The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
A Comparative Study of the Jewish and the United States Constitutional Law of Capital Punishment, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Black Market Capital, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Fairness Opinions, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Paradigm Shift: Federal Securities Regulation in the New Millennium, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Regulating Listings in a Global Market, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Rhetoric and Reality: A Historical Perspective on the Regulation of Foreign Private Issuers, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Section 632: An Expanded Basis of Federal Jurisdiction for National Banks, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
The Failure of Private Equity, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
The SEC and the Failure of Federal Takeover Regulation, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Uncomfortable Embrace: Federal Corporate Ownership in the Midst of the Financial Crisis, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Un Estudio Comparativo de la Ley Judaica y la Ley Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Sobre la Pena Capital, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon
Limits of Disclosure, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon and Claire A. Hill
The SEC v. Goldman Sachs: Reputation, Trust, and Fiduciary Duties in Investment Banking, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon, Alan D. Morrison, and William J. Wilhelm Jr.
Lock-Up Creep, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon and Christina M. Stautter
Regulation by Deal: The Government's Response to the Financial Crisis, Steven M. Davidoff Solomon and David Zaring
Allocating Water Uses of the Missouri River: The Search For Legal Process, John Davidson
Energy Law and Policy, Lincoln Davies, Alexandra Klass, Hari M. Osofsky, Joseph P. Tomain, and Elizabeth J. Wilson
Concerning the Use of Solitary Confinement in Immigrant Detention Facilities in the United States of America (2013), , Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, and Steven D. Schwinn
Amicus Curiae A Favor De Los Demandantes, Comunidad De Campesinos De Santa Bárbara v. Perú, Corte Interamericana De Derechos Humanos, No. 10.932 (2015), Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, and
Amicus Curiae In Support Of The Petitioners, Santa Barbara Campesino Community v. Perú, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, No. 10.932 (2015), Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, and
Joint Submission To The U.N. Committee Against Torture Concerning The United States’ Mistreatment Of Immigrant Detainees In Violation Of The Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel, Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment In Relation To The United States 5th Periodic Report On The Convention Against Torture (2014), Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, Jennifer Chan, and
Cholera as a Grave Violation of the Right to Water in Haiti (2014), Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, and Beatrice Lindstrom
Legal Rights of Older Persons, Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, and William B.T. Mock
Legal Rights of Older Persons, Sarah Dávila-Ruhaak, Steven D. Schwinn, and William B.T. Mock
Are Investors’ Gains and Losses from Securities Fraud Equal Over Time?, Alicia J. Davis
The Institutional Appetite for Quack Corporate Governance, Alicia J. Davis
Think Like a Businessperson: Using Business School Cases to Create Strategic Corporate Lawyers, Alicia J. Davis
Scholars and Activist Speak Out About Why 'Black Life Matters', Charles H.F. Davis III
The Hope and Burden of the Civil Rights, Charles H.F. Davis III
Social Media, Higher Education, and Community Colleges: A Research Synthesis and Implications for the Study of Two-Year Institutions, Charles H.F. Davis III, Regina Deil-Amen, Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, and Manuel González Canché
A Bottom-Up Approach to LGB Defamation: Criticizing Narratives of Public Policy and Respectability, Gregory K. Davis
Choosing among Innocents: Should Donations to Charities Be Protected from Avoidance as Fraudulent Transfers, Jeffrey Davis
Legal Research Judicially Considered, John N. Davis
Liability of Information Professionals, John N. Davis
Deactivating Actavis: The Clash between the Supreme Court and (Some) Lower Courts, Joshua P. Davis and Ryan J. McEwan
American Indians’ response to physical pain: Functional limitations and help-seeking behaviors., Angelique G. Day
Evaluation of a Trauma-informed Teaching Intervention on the Educational Well-being of Youth in Residential Care, Angelique G. Day
Timely Health Service Utilization: A longitudinal cohort study of older foster youth., Angelique G. Day
Working with traumatized students: Measures to assess school staff perceptions, awareness, and instructional responses, Angelique G. Day
Convocatoria a Junta General: Resolución Nº 018-1999-ORLC/TR, Abelardo D. Chalán
The Australian Resale Royalty Right for Visual Artists: Indigenous Art and Social Justice, Robert Dearn and Matthew Rimmer
Traditional Knowledge Governance Challenges in Canada, Jeremy de Beer
Open Innovation and Knowledge Appropriation in African Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), Jeremy de Beer and Chris Armstrong
Appropriation and Intellectual Property in the Informal Economy, Jeremy de Beer and Sacha Wunch-Vincent
Innovation in the Informal Economy, Jeremy de Beer, Sacha Wunch-Vincent, and Kun Fu
