About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2015

Conversion of Unissued Cheques and the Fictitious or Non-Existing Payee—Boma v. CIBC, Benjamin Geva

Cross-Border Credit Transfers in Euros: Legal and Operational Aspects, Benjamin Geva

Daylight Overdrafts and Settlement Failure—Credit Risk Controls in U.S. Wire Systems, Benjamin Geva

Defences on Cheque Certification Esses v. Friedberg, Benjamin Geva

Deriving History From Law: Are Cheques Traceable to the Talmud?, Benjamin Geva

Equities As To Liability on Bills and Notes: Rights of a Holder Not in Due Course, Benjamin Geva

Execution Against Negotiable Instruments, Benjamin Geva

FedWire Transfer of Funds, Benjamin Geva

Financing Consumer Sales and Product Defences in Canada and the United States, Benjamin Geva

Forged Check Endorsement Losses Under the UCC: The Role of Policy in the Emergence of Law Merchant From Common Law, Benjamin Geva

From Commodity to Currency in Ancient History: On Commerce, Tyranny, and the Modern Law of Money, Benjamin Geva

Insolvent Bank’s Irrevocable Credit as Priority Payment Instrument: Barclays Bank v. Price Waterhouse, Benjamin Geva

Interbank Settlement in Wire Transfers – Legal Aspects, Benjamin Geva

International Funds Transfer: Performance by Wire Payment, Benjamin Geva

International Funds Transfers: Mechanisms and Laws, Benjamin Geva

Irrevocability of Bank Drafts, Certified Cheques and Money Orders, Benjamin Geva

Legal Aspects Relating to Payment by E-Money: Review of Retail Payment System Fundamentals, Benjamin Geva

Legislative Power in Relation to Transfers of Securities: The Case for Provincial Jurisdiction in Canada, Benjamin Geva

Lost Cheques, Certification and Countermand—Is the Law Satisfactory?, Benjamin Geva

Misrepresentation Amounting to Mistake, Benjamin Geva

Negotiable Instruments and Banking: Review of Some Recent Canadian Case Law, Benjamin Geva

Off-Premises Presentment and Cheque Truncation Under the Bills of Exchange Act, Benjamin Geva

On the Proper Balance Between the Security of the State and Civil and Human Rights, Benjamin Geva

Optimality and Preservation of Consumer Defenses—A Model for Reform, Benjamin Geva

Payment Industry after the Task Force Report: Can Canada Learn from the Experience of Others, Benjamin Geva

Payment into a Bank Account, Benjamin Geva

Payment System Modernization and Law Reform in Developing Nations: Lessons from Cambodia and Sri Lanka, Benjamin Geva

Payment Transactions Under the EU Payment Services Directive: A U.S. Comparative Perspective, Benjamin Geva

Presentment and Payment in Cheque Electronic Clearing: Advance Bank v. TD Bank, Benjamin Geva

Preservation of Consumer Defences: Statutes and Jurisdiction, Benjamin Geva

Purchase of Consumer Paper and Subjection to Collateral Defenses, Benjamin Geva

Recent International Developments in the Law of Negotiable Instruments and Payment and Settlement Systems, Benjamin Geva

Recent UCC Article 4A Developments 2003-2005, Benjamin Geva

Recent UCC Article 4A Jurisprudence: Critical Analysis, Benjamin Geva

Reflections on the Need to Revise the Bills of Exchange Act—Some Doctrinal Aspects, Benjamin Geva

Security Interests in Secured Obligations, Benjamin Geva

Settlement Finality and Associated Risks in Funds Transfers – When Does Interbank Payment Occur?, Benjamin Geva

TARGET2 Transfer of Funds and Harmonization of EU Payment Law, Benjamin Geva

The Autonomy of the Banker's Obligation on Bank Drafts and Certified Cheques, Benjamin Geva

The Beneficiary’s Bank and Beneficiary Described by Name and Number: Liability Chain and Liability Standard in Wire Transfers (Part 1), Benjamin Geva

The Beneficiary’s Bank and Beneficiary Described by Name and Number: Liability Chain and Liability Standard in Wire Transfers (Part 2), Benjamin Geva

The Clearing House Arrangement, Benjamin Geva

The Concept of Payment Mechanism, Benjamin Geva

The Division of Powers Between the High Court of Justice and the Labour Tribunal, Benjamin Geva

The Domestic Payment System: Policies, Structure, Operation and Risk, Benjamin Geva

The E.F.T. Debit Card, Benjamin Geva

The Evolving Law of Payment by Wire Transfer—An Outsider's View of Draft UCC Article 4A, Benjamin Geva

The Fictitious Payee and Payroll Padding: Royal Bank of Canada v. Concrete Column Clamps (1961) Ltd., Benjamin Geva

The Issuing Bank's Defences Against the Payee of a Bank Draft - Addendum to "The Autonomy of the Banker's Obligation on Bank Drafts and Certified Cheques", Benjamin Geva

