About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1985

New Legal Approaches to Newborn Screening and The Rationale Behind the Recommendations for Quality Assurance in Newborn Screening, Lori B. Andrews

State Laws and Regulations Governing Newborn Screening, Lori B. Andrews

The Rationale Behind the Informed Consent Doctrine, Lori B. Andrews

Law of the Sea: U.S. Policy Dilemma, Constance G. Anthony, Bernard H. Oxman, David D. Caron, and Charles L. O. Buderi

The Unitary Tax Controversy: Federalism, Treaties and International Tax Relationships, Hugh J. Ault


The Reagan Tax Plan Viewed Internationally, Hugh J. Ault, Alan W. Granwell, and Philip T. Kaplan

The Guidelines and Commentary on the Evaluation of Judicial Performance, Richard L. Aynes

Law, Society, Population: Issues in a New Field, Larry D. Barnett and Emily F. Reed

Fetal Research: The Question in the States, Charles H. Baron


Fetal Research: The Question in the States, Charles H. Baron

Legislative Regulation of Fetal Experimentation: On Negotiating Compromise in Situations of Ethical Pluralism, Charles H. Baron


Legislación y Práctica de la Libre Competencia. Un Coloquio con el Profesor Ernst J. Mestmäcker, Enrique Barros Bourie

Litigating the International Law of Human Rights: A 'How To' Approach, Michael Bazyler

Litigating the International Law of Human Rights in the United States Courts: Siderman v. Republic of Argentina, Michael Bazyler


Review of Selective Nontreatment of Handicapped Newborns by Robert Weir, Sharon Beckman


Management of Large Marine Ecosystems: Developing a New Rule of Customary International Law, Martin H. Belsky


Retaliation Doctrine: Promoting Forensic Misconduct, Martin H. Belsky


"The Death Penalty in Georgia: Still Arbitrary", Ursula Bentele

World Food, Population and Development, Gigi Berardi

Energy Use in Italian Agriculture: Alternatives to Mineral Fertilizers, Gigi M. Berardi


Executive Targeting of Congressmen as a Violation of the Arrest Clause, Anita Bernstein


Risk and the Calculus of Legal Liability in Dam Failures, Denis Binder

Note: Mismatching Convertible Debentures and Common Stock under Section 16(b), Daniel B. Bogart

An Arithmetical Note on Perlman v. Feldmann, The Red Herring, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Bonds Risky, But Not Junk, Dallas, Inc., RICHARD A. BOOTH

Management Buyouts, Shareholder Welfare and the Limits of Ficuciary Duty, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Managers Put Up Takeover Defenses, Dallas, Inc., Dallas Times Herald, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Pennzoil's Justification for Damages is Unclear, Dallas, Inc., RICHARD A. BOOTH


Self-Regulation in a Democratic Society, RICHARD A. BOOTH

South Africa: Ethics May Be Prudent, Dallas, Inc., RICHARD A. BOOTH

Insane and Incompetent Persons, Ann H. Britton

Religious Organizations and Institutions, Ann H. Britton

"The Domestic Relations Exceptions to Federal Diversity Jurisdiction", Doris DelTosto Brogan


Beyond Pennhurst: Protective Jurisdiction, the Eleventh Amendment, and the Power of Congress to Enlarge Federal Jurisdiction in Response to the Burger Court, George D. Brown


State Sovereignty Under the Burger Court -- How the Eleventh Amendment Survived the Death of the Tenth: Some Broader Implications of Atascadero State Hospital v. Scanlon, George D. Brown

Tell It to the Church: A Biblical Approach to Resolving Conflict Out of Court, Lynn R. Buzzard and Laurence Eck

Jurisdiction Rules Under International Transfer of Technology Regulations, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Technology Transfer, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas


Restoring the Balance in Federalism, Charles Cantrell


The Reluctant Witness for the Prosecution: Grand Jury Subpoenas to Defense Counsel, Stacy Caplow


Book Review:El Arbitraje Internacional en Law Practica Convencional Espanola (1794-1978) by M.P. Andres Saenz de Santa Maria in 79 American Journal of International Law 839-841, David D. Caron

Iran U.S. Claims Tribunal, David D. Caron

El Arbitraje Internacional en la Practica Convencional Espanola (1794-1978)., David D. Caron and M. Paz Andres Saenz de Santa Maria


Law and Worldview: Problems in the Creation-Science Controversy, David S. Caudill

Mutual Fund Tax Strategies, Howard S. Chapman

The Future of Personal Service Corporations, Howard S. Chapman

Year-End Tax Tactics, Howard S. Chapman

Usura, del Uso Económico de la Religión en la Historia, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador


Confidence in Probability: Burdens of Persuasion in a World of Imperfect Knowledge, Neil Cohen


"Cases on Both Sides": Patterns of Argument in Legal Dispute-Negotiation, Robert J. Condlin


