About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1989


The Role of Local Rules, Daniel R. Coquillette, Mary P. Squiers, and Stephen N. Subrin

Estado Social y Derechos de Prestación, José Ramón Cossío Díaz


The Athletic Scholarship and the College National Letter of Intent: A Contract By Any Other Name, Michael J. Cozzillio


Verbal Coercive Sexual Behavior Among College Students, Mary E. Craig, Seth C. Kalichman, and Diane R. Follingstad

In Remembrance: Jerome Prince, Joseph Crea

Chapter 2330: Interest Expense, Susan Daicoff

Chapter 2960: Expenses Related to Tax-Exempt Income, Susan Daicoff

Interest Deductions for Individuals, Susan Daicoff

Do Mnemonic Devices Lessen Forgetting?, Susan Daicoff, A Y. Wang, M H. Thomas, and D Chegwin


Using International Human Rights Law in Legal Services Cases, Connie de la Vega

La gran verdad : metafísica trascendental y deductiva, Juan Javier del Granado

Planning, Siting, and Flow Control: A Pennsylvania Perspective, John C. Dernbach

Recycling and Waste Reduction: A Pennsylvania Perspective, John C. Dernbach

Land Application of Sewage Sludge in Pennsylvania, John C. Dernbach and Stephen M. Socash

Age Discrimination: An Administrator's Guide, Nicholas DiGiovanni Jr.


Anatomy of a Failed Statutory Provision: U.C.C. Section 9-306(4)(d)(ii), Peter G. Dillon and Alvin C. Harrell

Lonely and Misunderstood: The Saga of U.C.C. Section 9-306(4)(d)(ii), Peter G. Dillon and Alvin C. Harrell


Diverting the Coasean River: Incentive Schemes to Reduce Unemployment Spells, John Donohue


Diverting The Coasean River: Incentive Schemes To Reduce Unemployment Spells, John Donohue


Prohibiting Sex Discrimination in the Workplace: An Economic Perspective, John Donohue


Reply to Professors Ellickson and Stigler, John Donohue


The Law & Economics of Tort Law: The Profound Revolution, John Donohue


Using Market Incentives to Promote Auto Occupant Safety, John Donohue


Sociobiological and Psychosocial Models of Physical Attractiveness Phenomena: A Confrontation of Theories, James M. Donovan


Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Truth-of-Consensus in Studies of Physical Attractiveness, James M. Donovan, Elizabeth Hill, and William R. Jankowiak


Trade Secrets in the United States and Japan: A Comparison and Prognosis, Jay Dratler


Computers: Planning for Disaster, Jeanne Drewes

Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures: Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman

Organizational Governance and Due Process, Lauren Edelman

Organizational Mediation of Law: The Institutionalization of Affirmative Action in the American Workplace, Lauren Edelman

Panel on Economic Models of Employment Discrimination, Lauren Edelman


EQUITABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF TAX EXPENDITURES, Yoseph M. Edrey Prof. and Howard Abrams Associate Prof.

Ageism in the Workplace an Elusive Quarry, Howard C. Eglit


Health Care Allocation for the Elderly: Age Discrimination by Another Name?, Howard C. Eglit

Title VII: A Statute of Wide-Ranging Influences, Howard C. Eglit

In Remembrance: Jerome Prince, Richard Farrell

Book Review - The Contours of Justice: Communities and Their Courts, Malcolm M. Feeley

Keynote Address, Malcolm M. Feeley

Federal-State Relations and Prison Administration, Malcolm M. Feeley and Edward Rubin

Power Divided: Studies in Federalism, Malcolm M. Feeley and Harry Scheiber

Growth and Its Alternatives, Malcolm M. Feeley, Franklin Zimring, and Sheldon Messinger

Exposing Sunstein's Naked Preferences, Stephen M. Feldman


Massachusetts Uniform Security Act, Scott T. FitzGibbon


Legal Opinions in Corporate Transactions: Opinions Relating to Security Interests in Personal Property, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer


Opinions of Counsel in Corporate Transactions: Opinions on Compliance with the Company's Charter, By-laws, and Contractual Obligations, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer


Factors Predicting Verdicts in Cases Where Battered Women Kill Their Husbands, Diane R. Follingstad, Darlene S. Polek, Elizabeth S. Hause, Michael W. Bulger, and Zanthia D. Conway


Restricting the Flow of Asylum-Seekers in Belgium, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Netherlands: New Challenges to the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the European Convention on Human Rights, Maryellen Fullerton


State Competence to Regulate Corporate Takeovers: Lessons from State Takeover Statutes, Alan E. Garfield


La Intervención del Congreso y el Poder Judicial en la Designación de Fiscales Independientes del Poder Ejecutivo: La Separación de Poderes y los Contrapesos, Alejandro Miguel Garro

Reconciliation of Legal Traditions in the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Alejandro Miguel Garro


