The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1994
Reply Comments to FCC Notice Of Proposed Rules on Consumer Electronics Compatibility, Ron D. Katznelson
Historical Perspective and Current Trends in the Legal Process of Divorce, Sanford N. Katz
Remarks (as Panelist) on "The Best Interests of the Child: A Re-Examination," for panel on "Parental Power, Children's Interests, and State Authority", Sanford N. Katz
Cases and Materials on Family Law: Legal Concepts and Changing Human Relationships, Sanford N. Katz, Walter O. Weyrauch, and Frances Olsen
Elder Law: Portfolio Series, Billie Jo Kauffman
Home Health Care Law: Liability and Risk Management, Billie Jo Kauffman
Listening for the Future in the Voices of the Past: John T. Noonan, Jr. on Love and Power in Human History (expanded version), M. Cathleen Kaveny
Breaking the Silence: Tort Liability for Failing to Protect Children from Abuse, Mary Kate Kearney
Comparing the United States Warehouse Act and UCC Article 7, Drew L. Kershen
Documents of Title: The 1993 Caselaw, Drew L. Kershen
The Jurisdiction of Regulatory Agencies Over Environmental Concerns in Oklahoma Agriculture, Drew L. Kershen
Lessons from Malcolm X: Freedom by any Means Necessary, Ali Khan
Lessons from Malcolm X: Freedom by Any Means Necessary, Ali Khan
The Kashmir Dispute: A Plan for Regional Cooperation, Ali Khan
The Kashmir Dispute: A Plan for Regional Cooperation, Ali Khan
Russia's Wild East: Ecological Deterioration and the Rule of Law in Siberia, Paul Stanton Kibel
Defending Defendants Charged with Drug Offenses (3 volume manual for Cook County Public Defender's Office), Richard S. Kling
Motion Manual for Illinois Criminal Defense Attorneys , Richard S. Kling
Pre-Trial Motions and Discovery, Richard S. Kling
The Paradox of Corporate Giving: Tax Expenditures, the Nature of the Corporation, and the Social Construction of Charity, Nancy J. Knauer
Future Nonadvance Obligations: Preferences Lost in Metaphor, F. Stephen Knippenberg
The Unsecured Creditor's Bargain: An Essay in Reply, Reprisal, or Support?, F. Stephen Knippenberg
Fangers boligudgifter, Ida Elisabeth Koch
Sociale ydelser under fængselsophold, Ida Elisabeth Koch
Wisconsin County Law Libraries: A Court Evaluation Project, Marcia J. Koslov
Looking For Default Rule Legitimacy in All the Wrong Places: A Critique of the Authority of Contract Model and the Coordination Principle Proposed by Professor Burton, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Discovery in the Real World, Minna J. Kotkin
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: A Parent's Perspective and Proposal for Change, Martin A. Kotler
Anthologizing the Administrative State, Harold J. Krent
Delegation and Its Discontents (reviewing David Schoenbrod, Power Without Responsibility, Harold J. Krent
Foundations of the Law: An Interdisciplinary and Jurisprudential Primer , Bailey H. Kuklin and Jeffrey W. Stempel
The Right of Publicity vs. The First Amendment: A Property and Liability Rule Analysis, Roberta R. Kwall
Towards the creation of an international legal regime for the operation of eurocurrency deposits, Edmund Kwaw Professor
Anatomy of Sections 951(a)(1)(B) and 956 of the Internal Revenue Code, Eric T. Laity
An Interview with Barrie Stavis, Daniel Larner
Anywhere But Home: The Life and Work of Barrie Stavis, Daniel Larner
Educating For Professional Competence in the Twenty-First Century: Educational Reform at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Gary S. Laser
Bias in the International Trade Administration: The Need for Impartial Decisionmakers in United States Antidumping Proceedings, Michael Anthony Lawrence
The Role of Lower State Courts in Adapting State Law to Changed Federal Interpretations, Bruce Ledewitz
The Uncertain Power of the President to Execute the Laws, Bruce Ledewitz
What's Really Wrong with the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Bruce Ledewitz
Case Comment, United States v. James Daniel Good Real Property, Edward Lee
A Place for the Privileged Will, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Quiet Justice: Adding People with Hearing Loss to the Jury of Our Peers, Randy Lee
Premises Liability, Jerome M. Leitner
Dram Shop Liability and Intentional Torts, Jerome M. M. Leitner
Amicus brief, Ireland v. Smith, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Domestic Violence and Stalking: A Comment on the Model Anti - Stalking Code Proposed by the National Institute of Justice, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Domestic Violence Custody Issues: A Strategy Paper, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Multiple columns on cases involving domestic violence, Nancy K.D. Lemon
