The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1993
Substantial Compliance, the 9100 Regulations, and the Special Use Election, Mark R. Gillett
Back From the Brink [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1991-92 Term], Joel M. Gora
The Emerging Standards for Issuing Appellate Stays, John Y. Gotanda
Introduction: Overriding Public Values, Stephen E. Gottlieb
Public Values in Constitutional Law, Stephen E. Gottlieb
Original Penumbras: Constitutional Interpretation in the First Year of Congress, Kent Greenfield
Determination Of Time Of Execution Of Predetermined Data Processing Routing In Relation To Occurrence Of Prior Externally Observable Event, Roy A. Griffin, III; James N. Esserman; Steven E. Anderson; Steven R. Hart; and Ron D. Katznelson
Autour du contrat naturel, Serge Gutwirth
Codificación, descodificación y recodificación del derecho civil en Chile, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
La contribución de Portales a la formación del Estado de Derecho, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Mass Immunizations, Learned Intermediaries and the Manufacturers' Duty to Warn, Beth L. Haas
According Purchase Money Status Proper Priority, Russell A. Hakes
Commentary: It's the Banking Legislation, Stupid!, Alvin C. Harrell
Commentary: Ten Banking Trends in the 1990s - A Sea Change for America, Alvin C. Harrell
Deposit Insurance Issues and Their Implications for the Structure of the American Financial System, Alvin C. Harrell
New Regulations Impact Bank Operations, Alvin C. Harrell
Revising Article 9: Selected Comments on the UCC PEB Study Group Article 9 Report, Alvin C. Harrell
American Bar Association Oil and Gas Task Force Recommending UCC Article 9 Revisions, Alvin C. Harrell and Owen L. Anderson
Introduction to the Symposium on Consumer Financial Services Law in the 1990s, Alvin C. Harrell and Robert P. Chamness et al.
Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Alvin C. Harrell and Richard E. Coulson
Disclosures to Depositors: The Truth in Savings Act and Regulation DD, Alvin C. Harrell and Stephen K. Huber
1993 Update on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
The New UCC Articles 3 and 4: Impact on Banking Operations, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
Introduction to the Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Robert P. Chamness
"A(nother) Critique of Pure Reason": Toward Civic Virtue in Legal Education, Angela P. Harris and Marjorie Shultz
"A(nother) Critique of Pure Reason": Toward Civic Virtue in Legal Education, Angela P. Harris and Marjorie Shultz
Commercial Law (Farnsworth, Honnold, Harris, Mooney & Reitz) (5th ed.) , Steven L. Harris
Sales and Secured Financing (Honnold, Harris, Mooney & Reitz) (6th ed.), Steven L. Harris
Using Fundamental Principles of Commercial Law to Decide UCC Cases, , Steven L. Harris
Casualties of War, Dean M. Hashimoto
The Constitutional Ghetto, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit
The Constitutional Ghetto, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit
The Urban Institute Audit Studies: Their Methods and Findings, James Heckman and Peter Siegelman
A Quiet Year: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions during the 1991 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law, 1991-92 Term], William E. Hellerstein
Burial Rights for Indigenous People, Taiawagi Helton
Conference on Political Prisoners and Prisoners of Conscience, Taiawagi Helton
Contemporary Native American Issues, Taiawagi Helton
Dissent in America, Taiawagi Helton
History of Indian United States Relations, Taiawagi Helton
Incident at Oglala, Taiawagi Helton
Issues of Discrimination Against Native Americans, Taiawagi Helton
Racism in the United States: Comparative Historical Perspectives, Taiawagi Helton
The Importance of Student and Community Involvement, Taiawagi Helton
Beyond Parity: Section 1983 and the State Courts, Susan N. Herman
Teaching Law with Sacco, Vanzetti and the Rosenbergs, Susan N. Herman
Why the Court Loves Batson: Representation-Reinforcement, Colorblindness, and the Jury, Susan N. Herman
Book Review: Sister Aimee, The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson, Hugh Hewitt
The 1992 Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: A critical analysis, Ellen Hey, Ton IJlstra, and André Nollkaemper
