About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Disbarment in the United States: Who Shall Do the Noisome Work?, Michael C. Dorf

Does Federal Executive Branch Experience Explain Why Some Republican Supreme Court Justices "Evolve" and Others Don't?, Michael C. Dorf

Does Heller Protect a Right to Carry Guns Outside the Home?, Michael C. Dorf

Dynamic Incorporation of Foreign Law , Michael C. Dorf

Dynamic Incorporation of Foreign Law, Michael C. Dorf

Equal Protection Incorporation, Michael C. Dorf

Facial Challenges to State and Federal Statutes, Michael C. Dorf

Fallback Law, Michael C. Dorf

Federal Governmental Power: The Voting Rights Act, Michael C. Dorf

Foreward: The Most Confusing Branch, Michael C. Dorf

Foreword: The Most Confusing Branch, Michael C. Dorf

Frankenstein's Monster or Spandrel? The Vices and Virtues of Legal Retrofitting (Program), Michael C. Dorf

God and Man in the Yale Dormitories, Michael C. Dorf

Good Society, Commerce, and the Rehnquist Court, Michael C. Dorf

Identity Politics and the Second Amendment, Michael C. Dorf

Incidental Burdens on Fundamental Rights, Michael C. Dorf

In Praise of Justice Blackmun: (Corrected) Typos and All, Michael C. Dorf

Instrumental and Non-Instrumental Federalism, Michael C. Dorf

Integrating Normative and Descriptive Constitutional Theory: The Case of Original Meaning, Michael C. Dorf

Interpretive Holism and the Structural Method, or How Charles Black Might Have Thought About Campaign Finance Reform and Congressional Timidity, Michael C. Dorf

Iqbal and Bad Apples, Michael C. Dorf

Legal Indeterminacy and Institutional Design, Michael C. Dorf

Majoritarian Difficulty and Theories of Constitutional Decision Making, Michael C. Dorf

No Federalists Here: Anti-Federalism and Nationalism on the Rehnquist Court, Michael C. Dorf

Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (and How We the People Can Correct It), Michael C. Dorf

Prediction and the Rule of Law, Michael C. Dorf

Putting the Democracy in Democracy and Distrust: The Coherentist Case for Representation Reinforcement, Michael C. Dorf

Recipe for Trouble: Some Thoughts on Meaning, Translation and Normative Theory, Michael C. Dorf

Same-Sex Marriage, Second-Class Citizenship, and Law's Social Meanings, Michael C. Dorf

Spandrel or Frankenstein's Monster? The Vices and Virtues of Retrofitting in American Law, Michael C. Dorf

The 2000 Presidential Election: Archetype or Exception?, Michael C. Dorf

The Aspirational Constitution, Michael C. Dorf

The Coherentism of Democracy and Distrust, Michael C. Dorf

The Detention and Trial of Enemy Combatants: A Drama in Three Branches, Michael C. Dorf

The Domain of Reflexive Law, Michael C. Dorf

The Good Society, Commerce, and the Rehnquist Court, Michael C. Dorf

The Heterogeneity of Rights, Michael C. Dorf

The Majoritarian Difficulty and Theories of Constitutional Decision Making, Michael C. Dorf

The Marginality of Citizens United, Michael C. Dorf

The Morality of Prophylactic Legislation (with Special Reference to Speed Limits, Assisted Suicide, Torture, and Detention Without Trial), Michael C. Dorf

The Orwellian Military Commissions Act of 2006, Michael C. Dorf

The Paths to Legal Equality: A Reply to Dean Sullivan, Michael C. Dorf

The Relevance of Federal Norms for State Separation of Powers, Michael C. Dorf

The Supreme Court 1997 Term -- Foreword: The Limits of Socratic Deliberation, Michael C. Dorf

Truth, Justice, and the American Constitution, Michael C. Dorf

What Does the Second Amendment Mean Today?, Michael C. Dorf

What Does the Second Amendment Mean Today?, Michael C. Dorf

Whose Ox Is Being Gored? When Attitudinalism Meets Federalism, Michael C. Dorf

Whose Ox is Being Gored? When Attitudinalism Meets Federalism, Michael C. Dorf

Three Vital Issues: Incorporation of the Second Amendment, Federal Government Power, and Separation of Powers - October 2009 Term, Michael C. Dorf and Erwin Chemerinsky

Three Vital Issues: Incorporation of the Second Amendment, Federal Government Power, and Separation of Powers – October 2009 Term, Michael C. Dorf and Erwin Chemerinsky

Problem-Solving Courts: From Innovation to Institutionalization, Michael C. Dorf and Jeffrey A. Fagan

Shared Constitutional Interpretation, Michael C. Dorf and Barry Friedman

Can Process Theory Constrain Courts?, Michael C. Dorf and Samuel Issacharoff

A Constitution of Democratic Experimentalism, Michael C. Dorf and Charles F. Sabel

Drug Treatment Courts and Emergent Experimentalist Government, Michael C. Dorf and Charles Frederick Sabel

“Early-Bird Special” Indeed!: Why the Tax Anti-Injunction Act Permits the Present Challenges to the Minimum Coverage Provision, Michael C. Dorf and Neil S. Siegel


Ithaka: On the journey to a new international human rights convention for the rights of older persons, Israel Doron Prof.


