The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Signee, Supreme Court, Brief of Amici Curiae Family Law Scholars in Support of Petitioners, Obergefell v. Hodges, ___ U.S. ___, Kari E. Hong
The Liberal State Interest in Marriage, Kari E. Hong
The Liberal State Interest in Marriage, Kari E. Hong
The Liberal State Interest in Marriage, Kari E. Hong
Victory Announced in Ninth Circuit Case, Kari E. Hong
Revoke The Gun Industry's License to Kill, Kari E. Hong and Anthony L. Label
Before There Were Mouseholes: Resurrecting the Non-Delegation Doctrine, Joel Hood
Alan Westin's Privacy Homo Economicus, Chris Jay Hoofnagle and Jennifer M. Urban
Alan Westin's Privacy Homo Economicus, Chris Jay Hoofnagle and Jennifer M. Urban
Alan Westin's Privacy Homo Economicus, Chris Jay Hoofnagle and Jennifer M. Urban
Back to Afrolantica: A Legacy of (Black) Perseverance?, 24 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 447 (1998), Kevin Hopkins
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Toward a New Paradigm for Protecting Donor Privacy, 7 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L. 141 (2000), Kevin Hopkins
Cultivating Our Emerging Voices: The Road to Scholarship, Kevin Hopkins
Cultivating our Emerging Voices: The Road to Scholarship, 20 B. C. Third World L. J. 77 (2000), Kevin Hopkins
Forgive U.S. Our Debts? Righting the Wrongs of Slavery, 89 Geo. L.J. 2531 (2001), Kevin Hopkins
Law Firms, Technology, and the Double-Billing Dilemma, 12 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 95 (1998), Kevin Hopkins
Supreme Court Leaks and Recusals: A Response to Professor Steven Lubet's SCOTUS Ethics in the Wake of NFIB v. Sebelius, Kevin Hopkins
The Politics of Misconduct: Rethinking How We Regulate Lawyer-Politicians, 57 Rutgers L. Rev. 839 (2005), Kevin Hopkins
A Gospel of Law, 30 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1039 (1997), Kevin L. Hopkins
The Alternative Investment Market: Helping Small Enterprises Grow Public, Jonathan R. Hornok
Giving Mental Culpability the Bird: How State v. Bird Secures the Presumption that Traffic Offenses are Strict Liability, Jonathan R. Hornok and Mariah L. Hornok
Efficiencies and Antitrust Reconsidered: An Evolutionary Perspective, Thomas J. Horton
Amendment 1 plaintiffs on shaky legal ground, Daniel A. Horwitz
A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words: Why Ballot Selfies Are Protected by the First Amendment, Daniel A. Horwitz
Bigotry, not respect for rights, guides Indiana’s law, Daniel A. Horwitz
Likelihood of innocence too great to allow executions, Daniel A. Horwitz
Nashville’s corporate welfare habit will harm city, Daniel A. Horwitz
Tennessee Supreme Court Brief of Amici Curiae Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Advocates, Daniel A. Horwitz Esq.
The First 48: Ending the Use of Categorically Unconstitutional Investigative Holds in Violation of County of Riverside v. McLaughlin, Daniel A. Horwitz
The Law of Unintended Consequences: Avoiding the Health Care Liability Act Booby Trap, Daniel A. Horwitz
Twelve Angry Hours: Improving Domestic Violence Holds in Tennessee Without Risk of Violating the Constitution, Daniel A. Horwitz
Vote to ‘ban the box’ in Nashville, support job seekers, Daniel A. Horwitz
What Carol Swain Got Wrong, Daniel A. Horwitz
Letting Good Deeds Go Unpunished: Volunteer Immunity Laws and Tort Deterrence, Jill R. Horwitz and Joseph Mead
Comprehensive Seagrass Restoration Planning in Southwest Florida: Science, Law and Management, Althea S. Hotaling, R. Benjamin Lingle, and Thomas T. Ankersen
A Longitudinal Model of Post-Adoption Phenomena and Its Empirical Test in the Context of Social Games, Jinghui Hou and Xiao Ma
Antitrust and Information Technologies, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust and the Patent System: A Reexamination, Herbert Hovenkamp
Antitrust Balancing, Herbert Hovenkamp
Appraising Merger Efficiencies, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Classical Constitution, Herbert Hovenkamp
The Emergence of Classical American Patent Law, Herbert Hovenkamp
Brief of Professor Margaret Howard as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents, Margaret Howard
Transracial Adoption: Analysis of the Best Interests Standard, Margaret Howard
A History of Miranda and Why It Remains Vital Today, Roscoe C. Howard Jr. and Lisa A. Rich
A Dream Deferred, Ruth-Arlene W Howe
Deselecting Biased Juries, Scott W. Howe
The Implications of Incorporating the Eighth Amendment Prohibition on Excessive Bail, Scott W. Howe
The Perilous Psychology of Public Defending, Scott W. Howe
NV-52: A novel thromboxane synthase inhibitor for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, Laurence Guy Howes, Michael John James, Timothy Florin, and Catherine Walker
