The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1995
The Failed Promise of Regulatory Variables, Harold J. Krent
The Fee Shifting Remedy: Panacea or Placebo? (foreward), Harold J. Krent
Il controllo. Nozioni e «Tipo» nella legislazione economica, Marco Lamandini
• Finding Shade from the "Government in the Sunshine Act": A Proposal to Permit Private Informal Background Discussions at the U.S. International Trade Commission, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Universal Access to Health Care, Edward Lee
Equal Protection and Sexual Orientation, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Rediscovering the Constitution, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Separability, Competence-Competence and the Arbitrator's Jurisdiction in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Setting the Legal Context: What is the Meaning of Equal Access to Mental Health Services, Randy Lee and Mary Kate Kearney
Dram Shop Liability and Intentional Torts, Jerome M. Leitner
Premises Liability, Jerome M. Leitner
Domestic Violence and Children: Resolving Custody and Visitation Disputes, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Manual on California Domestic Violence and Family Law for Victim Advocates in US Marine Corps, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Common Evidentiary Problems and Jury Trials, J. Rich Leonard
Working with Judges, J. Rich Leonard
Designing Assignments for Teaching Legal Analysis, Research and Writing, Jan M. Levine
The Politics of Legal Writing: Proceedings of a Conference for Legal Research and Writing Program Directors, Jan M. Levine
Voices in the Wilderness: Tenured and Tenure-Track Directors and Teachers in Legal Research and Writing Programs, Jan M. Levine
You Can't Please Everyone, So You'd Better Please Yourself: Directing (or Teaching in) a First-Year Legal Writing Program, Jan M. Levine
Between irua and "female genital mutilation" : feminist human rights discourse and the cultural divide, Hope Lewis
When Is Cumulative Voting Preferable To Single-Member Districting?, Michael E Lewyn
When Is Time Brokerage A Transfer of Control? , Michael E Lewyn
The Mexican Crisis: Who Should Be a Country's Lender of Last Resort?, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
EU-gruppundantag med förhinder, Hans Henrik Lidgard
Property, Commerce, and the Common Law, David Lieberman
Book Review (reviewing David A. J. Richards, Conscience and the Constitution: History, Theory and Law of the Reconstruction Amendments (1994), Robert Justin Lipkin
Liberalism and the Possibility of Multi-Cultural Constitutionalism: The Distinction Between Deliberative and Dedicated Cultures, Robert Justin Lipkin
Improving the Principal Residence Disaster Relief Provisions, Francine J. Lipman
Reinventing Labor Law: A Rejoinder, Tamara Lothian
The Criticism of the Third-world Debt and the Revision of Legal Doctrine, Tamara Lothian
The Democratized Market Economy in Latin America (and Elsewhere): An Exercise in Institutional Thinking within Law and Political Economy, Tamara Lothian
Dubious Conceptions: The Politics of the Teenage Pregnancy Crisis, Kristin Luker
Arbitrariedad, Horacio M. LYNCH
3. False allegations and false denials in child sexual abuse., Thomas D. Lyon
Products Liability Law in the Nineties: Will Federal or State Law Control?, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall
Forbidden Spectacle: Executions, the Public, and the Press in Nineteenth Century New York, Michael P. Madow
Beyond Gender: Peremptory Challenges and the Roles of the Jury, Nancy S. Marder
Self-education expenses: some deductions on the commissioner’s rules, Brenda Marshall
Making the Other Path Efficient: Economic Analysis and Tort Law in Less Developed Countries , Ugo Mattei
The Comparative Law and Economics of Penalty Clauses in Contracts, Ugo Mattei
State and Local Taxes: Recent Developments in State Tax Treatment of LLCs, James Edward Maule
Tax and Marriage: Unhitching the Horse and Carriage, James Edward Maule
Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal & Mining Co. Revisited: The Ballad of Willie and Lucille, Judith Maute
Introduction to American Legal Profession: Private Practice, Ethics, Malpractice & Bar Associations, Judith L. Maute
Social practices, legal narrative, and the development of the legal tradition, Laurent Mayali
Symposium on Ancient Law, Economics & Society, Laurent Mayali, James Lindgren, and Geoffrey P. Miller
The Quick and the Dead: Fish Entrainment, Entrapment, and the Application of Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act, James R. May and Maya K. Van Rossum
