About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1987

Book Review (reviewing C.R. Williams & M.S. Weinberg, Property Offences (1986)), Samuel K. Murumba


Artistic Expression and Aesthetic Theory: The Beautiful, the Sublime and the First Amendment, Sheldon Nahmod

Municipal Liability: What Should Be Done About Section 1983? , Sheldon Nahmod


The International Patent System and Third World Development: Reality or Myth?, Samuel Oddi

Il Contratto Concluso Mediante Computer, Francesco Parisi

Equal Employment Opportunities in Education, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

The Dewsbury Dilemma, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

La excesiva onerosidad sobreviniente de la deuda externa Latinoamericana, Víctor Pérez Vargas

Los valores de la personalidad y el Derecho Civil de América Latina, revisión crítica del Derecho Vigente, Víctor Pérez Vargas

Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual, Víctor Pérez Vargas


Administrative Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Development of Negotiated Rulemaking and Other Processes, Henry H. Perritt


Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Evaluating Employee Terminations on a Personal Computer, Henry H. Perritt

Employee Dismissal Law And Practice, Henry H. Perritt


Wrongful Dismissal Legislation, Henry H. Perritt


Takeover Statutes: The Dormant Commerce Clause and State Corporate Law, Arthur R. Pinto

N.Y.'s Takeover Law after the CTS Ruling, Arthur R. Pinto

Repairing the Big Board, Norman Poser

Pennsylvania Evidence (Supplement 1996, 1997, 1998). , Anne Poulin and Leonard Packel


Help Is Sometimes Close at Hand: The Exhaustion Problem and the Ripeness Solution, Robert C. Power

Regulating Petroleum Prices: The Law That Would Not Die, Robert C. Power


Annual Survey of South Carolina Law/Practice and Procedure: Defendant Not Allowed to Assert Collateral Estoppel Against Stranger to Prior Judgment, Susan Raeker-Jordan


Annual Survey of South Carolina Law/ Tort Law: Liability of Information Suppliers Expanded, Susan Raeker-Jordan


Annual Survey of South Carolina Law/ Tort Law: Plaintiff Does Not Need to Allege a "Sale" in a Strict Liability Action, Susan Raeker-Jordan


The Figure in the Judicial Carpet: Images of Family and State in Supreme Court Opinions, Laura K. Ray

Recent Developments in 10b-5, James R. Repetti


Tax Consideration in Selecting a Form of Business Organization, James R. Repetti

Habeas Corpus Relief, Ira P. Robbins

Judicial Sabbaticals, Ira P. Robbins

Privatizing Corrections: Defining the Issues, Ira P. Robbins

Privatizing Corrections: Defining the Issues, Ira P. Robbins

Should Prisons Be Privately Run?: No Quick Fixes, Ira P. Robbins

Whither (or Wither) Habeas Corpus?: Observations on the Supreme Court's 1985 Term, Ira P. Robbins

Bicentennial Lessons from the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Ronald D. Rotunda

Constitutional Law: Principles and Cases, Ronald D. Rotunda

Ethical Problems in Federal Agency Hiring of Private Attorneys, Ronald D. Rotunda

Lawyers and Professionalism: A Commentary on the Report of the American Bar Associaiton Commission on Professionalism, Ronald D. Rotunda

Life Under the Articles of Confederation, Ronald D. Rotunda

Professionals, Pragmatists or Predators, Part I, II & III, Ronald D. Rotunda

Remembering Judge Walter R. Mansfield, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Constitutional Future of the Bill of Rights: A Closer Look at Commercial Speech and State Aid to Religiously Affiliated Schools, Ronald D. Rotunda

1987 Selected Standards on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan

Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan

Joseph Story's Commentaries on the Constitution, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak

Sales and Use Tax Credits, Discrimination against Interstate Commerce, and the Useless Multiple Taxation Concept, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak

Tax Reform: Implications for the State-Local Public Sector, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Paul Courant

Efficient Awards and Standards of Proof in Judicial Proceedings, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and David Sappington

Tiebout Bias and the Demand for Local Public Schooling, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Perry Shapiro, and Judith Roberts


New Developments in Copyright Protection of Computer Software, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels

Glacier National Park and Its Neighbors: A Study of Federal Interagency Relations, Joseph L. Sax and Robert Keiter


