About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1994

Review of America's First Woman Lawyer: The Biography of Myra Bradwell, by Jane M. Friedman, Filippa M. Anzalone

Review of Coudert Brothers: A Legacy in Law, The History of America's First International Law Firm, 1853-1993, by Virginia Kays Veenswijk, Filippa M. Anzalone

Review of The Lawyer's Handbook, by Austin G. Anderson, Gary A. Munneke, and Katharine B. Soper, Filippa M. Anzalone

Review of The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal Profession, by Anthony T. Kronman, Filippa M. Anzalone

Antecedentes constitucionales y régimen de prácticas comerciales restrictivas, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa

Apuntes sobre integraciones y competencia, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa

Criterio de aplicación de las normas de competencia, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa

1 Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports, Dennis W. Arrow


Oklahoma's Tribal Courts: A Prologue, the First Fifteen Years of the Modern Era, and a Glimpse at the Road Ahead, Dennis W. Arrow

The Role of Arbitration Procedures in Resolving Tax Disputes, Hugh J. Ault

Federal Income Taxation, Cases and Materials, Hugh J. Ault, Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J. McMahon, and Daniel L. Simmons


Proceso Económico, Manuel Ayau


Constricting the Law of Freedom: Justice Miller, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Slaughter-House Cases, Richard L. Aynes


The 27th Amendment, Richard L. Aynes


La Constitución de los Estados Unidos y la protección de los derechos humanos, Robert S. Barker and J. Castro

Review of State Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, 2nd ed., by Robert F. Williams, Charles H. Baron

Cómo se hacen las Leyes, Julia Barragán


Conversación con Giovanni Salvi, Enrique Barros Bourie and Giovanni Salvi


Treaty Law: A Primer for Human Rights Lawyers, Perry S. Bechky

Revision of "Property Disposition in Agreements--Antenuptial, Postnuptial, and Separation, Lewis Becker


Living with Miranda: a reply to Professor Grano, Martin H. Belsky

Opportunities & Independence, Martin H. Belsky


The Public Trust Doctrine: the Public Trust Doctrine and Takings: a Post-Lucas view, Martin H. Belsky


Just-In-Time Purchasing and the Problem of Consequential Damages, Robert B. Bennett


Editorial, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery

Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (San Francisco, California, 10–12 June 1994)., Gigi Berardi

Evidentiary Framework, Margaret Berger

Novel Forensic Evidence: The Need for Court-Appointed Experts after Daubert, Margaret Berger

Procedural Paradigms for Applying the Daubert Test, Margaret Berger


“Between ‘Alliance’ and ‘Localization’: Nationalism and the New Oscillationism, Nathaniel Berman


Law, Culture, and Harassment, Anita Bernstein


Heirs of Leonardo: Cultural Obstacles to Strict Products Liability in Italy, Anita Bernstein and Paul Fleming

Director Liability Under FIRREA: Negligence and Gross Negligence in the Courts, Norwood Beveridge


Does a Corporation's Board of Directors Owe a Fiduciary Duty to Its Creditors?, Norwood Beveridge

An Introduction to the Causation Issue in Toxic Torts Litigation, Denis Binder

City of Chicago v. Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.: What did Congress Mean? Does Federal Law Regulate Incinerator Ash as Hazardous Waste?, Denis Binder

Liability of Directors of Chapter 11 Debtors in Possession: 'Don't Look Back - Something May Be Gaining on You', Daniel B. Bogart

Big Bucks Are No Big Deal, Legal Times, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Comments on New York Stock Exchange Voting Rights Policy, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Drowning in Money, Awash in Metaphors, Wall Street Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Limited Liability and the Efficient Allocation of Resources, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Stop the Misue of Punitive Awards, New York Times, Sunday Business Section, RICHARD A. BOOTH

The Other Side of the Management Compensation Controversy, RICHARD A. BOOTH


The Uncertain Case for Regulating Program Trading, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Economic Integration for the Asian Century: An Early Look at New Approaches, Gregory W. Bowman and Kenneth W. Abbott

Economic Integration in the Americas: A Work in Progress, Gregory W. Bowman and Kenneth W. Abbott

Rural by Design, Elizabeth Brabec, Randall Arendt, Robert D. Yaro, and Harry L. Dodson