La Bolsa de Valores, su regulación jurídica y otros aspectos, Eduardo Mayora
Privatization of Municipal Services: A Contagion in the Body Politic, Shirley Mays
Book Review, Challenging the Hart and Wechsler Paradigm, Mary Brigid McManamon
Domestic Dimensions, Kent McNeil and Renée Dupuis
When Foreclosure Sales Go Awry: Damages for Purchasers at Improper Foreclosure Sales, Robyn L. Meadows
The Uneasy Case for Ecolabelling, Peter Menell
The Basic Issue in Lotus v. Borland, Peter Menell and Dennis S. Karjala
The economic impact of intellectual property rights: An overview and guide, Robert P. Merges
Communitarianism in Corporate Law: Foundations and Law Reform Strategies, David K. Millon
Antitrust at Century’s End [Symposium: Antitrust in the Twenty-First Century], Gary Minda
Postmodern Legal Movements: Law and Jurisprudence at Century’s End , Gary Minda
Derecho Bancario, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
The Right of Rescission, Still Controversial After All These Years, Daniel J. Morgan
The Executive Way: Conflict Management in Corporations, Calvin Morrill
"Force and Arms," Vol. 1, and "International Crimes," Vol. 2, John F. Murphy
Participated in sessions on "International Economic Law" and "International Crimes," in International Law Video Course (WTL Productions, Primos, PA) , John F. Murphy
"Prospects for a Permanent International Criminal Court," World Order Under Law Reporter, Spring/Summer, John F. Murphy
Review of "The International Law on Foreign Investment," by M. Sornarajah, American Journal of International Law, John F. Murphy
Evolution of the Colombian Judiciary and the Constitutional Court, Luz Estella Nagle-Ortiz
Constitutional Torts: Cases, Comments and Questions (with M. Wells & T. Eaton). , Sheldon Nahmod
State Constitutional Torts: Deshaney, Reverse-Federalism and Community, Sheldon Nahmod
The mass media and democratisation in Africa, Charles Muiru Ngugi
The Architecture of a Lawyer’s Operation: Learning from Frank Lloyd Wright, John F. Nivala
The Isomorphism Problem for Cayley Digraphs on Groups of Prime-Squared Order, Anne Joseph O'Connell
A Guide to the Early Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, Sharon Hamby O'Connor and Morris L. Cohen
Learning and Learning-to-Learn by Doing: Simulating Corporate Practice in Law School, Karl S. Okamoto
Reputation and the Value of Lawyers (Symposium on Business Lawyering and Value Creation for Clients), Karl S. Okamoto
Kennedy, King, Shuttlesworth and Walker: The Events Leading to the Introduction of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, David B. Oppenheimer
Richard Rorty: Toward a Post-Metaphysical Culture (interview), Michael P. O'Shea
Toward an Economics of Comparative Political Organization: Examining Ministerial Responsibility, Matthew S. R. Palmer
Is There An Alternative to Title Insurance (Speaker & Chair of Panel), Joyce Palomar
Cuestiones sobre la cambial en blanco y las alteraciones del título en un fallo de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de Buenos Aires, Martin Paolantonio
El derecho de suscripción preferente y las acciones en cartera de la sociedad. La enajenación de la autocartera, Martin Paolantonio
Fondos comunes de inversión y protección del ahorrista: una asignatura pendiente, Martin Paolantonio
La Resolución General 262 de la CNV y la compra de sus propias acciones por las sociedades anónimas, Martin Paolantonio
Oponibilidad de la inexistencia de la cuenta corriente bancaria en el proceso ejecutivo, Martin Paolantonio
La representación en materia cambiaria, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Las acciones de responsabilidad patrimonial contra terceros en la quiebra, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Reformas al derecho privado. Ley 24.441, Martin Paolantonio, Elena Highton, Julio Rivera, and Jorge Mosset Iturraspe
Doping, Marios Papaloukas
Children of Islam, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Education News, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
‘Equality Within Islam Not Without It: Perspectives of Muslim Women in Britain’,, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
International Consultancy about Action Research: Questions of Methodology and Ethics, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas in International Research: School Attendance and, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Pupil Power: Pupil Empowerment, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Questions of Equity’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor