About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Nature, Divisions and Sources of Law, Richard Haigh

Of Law, Lawyers, Globalisation and Millennia, Richard Haigh

Pulp Fiction and the Reason of Law, Richard Haigh

Reconstructing Paradise: Canada’s Health Care System, Alternative Medicine and the Charter of Rights, Richard Haigh

Research Methodology and Critical Analysis Study Guide, Richard Haigh

ROM, Silicon and a Cache, or Why Do Some of Us Still Love Books and Hate Computers?, Richard Haigh

Some Thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Assessment of the Constitutionality of DNA Warrants, Richard Haigh

Stivactas v Michaletos, Richard Haigh

What Shall I Wear to the Computer Revolution? Some Thoughts on Electronic Researching in Law, Richard Haigh

Legal Research and Writing: Teaching Materials: 1994-95, Richard Haigh and William H. Angus

Immortality and Sentencing Law, Richard Haigh and Mirko Bagaric

Loyalty and the Law: Dealing Legally with Mothers, Archbishops and Football Clubs, Richard Haigh and Mirko Bagaric

Terms of Convenience: Examining Constitutional Overrulings by the High Court, Richard Haigh and Gian Boeddu

Judgment Production, Richard Haigh and Rebecca Craske

Legal Research and Writing: Teaching Materials: 1995-96, Richard Haigh and Simon R. Fodden

Legal Project Study Guide, Richard Haigh and Henry Gabriel

Garcia, Richard Haigh and Samantha Hepburn

High Tech Lending: Maintaining Priority in an Intangible World, Richard Haigh and Marc R. Mercier

Researching Australian Law, Richard Haigh and L Poh-York

Independence After Matsqui?, Richard Haigh and Jim Smith

Return of the Chancellor's Foot?: Discretion in Permanent Resident Deportation Appeals under the Immigration Act, Richard Haigh and Jim Smith

R. v. Carosella, Richard Haigh and Jim Smith

Does the Observer Have an Effect?: An Analysis of the Use of the Dialogue Metaphor in Canada's Courts, Richard Haigh and Michael Sobkin


Food and Drug Regulation in an Era of Globalized Markets, Sam Halabi


Obstacles to pH1N1 Vaccine Availability: the Complex Contracting Relationship between Vaccine Manufacturers, WHO, Donor and Beneficiary Governments, Sam Halabi


Reconciling international obligations to protect health and trademarks: A defense of trademarks as property, Sam Halabi


Selling Hospice, Sam Halabi

Selling Hospice, Sam Halabi

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, Corporate Influence, and International Trade, Sam Halabi

Sharing the Burden of Ebola Vaccine Related Adverse Events, Sam Halabi and John Monahan


Children of internet era: A critical analysis of vulnerability of children in the darker sides of social media and WhatsApp, Debarati Halder Dr.

Address Working Poverty by Promoting Work Hour Security in Low-Wage Hourly Jobs, Anna Haley-Lock, Charlotte S. Alexander, and Nantiya Ruan

Address Working Poverty by Promoting Work Hour Security in Low-Wage Hourly Jobs, Anna Haley-Lock, Charlotte S. Alexander, and Nantiya Ruan

Hydraulic Fracturing and the Safe Drinking Water Act, Keith B. Hall

Louisiana's Mineral Resources, Keith B. Hall

Louisiana's Mineral Resources, Keith B. Hall


Protecting Vulnerable Environments in International Humanitarian Law, Michaela Halpern

'Canada Steps Up' - Task Force to Modernize Securities Legislation in Canada: Recommendations and Discussions, Paul Halpern and Poonam Puri

Reflections on the Recommendations of the Task Force to Modernize Securities Legislation in Canada: A Retail Investor Perspective, Paul Halpern and Poonam Puri

Advanced Appellate Advocacy Course (1 credit) created and taught (with Professor Joanne Hodge) for moot court teams, Ardath Hamann


Can Peltz Score?: What’s Behind the May 13 DuPont vs. Trian Contest, Lawrence A. Hamermesh

Foreword: Kratovil Symposium Issue of the John Marshall Law Review, 38 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1 (2004), Celeste Hammond

Banking on Their Homes, 86 A.B.A. J. 62 (2000), Celeste M. Hammond

Borrowing from the B Schools: The Legal Case Study as Course Materials for Transaction Oriented Elective Courses: A Response to the Challenges of the MacCrate Report and the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching Report on Legal Education, Celeste M. Hammond

Borrowing from the B Schools: The Legal Case Study as Course Materials for Transaction Oriented Elective Courses: A Response to the Challenges of the MacCrate Report and the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching Report on Legal Education, 11 Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L. 9 (2009), Celeste M. Hammond

"Climate Change Science for Lawyers" Moderator, Celeste M. Hammond

Dedication, 37 J. Marshall L. Rev. v (2003), Celeste M. Hammond

Foreword, 31 J. Marshall L. Rev. 299 (1998), Celeste M. Hammond

Foreword: 40th Anniversary of The Quiet Revolution in Zoning and Land Use Regulation, 45 J. Marshall L. Rev. iii (2012), Celeste M. Hammond

Foreword: Kratovil Symposium Issue of the John Marshall Law Review, 38 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1 (2004), Celeste M. Hammond

Foreword: Kratovil Symposium Issue of the John Marshall Law Review, 38 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1 (2004), Celeste M. Hammond

Foreword: Real Estate Law and Practice Symposium Issue of the John Marshall Law Review, 40 J. Marshall L. Rev. xix (2007), Celeste M. Hammond

