About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Women's Poverty, Women's Health: The Role of Access to Justice, Joan M. Gilmour and D. Martin



Admissions Open House Newly Admitted Students, Faculty Panel, Marc Ginsberg

An Expansive View of Informed Consent, Marc Ginsberg

Apparent Authority and Healthcare in Illinois, 22 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 475 (2002), Marc Ginsberg

Beyond the Viewbox: The Radiologist's Duty to Communicate Findings, 35 J. Marshall L. Rev. 359 (2002), Marc Ginsberg

Compulsory Arbitration of Medical Negligence Claims as a Condition of Treatment, Marc Ginsberg

Good Medicine/Bad Medicine And The Law Of Evidence: Is There A Role For Proof Of Character, Propensity, Or Prior Bad Conduct In Medical Negligence Litigation?, 63 S.C. L. Rev. 367 (2011), Marc Ginsberg

How Much Anguish is Enough - Baby Switching and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, 13 DePaul J. Health Care L. 255 (2010), Marc Ginsberg

Informed Consent and the Differential Diagnosis: How the Law Can Overestimate Patient Autonomy and Compromise Health Care, Marc Ginsberg

Informed Consent and The Differential Diagnosis: How the Law Overestimates Patient Autonomy and Compromises Health Care, 60 Wayne L. Rev. 349 (2014), Marc Ginsberg

Informed Consent: No Longer Just What the Doctor Ordered - The Contributions of Medical Associations and Courts to a More Patient Friendly Doctrine, 15 Mich. St. U. J. Med. & L. 17 (2010), Marc Ginsberg

Six Person Juries, Marc Ginsberg

Survey of Illinois Law: At Long Last, a Long Look at Respondents in Discovery, 35 S. Ill. U. L.J. 703 (2011), Marc Ginsberg

The Confrontation Clause and Forensic Autopsy Reports-A "Testimonial", 74 La. L. Rev. 117 (2013), Marc Ginsberg

The Law of Evidence, Presentation to Judicial Externs from the 12th Judicial Circuit, Marc Ginsberg

The Locality Rule Lives! Why? Using Modern Medicine To Eradicate An “Unhealthy” Law, 61 Drake L. Rev. 321 (2013), Marc Ginsberg

Town Hall Participant on Informed Consent, Marc Ginsberg

How Much Anguish is Enough? Baby Switching and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, Marc D. Ginsberg

The Confrontation Clause and Forensic Autopsy Reports — A “Testimonial”, Marc D. Ginsberg

Not for the Faint of Heart: Does a Hospital Owe a Duty to Warn a Squeamish Visitor?, 41 J. Marshall L. Rev. 473 (2008), Marc D. Ginsberg and Tricia E. McVicker

Apparent Authority and Healthcare in Illinois - Revisited, 27 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 11 (2006), Marc Ginsberg and Patricia C. Nowak


The Teaching/ Research Trade-Off in Law: Data From the Right Tail, Tom Ginsburg and Thomas J. Miles


Responsabilità civile dei magistrati: riforma legge 13 aprile 1988, n. 117 - legge Vassalli, Angelo Giraldi

A Tempest in a Transatlantic Teapot: A Legal Historian's Critical Analysis of Frédéric Bastien's La Bataille De Londres, Philip Girard

A Tempest in a Transatlantic Teapot: A Legal Historian’s Critical Analysis of Frédéric Bastien’s La Bataille de Londres, Philip Girard

Imperial Legacies: Chartered Enterprises in Northern British America, Philip Girard

Philip Girard: A ‘very Canadian coup’? Hardly, Philip Girard

Sexual Orientation as a Human Rights Issue in Canada 1969-1985, Philip Girard

The Canadian Legal Profession: Clone, Hybrid, or Mutant?, Philip Girard

The Protection of the Rights of Homosexuals Under the International Law of Human Rights: European Perspectives, Philip Girard

Why Canada Has No Family Policy: Lessons from France and Italy, Philip Girard

Writing Canadian Legal History: Origins, Philip Girard

Guidelines for Enforcement of Civil Judgments and Issuance of Civil Process, and Marjorie L. Girth

