The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1988
This is not an article, or scholarship: a Greek salad, Roger I. Abrams
Los manuscritos jurídicos latinos de la Biblioteca Nacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
Palingenesia del título "De todos los juicios" (I,12) de las sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Adame Goddard
Mind and Hand: Economics and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Richard Adelstein
New York Divorce, Maintenance, and Child Custody , Richard Allan
Alternative Reproduction, Lori B. Andrews
Alternative Reproduction and the Law of Adoption, Lori B. Andrews
Feminism Revisited: Fallacies and Policies in the Surrogacy Debate, Lori B. Andrews
Public Policy and the New Conceptions: A Review of the Ontario Law Reform Commission's Report on Human Artificial Reproduction and Related Matters, Lori B. Andrews
Surrogate Motherhood: The Challenge for Feminists, Lori B. Andrews
Surrogate Parenting, Lori B. Andrews
The Right and Rite of Informed Consent (book review), Lori B. Andrews
Review of Folk on the Delaware General Corporation Law: A Commentary and Analysis, by Ernest L. Folk III et al., Filippa M. Anzalone
Corporate Takeovers: Causes and Consequences, Alan J. Auerbach
Mergers and Acquisitions, Alan J. Auerbach
Retrospective Capital Gains Taxation, Alan J. Auerbach
Family Taxation in the United States: The Choice of Taxable Unit, Hugh J. Ault
The Anti-Slavery and Abolitionist Background of John A. Bingham, Richard L. Aynes
Comment, Contracting for Security: Paying Married Women What They've Earned, Katharine K. Baker
Constitutionalism in the Americas: A Bicentennial Perspective, Robert S. Barker
Human Rights: Two Hundred Years of Constitutional Experience in the United States, Robert S. Barker
Análisis automatizado de la coherencia en un Sistema de Normas, Julia Barragán
La Inferencia Jurídica, Julia Barragán
Separation and Antenuptial Agreements as They Relate to Alimony, Support and Counsel Fees, Lewis Becker
Capital Case Sentencing: How to Protect Your Client , Ursula Bentele
Review of: Dance Kinesiology by Sally Fitt, Gigi Berardi
Brooklyn's Seminar Sections Reap Early Benefits, Margaret Berger
Cases and Materials on Evidence , Margaret Berger, J. B. Weinstein, J. Mansfield, and N. Abrams
A Test for Efficiency in the Supply of Public Goods, Ted Bergstrom, Judith Roberts, Daniel Rubinfeld, and Perry Shapiro
A Test for Efficiency in the Supply of Public Goods, Ted Bergstrom, Judith Roberts, Daniel Rubinfeld, and Perry Shapiro
Appendix F: Legal Liability for Dam Failure, Denis Binder
Lawyers' Liability for Insider Trading, Eighteenth Securities Law Institute, Cleveland Bar Association, Section on Securities Law, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Review of Takeovers: Attack & Survival: A Strategist's Manual, by Ralph C. Ferrara, Meredith M. Brown & John H. Hall in University of Cincinnati Law Review, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Paradoxes of Insider Trading, in Brief, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Promise of State Takeover Statutes, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Constitutional Law: Structure and Rights in Our Federal System, Daan Braveman, William C. Banks, and Rodney A. Smolla
Sexual Abuse in the Professional Relationship, Ann H. Britton
"Divorce Settlement Agreements: The Problem of Merger or Incorporation and the Status of the Agreement in Relation to the Decree", Doris DelTosto Brogan
Article III as a Fundamental Value -- The Demise of Northern Pipeline and Its Implications for Congressional Power, George D. Brown
A Cure for Scholarship Schizophrenia: A Manifesto for Sane Productivity and Productive Sanity, Ronald B. Brown
Clergy Confidentiality: A Time to Speak and a Time to be Silent, Lynn R. Buzzard
Myth and Fantasy in the World of Patent-Antitrust, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
The Consequences of Stricter Working Requirements for Patentees under the Paris Convention, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
A Hazardous Mix: Discretion to Disclose and Incentives to Suppress under OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard [Note], Susan D. Carle
La Plataforma Continental y su Limite Exterior., David D. Caron and Orlando Ruben Rebagliati
The Rights of Students: The Basic ACLU Guide to a Student's Rights , Eve Cary, J. Price, and A. Levine
Chief Justice Burger's Warning of a Constitutional Convention, Daniel Cassidy
