The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1984
Fiduciary Tax Primer, Mark R. Gillett
Fiduciary Tax Primer, Mark R. Gillett
The Government's Enforcement of Draft Registration: Prosecution or Persecution?, Joel M. Gora
Book Review of El Jus Cogens International (Estudio Histórico-Crítico), Claudio M. Grossman
Estudios en torno a las ideas del humanismo jurídico sobre reforma del derecho, I: Un humanista español frente al derecho de su época: Pedro Simón Abril, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
"Fair" Treatment for the Handicapped, (Alexander v. Choate), Robert L. Hayman
No Surrender: Tribal Taxes and Indian Sovereignty in the 1980's (Kerr-McGee Corp. v. Navajo Tribe), Robert L. Hayman
Of Benches and Bars: The Applicability of the Exclusionary Rule in Liquor License Revocation Proceedings (Board of License Commissioners v. Pastore), Robert L. Hayman
Whatever Happened to the Fourth Amendment?, Robert L. Hayman
When Food Stamp Benefits Are Reduced: What Is "Adequate" Notice to Recipients (Atkins v. Parker and Parker v. Block), Robert L. Hayman
When the Government Taps for Intelligence: Is Denial of a Claim of Immunity Immediately Appealable? (Mitchell v. Forsyth), Robert L. Hayman
The Court Takes Another Look at Protection for Defendants in Defamation Cases (Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc.), Robert L. Hayman and Lee Arbetman
What about Legal Aid?, William E. Hellerstein
Prisoners' Rights and Habeas Corpus: The Fourth Conference (Eastern District Civil Litigation Fund Training Materials), Susan N. Herman
The New Liberty: The Procedural Due Process Rights of Prisoners and Others Under the Burger Court, Susan N. Herman
Criminal Practice Institute Trial Manual, Scott W. Howe
Book Note (reviewing William M. Sullivan, Reconstructing Public Philosophy (1982)), Katherine M. Jones
Psychological Harm After Pane: NEPA's Requirement to Consider Psychological Damage, William S. Jordan
The Independent Corporate Board: A Means to What End?, Roberta S. Karmel
Communications Revolutions and Legal Revolutions, Ethan Katsh
Family Law - Mediation Is Coming of Age, Sanford N. Katz
Foreword, Sanford N. Katz
The Resolution of Family Conflict: Comparative Legal Perspectives, Sanford N. Katz and John Ekelaar
Professorial Activism, Ali Khan
People v. Guzman: The Unconstitutionality of Illinois Mandatory Life Imprisonment Statute, Richard S. Kling
Imposing Punitive Damage Liability on the Intoxicated Driver, Martin A. Kotler
Oil, Gas, and Minerals, in Annual Survey of Texas Law, Eric T. Laity
Vacation Homes Revisited: Bolton Mistakenly Unbolts Door to Extra Deductions, Michael B. Lang
On Exorcising the Exclusionary Demons: An Essay on Rhetoric, Principle, and the Exclusionary Rule, Arthur G. LeFrancois
Review of Making International Monetary Policy, by F. Lisle Widman, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Nordic Law and Sweden, Hans Henrik Lidgard
The Theory of Reciprocal Altruism, Robert Justin Lipkin
Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood, Kristin Luker
Abogacía y colegiación, Horacio M. LYNCH
Harlow v. Fitzgerald: The Lower Courts Implement the New Standard for Qualified Immunity Under Section 1983, Mary Ellen Maatman
Drug Manufacturers' Recommendations and the Common Knowledge Rule to Establish Medical Malpractice, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall
The Effect of State Law on the Use of S Corporations, James Edward Maule
Allocation of Decisionmaking Authority Under the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Judith Maute
The Actes and Monuments by John William Corrington; The Southern Reporter by John William Corrington, Judith Maute
Mourir pour la patrie : et autres textes, Laurent Mayali and Ernst Hartwig Kantorowicz
Implied Duty to Mine in Georgia, James B. McLaughlin Jr. and James C. Rehberg
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in Medieval England, David K. Millon
Decoding Labor Law (reviewing J. Atleson, Values and Assumptions of Labor Law (1983)), Gary Minda
Note, Alien Corporations and Federal Diversity Jurisdiction, Geoff Moulton
Editor and contributor, "Legal Aspects of International Terrorism," Terrorism: an International Journal, vol. 7, John F. Murphy
"Recent International Legal Developments in Controlling Terrorism," Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, John F. Murphy
Constitutional Wrongs Without Remedies: Executive Official Immunity, Sheldon Nahmod