Let Justice Be Done: Equally, Fairly, and Impartially, and Marjorie L. Girth

Women's Issues: A New Beginning for Erie County: Report by the Erie County Task Force on the Status of Women, and Marjorie L. Girth


English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) and Technology: Beating the Pain Curve, Jaclyn Gishbaugher and Robert A. Eckhart

Not a System but an Order: Explaining the Legality of the European Union, Michael Giudice, Keith Culver, Wil Waluchow, and François Tanguay-Renaud


Jurisdictional complexity in the ecclesiastical state. Discussions of diversity of laws in legal education and in legal practice, Adolfo Giuliani

In the Mind's Eye: Visual Lessons for Law Students, Brian A. Glassman


Ice Skating up Hill: Constitutional Challenges to SEC Administrative Proceedings, Thomas S. Glassman


2015 Update: Can I Bring My Gun? A Fifty State Survey of Firearm Laws Impacting Policies Prohibiting Handguns in Public Libraries, diana gleason


The Solemn Moment: Expanding Therapeutic Jurisprudence Throughout Estate Planning, Mark Glover

A Corporation Has No Soul, and Doesn't Go to Church: Relating the Doctrine of Piercing the Veil to Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, Carol Goforth


Why the Bar Examination Fails to Raise the Bar, Carol Goforth

'457 Visa Law - Addressing Australia's Skilled Labour Shortage', by Maria Jockel, Lawbook Co, 2009, Hwee Cheng Goh

Digital Wearability Scenarios: Trialability on the Run, Deniz Gokyer and Katina Michael

Controversy in Law, Alani Golanski


A Comparative Analysis of the Recent Issues regarding the Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Expression in Turkey: Supremacy of the Turkish Constitution or Criminal Law?, ILYAS GOLCUKLU


Umbrella Clauses in the ICSID Arbitration, ILYAS GOLCUKLU


Democracy in the Private Sector: The Rights of Shareholders and Union Members, Michael J. Goldberg


Happy Belated Labor Day, Commissioner Goodell, Michael J. Goldberg

International Humanitarian Law: Americas Watch's Experience in Monitoring Internal Armed Conflicts, Robert Kogod Goldman

Copyrightable Subject Matter, Infringement and Remedies, Tomas Gomez-Arostegui, Howard Abrams, Michael Carroll, Jessica Litman, and Pamela Samuelson


Federal Harassment.®, Daniel Fernando Gómez Tamayo


Direitos Sociais, Estado de Direito e Desigualdade: Reflexões Sobre as Críticas à Judicialização dos Direitos Prestacionais, Jane Reis Gonçalves Pereira

Inconstitucionalidade sistêmica e multidimensional: transformações no diagnóstico das violações à Constituição, Jane Reis Gonçalves Pereira and Gabriel Acccioly Gonçalves


Protecting the Welfare of our Children for a Better Tomorrow, Aileen N. Gonzalez


Bridging the North-South Divide: International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene, Carmen G. Gonzalez


Energy Poverty and the Environment, Carmen G. Gonzalez


Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and the Global South, Carmen G. Gonzalez

Food Justice: An Environmental Justice Critique of the Global Food System, Carmen G. Gonzalez

Human rights, environmental justice, and the North-South Divide, Carmen G. Gonzalez


International Environmental Law and the Global South, Carmen G. Gonzalez


World Poverty and Food Insecurity, Carmen G. Gonzalez


The North-South Divide in International Environmental Law: Framing the Issues, Carmen G. Gonzalez and Sumudu Atapattu


Reorienting Restorative Justice: Initiating a New Dialogue of Rights Consciousness, Community Empowerment and Politicization, Thalia Gonzalez

Subject Specific Treatises, Lisa Goodman

User Choices and Regret: Understanding Users' Decision Process about Consensually Acquired Spyware, Nataniel Good, Jens Grossklags, David Thaw, Aaron K. Perzanowski, Deirdre K. Mulligan, and Joseph Konstan

Business Ethics: Two Moral Provisos, Kenneth Goodpaster

Ethics, Politics, and the Modern Corporation, Kenneth Goodpaster

Goods that are Truly Good and Services that Truly Serve: Reflections on "Caritas in Veritate"., Kenneth Goodpaster