Defective Warnings, Remote Causes, and Bankruptcy: Comment on Schwartz, Robert D. Cooter


Unity in Tort, Contract and Property: The Model of Precaution, Robert D. Cooter


Damages for Breach of Contract, Robert D. Cooter and Melvin A. Eisenberg

Rights, Persons, and Organizations: a Legal Theory for Bureaucratic Society, Meir Dan-Cohen


Two-Tiered Tender Offers and Greenmail: Is New Legislation Needed?, Roger J. Dennis


Valuing the Firm and the Development of Delaware Corporate Law, Roger J. Dennis

The Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, John C. Dernbach

Chapters Four and Five, John Dobbyn

Tax Section Update, Frank J. Doti

Tax Tips, Frank J. Doti

The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea: The Role of the International Maritime Organization in International Legislation, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry


Trade Secret Law: An Impediment to Trade in Computer Software, Jay Dratler


Prohibiting Prosecutorial Vindictiveness While Protecting Prosecutorial Discretion: Toward a Principled Resolution of a Due Process Dilemma, C. Peter Erlinder


Vietnam on Trial: A Conceptual Framework for Presenting and Explaining PTSD in a Forensic Setting, C. Peter Erlinder

Emplyment Protection Legislation and Labour Union Interests: A Union Battle for Survival?, Reinhold Fahlbeck

The Professionalism of Stanley Fish, James A. Fanto

Richardson on Evidence : 1972-1985 cumulative supplement , Richard Farrell and Jerome Prince


Products Liability and the Chemical Manufacturer: Limitations on the Duty to Warn, Richard O. Faulk


Strategic and Scientific Considerations in Toxic Tort Defense, Richard O. Faulk

The Fortunoff Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley

Casebook in Constitutional Law, Malcolm M. Feeley and Samuel Krislov


Legal Opinions on Incorporation, Good Standing, and Qualification to do Business, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer

Jury selection: Current status, issues and techniques, Diane Follingstad

Jury Selection: Current Status, Issues and Techniques, Diane R. Follingstad

Little Known Uses of Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Criminal Cases, Diane R. Follingstad and H. C. Morgan

Fees: Time to Unload the Lodestar?: A Discussion & a Debate on Fees in Class Actions, Alan E. Garfield


Affirmative Duty to Disclose Material Information Concerning Issuer's Financial Condition and Business Plans, Alan E. Garfield, Dennis J. Block, and Nancy E. Barton

Codification of Conflicts Law in the New Peruvian Civil Code, Alejandro Miguel Garro

Book Review (reviewing Jacob S. Ziegel & William C. Graham, New Dimensions in International Trade Law: A Canadian Perspective (1982), David J. Gerber

Civil Litigation Flow Chart, Michael J. Goldberg


The Duty of Fair Representation: What the Courts Do in Fact, Michael J. Goldberg

Waiting for Wygant: Affirmative Action in the Aftermath of Stotts, Michael J. Goldberg

Judicial Socialization: An Empirical Study, Susan L. Goldberg


The History and Adjudication of the Common Lands of Spanish and Mexican Land Grants, Placido Gomez


Introduction: Literature, Life and the Law, Joel M. Gora

May the Government Exclude 'Nontraditional' Charities from a Federally-Sponsored Charity Drive?, Joel M. Gora


Supreme Court Report: Five Wins and Nine Losses for Free Speech Fans, Joel M. Gora


Supreme Court Report: The Delicate Matter of Religion, Joel M. Gora

Expanding the boundaries of constitutional obligation: lessons from the Canadian experience, Donna Greschner and Eric Colvin

Book Review of States of Emergency Their Impact on Human Rights, A Study Prepared by the International Commission of Jurists, Claudio M. Grossman

Codex, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Codificación y consolidación: una comparación entre el pensamiento de A. Bello y el de A. Teixeira de Freitas, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Las fuentes del derecho en el nuevo Código Civil peruano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Law of the Sea: U.S. Policy Dilemma, Robert Hage, Bernard H. Oxman, David D. Caron, and Charles L. O. Buderi

Improving Scientists’ Judgments of Risk, Kenneth R. Hammond, Barry F. Anderson, Jeffrey Sutherland, and Barbara Marvin

Law of Modern Payment Systems and Notes, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

Employment Discrimination: Another Knot in Church/State Entanglement? (Ohio Civil Rights Commission v. Dayton Christian Schools), Robert L. Hayman

Government Subsidies for Ministerial Training: Separating Church and State (Witters v. Washington Commission for the Blind), Robert L. Hayman

Just Looking: Does Aerial Surveillance Constitute a Search? (Dow Chemical Co. v. United States), Robert L. Hayman

Maggie, Don't Use That Number: Religious Objections to the Social Security Identification System (Heckler v. Roy), Robert L. Hayman