The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1994
The Third Restatement of Torts: An Unreasonably Dangerous Doctrine, Ellen Wertheimer
Libraries and Copyright: A Guide to Copyright Law in the 1990s, Sarah K. Wiant and Laura Gasaway
State Succession to Debts and Assets: The Modern Law and Policy, Paul R. Williams and Jennifer Harris
Domination, Justice and the Cult of Violence, Stephen P. Wink
Reexamining Decisions-Making Processes in International Environmental Law, David A. Wirth
The United States and the World Bank: Constructive Reformer or Fly in the Functional Ointment?, David A. Wirth
U.C.C. Section 2-207: The Drafting History, John D. Wladis
Revised U.C.C. Section 2-207: Analysis and Recommendations, John D. Wladis and Mark E. Roszkowski
The role and limitations of Fisher and Ury's model of interest-based negotiation in mediation, Bobette Wolski
Scope of Discovery and Interrogatories, William A. Woodruff
Trial Skills, William A. Woodruff
The Pursuit of Criminal Justice: Essays From the Chicago Center, Franklin E. Zimring
Documents from 1993
"The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993", Andy Abrams
"Whistleblowers", Andy Abrams
Law and the chicken: an eggs-agerated curriculum proposal, Roger I. Abrams
Análisis de la Ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y Culto Público, Jorge Adame Goddard
Ciscomani Freaner, Francisco, "Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Inversión y solución de controversias", Ars Iusris, México, núm. 10, 1993, pp. 285-295, Jorge Adame Goddard
Consulta de un jurisconsulto antiguo (Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti), Jorge Adame Goddard
D'Ors, Álvaro, Elementos de derecho privado romano, 3a ed.,enteramente reformada, Pamplona, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1992, Jorge Adame Goddard
El Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte en el orden jurídico mexicano, Jorge Adame Goddard
Existencia del mandato y facultades del mandatario en decisiones de la Tercera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, durante 1992, Jorge Adame Goddard
Interpretación de la Tercera sala sobre la cláusula de un contrato de arrendamiento que establece una pena convencional, Jorge Adame Goddard
Las compraventas internacionales en la zona norteamericana de libre comercio, Jorge Adame Goddard
Las obligaciones del vendedor en la compraventa internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
Libro XVIII del Digesto (sobre la compraventa). Trad., intr., notas e índice, Jorge Adame Goddard
RAMBERG, Jan, Guide to INCOTERMS 1990, Jorge Adame Goddard
Veytia Palomino, Hernany, "La contratación en el derecho internacional privado", Ars Iuris, México, núm. 10, 1993, pp. 267-281, Jorge Adame Goddard
Análisis de la Ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y Culto Público, Jorge Carlos Adame
Consultatio veteris cuiusdam iurisconsulti, Jorge Carlos Adame
El Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte en el orden jurídico mexicano, Jorge Carlos Adame
Interpretación de la Tercera sala sobre la cláusula de un contrato de arrendamiento que establece una pena convencional, Jorge Carlos Adame
Las obligaciones del vendedor en la compraventa internacional, Jorge Carlos Adame
Libro XVIII del Digesto (sobre la compraventa), Jorge Carlos Adame
Reseña de D'Ors, Álvaro, Elementos de derecho privado romano, 3a ed.,enteramente reformada, Pamplona, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1992, Jorge Carlos Adame
Book Review of R. Schaffert, 'Media Coverage & Political Terrorists' (1992), Richard Allan
New World Order Brings Chaos and Crime in Eastern Europe, Richard Allan
Terrorism, Extradition and International Sanctions, Richard Allan
The Failure to Recognize Minority Rights and Claims: Political Violence / Terrorism in the East and West, Richard Allan
"The Failure to Recognize Minority Rights and Claims: Political Violence / Terrorism in the East and West" , Richard Allan
"The Failure to Recognize Minority Rights and Claims: Political Violence / Terrorism in the East and West" , Richard Allan
Clemency: Post Conviction Relief for Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers, Linda L. Ammons
Parole: Post Conviction Relief for Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers, Linda L. Ammons
The Hazardous Waste Land, Jerry L. Anderson
Assessing Genetic Risks: Implications for Health and Social Policy, Lori B. Andrews
Eugenics as Policy, (reviewing Philip R. Reilly, The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary Sterilization in the United States), Lori B. Andrews
Legal Aspects of Reproductive Medicine, Lori B. Andrews
My Body, My Property, Lori B. Andrews
Needed: A Real Miracle, (reviewing Joan Cassell, Expected Miracles), Lori B. Andrews