Tenacity: The American Pursuit of Corporate Responsibility, Kenneth E. Goodpaster

The Challenge of Sustaining Corporate Conscience, Kenneth E. Goodpaster

Stakeholder Thinking: Beyond Paradox to Practicality, Kenneth E. Goodpaster Ph.D., T. Dean Maines, and Michelle Rovang Burke

A Baldrige Process for Ethics?, Kenneth E. Goodpaster Ph.D., T. Dean Maines, and Arnold M. Weimerskirch


How to Maneuver in the World of Negative Online Reviews, the Important Ethical Considerations for Attorneys, and Changes Needed to Protect the Legal Profession, Angela Goodrum

Real Estate Auctions - Legal Concerns for an Increasingly Preferred Method of Selling Real Property, 40 Real Prop. Prob. & Tr. J. 765 (2006), Steven Good and Celeste M. Hammond

Breakout Session: "What's Next?: The Future of Content", Susan Good, Beth Gelroth Klein, Sandra Klein, Stephanie Miller, Dana Neascu, and Andrew Plumb-Larrick

Measuring scientific performance of ISI indexed journals in Economics: the impact of synchronous and diachronous impact factors, Vignes Gopal Dr, Rajah Rasiah Prof, and Kurunathan Ratnavelu Prof


Forfeiting Trust, Deborah S. Gordon


Trusting Trust, Deborah S. Gordon


When “One Country, Two Systems” Meets “One Person, One Vote”: The Law of Treaties in the Crucible of Hong Kong’s Election Crisis, Gregory S. Gordon

Moving Money: International Financial Flows, Taxes, & Money Laundering, Richard K. Gordon and Andrew P. Morriss

Moving Money: International Financial Flows, Taxes, Money Laundering & Transparency, Richard Gordon and Andrew P. Morriss

Moving Money: International Financial Flows, Taxes, and Money Laundering, Richard Gordon and Andrew P. Morriss

Moving Money: International Financial Flows, Taxes, and Money Laundering, Richard Gordon and Andrew P. Morriss


Dodging Windfalls: Damages Based on Market Price, Actual Loss, and Appropriate Awards, John Y. Gotanda

Jurisprudence Cases and Materials: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law and Its Applications, Stephen E. Gottlieb, Brian H. Bix, Timothy D. Lytton, and Robin L. West


The Path to Exoneration, Jon B. Gould and Richard A. Leo

Exploring the Relationship between Gender Violence and State Failure: A Cross-National Comparison, Laurie Gould and Laura E. Agnich

Experiential Learning in Diverse Criminal Justice Contexts: Issues for Assessment, Laurie Gould, Laura Agnich, and Bryan Miller

Standby Credits in Canada, Gordon B. Graham and Benjamin Geva

High Technology Entrepreneurs and the Patent System: Results of the 2008 Berkeley Patent Survey, Stuart J.H. Graham, Robert P. Merges, Pam Samuelson, and Ted Sichelman


The Hourly Minimum Wage and the vouchers system in the 2014 Italian Reform and the economic policy background, barbara grandi

Mexican Law and Legal Research, Julienne Grant, Jonathan Pratter, Bianca Anderson, Marisol Floren-Romero, Jootaek Lee, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Teresa Miguel-Stearns, and Sergio Stone


McFadden v. United States: Deconstructing Synthetic Drug Prosecutions, Jeffrey C. Grass JD, MS, ACLM


McFadden v. United States: Deconstructing Synthetic Drug Prosecutions, Jeffrey C. Grass JD, MS, ACLM


The Medicine Shoppe v. Loretta Lynch: Pharmacists’ Corresponding Responsibility with Physicians Under DEA Interpretation of the “Legitimate Medical Purpose” Standard, Jeffrey C. Grass JD, MS, ACLM


The Medicine Shoppe v. Loretta Lynch: Pharmacists’ Corresponding Responsibility with Physicians Under DEA Interpretation of the “Legitimate Medical Purpose” Standard, Jeffrey C. Grass JD, MS, ACLM