How Radical Is Lani Guinier? , Michael E Lewyn
Aiding the Transformation of Economies: Is the Fund's Conditionality Appropriate to the Task?, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Introductory remarks and remarks to "Regional Development Assistance to Reduce Disparities Among Member Countries: Does EC Experience Point the Way for NAFTA?", Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Remarks (as Panelist) on "The Regulation of International Banking: EC Banking Directives and Extraterritorial Aspects.", Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Standards and Administrative Practice Regarding Treatment of Foreign Banks in the United States, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Människorätt och metodik, Ulf Linderfalk
Can American Constitutional Law Be Postmodern?, Robert Justin Lipkin
Pragmatism, Cultural Criticism and the Idea of the Postmodern University, Robert Justin Lipkin
The Quest for the Common Good: Neutrality and Deliberative Democracy in Sunstein's Conception of American Constitutionalism, Robert Justin Lipkin
Recent Proposals to Redesign the EITC: A Reply to an Economist's Response, Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
La nueva Ley Federal de Procedimiento Administrativo, José Antonio Lozano Díez
2. Young children's understanding of "remember" and "forget.", Thomas D. Lyon and John H. Flavell
Real Estate Workouts and Bankruptcies, Ray D. Madoff
Tax Considerations, Ray D. Madoff
Book Note, (commenting on Sheldon Leader, Freedom of Association: A Study in Labor Law and Political Theory), Martin H. Malin
Conflicts Arising Out of Workforce Diversity, Proceedings 46th annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators 104 (with L. Stallworth), Martin H. Malin
Fathers and Parental Leave, Martin H. Malin
Legal Environment of Business (with J. Blackburn & E. Klayman), Martin H. Malin
Workplace Diversity: A Continuing Challenge for ADR, Martin H. Malin
El recurso de protección y los derechos personales que emanan de los contratos, Juan Carlos Marín
The Religion Clauses and Parental Health Care Decisionmaking for Children: Suggestions for a New Approach, Ann MacLean Massie
Efficiency in Legal Transplants: an Essay in Comparative Law and Economics, Ugo Mattei
Why the Wind Changed: Intellectual Leadership in Western Law, Ugo Mattei
"Income Tax Liability: Concepts and Calculation" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule
"State and Local Taxes" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule
"State Taxation of S Corporations" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule
"Tax Credits: Concepts and Calculation" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule
"The Accelerated Cost of Recovery System (ACRS)," Tax Management Portfolio Series (in publication stages), James Edward Maule
"Trade of Business and For-Profit Activity Deductions" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule
"Deduction Limitations: In General" Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule and Lisa M. Starczewski
"Deductions: Overview and Conceptual Aspects," Tax Management Portfolio Series, James Edward Maule and Lisa M. Starczewski
American Bar Association Site Evaluator (1994-2004); Association of American Law Schools Site Evaluator, Summarian (2000-2004), Judith L. Maute
El editor, el Santo Oficio y los abogados o de cómo, efectivamente, es mejor no estar entre los últimos, I, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Sobre los codicilos en la práctica novohispana del siglo XVIII, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Identite et droit de l'autre, Laurent Mayali
- Le droit des autres dans la France medieval: Système de différenciation et mode d’harmonisation, Laurent Mayali
Subjektivierung des justiziellen Beweisverfahrens : Beiträge zum Zeugenbeweis in Europa und den USA (18.-20. Jahrhundert), Laurent Mayali, Andre Gouron, and Dieter Simon
El Poder, Eduardo Mayora
Note, Florida Corporation Law: Proposed Statutory Relief for Oppressed Minority Shareholders in Florida, Jeffrey M. McFarland
Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina: Possessory Estates and Present Interests in Real Property, James A. McLaughlin Jr. and Patrick K. Hetrick
A Case For a Closer Examination of Our So-Called ‘Neutral’ Principles, Mary Brigid McManamon
The Power and Limits of Legal Naming: A Case Study of 'Battered Woman Syndrome', Judith A. McMorrow
First Nation Riparian Rights and Hydraulic Development in Ontario, Kent McNeil
Environmental Law and Policy, Peter Menell and Richard B. Stewart