About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

AALS as Creative Problem Solver: Implementing Bylaw 6-4(a) to Prohibit Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation in Legal Education, Barbara Cox

Adoptions by Lesbian and Gay Parents Must Be Recognized by Sister States under the Full Faith and Credit Clause Despite Anti-Marriage Statutes That Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples, Barbara Cox

Alternative Families: Obtaining Traditional Family Benefits Through Litigation, Legislation and Collective Bargaining, Barbara Cox

Amicus Curiae Brief to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin in Holtzmann v. Knott on behalf of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Barbara Cox

A (Personal) Essay on Same-Sex Marriage, Barbara Cox

Are Same-Sex Marriage Statutes the New Anti-Gay Initiatives?, Barbara Cox

But Why Not Marriage: Some Thoughts on Vermont’s Civil Unions Law, Same-Sex Marriage, and Separate But (Un)Equal, Barbara Cox

Choosing One's Family: Can the Legal System Address the Breadth of Women's Choices of Intimate Relationships, Barbara Cox

Coalescing Communities, Discourses and Practices: Synergies in the Anti-Subordination Project, Barbara Cox

"Coming Out": The Practical Battles From Being Visible as a Lesbian, Barbara Cox

Confessions of a Commentator: Recognizing One’s Own Exclusion of Race and Ethnicity from Sexual Orientation Scholarship, Barbara Cox

Love Makes a Family--Nothing More, Nothing Less: How the Judicial System Has Refused to Protect Nonlegal Parents in Alternative Families, Barbara Cox

Refocusing Abortion Jurisprudence to Include the Woman: A Response to Bopp and Coleson and Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, Barbara Cox

Same-Sex Marriage and Choice of Law: If We Marry in Hawaii, Are We Still Married When We Get Home?, Barbara Cox

Same-Sex Marriage and the Public Policy Exception in Choice-of-Law: Does It Really Exist?, Barbara Cox

“The Little Project:” From Alternative Families to Domestic Partnerships to Same-Sex Marriage, Barbara Cox

Using an “Incidents of Marriage” Analysis When Considering Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Couples’ Marriages, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships, Barbara Cox

"A Painful Process of Waiting": The New York, Washington, New Jersey, and Maryland Dissenting Justices Understand that "Same-Sex Marriage" Is Not What Same-Sex Couples are Seeking, Barbara J. Cox

A Tribute to Professor Howard Berman, Barbara J. Cox

The Lesbian Wife: Same-Sex Marriage as an Expression of Radical and Plural Democracy, Barbara J. Cox

Clara Shortridge Foltz Professorship: Barbara J. Cox, Barbara J. Cox and Scott B. Ehrlich, Introduction

Getting Dorothy out of Kansas: The Importance of an Advanced Component to Legal Writing Programs, Barbara Cox and Mary Barnard Ray

Are Human Rights Universal, Larry Cox and John Yoo

Psychology from the bench, Ian R. Coyle and David Field


Duty to Revolt, Katherine Crabtree

Copyright, Communication and Culture: Towards a Relational Theory of Copyright Law, Carys Craig

Digital Locks and the Fate of Fair Dealing in Canada: In Pursuit of 'Prescriptive Parallelism', Carys J. Craig

Feminist Aesthetics and Copyright Law: Genius, Value, and Gendered Visions of the Creative Self, Carys J. Craig

Introduction - Copyright, Communication & Culture: Towards a Relational Theory of Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig

Locke, Labour, and Limiting the Author’s Right: A Warning Against a Lockean Approach to Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig

Locking Out Lawful Users: Fair Dealing and Anti-Circumvention in Bill C-32, Carys J. Craig

Perfume by Any Other Name May Smell as Sweet…But Who Can Say?: A Comment on L’Oreal v. Bellure, Carys J. Craig

Putting the Community in Communication: Dissolving the Conflict between Freedom of Expression and Copyright, Carys J. Craig

Reconstructing the Author-Self: Some Feminist Lessons for Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig

Resisting "Sweat" and Refusing Feist: Rethinking Originality After CCH, Carys J. Craig

Technological Neutrality: (Pre)Serving the Purposes of Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig

Technological Neutrality: (Pre)Serving the Purposes of Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig

The Canadian Public Domain: What, Where, and to What End?, Carys J. Craig

The Changing Face of Fair Dealing in Canadian Copyright Law: A Proposal for Legislative Reform, Carys J. Craig

The Evolution of Originality in Canadian Copyright Law: Authorship, Reward and the Public Interest, Carys J. Craig

Out of Tune: Why Copyright Law Needs Music Lessons, Carys J. Craig and Guillaume Laroche

What is Feminist About Open Access?: A Relational Approach to Copyright in the Academy, Carys J. Craig, Joseph F. Turcotte, and Rosemary J. Coombe

Public Law: Cases, Materials, and Commentary, 2nd Edition, Neil Craik, Craig Forcese, Philip Bryden, Peter Carver, Richard Haigh, Ed Ratushny, and Ruth Sullivan


What the Frack? How Weak Industrial Disclosure Rules Prevent Public Understanding of Chemical Practices and Toxic Politics, Benjamin W. Cramer


Current Issues in the Regulation of Judicial Ethics, Sarah M. R. Cravens


'Love's Congruence': A Theological Account of Wisdom for Judges, Sarah M. R. Cravens


Regulating Judges in the United States: Concerns for Public Confidence, Sarah M. R. Cravens


Deliberative Engagement within the World Trade Organization: A Functional Substitute for Authoritative Interpretations, Cosette D. Creamer and Zuzann Godzimirska




Women Made Whole: How Tort Law Can Change the Lives of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims, Sara L. Crewson

