The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
In Search of Coherence: The Charter and Administrative Law under the McLachlin Court, Susan L. Gratton and Lorne Sossin
Fiduciary Duties of LLC Managers: Are They Subject to Prospective Waiver under the New York LLC Statute?, Jack Graves and Yelena Davydan
A Federal Safety Plug With a Few Leaks: Bureau of Land Management's Proposed Rule on Hydraulic Fracturing and its Effect on States and Tribes, Thea A. Graybill
Dangerous Dicta, David C. Gray
The role of equipment, the physical environment and training practices in customer safety within fitness facilities: The perspectives of fitness industry employees, Shannon E. Gray, Patrick Keyzer, Kevin Norton, Joachim Dietrich, Betul Sekendiz, Ian Coyle, and Caroline F. Finch
Fitting the Forum to the Pernicious Fuss: A Dispute System Design to Address Implicit Bias and 'Isms in the Workplace, Elayne E. Greenberg
From Surveillance to Torture: The Evolution of U.S. Interrogation Practices during the War on Terror, Ivan Greenberg
Postage and Power: U.S. Nationalism and the 1970s 'Bicentennial' and 'Americana' Stamp Series, Ivan Greenberg
Proletarian Literature from the Bottom Up: Workers and Poetry during the Rise of the CIO, Ivan Greenberg
The State Response to Occupy: Surveillance and Suppression, Ivan Greenberg
Validation of an abbreviated version of the structured interview of reported symptoms in outpatient psychiatric and community settings, Debbie Green, Barry Rosenfeld, Tia Dole, Ekaterina Pivovarova, and Patricia A. Zapf
Judicial Treatment of the Antitrust Treatise, Hillary Greene and D. Daniel Sokol
A Skeptic's View of Benefit Corporations, Kent Greenfield
Corporate Law's Original Sin, Kent Greenfield
Corporations as Citizens, Kent Greenfield
Faculty Colloquium, Kent Greenfield
Get Smart Fast: Cutting Edge Issues in Corporate Law, Kent Greenfield
How to Develop Your Voice as a Public Intellectual, Kent Greenfield
If Corporations Are People, They Should Act Like It, Kent Greenfield
In Defense of Corporate Persons, Kent Greenfield
Is the First Amendment Working?, Kent Greenfield
Keynote Speaker, National Business Law Scholars Conference, Kent Greenfield
Keynote Speaker, Théorie de l'enterprise. Modèles de gouvernance & Crèation Collective, Kent Greenfield
Let Us Now Praise Corporate Persons, Kent Greenfield
Loving and Hating Kennedy’s Opinion in Obergefell, Kent Greenfield
Marriage Equality Decision Was Not Just an Intellectual Exercise, Kent Greenfield
MLB teams should pay for fan injuries, Kent Greenfield
Panelist, When Rights Collide?: Religious Liberty, Equality and the Fall Out from Hobby Lobby, Kent Greenfield
Sticking the Landing: Making the Most of the “Stakeholder Moment”, Kent Greenfield
The Damn Public: Corporations as Citizens, Kent Greenfield
The Importance of German Corporate Law in the Debate Over Corporate Personhood in the US, Kent Greenfield
The Limits of Free Speech, Kent Greenfield
The Limits of Free Speech, Kent Greenfield
The Limits of Free Speech: A Debate, Kent Greenfield
The Role of Corporate Governance in Creating and Ameliorating Economic Inequality, Kent Greenfield
The U.S. Supreme Court's Cultivation of Corporate Personhood, Kent Greenfield
What's So Reasonable About Reasonableness? Rejecting a Case Law-Centered Approach to Title VII's Reasonable Belief Doctrine, Matthew W. Green Jr.