Castle Doctrine and Cohabitants: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, Luis deBonoPaula
Cases 003 and 004 at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: The Definition of “Most Responsible” Individuals According to International Criminal Law, Randle C. DeFalco
The Conflict of Laws in Armed Conflicts and Wars, John C. Dehn
Against Foreign Law, Robert J. Delahunty and John Yoo
From Just War to False Peace, Robert J. Delahunty and John Yoo
Saving Originalism, Robert J. Delahunty and John Yoo
Statehood and the Third Geneva Convention, Robert J. Delahunty and John Yoo
The Bush Doctrine: Can Preventive War Be Justified, Robert J. Delahunty and John Yoo
Dream On: The Obama Administration's Nonenforcement of Immigration Laws, the DREAM Act, and the Take Care Clause, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
Peace through Law - The Failure of a Noble Experiment, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations against Terrorist Organizations and the Nations That Harbor or Support Them, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
What is the Role of International Human Rights in the War on Terror, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
What is the Role of International Human Rights in the War on Terror?, Robert J. Delahunty and John C. Yoo
The Promotion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Vulnerable Groups in Africa Pursuant to Treaty Obligations: CRC, CEDAW, CERD & CRPD, Connie de la Vega
The Promotion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Vulnerable Groups in Africa Pursuant to Treaty Obligations: CRC, CEDAW, CERD & CRPD, Connie de la Vega, Kokeb Zeleke, and Esther Wilch
Fifteen Years of Federal Guidelines Reviewed at the Yale Conference: What Would Success Mean?, Nora V. Demleitner
Good Conduct Time: How Much and For Whom? The Unprincipled Approach of the Model Penal Code, Nora V. Demleitner
Human Dignity, Crime Prevention, and Mass Incarceration: A Meaningful, Practical Comparison Across Borders, Nora V. Demleitner
Curricular Limitations, Cost Pressures, and Stratification in Legal Education: Are Bold Reforms in Short Supply?, Nora V. Demleitner
Prosecuting Violence Against Women: Toward a "Merits-Based" Approach to Evidential Sufficiency, Michelle Madden Dempsey
Punishment and Coherence, Michelle Madden Dempsey
Williams-Yulee v. Florida Bar, the First Amendment, and the Continuing Campaign to Delegitimize Judicial Elections, Brannon P. Denning
“The International Prohibition on Torture,” published as Section 5.3 in International Criminal Law Third Edition, Daniel H. Derby
Facing Down the So-Called Agenda 21 'Conspiracy', John C. Dernbach
The Potential Meanings of a Constitutional Public Trust, John C. Dernbach
Sustainable Development and its Discontents, John C. Dernbach and Federico Cheever
The ABA Embraces Sustainability: From the Earth Summit to Rio+20 and Beyond, John C. Dernbach and Ira R. Feldman
Can Shale Gas Help Accelerate the Transition to Sustainability?, John C. Dernbach and James R. May
Can Shale Gas Help Accelerate the Transition to Sustainability?, John C. Dernbach and James R. May
Robinson Township v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Examination and Implications, John C. Dernbach, James R. May, and Kenneth T. Kristl
Robinson Township v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Examination and Implications, John C. Dernbach, James R. May, and Kenneth T. Kristl
Robinson Township v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Examination and Implications, John C. Dernbach, James R. May, and Kenneth T. Kristl
Recognition of Environmental Rights for Pennsylvania Citizens: A Tribute to Chief Justice Castille, John C. Dernbach and Marc Prokopchak
A Legislative History of Article I, Section 27 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, John C. Dernbach and Edmund J. Sonnenberg
Normative Hybridity in Antwerp Marine Insurance (c. 1650-c. 1700), Dave De ruysscher
The Art of Compromise. Legislative Deliberation on Marine Insurance Institutions in Antwerp (c. 1550-c. 1570), Dave De ruysscher and Jeroen Puttevils
Is Asking for Consent to Search Necessary to Effectuate the Purpose of a Traffic Stop? The Court in Rodriguez v. United States Rejects “Mission” Creep, George M. Dery III
European Work Councils and SE Works Councils in 2015, Stan De Spiegelaere and Romuald Jagodzinski
European Work Councils and SE Works Councils in 2015, Stan De Spiegelaere and Romuald Jagodzinski
European Work Councils and SE Works Councils in 2015, Stan De Spiegelaere and Romuald Jagodzinski
Panel 4: Civil Liberties, Nathalie Desrosiers, Fay Faraday, Sonia Lawrence, and James Stribopoulos
El Derecho Penal y la afectación al debido proceso, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
La superstición del divorcio, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano
Notas Promissórias no atual cenário econômico brasileiro, Luiz Rafael de Vargas Maluf
CVM coloca em audiência pública proposta de reforma da regulamentação de Notas Promissórias que promete estimular captações de curto prazo, inclusive para sociedades limitadas, Luiz Rafael de Vargas Maluf and Nair Veras Saldanha Janson
Family Wages: The Roles of Wives and Mothers in U.S. Working-Class Survival Strategies, 1880-1930, Ileen A. DeVault
Manipulating the Cavity of a Porous Material Changes the Photoreactivity of Included Guests, M. B. Dewal, Y. Xu, J. Yang, F. Mohammed, Mark D. Smith, and Linda S. Shimizu
Challenging Boardroom Homogeneity, Aaron A. Dhir
Challenging Boardroom Homogeneity : Corporate Law, Governance and Diversity, Aaron A. Dhir
Challenging Boardroom Homogeneity: Corporate Law, Governance, and Diversity, Aaron A. Dhir