The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1987
Taking Advantage of the Torts Crisis, Stephen D. Sugarman
Returning Education to Public Control, A Report to the California Policy Seminar and the California Economic Development Corp., Stephen D. Sugarman and John E. Coons
in Memoriam, Professor Harold W. Young, David Swank
Employee Innocence and the Privileges of Power: Reappraisal of Implied Contract Rights, William M. Tabb
Challenging Biased Zoning Decisions, A. Dan Tarlock
Chapter 8: State versus Local Control of Hazardous Waste Facility Siting -- Who Decides in Whose Backyard?, A. Dan Tarlock
One River, Three Sovereigns: Indian and Interstate Water Rights, A. Dan Tarlock
Protection of Water Flows for National Parks, A. Dan Tarlock
The Changing Meaning of Water Conservation in the West, A. Dan Tarlock
Origins of the American Constitution, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Criminal conspiracy and early labor combinations: Massachusetts, 1824–1840, Christopher L. Tomlins
On Persuasion and Paternalism: Lawyer Decisionmaking and the Questionably Competent Client, Paul R. Tremblay
When Circumstances Provide a Guarantee of Genuineness: Permitting Recovery for Pre-Impact Emotional Distress, Kathleen M. Turezyn
Caution Governs Liability Rulings: Review of New York Court of Appeals Torts Decisions in the 1986-87 Term, Aaron D. Twerski
Products Liability : Problems and Process , Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
The Partisan Battle over the Constitution: Meese's Jurisprudence of Original Intention and Brennan's Theory of Contemporary Ratification, Jonathan Van Patten
Standing in the Need of Prayer? The Supreme Court on James Madison and Religious Liberty, Jonathan K. Van Patten
Freedom, Enjoyment, and Happiness: An Essay on Moral Psychology, Richard Warner
The Legal and Moral Implications of Consent, Richard Warner
The End of Responsible Relative Liability, Mark C. Weber
Peirce's Conception of Philosophy: Its Method and Its Program, Catharine P. Wells
Admiralty and Maritime Law, Sarah K. Wiant
Common Law and Uncommon Events: The Development of the Doctrine of Impossibility of Performance in English Contract Law, John D. Wladis
The Efficiency Theory of Causation and Responsibility: Unscientific Formalism and False Semantics, in Symposium, Causation in the Law of Torts, Richard W. Wright
Medical Innovation and Bad Outcomes: Legal, Social, and Ethical Responses, Franklin E. Zimring
Capital Punishment and the American Agenda, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
The Citizen's Guide to Gun Control, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
Documents from 1986
Andreasyan GT, Matevosyan NR. Appendicitis and oophoritis dextra.
Andreasyan GT, Matevosyan NR. Appendicitis and oophoritis dextra.
Lower Division Education in the University of California
Matevosyan NR`s 46 publications:
"Medical Malpractice: An Overview of Legislative Reform and Judicial Response, Andy Abrams
"Medical Malpractice: An Overview of Legislative Reform and Judicial Response", Andy Abrams
"State Regulation of Reproductive Choice: The Legal Background", Andy Abrams and Walter Wadlington
delete Kitsch and Community, Kathryn Abrams, Robert Bellah, Richard Madsden, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, Steven Tipton, Benjamin Barber, and Michael Walzer
Seniority rights under the collective agreement, Roger I. Abrams and Dennis R. Nolan
The efficient delivery of arbitration services through use of the arbitration firm, Roger I. Abrams and Dennis R. Nolan
ASTOLFI, I libri tres iuris civilis di Sabino, Jorge Adame Goddard
El ius gentium como derecho mercantil internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
La responsabilidad del vendedor por la calidad de las mercancías en la compraventa internacional. Una interpretación romanística, Jorge Adame Goddard
LOBRANO, Giovanni, Pater et filius eadem persona, Jorge Adame Goddard
Astolfi, I libri tres iuris civilis di Sabino, Jorge Carlos Adame
El ius gentium como derecho mercantil internacional, Jorge Carlos Adame
La responsabilidad del vendedor por la calidad de las mercancías en la compraventa internacional, Una interpretación romanística, Jorge Carlos Adame