Industrial Unrest in Canada: A Diagnosis of Recent Experience, J. H. G. Crispo and Harry W. Arthurs


From Law in Blackletter to Blackletter Law, Kasia Solon Cristobal

Above the Rules: A Response to Epstein and King, Frank Cross, Michael Heise, and Gregory C. Sisk

Intellectual Property Law, John Cross, Doris E. Long, Greg Vetter, and Peter Yu

Competition Law and Copyright Misuse, John T. Cross and Peter K. Yu

Competition Law and Copyright Misuse, John T. Cross and Peter K. Yu

Arbitration and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, 67 U. Cin. L. Rev. 445 (1999), Karen H. Cross

Arbitration as a Means of Resolving Sovereign Debt Disputes, 17 Am. Rev. Int'l Arb. 335 (2006), Karen H. Cross

China's WTO Accession: Economic, Legal, and Political Implications, 27 B.C. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 319 (2004), Karen H. Cross

Converging Trends in Investment Treaty Practice, 38 N.C. J. Int’l & Com. Reg. 151 (2012), Karen H. Cross

Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia: A Comparison of Industrialized and Developing Country Investors, 22 Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus. 75 (1991), Karen H. Cross

Gregory C. Shaffer, Defending Interests: Public-Private Partnerships in WTO Litigation, 39 J. World Trade 387 (2005), Karen H. Cross

Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations, 1 Harv. Hum. Rts. Y.B. 335 (1988), Karen H. Cross

Is a Foreign State a "Person"? Does It Matter?: Personal Jurisdiction, Due Process, and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 34 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 115 (2001), Karen H. Cross

King Cotton, Developing Countries and the "Peace Clause": The WTO's U.S. Cotton Subsidies Decision, 9 J. Int'l Econ. L. 149 (2006), Karen H. Cross

Letting the Arbitrator Decide Unconscionability Challenges, 26 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 1 (2011), Karen H. Cross

Parol Evidence Under the CISG: The "Homeward Trend" Reconsidered, 68 Ohio St. L.J. 133 (2007), Karen H. Cross

Privatization in the Yugoslav Republics, 25 J. World Trade 43 (1991), Karen H. Cross

Resolving Economic Disputes in Russia's Market Economy, 18 Mich. J. Int'l L. 59 (1996), Karen H. Cross

The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement, 12 Berkeley Bus. L.J. 111 (2015), Karen H. Cross

Title VII : Application of Impact Analysis to Subjective Employment Criteria, 24 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 264 (1989), Karen H. Cross

United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton, Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Brazil, 103 Am. J. Int'l L. 110 (2009), Karen H. Cross

The Extraterritorial Reach of Sovereign Debt Enforcement, Karen Halverson Cross


Upholding Delocalized Enforcement of ICSID Awards, Karen Halverson Cross

Operating Efficiently Post-Bilski by Ordering Patent Doctrine Decision-Making, Dennis Crouch and Robert P. Merges


The TPA in 2015: A Quick Look at the Latest Incarnation of the U.S. President’s “Fast Track” Trade Negotiation Authority, Kevin Crow


The TPP and Malaysia: Local Impact and Implications Following the Conclusion of the Partnership Negotiations, Kevin Crow

Special Populations: Juvenile Offenders, Keith R. Cruise and Ekaterina Pivovarova

Data Retention: Privacy, Anonymity, and Accountability Online, Catherine Crump


Using Occam’s Razor to Solve International Attorney-Client Privilege Choice of Law Issues: An Old Solution to a New Problem, Nathan M. Crystal and Francesca Giannoni-Crystal

Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala, Valerie Crystal, Shin Imai, and Bernadette Maheandiran

Formalism in Judicial Reasoning: Is Central and Eastern Europe a Special Case?, Péter Cserne


Közgazdaságtan és jogfilozófia: Rendszertelen áttekintés a jog gazdasági elemzésének elméleti és módszertani alapjairól [Economics and Legal Philosophy: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Economic Analysis of Law], Péter Cserne


Making Sense of Nudge-Scepticism: Three Challenges to EU Law’s Learning from Behavioural Sciences, Péter Cserne


Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxation: A Critical Appraisal, Wei Cui


A Cruel Cap: Amtrak Crash Victims Are Unlikely to Be Compensated Fairly for their Losses, John G. Culhane

Ball of Con(stitutional)Fusion: The Supreme Court’s Evolving Gay Rights Jurisprudence, John G. Culhane


Before Marriage Was Possible, Gay People Adopted One Another. Now Sons Need to Become Husbands, John G. Culhane


Business Owners Must Serve Gays: But They Don’t Have to Like It, John G. Culhane


College Football Players Deserve the Right to Unionize, John G. Culhane


Flushing Fiasco: A Record Number of Retirements Turned the U.S. Open First Round into a Joke, John G. Culhane


Growing Support for Gay Marriage Isn’t Fake, John G. Culhane


Kim Davis Is No Rosa Parks, John G. Culhane


Personal Anecdotes Shouldn’t Dictate Policy on Same-Sex Marriage, John G. Culhane


Sperm Donors Are Winning Visitation Rights: Marriage Equality Isn’t Enough to Protect Gay Families, John G. Culhane


The DraftKings Crash: Insider Trading Scandals Could Bring Down Daily Fantasy Sports, John G. Culhane


The Gay Marriage Fight Isn’t Over, John G. Culhane


The Lawsuit That Could Threaten Kids’ Football, John G. Culhane


The Pope's Rich Bag of Diversity for Families, John G. Culhane


There's No Real Case Against Gay Marriage: Opponents Rely on Dubious Warnings of Social Armageddon, John G. Culhane