The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1988
Review of "Liability: Perspectives and Policy", Stephen D. Sugarman
Review of Neely "The Product Liability Mess", Stephen D. Sugarman
Two Proposals on Tort Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman
School Sorting and Disclosure: Discolsure to Families as a School Reform Strategy-- Part I: Existing Practices and the Social Interests in School Information Disclosure, Stephen D. Sugarman and Lee S. Friedman
O Direito de Recesso nas Sociedades Comerciais, Rachel Sztajn
Earth and Other Ethics: The Institutional Issues, A. Dan Tarlock
Law of Water Rights and Resources, A. Dan Tarlock
Law of Water Rights and Resources (annual updates), A. Dan Tarlock
New Commons in Western Waters, A. Dan Tarlock
Professor-in-Residence & Attorney, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of General Counsel, 1988-89, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Book Review: Liberalism at Work: The Rise and Fall of OSHA, Eric M Tucker
Informed Decision-Making and the Law of Torts: The Myth of Justiciable Causation, Aaron D. Twerski and Neil B. Cohen
Preclusion and Procedural Due Process in Rule 23(b)(2) Class Actions, Mark C. Weber
Purposeful Availment, Mark C. Weber
The Illinois mental health professional's law handbook, Mark C. Weber
Kingsfield and Kennedy: Reappraising the Male Models of Law School Teaching, Catharine P. Wells
Legal Innovation Within the Wider Intellectual Tradition: The Pragmatism of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Catharine P. Wells
Anti-Nepotism Guidelines, Joan G. Wexler
Introduction [Symposium: Police Violence: Causes and Cures, Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Fellowship Forum], Joan G. Wexler
The Comparative Method and Law Reform, Darius Whelan
Keeping the Courthouse Door Open, David A. Wirth
Remarks (as panelist) on "Environment, Economic Development and Human Rights: A Triangular Relationship?", David A. Wirth
Impracticability as Risk Allocation: Changed Circumstances Upon Contract Obligations for the Sale of Goods, John D. Wladis
Allocating Liability Among Multiple Responsible Causes: A Principled Defense of Joint and Several Liability for Actual Harm and Risk Exposure, Richard W. Wright
Causation, Responsibility, Risk, Probability, Naked Statistics, and Proof: Pruning the Bramble Bush by Clarifying the Concepts, Richard W. Wright
Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley - Volume 1, Robert D. Yaro, Randall Arendt, Harry Dodson, and Elizabeth Brabec
Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley: A Design Manual for Conservation and Development, Robert D. Yaro, Randall Arendt, Harry L. Dodson, and Elizabeth Brabec
It's Not That Simple: An Unnecessary Elimination of Strict Liability and Presumed Damage in Libel Law, Alfred C. Yen
Social Control of the Drinking Driver, Franklin E. Zimring
Pornography in a Free Society, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
The New Mathematics of Imprisonment, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
Documents from 1987
"Selecting Career Programs for Campuses,", Andy Abrams
"Legal Issues: Indentification and Management,", Andy Abrams, David Figuli, and R. Claire Guthrie
The New Nova curriculum: training lawyers for the twenty-first century, Roger I. Abrams and Michael R. Masinter
Las Sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Adame Goddard
Modestino. Respuestas. Libros I al XIX (Traducción, introd. y notas), Jorge Adame Goddard
Modestino, Respuestas: Libros I al XIX, Jorge Carlos Adame
Release and Resumption of Jurisdiction Over Consent Decrees in Structural Reform Litigation, Lloyd C. Anderson
Teaching Civil Procedure With the Aid of Local Tort Litigation, Lloyd C. Anderson and Charles E. Kirkwood
Annual Supplements (from 1996), Owen L. Anderson, Ernest E. Smith, David E. Pierce, and John S. Lowe
CALIFORNIA PERSONAL INJURY STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS: The Modern Tort and the Judicial Abandonment of an Archaic Doctrine, Steven J. Andre
Ethical and Legal Aspects of in-Vitro Fertilization and Artificial Insemination by Donor, Lori B. Andrews
Medical Genetics: A Legal Frontier, Lori B. Andrews
The Aftermath of Baby M: Proposed State Laws on Surrogate Motherhood, Lori B. Andrews
The Legal and Moral Status of In Vitro Fertilization, Lori B. Andrews
Review of BNA's Directory of State Courts, Judges, and Clerks: A State-by-State Listing, by Kamia J. King, Marilyn Modlin, and the staff of the BNA Library, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Shareholder Derivative Actions, by Deborah A. DeMott, Filippa M. Anzalone
Contemporary Tensions in Constitutional Indian Law, Dennis W. Arrow