King Libel Suit Dismissed, Linda L. Ammons
Implementation of Consent Decrees in Structural Reform Litigation, Lloyd C. Anderson
Lawyers: A Call to Duty, Thomas P. Anderson
Health Care Providers: The Future Marketplace and Regulation, Lori B. Andrews
Legal and Ethical Aspects of New Reproductive Technologies, Lori B. Andrews
My Body, My Property, Lori B. Andrews
Remaking Conception and Pregnancy: How the Laws Influence Reproductive Technology, Lori B. Andrews
Surrogate Motherhood: Should the Adoption Model Apply?, Lori B. Andrews
The Legal Status of the Embryo, Lori B. Andrews
Tax Aspects of International Reorganizations and Liquidations: The United States, Hugh J. Ault
Foreign Tax Provisions of H.R. 3838, Hugh J. Ault, Stanford G. Ross, and Gerard M. Brannon
Constitutional Adjudication in Costa Rica, Robert S. Barker
Effects of exposure to ambient air on articular cartilage of rabbits, M S. Bauer, J C. Woodward, and Joseph P. Weigel
Abolishing the Act of State Doctrine, Michael Bazyler
Capturing Terrorists in the 'Wild Blue Yonder': International Law and the Achille Lauro and Libyan Aircraft Incidents, Michael Bazyler
A Relevancy Approach to Novel Scientific Evidence, Margaret Berger
The Potential Application of RICO in the Natural Resources/Environmental Law Context, Denis Binder
Grudge Nudge by Judge Means Fudge or Budge at A.L.I., The Red Herring, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Is There Any Valid Reason Why Target Managers Oppose Tender Offers?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Emerging Conflict Between Federal Securities Law and State Corporation Law, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Unconventional Offers, Dallas, Inc., RICHARD A. BOOTH
Family Corporations: Division on Divorce -- Remedies an dTheories in State Bar of Texas, Marrige Dissolution Institute, RICHARD A. BOOTH, Webb, and Kinser
Dealing with Professional Degrees in Divorce Cases, Ann H. Britton
Delaware Employment Practices─A Ten Year Retrospective, Ann H. Britton
Federal Aspects of Corporate Law and Economic Theory, Richard M . Buxbaum, Terence Daintith, and Gunther Teubner
Church Discipline and the Courts, Lynn R. Buzzard and Thomas S. Brandon Jr.
Las Empresas Conjuntas y la Legislación de Defensa de la Competencia, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
An Overview of the Preliminary Hearing in Oklahoma, Charles Cantrell
Judicial Review in American Federalism: An Uncertain Future, Charles Cantrell
Venta de los bienes prendados, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry
Sex Offenses and Offenses Against Marriage , Stacy Caplow
Public Benefits, Legal Services, and Estate Planning, John J. Capowski
Urban Trout Fisher, John J. Capowski
Interim Measures of Protection: Theory and Practice in Light of the Iran United States Claims Tribunal, David D. Caron
Interim Measures of Protection: Theory and Practice in Light of the Iran United States Claims Tribunal, David D. Caron
A Spectator's Guide to Aguillard v. Edwards: Part I -- Will the Clock Strike Thirteen?, David S. Caudill
Mutual Fund Tax Tactics, Howard S. Chapman
Tax Strategies for Bond Investors, Howard S. Chapman
Videotaping Testimony of Child Witnesses in Sexual Offense Cases, Mary Ann Chirba
Separation of Church and State, Jesse H. Choper
The New Deal for Indians, C. Blue Clark
Tantas Personas Como Estados, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
The Costs of Acceptability: Blue Buses, Agent Orange, and Aversion to Statistical Evidence, Neil Cohen
Commercial Law (monthly column) 1986-, Neil Cohen and G. McLaughlin
Criminal law and the rule of law, Eric Colvin
An Economic Case for Comparative Negligence, Robert D. Cooter and Thomas S. Ulen
The Curse of Thamus: An Analysis of Full-Text Legal Document Retrieval, Daniel P. Dabney
A Uniform Limitations Period for Civil RICO, Elizabeth De Armond
Constitutional Law -- In re Grand Jury Matter, Gronowicz: Qualified Newsperson's Privilege Does Not Extend to Authors, Elizabeth De Armond
Enka vs. DuPont, drie presidenten en de positie van de octrooihouder, een andere visie op art. 30A Rijksoctrooiwet, Severin de Wit
Surface v. Hard Bargaining: Tilting Towards Non-Intervention, Nicholas DiGiovanni Jr.
1985 and 1986 Supplements, John Dobbyn