The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Transnational Market Governance and Economic Citizenship: New Frontiers for Feminist Legal Theory, Mary Condon and Lisa Philipps
Transnational Market Governance and Economic Citizenship: New Frontiers for Feminist Legal Theory, Mary Condon and Lisa Philipps
Picking on Privacy, Chris Conley, Jennifer M. Urban, Yana Welinder, Raffaele Zallone, and Bill Johnston Jr.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Movement as an Ethnographic Problem, John M. Conley and Cynthia A. Williams
"First, Do No Harm": Legal Guidelines for Health Programmes Affecting Adolescents aged 10–17 who Sell Sex or Inject Drugs, Brendan M. Conner Esq.
In Loco Aequitatis: The Dangers of “Safe Harbor” Laws for Youth in the Sex Trades, Brendan M. Conner Esq.
A New Law to "Save" Youth from Survival Sex Will Force Them Into State Custody, Brendan M. Conner Esq.
Locked In: Interactions with the Criminal Justice and Child Welfare Systems for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Who Engage in Survival Sex, Brendan M. Conner Esq. and
Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ, YMSM, and YWSW Youth Engaged in Survival Sex, Brendan M. Conner Esq. and
David Felix: Jailed by an Unjust System, Failed by City Services, Killed by Police, Brendan M. Conner Esq. and Marissa Ram Esq.
Incorporating Experiential Education into the Law Curriculum, Lurene Contento
Introduction to Negotiations: Problem-Solving for Lawyers, Lurene Contento
o Plagiarism: What Every Law Student Should Know, Lurene Contento
Plagiarism: What Every Law Student Should Know, Lurene Contento
Plagiarism: What Every Law Student Should Know, Lurene Contento
Plenary Speaker, Games in Legal Education: Using Interactive Exercises to Increase Student Engagement and Learning, Lurene Contento
Reading and Interpreting Cases Globally, Lurene Contento
Teaching “New” Global Skills: Introducing Students to Problem-solving and Fact Analysis in a Single (and Fun!) Assessment Exercise, Lurene Contento
The Untold Story: How Better Client Communications Can Change Public Perceptions of Lawyers, Lurene Contento
Writing to Persuade, Lurene Contento
No Place Like Home: The Search for a Legal Framework for the Family Home in Canada and Britain, Heather Conway and Philip Girard
Is Incorporation of Unauthorized Immigrants Possible? Inclusion and Contingency for Nonstatus Migrants and Legal Immigrants, Maria Lorena Cook
Regional Integration and Transnational Politics: Popular Sector Strategies in the NAFTA Era, Maria Lorena Cook
Rule 10b-5 at the Intersection of Greenwash and Green Investment: The Problem of Economic Loss, Cadesby B. Cooper
Toxic Solid Waste Leaching from Telephone Poles? Navigating Ambiguous Definitions in RCRA, Cadesby B. Cooper
Competing Legal Culture and Legal Reform: The Battle of Chile, James Cooper
Proyecto ACCESO: The Use of Popular Culture to Build the Rule of Law in Latin America, James Cooper
Punching Above Our Weight: International Legal Studies at California Western School of Law, James Cooper
The Complicated Relationship: A Snapshot of the U.S.-Mexico Border, James Cooper
The North American Free Trade Agreement and Its Legacy on the Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes, James Cooper
The Solicitor General and the Evolution of Activism, James L. Cooper
The Third Rail of U.S. Politics: The Current Immigration Debate in the United States, James Cooper and Yvette Lopez
Creative Problem Solving and the Castro Conundrum, James M. Cooper
Essay: Access to Justice 1.1, James M. Cooper
Piracy 101, James M. Cooper
Spirits in the Material World: A Post-Modern Approach to United States Trade Policy, James M. Cooper
Towards a New Architecture: Creative Problem Solving and the Evolution of Law, James M. Cooper
A Development Model Meets Piracy in Paraguay, James Cooper and Carlos Ruffinelli
Fairness, Character, and Efficiency in Firms, Robert Cooter and Melvin A. Eisenberg
Damages for Breach of Contract, Robert Cooter and Melvin Aron Eisenberg
On the Battlefield of Merit, Daniel R. Coquillette
The History of Harvard Law School, Daniel R. Coquillette
The History of Legal Education in the 1930's: The Formation of Modern Legal Pedagogy, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Racial History of the Harvard Law School, Daniel R. Coquillette
On the Battlefield of Merit: Harvard Law School, the First Century, Daniel R. Coquillette and Bruce A. Kimball
What Is Troubling About the Tortification of Employment Discrimination Law?, William Corbett