Integrating Doctrine and Skills in First-Year Courses: A Transactional Attorney's Perspective, 17 Legal Writing: J. Legal Writing Inst. 409 (2011), Celeste M. Hammond

Real Estate Law and Practice Symposium: Foreword, 43 J. Marshall L. Rev. iii (2010), Celeste M. Hammond

Reverse Mortgages: A Financial Planning Device for the Elderly, 1 Elder L.J. 75 (1993), Celeste M. Hammond

Survey Of Illinois Law: Real Estate Finance, 16 S. Ill. U. L.J. 999 (1992), Celeste M. Hammond

The Evolving Role for Transactional Attorneys Responding to Client Needs in Adapting to Climate Change, 47 J. Marshall L. Rev. 543 (2013), Celeste M. Hammond

"The Exploding Post-Graduate Degree: Alternative Degrees, ON LINE Degrees and Economics", Celeste M. Hammond

The (Pre) (As) Sumed "Consent" of Commercial Binding Arbitration Contracts: An Empirical Study of Attitudes and Expectations of Transactional Lawyers, 36 J. Marshall L. Rev. 589 (2003), Celeste M. Hammond

Unauthorized Practice of Law - How Transactional Lawyers Can Avoid It, 19 Prob. & Prop. 55 (2005), Celeste M. Hammond

Book Reviews, 22 J. Marshall L. Rev. 781 (1989), Celeste M. Hammond and Elmer Gertz

The Global Subprime Crisis as Explained by the Contrast Between American Contracts Law and Civil Law Countries' Laws, Practices, and Expectations in Real Estate Transactions, Celeste M. Hammond and Ilaria Landini

The Global Subprime Crisis As Explained By The Contrast Between American Contracts Law And Civil Law Countries' Laws, Practices And Expectations In Real Estate Transactions: How The Lack Of Informed Consent And The Absence of the Civil Law Notary in the United States Contribute to the Global Crisis in Subprime Mortgage Investments, 11 J. Int'l Bus. & L. 133 (2012), Celeste M. Hammond and Ilaria Landini

Arbitration Advocacy: From Clause to Hearing, 28 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 101 (2004), Celeste M. Hammond and Jeffrey J. Mayer

Use of Real Estate Auctions in Commercial Short Sales, 23 Prob. & Prop. 47 (2009), Celeste M. Hammond and Craig Post

Beyond Territoriality: Transnational Legal Authority in an Age of Globalization, Günther Handl, Joachim Zekoll, and Peer Zumbansen

Equal Protection as Self-Induced Blindness, Ian F. Haney-López

Intentional Blindness, Ian F. Haney-López

Rudy Giuliani is Not Feeling the Love, Ian F. Haney-López



Nullification at Work? A Glimpse from the National Center for State Courts Study of Hung Juries, Paula Hannaford-Agor and Valerie P. Hans

The Timing of Opinion Formation by Jurors in Civil Cases: An Empirical Examination, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, Nicole L. Mott, and G. Thomas Munsterman

How Much Justice Hangs in the Balance? A New Look at Hung Jury Rates, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, and G. Thomas Munsterman

Permitting Jury Discussions During Trial: Impact of the Arizona Reform, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, and G. Thomas Munsterman

"Speaking Rights": Evaluating Juror Discussions During Civil Trials, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, and G. Thomas Munsterman

Nullification at Work - A Glimpse from the National Center for State Courts Study of Hung Juries, Paula L. Hannaford-Agor and Valerie P. Hans

Orwellian Surveillance of Vehicular Travels, Sam F. Hanna


Evaluation of the Ontario Mediation Program (Rule 24.1) Final Report: The First 23 Months, Robert G. Hann, Carl Baar, Lee Axon, Susan Binnie, and Frederick H Zemans

The Impact of Disability: A Comparative Approach to Medical Resource Allocation in Public Health Emergencies, Katie Hanschke, Leslie E. Wolf, and Wendy F. Hensel

The Impact of Disability: A Comparative Approach to Medical Resource Allocation in Public Health Emergencies, Katie Hanschke, Leslie E. Wolf, and Wendy F. Hensel

Brief of Amicus Curiae Academic Authors and Legal Scholars in Support of Defendants Appellees and Affirmance, Nos. 12-14676-FF, 12-15147-FF (April 25, 2013), David R. Hansen, Peter A. Jazsi, Pamela Samuelson, Jason Schultz, and Rebecca Tushnet

Contestable Terrain at the Borders: "By the Time I Get to Arizona", Justin Hansford

Crystallographic Analyses of Peptide Inhibitors of Aspartic Proteinases, John Hanson, Marie E. Fraser, Natalie C. J. Strynadka, Paul A. Bartlett, and Michael N. G. James

Crystallographic Analysis of Transition State Mimics Bound to Penicillopepsin: Phosphorus-Containing Peptide Analogues, John Hanson, Marie Fraser, Natalie Strynadka, Paul Bartlett, and Michael James

Structural Study of the Complex Between Human Pepsin and a Phosphorus-Containing Peptidic Transition-State Analog, John Hanson, Masao Fujinaga, Maia M. Cherney, Nadya I. Tarasova, Paul A. Bartlett, and Michael N. G. James

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 20), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 21), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 22), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 22), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 23A and 23B), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 23A and 23B), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 24), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 24), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 25), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 25), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 26), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 26), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 27), Sung-Soo Han

2012 OECD Model Tax Convention (Article 27), Sung-Soo Han