The Law of Electronic Funds Transfers, Benjamin Geva

The Modernization of the Bills of Exchange Act: A Proposal, Benjamin Geva

The Monetary Legal Theory Under the Talmud, Benjamin Geva

The Payment Industry after the Task Force Report: Can Canada Learn from the Experience of Others?, Benjamin Geva

The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages: A Legal History, Benjamin Geva

The Relationship Between the Offences of Consipracy and Incitement, Benjamin Geva

The Wireless Wire Do M-Payments and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers Match, Raw?, Benjamin Geva

UCC Article 4A in the Courts: Recent Developments, Benjamin Geva

Unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfers — Comparative Aspects, Benjamin Geva

Uniformity in Commercial Law: Is the UCC Exportable?, Benjamin Geva

Reimagining E-Money: Its Conceptual Unity with Other Retail Payment Systems, Benjamin Geva and M. Kianieff

Les Virements Bancaires sous la Loi-Type et le Droit Français — Etude Comparative, Benjamin Geva and Marc Lacoursière

Commercial and Consumer Transactions: Cases, Text and Materials, Benjamin Geva and Jacob S. Ziegel

An Exploratory Study of IT Indirect Costs Associated with IT Projects in the UK, Ahmad Ghoneim and

Defining Australian national interests in regulating foreign investments, Umair H. Ghori

Mickey Mouse, morality and manufacturing: A look at the evolving private regulation of global labour standards, Umair H. Ghori

The BRICS +: Fault lines and opportunities, Umair H. Ghori

The dumping dragon: Analysing China's evolving anti-dumping behaviour, Umair H. Ghori


Interaction and Conflict of Treaties in Investment Arbitration, Ahmad Ali Ghouri

Measured Mercy: Managing the Intersection of Executive Pardon Power and Victims’ Rights with Procedural Justice Principles, Mary Margaret Giannini


The French law "Marriage for all" a lot of noise, and then?, Frank S. Giaoui


The French Law "Marriage for All" a lot of Noise, and Then?, Frank S. Giaoui

Russia and Roman Law, Tomasz Giaro

Asking the Right Questions in Copyright Cases: Lessons from Aereo and its International Brethren, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg


Asking the Right Questions in Copyright Cases: Lessons from Aereo and its International Brethren, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg


We (Still) Need to Talk About Aereo: New Controversies and Unresolved Questions After the Supreme Court's Decision, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg

We (Still) Need to Talk About Aereo: New Controversies and Unresolved Questions After the Supreme Court's Decision, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg


Anarquismo Judicial e Segurança Jurídica, Ivo T. Gico Jr.

Mastering Professional Responsibility, Grace M. Giesel

The Duty of Confidentiality and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Sorting Out the Concepts, Grace M. Giesel


Privately Failing: Recidivism in Public and Private Prisons, Lee N. Gilgan


The Hidden Ball Trick: Major League Baseball’s Collective Bargaining Agreement Attempts to Hide Tobacco Use by Players, Lee N. Gilgan


The internet and the death of privacy, Iain Gillespie, Katina Michael, and Roger Clarke


Does the Right to Elective Abortion Include the Right to Ensure the Death of the Fetus?, Stephen G. Gilles

Arbitration: A Positive Employment Tool and Potential Antidote to Class Actions, Gregg Gilman J.D. and David Sherwyn J.D.

Assisted Suicide, Joan M. Gilmour

Children, Adolescents and Health Care, Joan M. Gilmour

Creeping Privatization in Health Care: Implications for Women as the State Redraws Its Role, Joan M. Gilmour

Creeping Privatization in the Health Care System: Implications for Women as the State Re-Draws Its Role, Joan M. Gilmour

Death and Dying, Joan M. Gilmour

Fallout from Chaoulli: Is It Time to Find Cover?, Joan M. Gilmour

Legal Considerations in Paediatric Patient and Family-Centred Health Care, Joan M. Gilmour

Limits of the Law: Legal Challenges to the Health Services Restructuring Commission, Joan M. Gilmour

Minors, Joan M. Gilmour

"Our" Bodies: Property Rights in Human Tissue, Joan M. Gilmour

Regulation of Free-Standing Health Facilities: An Entrée for Privatization and For-Profit Delivery in Health Care, Joan M. Gilmour

Withholding and Withdrawing Life Support from Adults at Common Law, Joan M. Gilmour

Study Paper on Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia and Foregoing Treatment: A Study Paper, Joan M. Gilmour, Karen Capen, Barney Sneiderman, Marja Verhoef, and

Now You See Her, Now You Don't: How Law Shapes Disabled Women's Experience of Exposure, Surveillance and Assessment in the Clinical Encounter, Joan M. Gilmour, Catherine Frazee, and Roxanne Mykitiuk

Now You See Her, Now You Don't: How Law Shapes Disabled Women's Experience of Exposure, Surveillance and Assessment in the Clinical Encounter, Joan M. Gilmour, Catherine Frazee, and Roxanne Mykitiuk

Opening the Door to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Self-Regulation in Ontario, Joan M. Gilmour, Merrijoy Kelner, and Beverly Wellman