Natural Rights, Positivism and the Ninth Amendment: A Response to McAffee, Steven J. Heyman
Lawyer Advertising, Louise L. Hill
[Issue Editor] Elder Law: Special Issue for Lawyers and Their Clients Who Weren't Born Yesterday, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Legal Rights and Obligations: An Uneven Evolution, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Book Review: Human Dignity as the Polestar for Rights Decision Making, Frank R. Kemerer, William Wayne Justice: A Judicial Biography, Scott W. Howe
Jury Fact-Finding in Criminal Cases: Constitutional Limits on Factual Disagreements Among Convicting Jurors, Scott W. Howe
False Promises: Feminist Anti-Pornography Legislation in the U.S. [Symposium: The Sex Panic: Women, Censorship and Pornography], Nan D. Hunter
Identity, Speech and Equality [Symposium on Sexual Orientation and the Law], Nan D. Hunter
Recent Cases, "Preemption Doctrine After Cipollone", Renee Jones
A Bibliometric Study of Texas Law Reviews, Laura K. Justiss
Wer Sind Wir Wieder? Laws of Asylum, Immigration, and Citizenship in the Struggle for the Soul of the New Germany, Daniel Kanstroom
Implications of the Stakeholder Model, Roberta S. Karmel
Securities Law in the European Community: Harmony or Cacophony?, Roberta S. Karmel
Symposium on Securities Law Enforcement Priorities, Roberta S. Karmel
Barriers to Foreign Issuer Entry into U.S. Markets [Symposium on Managing Economic Interdependence], Roberta S. Karmel and M. Head
Comparing Similarly Situated People in Disparate Treatment Cases, David G. Karro
Did Zarin Have A Tufts Day at a Casino Made Out of Kirby Lumber?, I Jay Katz
Comments submitted to FCC Notice Of Inquiry on Consumer Electronics Compatibility Rules, Ron D. Katznelson
Digital Broadband Descrambling Technology - A Compatible Access Control Solution To The Ever-Growing Consumer Electronics Interface Problem, Ron D. Katznelson
Reply Comments to FCC Notice Of Inquiry on Consumer Electronics Compatibility Rules, Ron D. Katznelson
Supplemental Reply Comments to FCC Notice Of Inquiry on Consumer Electronics Compatibility Rules, Ron D. Katznelson
In Memoriam: Doris Jonas Freed, Sanford N. Katz
Review of The Child's Attorney - Guide to Representing Children in Custody, Adoption, and Protection Cases, by Anne M. Haralambie, Sanford N. Katz
Planning for the Future: Providing a Meaningful Life for a Child with a Disability After Your Death, Billie Jo Kauffman
Wanted by the Law: A Career that Broke the Rules, Herma Hill Kay
Exchange Control (Enforcement of Exchange Controls in the United States), James Patrick Kelly
Procedural Public Policy (Public Policy in Transnational Litigation in the United States), James Patrick Kelly
Article 7: Documents of Title, Drew L. Kershen
The protection of digital samples under Australian intellectual property law, Patrick Keyzer
Autodesk, copyright in digital information and unfair competition, Patrick Keyzer and Michael Brooks
Conflict of Laws in Canada: The Case for an Interpretive Approach, Shelley M. Kierstead
Ideology as Moral Discourse or Struggle for Ppwer, Thomas Kleven
Training Manual for Cook County Public Defenders (co-editor with J. Carey), Richard S. Kling
Behandling af stofmisbrugere som alternativ til frihedsstraf i graensfladen mellem socialretten og faengelseretten, Ida Elisabeth Koch
Individualism and Communitarianism at Work, Thomas C. Kohler
In Praise of Little Platoons, Thomas C. Kohler
Lessons From The Social Charter: State, Corporation, and the Meaning of Subsidiarity, Thomas C. Kohler
The Overlooked Middle, Thomas C. Kohler
Explaining One-Way Fee Shifting, Harold J. Krent
Fee Shifting Under the Equal Access to Justice Act -- A Qualified Success, Harold J. Krent
Of Citizen Suits and Citizen Sunstein (with E. Shenkman), Harold J. Krent
Drafting Employment and Termination Agreements, Laurie E. Leader
Judicial Conscience and Natural Rights: A Reply to Professor Jaffa, Bruce Ledewitz
Book Note, Cass Sunstein, The Partial Constitution (reviewing Cass Sunstein, The Partial Constitution), Edward Lee
Dram Shop Liability and Intentional Torts, Jerome M. Leitner
Premises Liability, Jerome M. Leitner
Digest: Criminal Cases Concerning Domestic Violence, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Wie in den USA mit ‘ privater Gewalt’ gegen Frauen juristisch umgegangen wird, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Are Spread Out Cities Really Safer? , Michael E Lewyn