch Hoekstra
The Clarendon Edition of Hobbes's Leviathan: Leviathan and its Intellectual Context, Kinch Hoekstra
Economic Growth and Breakthrough Innovations – The Semiconductor Chip Industry and its IP Law Framework, Thomas Hoeren
Is the Chief Justice a Tax Lawyer?, Stephanie Hoffer and Christopher J. Walker
Broadcasters and Consumers Should be Wary of Spectrum Auction, Adonis E. Hoffman Esq.
How Congress Can Fix the FCC, Adonis E. Hoffman Esq.
Sorry, Wrong Number, Now Pay Up, Adonis E. Hoffman Esq.
The Changing Media Landscape, Adonis E. Hoffman Esq.
Smoking Out Forest Fire Management: Lifting the Haze of an Unaccountable Congress and Lighting Up a New Law of Fire, Ashley K. Hoffman and Sean M. Kammer
A Survey of Interdisciplinary Differences in Attitudes and Morale within a Psychiatric Hospital, Brian F. Hoffman and Valerie P. Hans
Building Public Health Law Capacity at the Local Level, Diane E. Hoffmann and Virginia Rowthorn
Building Public Health Law Capacity at the Local Level, Diane E. Hoffmann and Virginia Rowthorn
Book Review: Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages by Saskia Sassen, Florian F. Hoffmann and Peer Zumbansen
Currents in Contemporary Ethics, Sharona Hoffmann and Andrew P. Morriss
Currents in Contemporary Ethics, Sharona Hoffmann and Andrew P. Morriss
Birth After Death: Perpetuities and the New Reproductive Technologies, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
Birth after Death: Perpetuities and the New Reproductive Technologies, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
Birth after Death: Perpetuities and the New Reproductive Technologies, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
New Reproductive Technologies and the Inheritance Rights of Unborn Children, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
New Reproductive Technologies and the Inheritance Rights of Unborn Children, Sharona Hoffman and Andrew P. Morriss
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [4th Edition], Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [5th Edition], Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [6th Edition], Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [7th Edition], Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [8th Edition], Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Book Review, Imported Eighteenth-Century Law Treatises in American Libraries, 1700-1799, L. Lynn Hogue
Book Review, Little Kingdoms: The Counties of Kentucky, 1850-1891, L. Lynn Hogue
Book Review, The Papers of James Iredell. Vol. I, 1776-1777; Vol. II, 1778-1783, L. Lynn Hogue
Book Review, Thomas Jefferson and the Law, L. Lynn Hogue
Book Review, Vignettes of Legal History, L. Lynn Hogue
What's Wrong With Religious Freedom Restoration Acts?, L. Lynn Hogue
Fragmentation of International Law in the Case of Yugoslav Succession: Reimbursement of “Old” Foreign-Currency Bank Deposits, Janja Hojnik
Are They Worth Reading? An In-Depth Analysis of Online Trackers’ Privacy Policies, Candice Hoke, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Pedro Giovanni Leon, and Alyssa Au
NSA Surveillance: Challenging the Global Reach of U.S. Tech., H. Brian Holland
In Defense on Online Intermediary Immunity: Facilitating Communities of Modified Exceptionalism, H. Brian Holland
Inherently Dangerous: The Potential for an Internet-Specific Standard Restricting Speech That Performs a Teaching Function, H. Brian Holland
Privacy Paradox 2.0, H. Brian Holland
Social Semiotics in the Fair Use Analysis, H. Brian Holland
Tempest in a Teapot or Tidal Wave - Cybersquatting Rights and Remedies Run Amok, H. Brian Holland
The Failure of the Rule of Law in Cyberspace: Reorienting the Normative Debate on Borders and Territorial Sovereignty, H. Brian Holland
Beyond the Best Interests of the Tribe: The Indian Child Welfare Act and the Adoption of Indian Children, Joan Hollinger
Children of the Tribe - Determining Children's Identity under the Indian Child Welfare Act, Joan Hollinger
Gender, Political Rhetoric, and Moral Metaphors in State of the City Addresses, Mirya R. Holman
Cultural Defense or False Stereotype? What Happens When Latina Defendants Collide With the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Kristen Holmquist
Measuring Merit: The Shultz-Zedeck Research on Law School Admissions, Kristen Holmquist, Marjorie Shultz, Sheldon Zedeck, and David Oppenheimer
Confronting Cops in Immigration Court, Mary Holper
Executive Actions on Immigration, Mary Holper
Panelist, Immigration Law and Crimes, Mary Holper
Panelist, Keeping Hispanic Immigrant Families Together: Catholic Perspectives, Mary Holper
Panelist, The Liberal State Interest in Marriage, Mary Holper
Redefining Particularly Serious Crimes in Refugee Law, Mary Holper
The Expansion of “Particularly Serious Crimes” in Refugee Law: Mirroring the Severity Revolution, Mary Holper
Deportation for a Sin: Why Moral Turpitude Is Void for Vagueness, Mary P. Holper
Deportation for a Sin: Why Moral Turpitude Is Void for Vagueness, Mary P. Holper
Deportation for a Sin: Why Moral Turpitude Is Void for Vagueness, Mary P. Holper
The Misinterpretation of eBay v. MercExchange and Why: An Analysis of the Case History, Precedent, and Parties, Ryan T. Holte
Dashcams Used to Gather Evidence of Adverse Driver Behaviour: Police Encourage Reporting by Citizens, Tim Holt and Katina Michael
Appointing Guardians Ad Litem in Immigration Court, Kari E. Hong
Blackwell-Hill v. Lynch, 614 Fed.Appx. 348, (9th Cir. 2015) with Shannon Johnson ’15 and Alejandra Salinas '15, Kari E. Hong
Bring Back the Firing Squad, Kari E. Hong
Deportation and Rights, Kari E. Hong
Deporting Illegal Immigrants who Commit Crimes Isn’t Always the Answer, Kari E. Hong
Famigration: The Next Frontier in Immigration Law, Kari E. Hong
Grand Juries: Mend Them or End Them?, Kari E. Hong
Greater Boston: Death Sentence: Legal Fallout, Argument To Bring Back The Firing Squad & Memorial For Sean Collier, Kari E. Hong
Lopez-Valencia v. Lynch, 798 F.3d 863 (9th Cir. 2015) with Kelly Schwartz '15 and Jeremy Sanders '15, Kari E. Hong
Lopez-Valencia v. Lynch, 798 F.3d 863 (9th Cir. 2015) with Kelly Schwartz '15 and Jeremy Sanders '15, Kari E. Hong
Mentioned in "MA SJC: Clarifies Legal Rights of Same-Sex Parents in Assisted Reproduction Arrangements", Kari E. Hong
Mentioned in "The Boston Globe’s Tweaked-Up Opinion Section Adding POV-Style Video", Kari E. Hong
Quoted in "California Dems get flak for votes on refugees", Kari E. Hong
Quoted in "Connecticut's Top Court Bans Death Penalty In State", Kari E. Hong
Quoted in "How Hobby Lobby Paved the Way for the Current Rush of Religious Freedom Laws", Kari E. Hong
Quoted in "Ted Cruz: Obama administration released 104,000 'criminal illegal aliens' including 196 murderers", Kari E. Hong
Second Ninth Circuit Victory Announced, Kari E. Hong