Antitrust Conspiracy Doctrine and the Hospital Enterprise, William S. Brewbaker

Health Care Price Controls and the Takings Clause, William S. Brewbaker

Rejoinder to Professor Merrill, William S. Brewbaker

Equity: Real Property and the Problem of the Troublesome Neighbor, Howard W. Brill


The Name of the Departed Team: Who Can Use It?, Howard W. Brill

The Name of the Departed Team: Who Can Use It?, Howard W. Brill


Paying Back Your Country Through Income-Contingent Student Loans, Evelyn Brody

The Partnership Tax Practice Manual (Panel Publishers 1989 with annual updates through 1994) (with B. Benesh & M. Bryant), Evelyn Brody


Developing Countries in the International Trade Order, Bartram Brown

Binding Advisory Opinions: A Federal Courts Perspective on the State School Finance Cases, George D. Brown

Property Law: 1994 Survey of Florida Law, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman


The Straight-Line Method of Determining Personal Jurisdiction, John M. Brumbaugh and William L. Reynolds

Ohio Appellate Practice before and after Polikoff: Are Things Really all that much Clearer?, Michael Buenger

La Legislación Antimonopolios y el Mito del Muro de Berlín, Alfredo Bullard González

Faiblesse oblige, Mauro Bussani


Faiblesse oblige, Mauro Bussani


Problemi dell'illecito: superiorità soggettive e giudizio sulla colpa, Mauro Bussani

Risky Business: Church Hiring and Volunteer Selection, A Legal and Policy Guide, Lynn R. Buzzard

La Ley de Defensa del Consumidor, Su Aplicabilidad y su Incidencia sobre los Mecanismos de Contratación, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Los Vicios en la Constitución de Sociedades, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas


Economía del nacionalismo y secesión, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez

Industrialización y derecho de daños en la España del siglo XIX, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez


The Swedish Model Betrayed, Timothy A. Canova

Arbitraje en el Perú: Desarrollo Actual y Perspectivas Futuras, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry and Manuel Diego Aramburú Yzaga


A case study of disability in basic school, Mia Carlucci

Analyzing and Understanding Treaties in the Area of International Environmental Law, David D. Caron


Governance and Collective Legitimation in the New World Order, David D. Caron


Introductory Note to Decisions 14 Through 23 of the United Nations Compensation Commission, David D. Caron

The Institutional Risks of Coerced 'Greening' in a Consensual World, David D. Caron




Pluralism and the Quality of Religious Discourse in Law and Politics, David S. Caudill

Social Hysteria and Social Psychoanalysis: A Response to Brion's The Hidden Persistence of Witchcraft, David S. Caudill

Two Critiques of Legal Ideology , David S. Caudill

The Critical Role of Erisa in State Health Reform, Mary Ann Chirba and Troyen A. Brennan

A Review of Legal Instruments and Codes on Medical Experimentation with Children, Sujit Choudhry

Hospital policies on life-sustaining treatments and advance directives in Canada, Sujit Choudhry, I. Rasooly, J. V. Lavery, S. Urowitz, N. Seeman, E. M. Meslin, F. H. Lowy, and P. A. Singer

¿La expropiación solamente es forzosa? Apuntes generales desde el Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones, Mijail F. Cienfuegos Falcón

Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock: Indian Treaty Rights at the End of the Nineteenth Century, C. Blue Clark

Der Code Napoléon und die Konzeption Des Rechts in Spanien, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador

Derecho Indígena y Cultura Constitucional en América, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador


Espacio colonial y vacío constitucional de los derechos indígenas, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador

Historia del Derecho: Derecho Común, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador

Ley del Código. Transplantes y Rechazos Constitucionales Por España y Por América, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador


Liberty and Tolerance, raphael cohen-almagor

Run Baseball Just Like Any Other Business? That's the Last Thing the Owners Should Want, Neil Cohen and S. W. Waller


Supreme Court Announces New Standard for Takings Claims, Will Cook


Market Affirmative Action, Robert D. Cooter


Structural Adjudication and the New Law Merchant: A Model of Decentralized Law, Robert D. Cooter


Void for Vagueness: Introduction to a Symposium, Robert D. Cooter


The Logic of Power in the Emerging European Constitution: Game Theory and the Division of Powers, Robert Cooter and Josef Drexl


An Economic Model of Legal Discovery, Robert D. Cooter and Daniel L. Rubinfeld

An Economic Model of Legal Discovery, Robert D. Cooter and Daniel L. Rubinfeld