About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Corporate Reporting under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Diversity Disclosure Rule: A Mixed-Methods Content Analysis, Aaron A. Dhir

Corporate Selective Reporting of Clinical Drug Trial Results as a Violation of the Right to Health, Aaron A. Dhir

Diversity on Corporate Boards, Aaron A. Dhir

Getting more women into the ‘black box’ of corporate power, Aaron A. Dhir

Homogeneous Corporate Governance Cultures, Aaron A. Dhir

How men and women see gender equality differently, Aaron A. Dhir

How to improve board diversity without resorting to quotas and 'tokenism', Aaron A. Dhir

New paper finds fuzzy definitions for board diversity, Aaron A. Dhir

Norway's Socio-Legal Journey: A Qualitative Study of Boardroom Diversity Quotas, Aaron A. Dhir

Politics of Knowledge Dissemination: Corporate Reporting, Shareholder Voice, and Human Rights, Aaron A. Dhir

Professor Aaron Dhir comments on report regarding women on Canadian corporate boards, Aaron A. Dhir

Professor Aaron Dhir discusses his new book and gender diversity in corporate boardrooms on NPR program “Where We Live”, Aaron A. Dhir

Relationships of Force: Reflections on Law, Psychiatry and Human Rights, Aaron A. Dhir

Report: Company boards choose own definition of diversity, Aaron A. Dhir

Shadows and Light: Addressing Information Asymmetries Through Enhanced Social Disclosure in Canadian Securities Law, Aaron A. Dhir

Shadows and Light: Addressing Information Asymmetries through Enhanced Social Disclosure in Canadian Securities Law, Aaron A. Dhir

Shareholder Engagement in the Embedded Business Corporation: Investment Activism, Human Rights and TWAIL Discourse, Aaron A. Dhir

Shareholder Engagement in the Embedded Business Corporation: Investment Activism, Human Rights and Twail Discourse, Aaron A. Dhir

The vaguely written rule that’s letting corporations get away with staying very white and male, Aaron A. Dhir

Time for true diversity in corporate boardrooms, Aaron A. Dhir

Towards a Race and Gender-Concious Conception of the Firm: Canadian Corporate Governance, Law and Diversity, Aaron A. Dhir

Towards a Race and Gender-Conscious Conception of the Firm: Canadian Corporate Governance, Law and Diversity, Aaron A. Dhir

Using the law to achieve boardroom diversity (and redistribute power), Aaron A. Dhir

What actually works if we want to increase gender diversity in corporate America, Aaron A. Dhir

What Canada should learn from Europe about gender quotas, Aaron A. Dhir

What Norway can teach the U.S. about getting more women into boardrooms, Aaron A. Dhir

What’s the return on equality: Aaron Dhir on disclosure, Aaron A. Dhir

What’s the return on equality: Aaron Dhir on quotas, Aaron A. Dhir

What’s the return on equality: Aaron Dhir responds to questions, Aaron A. Dhir

Why diversity quotas in the boardroom may be a good idea, Aaron A. Dhir

Will 2015 see more women on corporate boards?, Aaron A. Dhir

Women directors change how boards work, Aaron A. Dhir

Harmonisation of Arbitration Laws in the Asia-Pacific: Trendy or Necessary?, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.

Law and Language in Timor-Leste: Bridging the Divide, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.

Powered by Expertise: Selecting Arbitrators in Energy Disputes, Fernando Dias Simões Prof.


International Trade v. Intellectual Property Lawyers: Globalization and the Brazilian Legal Profession, Vitor M. Dias

Ferguson, Staten Island and Cleveland: A Legal Discussion about the Use of Lethal Force by Law Enforcement Officers, Shakyra Diaz, Carole Rendon, Terry Gilbert, Jonathan Witmer-Rich, Ronnie A. Dunn, and Craig M. Boise


Invisible Labor, Invisible Play: Online Gold Farming and the Boundary Between Jobs and Games, Julian Dibbell

Millennials, Affordable Housing and the Future of Homeownership, A. Mechele Dickerson

Pleading Guilty While Claiming Innocence: Reconsidering the Mysterious Alford Plea, James W. Diehm

Authorisation as accessorial liability: The overlooked role of knowledge, Joachim Dietrich

Clarifying the meaning of 'publication' of defamatory matter in the age of the internet, Joachim Dietrich

Uncertainty, unfairness and complexity in the context of recreational activities, Joachim Dietrich