Liberalizing Trade in Legal Services under Asia-Pacific FTAs: The ASEAN Case, Pasha L. Hsieh
The Discipline of International Law in Republican China and Contemporary Taiwan, Pasha L. Hsieh
In Defense of, or Offensive to Farms? Hog Farming and the Changing American Agricultural Industry, Shi-Ling Hsu
Judicial Priorities, Bert I. Huang and Tejas N. Narechania
El derecho Registral en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Registral.pdf, Angel Rimascca Huarancca
La agonía del principio de tracto sucesivo en el registro de personas jurídicas y naturales, Angel Rimascca Huarancca
Los principios registrales de legitimación y fe pública registral tras la modificación por la Ley N° 30313, Angel Rimascca Huarancca
Los principios registrales de legitimación y fe pública registral tras la modificación por la Ley N° 30313, Angel Rimascca Huarancca
Bruce Huber gave the talk “Is Fracking the Answer? The Law and Politics of Energy Today” at the London Global Gateway on November 22, 2014, Bruce R. Huber
The Universality of Medicaid at Fifty, Nicole Huberfeld
A survey of Illinois Code of Civil Procedure Section 2-619(a)., Wm. Dennis Huber
The curious, perjurious requirements of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 12b3.pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber
Copyright Exceptions as Users’ Rights? An Empirical Critique, Emily Hudson and Giuseppina D'Agostino
Gender, Human Security and the United Nations: Security Language as a Political Framework for Women, Natalie Florea Hudson
'Gendering' International Peacekeeping: Women for Women on the Frontlines?, Natalie Florea Hudson
Policy Brief: UNSCR 1325: The Challenges of Framing Women’s Rights as a Security Matter, Natalie Florea Hudson
Worlds Colliding: Competition Policy and Bankruptcy Fire Sales, Max Huffman
2015 Women’s Research on Women Symposium poster presenter, Charlotte Hughart
Re-Thinking Access to Criminal Justice in Canada: A Critical Review of Needs and Responses, Patricia Hughes and Mary Jane Mossman
Advocacy Skills and IP: Observations from the Bench, Roger Hughes and Giuseppina D'Agostino
A Poverty of Respect: Human Rights, Honor, Dignity and Respect in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 71 Alb. L. Rev. 861 (2008), Cecil J. Hunt II
Calling in the Dogs: Suspicionless Sniff Searches and Reasonable Expectations of Privacy, 56 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 285 (2005), Cecil J. Hunt II
Denial, Human Rights and American Mass Incarceration, Cecil J. Hunt II
Denialism and Mass Incarceration, Cecil J. Hunt II
Guests in Another's House: An Analysis of Racially Disparate Bar Performance, 23 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 721 (1996), Cecil J. Hunt II
In the Racial Crosshairs: Reconsidering Racially Targeted Predatory Lending under a New Theory of Economic Hate Crime, 35 U. Tol. L. Rev. 211 (2003), Cecil J. Hunt II
No Right to Respect: Dred Scott and the Southern Honor Culture, 42 New Eng. L. Rev. 79 (2007), Cecil J. Hunt II
The Color of Perspective: Affirmative Action and the Constitutional Rhetoric of White Innocence, 11 Mich. J. Race & L. 477 (2006), Cecil J. Hunt II
The Price of Trust: An Examination of Fiduciary Duty and the Lender-Borrower Relationship, 29 Wake Forest L. Rev. 719 (1994), Cecil J. Hunt II
A Statutory Override of an "As Is" sale: An Historical Appraisal and Analysis of the UCC, Magnuson-Moss, and State Lemon Laws, Richard J. Hunter Jr.
"What the NLRB Giveth The NLRB Taketh Away: Contrasting Views Concerning Graduate Student Unions", Richard J. Hunter Jr.
Wearing your password on your sleeve in the new age of identity protection, Justin Huntsdale and Katina Michael
Unliking Facebook - the social media addiction that has you by the throat, Justin Huntsdale, Katina Michael, and Lauren Thrift
Whatever Happened to Implied Consent--A Sounding, Edward H. Hunvald Jr. and Franklin E. Zimring
Contesting the Dinosaur Image: The Labor Movement's Search for a Future, Richard W. Hurd
Cases and Materials on Corporations, Hurst, Gregory, Jack F. Williams, and B. Ellen Taylor
Cases and Materials on Corporations, Hurst, Gregory, Jack F. Williams, and B. Ellen Taylor
Schedule Control and Mental Health: The Relevance of Coworkers’ Reports, David A. Hurtado, M. Maria Glymour, Lisa F. Berkman, Dean M. Hashimoto, Silje E. Reme, and Glorian Sorensen
Supervisors’ Support for Nurses’ Meal Breaks and Mental Health, David A. Hurtado, Candace C. Nelson, Dean M. Hashimoto, and Glorian Sorensen
Exploring Imaginative Legal History: The Legalism of the House Stark in the Game of, Jaakko Husa
Interdisciplinary Comparative Law - between Scylla and Charybdis?, Jaakko Husa
Nordic Law and Development – See No Evil, Hear No Evil?, Jaakko Husa