Damages and Injunctive Relief Under Section 1983, Sheldon Nahmod
The Section 1983 Damage Action: An Overview, Sheldon Nahmod
‘Civil Rights Issues in a Private School’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
‘Educational Policy-Making in British Columbia’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
‘Private Education and Human Rights: A Teacher's Perspective’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
The Multifiber Arrangement and Its Effect on the Profit Performance of the US Textile Industry, Joseph Pelzman
Costs of Protecting Jobs in Textiles and Clothing, Joseph Pelzman, Hans-Hinrich Glisman, Dean Spinanger, and Martin Wolf
Jurisprudencia contradictoria: Tarjetas de crédito y cuenta corriente mercantil, Víctor Pérez Vargas
Plan integral para el desarrollo de la biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Víctor Pérez Vargas
Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual, Víctor Pérez Vargas
And the Whole Earth Was of One Language: A Broad View of Dispute Resolution, Henry H. Perritt
Employee Dismissal Law and Practice, Henry H. Perritt
Employee Dismissal Law in Pennsylvania, Henry H. Perritt
Employee Dismissals: An Opportunity for Legal Simplification, Henry H. Perritt
Law of the Sea: U.S. Policy Dilemma., M. J. Peterson, Bernard H. Oxman, David D. Caron, and Charles L. O. Buberi
Energy Efficiencies of Farming Wheat, Corn, and Potatoes Organically, David Pimentel, Gigi Berardi, and Sarah Fast
Book Review (reviewing L. Solomon, Corporate Acquisitions, Mergers, and Divestitures (1983)), Arthur R. Pinto
Options Accounts Fraud: Securities Churning in a New Context, Norman Poser
Evidentiary Use of Silence and the Constitutional Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, Anne Poulin
Admission of Other Criminal Act Evidence After Adoption of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Thomas J. Reed
Over the Hill to the Poor House─The Failure of Section 522 Bankruptcy Exemptions Under the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, Thomas J. Reed
Injunctions, Doug Rendleman and Owen M. Fiss
Development, Acquisitions and Disposition of Technology and Intellectual Property, James R. Repetti and David S. Davenport
Law, Science, and Technology, Glenn H. Reynolds and Robert P. Merges
Tortious Battery: Is "I Didn't Mean any Harm" Relevant, Osborne Reynolds
Extinguishing Brushfires: Legal Limits on the Smoking of Tobacco, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.
1984 Supplement to Modern Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda
Debate Over Model Rules Moves to the States, Ronald D. Rotunda
Ethics, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility (Black Letter Series), Ronald D. Rotunda
The Doctrine of Conditional Preemption and Other Limitations on Tenth Amendment Restrictions, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Notice of Withdrawal and the New Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Blowing the Whistle and Waiving the Red Flag, Ronald D. Rotunda
Usery in the Wake of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission v. Mississippi, Ronald D. Rotunda
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
The Taking of Land: When Should Compensation Be Paid?, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Lawrence Blume, and Perry Shapiro
The Search of An Automobile Incident to an Arrest: An Analysis of New York v. Belton, David S. Rudstein
A Note on Rowen and Weyant, ‘Reducing the Economic Impacts of Oil Supply Interruptions: an International Perspective, Harry D. Saunders
On the inevitable return of higher oil prices, Harry D. Saunders
Optimal Oil Producer Behavior Considering Macrofeedbacks, Harry D. Saunders
The macrodynamics of energy shocks, short- and long-run, Harry D. Saunders
The Claim for Retention of the Public Lands, Joseph L. Sax
Political Interference in Law School Clinical Programs: Reflections on Outside Interference and Academic Freedom, Elizabeth M. Schneider
Avoiding Incompetent Counsel Claims, Elisabeth Semel
New Limitations on Contributions and Benefits, Jeffrey G. Sherman
Review: Kelly Weisberg, ed., Women and the Law: The Social and Historical Perspective, Marjorie M. Shultz
Violence in College Students' Dating Relationships, Carol K. Sigelman, Carol E. Jordan-Berry, and Katharine A. Wiles
The Hidden Constitution: Aboriginal Rights in Canada, Brian Slattery