Train the trainers: Maintaining standards to minimise injuries and avoiding legal liability in the fitness industry, Joachim Dietrich, Patrick Keyzer, Ian R. Coyle, Kevin Norton, Betul Sekendiz, Veronica Jones, and Caroline Finch

Train the trainers: Maintaining standards to minimise injuries and avoiding legal liability in the fitness industry, Joachim Dietrich, Patrick Keyzer, Ian R. Coyle, Kevin Norton, Betul Sekendiz, Veronica Jones, and Caroline Finch


Dogging Darwin: America's Revolt Against the Teaching of Evolution, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern

Becoming Us, Carter Dillard

Hidden in Plain View: The Pension Shield against Creditors, Patricia E. Dilley


The Fine Line Employers Walk: Is It a Justified Business Practice, or Discrimination?, Michelle DiMaria


Addressing Prescription Opioid Abuse Concerns in Context: Synchronizing Policy Solutions to Multiple Public Health Problems, Kelly Dineen

Assessment of Competence Restoration: Determining the Threshold, Andrea L. Dinsmore

Use and Perceived Effectiveness of Coping Skills among Police Officer Spouses, Andrea L. Dinsmore

Territoriality of Trade Marks in a Post-National Era, Graeme B. Dinwoodie and David Vaver


Evidence: 2014 Survey of Florida Law, Mark Dobson

Lewis and Lewis: The Life and Times of a Victorian Solicitor, Mark M. Dobson

Judicial Independence in Context, Adam M. Dodek and Lorne Sossin


Allocative Fairness and the Income Tax, Joseph Dodge


Income Tax Accounting Consistency: Eliminate Accrual and Depreciation, and Revamp the Tax Treatment of Borrowing, Joseph M. Dodge


A Revolution in Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson


Atlantic Marine and the Future of Party Preference, Scott Dodson


Ginsburg, Optimism, and Conflict Management, Scott Dodson


Pleading and the Litigation Marketplace, Scott Dodson


The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Scott Dodson


Literary Justice, Scott Dodson and Ami Dodson

Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2011 Series, Scott Dodson, Chaim Saiman, Prasad Krishnamurthy, Katerina Linos, Gerald F. Leonard, and Ethan J. Leib

Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2011 Series, Scott Dodson, Chaim Saiman, Prasad Krishnamurthy, Katerina Linos, Gerald F. Leonard, and Ethan J. Leib

Electronic Commerce and Multijurisdictional Taxation, Richard L. Doernberg, Luc Hinnekens, Walter Hellerstein, and Jinyan Li


The Origins and Development of Judicial Recusal in Texas, John C. Domino PhD

Changing Residency for Illinois Tax Purposes, _ S. Ill. U. L.J. __ (forthcoming 2015), Ronald Z. Domsky

Give Taxpayers a Break: Putting the Reliance Element Back into the Reasonable Reliance and Good Faith Defense, 28 Akron Tax J. 123 (2013), Ronald Z. Domsky

In Terrorem Clauses: More Bark Than Bite?, Ronald Z. Domsky

In Terrorem Clauses: More Bark Than Bite?, 25 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 493 (1994), Ronald Z. Domsky

Retroactive Taxation: United States v. Carlton - The Taxpayer Loses Again!, 16 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 77 (1995), Ronald Z. Domsky

Taxation in the Bible during the Period of the First and Second Temples, 7 J. Int'l L. & Prac. 225 (1998), Ronald Z. Domsky

'Til Death Do Us Part ... After That, My Dear, You're on Your Own: A Practitioner's Guide to Disinheriting a Spouse in Illinois, 29 S. Ill. U. L.J. 207 (2005), Ronald Z. Domsky


Law in Regression? Impacts of Quantitative Research on Law and Regulation, David C. Donald

2000 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2000 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2001 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2001 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2002 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2003 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2003 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2004 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2004 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2005 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2005 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2006 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2007 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2007 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2008 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2009 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2010 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

2011 Federal Tax Update, Samuel A. Donaldson

Acing Federal Income Tax, Samuel A. Donaldson

A Hitchhiker's Guide to International Estate Planning: Estate Planning for United States Citizens with Assets Abroad and for Nonresidents with United States Assets, Samuel A. Donaldson

An Introduction to Federal Wealth Transfer Tax, Samuel A. Donaldson

An Introduction to Federal Wealth Transfer Tax, Samuel A. Donaldson

Canadian Estate Planning Issues, Samuel A. Donaldson