Francois-Xavier Martin: Printer, Lawyer, Jurist, Michael Chiorazzi
Los Derechos y los Jueces, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal and the Charter, Eric Colvin
Expressive Law and Economics, Robert D. Cooter
Liberty, Efficiency, and Law, Robert D. Cooter
Orders and Incentives as Regulatory Methods: The Expedited Funds Availability Act of 1987, Robert D. Cooter and Edward L. Rubin
The Civilian Writers of Doctors' Commons, London: Three Centuries of Juristic Innovation in Comparative, Commercial and International Law, Daniel R. Coquillette
An Empirical View of Relational Contracts Under Article Two of the Uniform Commercial Code, Nathan M. Crystal
Municipal Waste, John C. Dernbach
The Expansion of Due Process in Organizations, Frank R. Dobbin, Lauren Edelman, John W. Meyer, W Richard Scott, and Ann Swidler
Law and Economics: The Road Not Taken, John Donohue
A Charisma Model of Telepathic Communication, James M. Donovan
The Limits of Jurisdiction of the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Distilling the Witches' Brew of Fair Use in Copyright Law, Jay Dratler
Trademark Protection for Industrial Designs, Jay Dratler
Desegregation as a Cold War Imperative, Mary L. Dudziak
Desegregation as a Cold War Imperative, Mary L. Dudziak
"Civil Rights as Natural Rights," Review of Clint Bolick, Civil Rights at the Crossroad, John C. Eastman
Legal Change and Organizational Governance: The Expansion of Due Process in the Workplace, Lauren Edelman
Analysis of Sexism in Legal Practice: A Clinical Approach, Mary Eyster
Industrial Relations i USA - Ett porträtt av 'the Land of the Free', Reinhold Fahlbeck
The Making of a Literary Critic: Professionalism and the Strategies of Authority (PhD. Dissertation), James A. Fanto
Reassessing Boomer: Justice, Efficiency, and Nuisance Law, Daniel A. Farber
Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United States, Malcolm M. Feeley
Keynote Speaker, Malcolm M. Feeley
Courts, Probation, and Street Drug Crime: Report on the Targeted Urban Crime Narcotics Task Force, Malcolm M. Feeley, Rosann Greenspan, Richard Berk, and Jerome Skolnick
Common Law Liability for Defective Opinions and How to Avoid It, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Preparing and Interpreting Opinions in Financial Transactions: Ten Hard Questions, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer
Marital Therapy Flow Chart, Diane R. Follingstad
Reactions to Victimization and Coping Strategies of Battered Women: The Ties That Bind, Diane R. Follingstad, Ann P. Neckerman, and Julia Vormbrock
Factors Associated With Patterns of Dating Violence Toward College Women, Diane R. Follingstad, Larry L. Rutledge, Darlene S. Polek, and Kay McNeill-Hawkins
Le Droit d'Asile aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique [Asylum Law in the United States of America] , Maryellen Fullerton
Le Mouvement des Sanctuaires aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique [The Sanctuary Movement in the United States of America], Maryellen Fullerton
“Foreword” The Model Rules: Practitioner’s Guide to Avoiding Malpractice”, Abraham Gafni
Surrogate Parenting: What Should Legislatures Do?, Marsha Garrison
Eficacia y Autoridad del Precedente Constitucional en América Latina: Las Lecciones del Derecho Comparado, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Shaping the Content of a Basic Course on Latin American Legal Systems, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Recovery of Stolen Art Objects from Bona Fide Purchasers, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Teaching of Latin American Legal Systems in U.S. Law Schools, Alejandro Miguel Garro
U.C.C. Methodology: Taking a Realistic Look at the Code, John L. Gedid
Antitrust and the Challenge of Internationalization, David J. Gerber
Book Review (reviewing James Maxeiner, Policy and Methods in German and American Antitrust Law (1986)), David J. Gerber
International Discovery after Aerospatiale: The Quest for an Analytical Framework, David J. Gerber
Rethinking the Monopolist's Duty to Deal: A Legal and Economic Critique of the Doctrine of "Essential Facilities", David J. Gerber
Promissory Estoppel Article 2 of the U.C.C., and the Restatement (Third) of Contracts, Michael T. Gibson
The Propensity to Sue and the Duty of Fair Representation: A Second Point of View, Michael J. Goldberg
Medical Genetics and the Law's Response: "In the Rear and Limping a Little", Susan L. Goldberg and Barry R. Furrow