Protecting Vulgarity, Epithets, and Offensive Workplace Speech, Michael Green
Do disclosures prohibited by law torment federal whistleblowers after MacLean?, Michael Z. Green
Measures to Encourage and Reward Post-Dispute Agreements to Arbitrate Employment Discrimination Claims, Michael Z. Green
Protected Workplace Speech Versus Harassment and Bullying, Michael Z. Green
Protected Workplace Speech Versus Harassment and Bullying, Michael Z. Green
Protecting Vulgarity, Epithets, and Offensive Workplace Speech, Michael Z. Green
Protecting Vulgarity, Epithets, and Offensive Workplace Speech?, Michael Z. Green
2014-15 Supreme Court, Labor, Employment, and Employment Discrimination Cases: Accommodation, Agency Power, Wages and Whistleblowing, Michael Z. Green
A 2001 Employment Law Odyssey: The Invasion of Privacy Tort Takes Flight in the Florida Workplace, Michael Z. Green
A 2001 Employment Law Odyssey: The Invasion of Privacy Tort Takes Flight in the Florida Workplace, Michael Z. Green
Addressing Race Discrimination under Title VII after Forty Years: The Promise of ADR as Interest-Convergence, Michael Z. Green
Addressing Race Discrimination under Title VII after Forty Years: The Promise of ADR as Interest-Convergence, Michael Z. Green
Against Employer Dumpster-Diving for Email, Michael Z. Green
Against Employer Dumpster-Diving for Email, Michael Z. Green
An Essay Challenging the Racially Biased Selection of Arbitrators for Employment Discrimination Suits, Michael Z. Green
An Essay Challenging the Racially Biased Selection of Arbitrators for Employment Discrimination Suits, Michael Z. Green
Black Workers and Their Post-Racial Dispute Resolution Obstacles, Michael Z. Green
Debunking the Myth of Employer Advantage from Using Mandatory Arbitration for Discrimination Claims, Michael Z. Green
Debunking the Myth of Employer Advantage from Using Mandatory Arbitration for Discrimination Claims, Michael Z. Green
Discussion Group: “ADR in Faculty Governance and Change: What Works—If Anything—and What Doesn’t?”, Michael Z. Green
Ethical Incentives for Employers in Adopting Legal Service Plans to Handle Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Ethical Incentives for Employers in Adopting Legal Service Plans to Handle Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Finding Lawyers for Employees in Discrimination Disputes as a Critical Prescription for Unions to Embrace Racial Justice, Michael Z. Green
How the NLRB's Light Still Shines on Anti-Discrimination Law Fifty Years after Title VII, Michael Z. Green
How the NLRB's Light Still Shines on Anti-Discrimination Law Fifty Years after Title VII, Michael Z. Green
Just Another Little Black Boy from the South Side of Chicago, Michael Z. Green
Make it Rain: The Ethical Implications of Client Solicitation, Michael Z. Green
No Strict Evidence Rules in Labor and Employment Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
No Strict Evidence Rules in Labor and Employment Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Opposing Excessive Use of Employer Bargaining Power in Mandatory Arbitration Agreements through Collective Employee Actions, Michael Z. Green
Opposing Excessive Use of Employer Bargaining Power in Mandatory Arbitration Agreements through Collective Employee Actions, Michael Z. Green
Panel on Discrimination in the Workplace, discussing the work of diverse local attorneys who practice labor and employment discrimination law, Michael Z. Green
Panel on “Ethical Considerations in Oil and Gas", Michael Z. Green
Preempting Justice through Binding Arbitration of Future Disputes: Mere Adhesion Contracts or a Trap for the Unwary Consumer, Michael Z. Green
Preempting Justice through Binding Arbitration of Future Disputes: Mere Adhesion Contracts or a Trap for the Unwary Consumer, Michael Z. Green
Proposing a New Paradigm for EEOC Enforcement after 35 Years: Outsourcing Charge Processing by Mandatory Mediation, Michael Z. Green
Proposing a New Paradigm for EEOC Enforcement after 35 Years: Outsourcing Charge Processing by Mandatory Mediation, Michael Z. Green
Reading Ricci and Pyett to Provide Racial Justice through Union Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Reading Ricci and Pyett to Provide Racial Justice through Union Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Retaliatory Employment Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Retaliatory Employment Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Ruminations About the EEOC’s Policy Regarding Arbitration, Michael Z. Green
Tackling Employment Discrimination with ADR: Does Mediation Offer a Shield for the Haves or Real Opportunity for the Have-Nots, Michael Z. Green
Tackling Employment Discrimination with ADR: Does Mediation Offer a Shield for the Haves or Real Opportunity for the Have-Nots, Michael Z. Green
The Negotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreements, Michael Z. Green
The NLRA and the Evolving Workplace: Technological and Legal Issues, Michael Z. Green
The NLRB and Undocumented Workers: Be Careful What You Don’t Ask For and When You Do, Michael Z. Green
The NLRB as an Uberagency for the Evolving Workplace, Michael Z. Green
The NLRB as an Überagency for the Evolving Workplace, Michael Z. Green
Understanding the Ex Parte Communications Ban in Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Understanding the Ex Parte Communications Ban in Employment Disputes, Michael Z. Green
Unpaid Furloughs and Four-Day Work Weeks: Employer Sympathy or a Call for Collective Employee Action, Michael Z. Green
Unpaid Furloughs and Four-Day Work Weeks: Employer Sympathy or a Call for Collective Employee Action, Michael Z. Green
Unusual Unanimity and the Ongoing Debate on the Meaning of Words: The Labor and Employment Decisions from the Supreme Court's 2013-14 Term, Michael Z. Green
What Non-Union Employers Need to Know About Their Policies and the National Labor Relations Board, Michael Z. Green
Workshop on Labor and Employment Law Discussion Group: “Can Employees Be ‘Too Hot’ and (Re)emerging Issues of Appearance Discrimination in the Workplace”, Michael Z. Green
Workshop on Labor and Employment Law Discussion Group: “New Voices in Labor and Employment Law”, Michael Z. Green
Administrative Justice and Innovation: Beyond the Adversarial/Inquisitorial Dichotomy, Samantha Green and Lorne Sossin
The Expert Learning Program at JMLS, Orientation program, Sonia B. Green
A Montessori Journey: Lessons for the Legal Writing Classroom , 13 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing 82 (2005), Sonia Bychkov Green
Currency of Love: Customary International Law and the Battle for Same-Sex Marriage in the United States, 14 U. Pa. J.L. & Soc. Change 53 (2011), Sonia Bychkov Green
Interstate Intercourse: How Modern Assisted Reproductive Technologies Challenge the Traditional Realm of Conflicts of Law, 24 Wis. J. L. Gender, & Soc'y 25 (2009), Sonia Bychkov Green