Rethinking the Teaching of Civil Procedure, Elizabeth M. Schneider

Self-Defense Work for Battered Women , Elizabeth M. Schneider

The Incomplete Revolution: Remember the Ladies, Elizabeth M. Schneider

Video Tape Reenactment, Elisabeth Semel

1987 Annual Judicial Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Hickory Knob State Park, South Carolina, Miller W. Shealy

1987 Judical Continuing Legal Edcucation Seminar, Miller W. Shealy


'Tis a Gift to Be Simple: The Need for a New Definition of "Future Interest" for Gift Tax Purposes, Jeffrey G. Sherman

Review: Ruth Faden and Tom L. Beauchamp, A History and Theory of Informed Consent, Marjorie M. Shultz

"Scaling Down the Constitution Extravaganza," Philadelphia Business Journal, May 4-10, 1987, at 7. , Louis J. Sirico

"Spirit of Compromise Shaped 1787 Constitutional Convention," Pennsylvania Law Journal-Reporter, Sept. 14, 1987, at 3. , Louis J. Sirico


Understanding Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery

Auctions, Vernon L. Smith

Experimental Methods in Economics, Vernon L. Smith

Hunting and Gathering Economies, Vernon L. Smith

Uncertainty and Partial Adjustment in Double Auction Markets, Vernon L. Smith and S. Buccola

Bidding Behavior in First Price Auctions: Use of Computerized Nash Competitors, Vernon L. Smith, J. Cox, and J. Walker

Hypothetical Valuations and Preference Reversals in the Context of Asset Trading, Vernon L. Smith and Mark Knez

Experimental Economics and Auditing, Vernon L. Smith, J. Schatzberg, and W. S. Waller

A Chilling Effect, Rodney A. Smolla

A Little South of the Law, Rodney A. Smolla

A Reporter's Guide to the Law of Defamation, Rodney A. Smolla

Freedom of Speech Must Apply to All, Rodney A. Smolla

How Should We Celebrate the Constitution?, Rodney A. Smolla

One Judge, One Vote: The Burger Years, Rodney A. Smolla

The First Liberty: Religion and the American Republic, Rodney A. Smolla

Zechariah Chafee, Jr.: Defender of Liberty and Law, Rodney A. Smolla

Parameter Setting and the Development of Pronouns and Reflexives , Lawrence M. Solan

Dale on Supervenience, Horacio Spector

La dogmática jurídica: algunos problemas epistemológicos, Horacio Spector

A Theory of Moral Ought-Sentences, Horacio Spector and Aleksander Peczenik


Theory and Practice in Legal Education: An Essay on Clinical Legal Education, Mark Spiegel

Automating the Legal Practice: IIT Computer Center, Ronald W. Staudt

Computer Education for Practicing Lawyers at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Ronald W. Staudt

Computer Usage and Success in the First Year of Law School (with D. Maume), Ronald W. Staudt

IIT Surveys Computer Use: Large Firms Overwhelmingly Favor IBM and Clones, Ronald W. Staudt

Law Schools Help Lawyers Learn to Use Computers, Ronald W. Staudt

Law Schools Help Lawyers Learn to Use Computers, Ronald W. Staudt

Personal Computers and Law Office Productivity, Ronald W. Staudt

The Dow Jones-Irwin Handbook of Microcomputer Applications in Law (with B. Farber), Ronald W. Staudt


Law of the Case: A Judicial Puzzle in Consolidated and Transferred Cases and in Multidistrict Litigation, Joan E. Steinman


Arbitration and the Multiparty Dispute: The Search for Workable Solutions, Thomas J. Stipanowich


Rethinking American Arbitration, Thomas J. Stipanowich

Human Rights in Malaysia, Andrew L. Strauss

Guild Lectures in American Culture, Rennard J. Strickland

Indigenous Peoples Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland

Personal Injury Law, A Report on the California Policy Seminar and the California Economic Development Corp., Stephen D. Sugarman

Personal Injury Law, A Report to the California Policy Seminar and the California Economic Development Corp., Stephen D. Sugarman


Personal Injury Law Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman


Right and Wrong Ways of Doing Away with Commercial Air Crash Litigation, Stephen D. Sugarman


Serius Tort Law Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman


Short Term Paid Leave: A New Approach to Social Insurance and Employee Benefits, Stephen D. Sugarman