The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1988
State Constitutions and Criminal Procedure: A Primer for the 21st Century, Ken Gormley
Joint & Several Liability in Hawaii: An Analysis of Proposed Changes, John Y. Gotanda
Compelling Governmental Interests: An Essential But Unanalyzed Term in Constitutional Adjudication, Stephen E. Gottlieb
Impact of the FCC radio frequency interference regulations on the marketing of computing devices, Fred M. Greguras and Robert P. Merges
Freedom of Information Act Dispute Resolution, Mark H. Grunewald
Van zondebok naar schuldige, van offer naar straf. Een genealogie., Serge Gutwirth
Over wetenschap en politiek in actie, Serge Gutwirth and Koen Raes
El derecho, ¿ciencia humanística o social? y otros problemas, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
El sentido de la reforma universitaria de 1967 en Chile, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
La naturaleza de las garantías constitucionales de la persona examinada a través de su protección judicial, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Los precedentes chilenos del artículo 8 de la Constitución de 1980, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Portales y el derecho, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Hostile Corporate Takeovers: History and Overview (co-author), Philip N. Hablutzel
Hostile Corporate Takeovers: History and Overview (with D. Selmer), Philip N. Hablutzel
A Perspective on the Financial System, Alvin C. Harrell
Book Review: Norman Strunk & Fred Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong (1988), Alvin C. Harrell
The Modern World of Conflicts for Article Nine Security Interests, Part I: Multistate Choice of Law Analysis and the Impact of the 1972 Uniform Revisions, Alvin C. Harrell
Reperfection of Security Interests and the Impact of Bankruptcy, Alvin C. Harrell and William E. Carroll
Oil and Gas Financing Under Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, Alvin C. Harrell and Joseph R. Dancy
The Modern World of Conflicts for Article Nine Security Interests, Part II: The Relationship Between State and Federal Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Frank P. McEachem
Fundamental Legal Considerations Respecting Accommodation Parties, Guarantors and Sureties, Alvin C. Harrell and Joseph J. Norton
The Rights of Creditors Under Article 2A, Steven L. Harris
Professor Katz's Study of Human Relationships, Dean M. Hashimoto and Mark E. Haddad
Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Manual for Junior High School & Middle School Students, Robert L. Hayman
Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Northern Ireland, William E. Hellerstein, R. McKay, and P. Schlam
As Guilty as He Says He Is, Susan N. Herman
Let's Go to the Videotape, Susan N. Herman
Professionalism: The Necessity for Internal Control, Louise L. Hill and Don J. Young
Professionalism, Louise L. Hill and Don J. Young
Professionalism and the Law: Look Within For Answers, Louise L. Hill and Don J. Young
Who Speaketh for the Child?, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Time Limits on Abortion, Nan D. Hunter
Introduction: Is the United States Supreme Court Ready for the Question? [Symposium: Rent Control and the Theory of Efficient Regulation], George W. Johnson III
The Financially Distressed Real Estate Partnership, Lyman P. Q. Johnson and James Frenzel
A Plea for Reason and Responsibility in Nuclear Energy Policy, William S. Jordan
Mental Health Professionals and Suspected Cases of Child Abuse: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Reporting, Seth C. Kalichman, Mary E. Craig, and Diane R. Follingstad
After Glass-Steagall: Financial Institution Reregulation, Roberta S. Karmel
Duty to the Target: Is an Attorney's Duty to the Corporation a Paradigm for Directors?, Roberta S. Karmel
Securities Industry Self-Regulation: Tested by the Crash, Roberta S. Karmel
The Rashomon Effect in the After-the-Crash Studies, Roberta S. Karmel
Transnational Takeover Talk: Regulations Relating to Tender Offers and Insider Trading in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia, Roberta S. Karmel
Color Burst Regeneration, Ron D. Katznelson
Video Scrambling By Segmenting Video Information Lines, Ron D. Katznelson, Gordon K. Walker, and Paul Moroney
Equitable Distribution in Massachusetts, Sanford N. Katz
Introductory Comment: A Historical Introduction to the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Elisabeth Keller
Chapter 12 and Debts Arising From a Farming Operation, Drew L. Kershen
Ethical Issues for Corporate Counsel in Internal Investigations: A Problem Analyzed, Drew L. Kershen
Congress Takes Exception to the Farm Products Exception of the UCC, Drew L. Kershen and J. Thomas Hardin
Constitutional Kinship between Iran and the Soviet Union, Ali Khan
Constitutional Kinship between Iran and the Soviet Union, Ali Khan
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code Annotated, Vol. 8, James M. Klein
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code Annotated, Vol. 8, James M. Klein
Cross-Examination of Breath Alcohol Machine Operators (with G. Sapir), Richard S. Kling
Management of a Criminal Trial (Illinois Judicial Conference) (with L. Cavise), Richard S. Kling
Tacit Exclusion: Defining Code Terms Using Extraneous Referents, F. Stephen Knippenberg
Illegal Contracts and Efficient Deterrence: A Study in Modern Contract Theory, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Motivation and Tort Law: Acting for Economic Gain As a Suspect Motive, Martin A. Kotler
Separating the Strands in Separation of Powers Controversies, Harold J. Krent
On the Knowing Inclusion of Unenforceable Contract and Lease Terms, Bailey H. Kuklin
Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law, in Annual Survey of Texas Law, Eric T. Laity
Joint Ventures and U.S. Antitrust Law, Eric T. Laity, David M. Bridges, and Christopher A. Jiongo
Joint Venturing in South America, Eric T. Laity and David M. Bridges et al.