Dynamic Fiscal Policy, Alan J. Auerbach
Federal Income Tax Project: International Aspects of United States Income Taxation: Proposals on United States Taxation of Foreign Persons and of the Foreign Income of United States Persons, Hugh J. Ault and David R. Tillinghast
The Constitution and Governmental Response to Declining Population in the United States: A Macro-Sociological Perspective, Larry D. Barnett
On Knowing One's Chains and Decking Them With Flowers: Limits on Patient Autonomy in 'The Silent World of Doctor and Patient', Charles H. Baron
Taking a Constitutional: A Walking Tour of Boston's Constitutional History, Charles H. Baron
La información Estadística en la Gerencia de Tribunales, Julia Barragán
Democracy as a form of power: A regulatory focus, Enrique Barros Bourie
Democracy as a form of power: A regulatory focus, Enrique Barros Bourie
La democracia como forma del poder. Un enfoque normativo, Enrique Barros Bourie
Función del Tribunal Constitucional de 1980, Enrique Barros Bourie, Raúl Bertelsen, Sergio Diez, and Teodoro Ribera
Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities in Kampuchea and Ethiopia, Michael Bazyler
Agricultural Soil Loss: Process, Policies and Prospects, Gigi Berardi and John M. Harlin
Weinstein's Evidence Manual: A Guide to the United States Rules Based on Weinstein's Evidence (& Supp., 1987-) , Margaret Berger and J. B. Weinstein
Sale of Control at a Premium: Time for Some Changes, Norwood Beveridge
The Relationship Between Marital Communication and Satisfaction: A Review, Joseph P. Boland and Diane R. Follingstad
Junk Bonds, Dividends and Shareholder Preferences, In Brief, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Junk Bonds, the Relevance of Dividends and the Limits of Managerial Discretion, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Hard Law and Bad Cases: The Fourth Circuit Limits Civle RICO, Randall Bridwell and J.H. Cooper
Evaluating Legislation: Regulation of Pre-Employment Inquires, Ann H. Britton
Introduction to Is Universality in Jeopardy? (United Nations Department of Public Information), Bartram Brown
The Tenth Amendment is Dead. Long Live the Eleventh!, George D. Brown
An Examination of Real Estate Purchase Options, Ronald B. Brown
Baptist Church Incorporation in North Carolina: Issues and Guidelines, Lynn R. Buzzard
The Technology Transfer/Antitrust Nexus, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
1988 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1989 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1990 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1991 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1992 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1993 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1994 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
1995 Supplement to Chapters 1-6, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
Oklahoma Criminal Practice Manual, Charles Cantrell and Chris Blair
Derecho de Alimentos a favor del hijo alimentista, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry
El divorcio en nuestras normas de Derecho Internacional Privado, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry
Grand Jury Policies and Procedures Manual , Stacy Caplow, J. Goldberg, and J. Meyers
Disclosing Tilt: A Partial Defense of Critical Legal Studies and a Comparative Introduction to the Philosophy of the Law-Idea, David S. Caudill
New Wave Land Use Regulation: The Impact of Impact Fees on Texas Lenders, David S. Caudill; William Terry Bray; and Jack E. Owen, Jr.
The Town Lake Manifesto: Zoning on the Ragged Edge of Law and of Texas Cities, David S. Caudill and R. James George
Law Before and After Garcia, Jesse H. Choper
Separation of Church and State, Jesse H. Choper
Breach by Seller and Lessor of Goods , Neil Cohen
Conceptualizing Proof and Calculating Probabilities: A Response to Professor Kaye, Neil Cohen
The executive and the independence of the judiciary, Eric Colvin
The "Overloaded" PMSI in Bankruptcy: A Problem in Search of a Resolution, Ann E. Conaway
A Theory of Loss Allocation for Consumer Payments, Robert D. Cooter
Justice at the Confluence of Law and Economics, Robert D. Cooter
Torts as the Union of Liberty and Efficiency: An Essay on Causation, Robert D. Cooter
Why Litigants Disagree: A Comment on George Priest's "Measuring Legal Change", Robert D. Cooter
A Theory of Loss Allocation for Consumer Payments, Robert D. Cooter and Edward L. Rubin
Can Ethics Be Taught by Law Schools?, Daniel R. Coquillette
Legal Ideology and Incorporation III: Reason Regulated - The Post-Restoration English Civilians, 1653-1735, Daniel R. Coquillette