Public and Private Choices: Legal Regulation of Genetic Testing, Lori B. Andrews
Regulation of Experimentation on the Unborn, Lori B. Andrews
Law Librarians of New England, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Books and Periodicals Online: Includes CD-ROMS, edited by Nuchine Nobari, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Dictionary of International and Comparative Law, by James R. Fox, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of How to Start and Build a Law Practice, 3rd ed., by Jay G. Foonberg, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Locate 1992-1993: A Directory of Law Office Computer Software Vendors. 12th ed., edited by Loretta Auer, Mark S. Halperin, and Eric M. Helmer, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Supreme Court A to Z: A Ready Reference Encyclopedia, edited by Elder Witt, Filippa M. Anzalone
Bankruptcy Relief Against Governmental Entities, Dennis W. Arrow
Tribal Members' Immunities From State Taxation, Dennis W. Arrow
The 1992 Model Treaty: Treatment of Computer Software, Hugh J. Ault
The Role of the OECD Commentaries in the Interpretation of Tax Treaties, Hugh J. Ault
The Impeachment and Removal of Tennessee Judge West Humphreys: John Bingham's Prologue to the Johnson Impeachment Trial, Richard Aynes
On Misreading John Bingham and the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
The Impeachment and Removal of Tennessee Judge West Hemphreys: John Bingham's Prologue to the Johnson Impeachment Trial, Richard L. Aynes
Unequal Racial Access to Kidney Transplantation, Ian Ayres, Laura Dooley, and Robert Gaston
Legal Construct, Social Concept: A Macrosociological Perspective on Law, Larry D. Barnett
Blood, Sin, and Death: Jehovah's Witnesses and the American Patient's Rights Movement, Charles H. Baron
Juridical Argumentation and Expert Systems in Law, Julia Barragán
Why some hard cases remain unsolved, Julia Barragán
Las Diversidades Culturales en la Formación y Aplicación del Derecho, Julia Barragán and Armando Rodríguez
Premarital Agreements: An Overview, Lewis Becker
Premarital and Martial Contracts: A Lawyer's Guide to Drafting and Negotiating Enforceable Marital and Cohabitation Agreements, Lewis Becker
The Third Amendment: Forgotten But Not Gone, Tom W. Bell
Cases and Materials, Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy, Martin H. Belsky
Final Report and Recommendations, Special Commission on the Fire Service in the 90's, Martin H. Belsky
Legal Regimes for Management of LME's and their Component Resources, Martin H. Belsky
"Race and Capital Punishment in the United States and South Africa", Ursula Bentele
"The False Promise of Discretionary Imposition of the Death Penalty in South Africa", Ursula Bentele
’But the Alternative is Despair’: European Nationalism and the Modernist Renewal of International Law, Nathaniel Berman
From "Good Ol' Boys" to "Good Young Law": The Significance of the Oklahoma Administrative Code, Phyllis E. Bernard
Social Security and Medicare Adjudications at HHS: Two Approaches to Administrative Justice in an Ever-Expanding Bureaucracy, Phyllis E. Bernard
A Model of Products Liability Reform, Anita Bernstein
Perspectives on a Torts Course, Anita Bernstein
Power and Paradigm, Robert Berring
Practicing Law in 2013, Robert Berring
Director Liability: Recent Developments, Norwood Beveridge
Duty of Care Directors of Insured Depository Institutions Under FIRREA: Understanding the Gross Negligence Statutory Provisions, Norwood Beveridge
Chapter on "Slander of Title and Assorted Slings and Arrows of the Property Bar", Denis Binder
A Wild Ride for Executive Compensation, The Recorder (San Francisco), RICHARD A. BOOTH
Comments on Russian Federation Law on State Support on Small Enterprise, for ABA Central and East European Law Initiative, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Corporate Executives Deserve Their Due, The Connecticut Law Tribune, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Derivative Suits and Pro Rata Recovery, RICHARD A. BOOTH
High-Risk Jobs Deserve High-Level Pay, Executive Compensation, Texas Lawyer, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Keep Punitives Out of Arbitration, Los Angeles Daily Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Malpractice Insurance and the Thrift Crisis, Insights, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Review of Brudney & Chirelstein's Corporate Finance, by Victor Brudney & William W. Bratton in Journal of Law & Education, RICHARD A. BOOTH
SEC's Slant is Wrong on Stock Pay, National Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Stockholders, Stakeholders and Bagholders, The Red Herring, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Efficient Market, Portfolio Theory and the Downward Sloping Demand Hypothesis, RICHARD A. BOOTH