Reforma Constitucional en América Latina. La Propuesta Argentina, Alejandro Miguel Garro

The Influence Abroad of the United States Constitution on Judicial Review and the Bill of Rights, Alejandro Miguel Garro

The Louisiana Public Records Doctrine and the Civil Law Tradition , Alejandro Miguel Garro


History and Executive Removal Power: Morrison v. Olson and Separation of Powers, John L. Gedid


International Competitive Harm and Domestic Antitrust Laws: Forms of Analysis, David J. Gerber

Comercio ambulatorio en Lima, Enrique Ghersi, Iván Alonso, and Fernando Iwasaki

Comercio ambulatorio en Lima, Enrique Ghersi, Iván Alonso, and Fernando Iwasaki


Private Concurrent Litigation in Light of Younger, Pennzoil, and Colorado River, Michael T. Gibson

Ethical and Professional Considerations in Estate Planning, Mark R. Gillett

Ethical and Professional Considerations in Estate Planning, Mark R. Gillett


Cleaning Labor's House: Institutional Reform Litigation in the Labor Movement, Michael J. Goldberg

The Teamsters Board of Monitors: An Experiment in Union Reform Litigation, Michael J. Goldberg


Medical Choices During Pregnancy: Whose Decision Is It Anyway?, Susan L. Goldberg

Proposals to Strengthen the Inter-American System of Protection of Human Rights, Claudio M. Grossman

LESTER: Using Paradigm Cases in a Quasi-Precedential Legal Domain, Mark H. Grunewald

El concepto de ius commune en el lenguaje de los juristas romanos, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La cultura jurídico - literaria en Chile durante la época de Carlos III, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La remisión de deudas en el derecho civil, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Portales y el Consejo de Estado, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Portales y el pensamiento de Montesquieu, Alejandro Guzmán Brito


Report Regarding Legal Opinions in Personal Property Secured Transactions, Russell A. Hakes and

A View From the S&L Industry: Comment on Edward J. Kane, in Melanie S. Tammen ed., Alvin C. Harrell


Book Review: Roy R. Anderson, Damages Under the Uniform Commercial Code (1988), Alvin C. Harrell

Sales-Related Conflicts Between Articles 2 and 9, Alvin C. Harrell


Anatomy of a Failed Statutory Provision: U.C.C. Section 9-306(4)(d)(ii), Alvin C. Harrell and Peter G. Dillon

Lonely and Misunderstood: The Saga of U.C.C. Section 9-306(4)(d)(ii), Alvin C. Harrell and Peter G. Dillon

Attorneys and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas


Financers as Fiduciaries: An Examination of Recent Trends in Lender Liability, Alvin C. Harrell and Peter G. Pierce III

The Interface Between Articles 2A and 9, Steven L. Harris


The Fourth Amendment [Symposium on the Supreme Court and Local Government Law], William Hellerstein

Capital Punishment in New York: Is it Worth the Human Price?, William E. Hellerstein

A New Sentencing Law Handcuffs U.S. Judges, Susan N. Herman


Beyond Parity: Section 1983 and the State Courts, Susan N. Herman

Should Culture be a Defense?, Susan N. Herman


Private Actions for Public Nuisance: Common Law Citizen Suits for Relief From Environmental Harm, David R. Hodas


The Seventh Circuit and the Market for Corporate Control, Dennis Honabach and Roger Dennis

Panel I - Mandatory AIDS Testing: Public Health and Private Rights [Proceedings of the 49th Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia, Williamsburg, VA, May 22-24, 1988], Nan D. Hunter

The Danielson Rule: An Anodyne for the Pain of Reasoning, Christian A. Johnson

Does the Federal William Act Pre-empt State Common Law in Hostile Takeovers?, Lyman P. Q. Johnson and David Millon


Deference Revisited: Politics as a Determinant of Deference Doctrine and the End of the Apparent Chevron Consensus, William S. Jordan


Factors Influencing the Reporting of Father-Child Sexual Abuse: Study of Licensed Practicing Psychologists, Seth C. Kalichman, Mary E. Craig, and Diane R. Follingstad


Federal Court Litigation and Review, Daniel Kanstroom


Introduction [Third Abraham L. Pomerantz Lecture: The First Amendment and Government Regulation of Economic Markets], Roberta S. Karmel

The Electronic Media and the Transformation of Law, Ethan Katsh

The First Amendment and Technological Change, Ethan Katsh

Obscenity, Communal Values, and the Law: Joel Feinberg and the Failure of Liberalism, M. Cathleen Kaveny

A Defense of Currie's Governmental Interest Analysis, Herma Hill Kay

Reproductive Technology and Child Custody, Herma Hill Kay


The Changing Process of International Law and the Role of the World Court, James Patrick Kelly


Confidentiality of Library Records: A Survey of Problems, Policies, and Laws, Bruce M. Kennedy