Theater Law: Cases and Materials, Christine Corcos, Robert M. Jarvis, Steven E. Chaikelson, Edmund P. Edmonds, Jon M. Garon, Shubha Ghosh, William D. Henslee, Mark S. Kende, Charles A. Palmer, Nancy L. Schultz, Marin R. Scordato, and Libby A. White
Japan's New Lay Judge System: Deliberative Democracy in Action?, Zachary Corey and Valerie P. Hans
Taxes, the Internet and the Digital Economy, Jim Corkery, Jay Forder, Dan Svantesson, and Enrico Mercuri
Taxes, the Internet and the Digital Economy, Jim Corkery, Jay Forder, Dan Svantesson, and Enrico Mercuri
Taxes, the Internet and the Digital Economy, Jim Corkery, Jay Forder, Dan Svantesson, and Enrico Mercuri
Hearsay in Illinois: A New Look at Some Old Problems, 10 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 159 (1990), John E. Corkery
Danse macabre - Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, die Reproduktionsmedizin, und der Fortschritt, Jakob Cornides
What does and should the EU do to further the rule of law in Europe? – a critical perspective, Jakob Cornides
Reforming Child Custody and Access Law in Canada: A Discussion Paper, Brenda Cossman and Roxanne Mykitiuk
Customs Censorship and the Charter: The Little Sisters Case, Brenda Cossman and Bruce Ryder
M v. H: Time to Clean Up Your Acts, Brenda Cossman and Bruce Ryder
What is Marriage-Like Like? The Irrelevance of Conjugality, Brenda Cossman and Bruce Ryder
Ambient Intelligence and the New Challenges of Privacy and Data Protection Law, Luiz Costa
Privacy and Data Protection, Luiz Costa
Children, Sexuality, and the Law, Sacha M. Coupet
Covell and Lupton: Principles of Remedies, 5th edition, Wayne Covell, Keith Lupton, and Jay Forder
Covell & Lupton Principles of Remedies, Wayne Covell, Keith Lupton, and Jay Forder
Police Misconduct as a Cause of Wrongful Convictions, Russell Covey
Reconsidering the Relationship Between Cognitive Psychology and Plea Bargaining, Russell Covey
Abolishing Jailhouse Snitch Testimony, Russell D. Covey
Abolishing Jailhouse Snitch Testimony, Russell D. Covey
Adventures in the Zone of Twilight: Separation of Powers and National Economic Security in the Mexican Bailout, Russell D. Covey
Behavioral Economics and Plea Bargaining, Russell D. Covey
Criminal Madness: Cultural Iconography and Insanity, Russell D. Covey
Death in Prison: The Right Death Penalty Compromise, Russell D. Covey
Despite DA's Arguments, Doubt Remains on Troy Davis' Guilt, Russell D. Covey
Deterrence's Complexity, Russell D. Covey
Exorcising Wechsler's Ghost: The Influence of the Model Penal Code on Death Penalty Sentencing Jurisprudence, Russell D. Covey
Fixed Justice: Reforming Plea-Bargaining With Plea-Based Ceilings, Russell D. Covey
Interrogation Warrants, Russell D. Covey
Longitudinal Guilt: Repeat Offenders, Plea Bargaining, and the Variable Standard of Proof, Russell D. Covey
Pervasive Surveillance & the Future of the Fourth Amendment, Russell D. Covey
Plea Bargaining and Price Theory, Russell D. Covey
Plea Bargaining: Law After Lafler and Frye, Russell D. Covey
Recantations and the Perjury Sword, Russell D. Covey
Recantations and the Perjury Sword, Russell D. Covey
Rules, Standards, Sentencing, and the Nature of Law, Russell D. Covey
Rules, Standards, Sentencing, and the Nature of Law, Russell D. Covey
Signaling and Plea Bargaining's Innocence Problem, Russell D. Covey
Supreme Failure, Russell D. Covey
Supreme Failure, Russell D. Covey
Temporary Insanity: The Strange Life and Times of the Perfect Defense, Russell D. Covey
The Limits of the Economic Model: Becker's Crime and Punishment, Russell D. Covey
The Unbearable Lightness of Batson: Mixed Motives and Discrimination in Jury Selection, Russell D. Covey
The Unbearable Lightness of Batson: Mixed-Motives and Discrimination in Jury Selection, Russell D. Covey
The Unbearable Lightness of Batson: Mixed-Motives and Discrimination in Jury Selection, Russell D. Covey
The Unbearable Lightness of Batson: Mixed-Motives and Discrimination in Jury Selection, Russell D. Covey
Why It's Time for Pervasive Surveillance... Of the Police, Russell D. Covey
Beating the Prisoner at Prisoner's Dilemma: The Evidentiary Value of a Witness's Refusal to Testify , Russell Dean Covey
Miranda and the Media: Tracing the Cultural Evolution of a Constitutional Revolution, Russell Dean Covey
Miranda and the Media: Tracing the Cultural Evolution of a Constitutional Revolution, Russell Dean Covey
Why It's Time for Pervasive Surveillance...of the Police, Russell Dean Covey
The Criminal Justice System in a Time of Economic Meltdown: Crisis or Opportunity for Reform?, Russell D. Covey and Caren Morrison
The resolution of failed banks during the crisis: Acquirer performance and FDIC guarantees, 2008–2013, Arnold R. Cowan and Valentina Salotti