Student-Centered Learning as a Guiding Principle for Teaching, Curriculum, Degree Process, Advisement and Admissions: The Culture and Structure of Fairhaven College, Daniel Larner, William Heid, and June Gordon
An Essay Concerning Judicial Resignation and Non-Cooperation in the Presence of Evil, Bruce Ledewitz
Children's Representation in Custody Litigation in America and Australia, Arthur G. LeFrancois
Domestic Violence Law Manual, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Civil Trial Walk-Through, J. Rich Leonard
Course Planner and Moderator, Federal Appellate Practice, N. C. Bar Association Seminar, Charlotte, NC, J. Rich Leonard
Defending Indigent Clients in Federal Court, J. Rich Leonard
Developments in the Law, J. Rich Leonard
Seizures Under the Supplemental Rules, J. Rich Leonard
Introductory Note to the Basle Committee Paper on Proposals for International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Latin American Debt Writeoffs Could Erode Bank Capital, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Recent Developments in Prudential Controls on U.S. Bank's International Activities, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Remarks on The Internationalization of the Securities Markets, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
The Dual Banking System, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Will We Have Common Capital Standards to Insure the Soundness of International Banking?, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Editorial Introduction, David Lieberman
Conventionalism, Pragmatism, and Constitutional Revolutions, Robert Justin Lipkin
Punishment, Penance and Respect for Autonomy, Robert Justin Lipkin
The Moral Good Theory of Punishment, Robert Justin Lipkin
An Update on the Legal Chameleon: Florida's Homestead Exemption and Restrictions, Donna Litman
Contributor, Martin H. Malin
Individual Rights Within the Union (with Lorraine A. Schmall), Martin H. Malin
Legal Environment of Business (with J. Blackburn & E. Klayman)., Martin H. Malin
The Legal Status of Union Security Fee Arbitration After Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, Martin H. Malin
"The Accelerated Cost Recover System (ACRS)" Tax Management Portfolio Series, Parts I and II, James Edward Maule
Sanctions: Are they Changing the Litigation Game Rules?, Judith Maute
Emanuele Conte, Accademie studentesche a Roma nel cinquecento. De modis docendi et discendi in iure, Laurent Mayali
Lex animata: Rationalisation du pouvoir politique et science juridique, Laurent Mayali
Droit savant et coutumes: L'Exclusion des filles dotées, XIIème-XVème siècles., Laurent Mayali and P. G. Caron
Accademie studentesche a Roma nel cinquecento. De modis docendi et discendi in iure, 1985, Laurent Mayali and E. Conte
Towards a Social Capital Theory of Law: Lessons From Collaborative Reproduction, Jason Mazzone
Constitutional basis for zoning : the Texas supreme court /, Walter McCoy and Marguerite Butler
Playing Your Cards Right: Stacking the Deck in Roommate Selection, Oscar T. McKnight and Robin Gagnow
Alimony Trusts, Transfer Tax Considerations, Contracts To Will, and Life Insurance, James A. McLaughlin Jr.
Real Estate Primer for North Carolina Estate Planners, James A. McLaughlin Jr.
Real Estate Primer for North Carolina Estate Planners, James A. McLaughlin Jr.
Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina: Possessory Estates and Present Interests in Real Property, James A. McLaughlin Jr. and Patrick K. Hetrick