About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1985

The End Is No Longer in Sight: The Constitutionality of Revoking Social Security Withdrawals (Bowen v. Public Agencies), Robert L. Hayman

The High Court Goes to School and Finds Itself Immersed in Gay Rights, Student Searches and Renewed Controversy Over Religion in the Schools, Robert L. Hayman

This is Our Hometown: Zoning Out the Mentally Retarded, Robert L. Hayman

Time Limits on Actions for Child Support: Discrimination Against the Illegitimate? (Paulussen v. Herion), Robert L. Hayman

To Live or Let Die: Federal Intervention in Medical Treatment Decisions (Heckler v. AHS), Robert L. Hayman

Religion and Crime Head the High Court's Decision List, Robert L. Hayman and Jeanett P. Gringo

Prisoners and Due Process Litigation: An Invitation to the State Courts, Susan Herman


The Insanity Defense in Fact and Fiction: A Review Essay of Norval Morris's Madness and the Criminal Law, Susan N. Herman

Attorneys' Fees Under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982─A Reevaluation, Louise L. Hill


Award of Attorney's Fees in Tax Cases, Louise L. Hill


Equal Access to Justice Act─Paving the Way for Legislative Change, Louise L. Hill

False Promises: Feminist Anti-Pornography Legislation in the U.S., Nan D. Hunter, Lisa Duggan, and Carole S. Vance

Expert Negotiation Brings New Approach to Prison Litigation in Hawaii, Edward J. Janger


Property, George W. Johnson III

The International Financial Markets Institute (1985) (co-chair: S. Friedman), Roberta Karmel


Introduction to Special Issue on Child Support Enforcement, Sanford N. Katz

Joint Custody, Sanford N. Katz

Auctions and Legal Snarls, Drew L. Kershen


Reappraising the Jury's Role as Finder of Fact, Martin A. Kotler

Copyright and the Moral Right: Is an American Marriage Possible?, Roberta R. Kwall

Oil, Gas, and Minerals, in Annual Survey of Texas Law, Eric T. Laity

The Geometry of Acting: Advice to the College-Bound Actor, Daniel Larner

Part-timer Likes 'Groupthink' Analysis, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


The U.S. Response to the International Debt Crisis: The International Lending Supervision Act of 1983, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

The U.S. Response to the International Debt Crisis: The International Lending Supervision Act of 1983, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

North Carolina Security Interests, Richard A. Lord and Charles C. Lewis

North Carolina Security Interests, Richard A. Lord and Charles C. Lewis


Implementing the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, Martin H. Malin

Legal Environment of Business (with J. Blackburn & E. Klayman), Martin H. Malin

Managing Fair Share Fees: The Line Between Supporting and Succumbing, Martin H. Malin

The Reform of Section 704(c): A Case Study in Achieving "Fairness" at the Expense of Simplicity, James Edward Maule

Droits Savants et Coutumes. L’exclusion des filles dotées (Learned Law and Customs: The exclusion of endowed daughter from their parents’ inheritance), Laurent Mayali

Repertorium manuscriptorum veterum Codicis Iustiniani, Laurent Mayali and Gero Dolezalek

Repertorium Veterum Codicis Justiniani (Repertorium on the ancient Codex of Justinian), Laurent Mayali and Gero Dolezalek


Whither legal education, Michael Meltsner


Comment - Regulating Condominium Conversions: Do Municipal Ordinances Adequately Protect Tenants’ and Owners’ Constitutional Rights?, Lori Miller


The Common Law of Employment At-Will in New York: The Paralysis of Nineteenth Century Doctrine, Gary Minda

Statement in Joint Hearings on International Terrorism, Insurgency, and Drug Trafficking: Present Trends in Terrorist Activity, before the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and on the Judiciary, May 13, 14, and 15, 1985, pp. 334-382. , John Murphy


Punishing International Terrorists: The Legal Framework for Policy Initiatives, John F. Murphy

Remarks to panel on "Human Rights v. New Initiatives in the Control of Terrorism," Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, John F. Murphy

Review of "International Monetary Collaboration," by Richard W. Edwards, Jr., University of Toledo Law Review, John F. Murphy

Statement in Hearing on Constitutional Issues Relating to the Proposed Genocide Convention, before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 99th Cong. 1st Sess., February 26, 1985, pp. 80-95. , John F. Murphy

Statement in Hearing on Supplementary Extradition Treaty Between the United States and the United Kingdom, before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, November 5, 1985, pp. 122-46. , John F. Murphy

"The Release of Abbas: Political Realities Outweigh International Treaties," The Baltimore Sun, October 20, 1985, John F. Murphy