An American Friend in an Israeli Court: An Empirical Perspective, Israel Doron Prof., Guy Enosh Prof., Manal Totry-Jubran Dr., and Tal Regev


Attitudes of patients with End-Stage Renal Disease towards dialysis and renal transplantation in young and old patients, Israel Doron Prof. and Or Mano MA


Will Retroactive Proposition 30 Ever Be Challenged?, Frank J. Doti

Juvenile Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs): A Qualitative Description of Current Programs, Annabelle V. Douglas and Arthur J. Lurigio


Diagnostic Inflation for the People, Benjamin Douglas


Native American Tribal Disenrollment and Heritage, Christopher Doval N. Doval, Elin L. Cortijo-Doval PhD., and Don A. Anque J.D.

Book Review: Fifty Years in Family Law: Essays for Stephen Cretney (Rebecca Probert & Chris Barton Eds. 2012), Nancy E. Dowd

Fathers and the Supreme Court: Founding Fathers and Nuturing Fathers, Nancy E. Dowd

From Genes, Marriage and Money to Nurture: Redefining Fatherhood, Nancy E. Dowd

Law, Culture, and Family: The Transformative Power of Culture and the Limits of Law, Nancy E. Dowd

The role of diversity practices and inclusion in promoting trust and employee engagement, Stephanie N. Downey, Lisa van der Werff, Kecia M. Thomas, and Victoria C. Plaut

Ethics in Tribal Business Transactions, Ryan Dreveskracht


Forfeiting Federalism: The Faustian Pact with Big Tobacco, Ryan Dreveskracht

Clinical Legal Education & Access to Justice: Conflicts, Interests, & Evolution, Margaret B. Drew and Andrew P. Morriss

Clinical Legal Education & Access to Justice: Conflicts, Interests, & Evolution, Margaret B. Drew and Andrew P. Morriss


Must the States Discriminate Against Their Own Producers Under the Dormant Commerce Clause?, David M. Driesen

Recent Issues Regarding Enforcing Security Interests: Repossession, Foreclosure Sales, Partial and Full Strict Foreclosure, Kevin C. Driscoll Jr., Mark E. Leipold, and Paul Lewis

Association for Consumer Effectiveness, Joel M. Drotts Esq.

Blog Page for the Association, Joel M. Drotts Esq.

Date Verse Privacy! Do Data Collectors Owe Royalties?, Joel M. Drotts Esq.


Media and Communications, Joel M. Drotts Esq.


The Association for Consumer Effectiveness, Joel M. Drotts Esq.

Stepping Beyond Nuremberg's Halo: The Legacy of the Supreme National Tribunal of Poland, Mark A. Drumbl

A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis, Mark Drumbl, Jose E. Alvarez, David Partlett, David Millon, Blake D. Morant, Detlev F. Vagts, Paul F. Kirgis, John H. Jackson, Lucinda A. Low, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Joan M. Shaughnessy, Brian C. Murchison, Samuel W. Calhoun, David Wirth, Roger D. Groot, and Mark Grunewald

“Practice Before the IRS and Professional Responsibility in Tax Practice, Michelle L. Drumbl

Aboriginal Women and the Charter, Susan G. Drummond

A tenacious fidelity to the law, Susan G. Drummond

Beyond cartoons: There's a lot we can learn about ourselves from the discomfort of others, says law professor Susan Drummond, Susan G. Drummond

Dishing Up Israel: Rethinking the Potential of Legal Mixité, Susan G. Drummond

Eloquent (In)Action: Enforcement and Prosecutorial Restraint in the Transnational Trade in Human Eggs as Deep Ambivalence About the Law, Susan G. Drummond

Fruitful Diversity: Revisiting the Enforceability of Gestational Carriage Contracts, Susan G. Drummond

I can never be a judge, Susan G. Drummond

Incorporating the Familiar: An Investigation into Legal Sensibilities in Nunavik, Susan G. Drummond

Judicial Notice: The Very Texture of Legal Reasoning, Susan G. Drummond

Light through the window, Susan G. Drummond

Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities, Susan G. Drummond

Not just Muslim women are exploited by 'religious' law, Susan G. Drummond

Polygam's Inscrutable Criminal Mischief, Susan G. Drummond

Polygamy's Inscrutable Secular Mischief, Susan G. Drummond

Private Law and Envy, Susan G. Drummond

Prolegomenon to a Pedestrian Cartography of Mixed Legal Jurisdictions: The Case of Israel/Palestine, Susan G. Drummond