El Derecho al Deporte y el Deporte en el Derecho, Luz Estella Nagle-Ortiz

Avoiding the Merits in Constitutional Tort Litigation: Recent Developments in Exhaustion, Limitations and Preclusion, Sheldon Nahmod


Due Process, State Remedies and Section 1983, Sheldon Nahmod


The Functions of 'Functionality' in Trademark Law, Samuel Oddi


"Jueces y Constitución" del profesor alemán Otto Bachof, David A. Ortiz Gaspar


School Health Services for Handicapped Children: The Door Opens No Further, Joyce Palomar

‘Human Rights and the Impact of the European Court Decisions on British Education’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

La interpretación de las cláusulas arbitrales en el sistema jurídico costarricense, Víctor Pérez Vargas

Analysis of Four Negotiated Rulemaking Efforts, prepared for the Administrative Conference of the United States, Henry H. Perritt


Preclusive Effect of Administrative Decisions in Wrongful Dismissal Suits, Henry H. Perritt


Transportation Labor Law and Policy for a Deregulated Industry (with Dennis Alan Arouca), Henry H. Perritt

Transportation Labor Regulation: Is the Railway Labor Act or the National Labor Relations Act the Better Statutory Vehicle? (with Dennis Alan Arouca), Henry H. Perritt

Wrongful Dismissal in Virginia, Henry H. Perritt

Directors' Conflicts of Interest, Arthur R. Pinto

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Arthur R. Pinto and Norman Poser

Brokers Who Trade Too Often, Norman S. Poser and Arthur R. Pinto


The Pushy Ox: Character Evidence in Pennsylvania Civil Actions, Thomas J. Reed


Remedies: Cases and Materials, Doug Rendleman, Kenneth H. York, and John A. Bauman


Statute of LImitations Problems in Products Liability Cases--Exercises in Privity, Symmetry, and Repose, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.


Development and Standardization of a Behavioral Sex-Role Inventory, Emily A. Robinson and Diane R. Follingstad

Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, Ronald D. Rotunda


American Domestic Priorities: An Economic Appraisal, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and John M. Quigley

La Compilación y su historia estudios sobre la codificación y la interpretación de las leyes, Pablo Salvador Coderch

Aproximaciones, José Luis Sardón

Getting Started and Succeeding in Criminal Defense Practice, Elisabeth Semel

Meeting the Challenge of the Child Witness in Sexual Abuse Cases, Elisabeth Semel

Court Rules to Achieve Permancy for Foster Children: Sample Rules and Commentary, Ann Shalleck


The Most-Cited Law Review Articles, Fred R. Shapiro

Pension Planning and Deferred Compensation (1990 & Supp. 1992), Jeffrey G. Sherman

From Informed Consent to Patient Choice: A New Protected Interest, Marjorie M. Shultz

Marriage in Transition, Marjorie M. Shultz

Deficiency Judgments in Pennsylvania: A Reply, Louis J. Sirico

Springtime for Migros: Consumer Cooperatives in Switzerland, Louis J. Sirico


The Secular Contribution of Religion to The Political Process: The First Amendment and School Aid, Louis J. Sirico

Research in Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith

Expected Revenue in Discriminative and Uniform Price Sealed-Bid Auctions, Vernon L. Smith, J. Cox, and J. Walker

The Supreme Court and the Temple of Doom: A Short Story, Rodney A. Smolla

Why Has the Media Become a Litigation Target and What's to be Done?, Rodney A. Smolla

Bankruptcy--An Historical View, Graydon S. Staring

The Law Student Microcomputer Toolkit: Developing Productivity Aids for Law Students, in Proceedings of IDB Academic Information Systems Seminar for Deans of Law Schools 44, Ronald Staudt


Computers at the Core of Legal Education: Experiments at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Ronald W. Staudt

IIT Center for Law and Computers, Ronald W. Staudt

Microcomputer Interfaces for Law Students: The IIT/IBM Law Student Microcomputer Toolkit, in Proceedings of the 10th IBM University Study Conference 197, Ronald W. Staudt

Free Speech on Military Bases: May Recipients of "Bar Letters" Be Convicted for Peaceful Expressive Activity at "Open Houses"?, Joan E. Steinman

Free Speech on Military Bases: May Recipients of "Bar Letters" Be Convicted for Peaceful Expressive Activity at "Open Houses"?, Joan E. Steinman


Public Trial, Pseudonymous Parties: When Should Litigants Be Permitted to Keep Their Identities Confidential?, Joan E. Steinman

Angie Debo: Seeker after Truth, Rennard J. Strickland

Langston Hughes Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland

Where Have All the Blue Deer Gone: Contemporary Native American Paintings, Rennard J. Strickland


Review of Sowell "Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?", Stephen D. Sugarman


In Memoriam, Maurice Hitchcock Merrill 1897-1985, David Swank