About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1993

Mutual versus Unilateral Mistake in Contracts, Eric Bennett Rasmusen and Ian Ayres

ICSID Reports: Reports of Cases Decided under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965, Rosemary Rayfuse (ed.)

International Abductions and the United States Supreme Court: The Law of the Jungle Reigns, Rosemary Rayfuse

Children’s Competence to Provide Informed Consent to Mental Health Treatment, Richard E. Redding

Integrating Cognitive Task Analysis into Instructional Systems Development, Richard E. Redding and J. Ryder

Cognitive Task Analysis of Expertise in Air Traffic Control, Richard E. Redding, T. Seamster, J. Cannon, J. Ryder, and J. Purcell


Reading Gaol Revisited: Admission of Uncharged Misconduct Evidence in Sex Offender Cases, Thomas J. Reed


Horizontal and Vertical Equity: The Musgrave/Kaplow Exchange, James R. Repetti and Paul R. McDaniel


El Derecho de Retención por Mejoras: Una Aproximación a la Lógica del Código Procesal Civil, Cristina Rey Montes, Sara Sotelo Aguilar, and Carlos A. Patrón


Does the Reasonable Woman Exist and Does She Have Any Place in Hostile Environment Sexual Harrassment Claims Under Title VII After Harris (Student Note), Liesa L. Richter

The Flag and the Law: A Documentary History of the Treatment of the American Flag by the Supreme Court and Congress, Marilyn Robinson and Christopher Simoni

The Problem of Accommodation Bills: Banking Theory and the Law of Bills and Notes in the Early Nineteenth Century, James S. Rogers

UCC Article 8 - Investment Securities: The Need for Revision to Accomodate Securities Holding Through Financial Intermediaries, James S. Rogers

Panelist on program on secured transactions under proposed revised UCC Article 8, James S. Rogers

Speaker on UCC Article 8 revision, James S. Rogers

Speaker on UCC Article 8 revision, James S. Rogers

A Brief Comment on Politically Incorrect Speech in the Wake of R.A.V., Ronald D. Rotunda

Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Civil Rights Act of 1991: A Brief Introductory Analysis of the Congressional Response to Judicial Interpretation, Ronald D. Rotunda

Simon Greenleaf on Desuetude and Judge-Made Law: An Unpublished Letter to Francis Lieber, Ronald D. Rotunda and Hoeflich


Civil Penalties and Multiple Punishment Under the Double Jeopardy Clause: Some Unanswered Questions, David S. Rudstein

El Derecho de la libertad , Pablo Salvador Coderch


Understanding Basic Trademark Law, Jeffrey M. Samuels


Color Trademarks: Shades of Confusion, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels


Reflections on Management of the PTO, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels

A Case Study on Computer Programs, Pamela Samuelson

Computer Programs and Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine, Pamela Samuelson

Liability for Defective Electronic Information, Pamela Samuelson

The Ups and Downs of Look and Feel, Pamela Samuelson

“Property Rights and the Economy of Nature: Understanding Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council”, 45 201 (1993)., Joseph L. Sax

"Rights That Inhere in the Title Itself": The Impact of the Lucas Case on Western Water Law, Joseph L. Sax


Polishing the Tarnished Golden Door, Michael Scaperlanda

Is health care different? Popular support of federal health and social policies., Mark Schlesinger and Tae-ku Lee


Building Bridges Between Theory and Practice, Activism and Scholarship [Symposium: The Justice Mission of American Law Schools], Elizabeth M. Schneider


Feminism and the False Dichotomy of Victimization and Agency [Symposium: The Sex Panic: Women, Censorship and Pornography] (excerpted in American Philosophical Association Joint Newsletters on Feminism and Philosophy, and Philosophy and Law (1995)), Elizabeth M. Schneider


Gendering and Engendering Process [Symposium: Feminist Jurisprudence and Procedure], Elizabeth M. Schneider

Reflections on Reflections After Casey , Elizabeth M. Schneider


Structuring Complexity, Disciplining Reality: The Challenge of Teaching Civil Procedure in a Time of Change [Symposium: Reinventing Civil Litigation: Evaluating Proposals for Change], Elizabeth M. Schneider

The Dialectic of Rights and Politics: Perspectives from the Women’s Movement (originally printed in 61 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 589 (1986); also reprinted in Women, Welfare and the State (L. Gordon ed. 1990); At the Boundaries of Law: Feminism and Legal Theory (M. Fineman ed. 1990); and Feminist Legal Theory: Readings in Law and Gender (K. Bartlett and R. Kennedy eds. 1991)), Elizabeth M. Schneider

Viatical Settlements: Ghoulish Investments or Business Opportunities?, Kurt S. Schulzke and Alan Schlact


Functional Explanation and Metaphysical Individualism, Justin Schwartz


The Paradox of Ideology, Justin Schwartz

Death Penalty Costs More than Money, Elisabeth Semel

Who Should Represent Crime Victims?, Elisabeth Semel


EIGHTH ANNUAL CRIMINAL LAW UPDATE, Judicial Continuing Legal, Miller W. Shealy

EIGHTH ANNUAL CRIMINAL LAW UPDATE, Judicial Continuing Legal, Miller W. Shealy



Mercy Killing and the Right to Inherit, Jeffrey G. Sherman

Restoring Informed Consent: State High Court Has Chance to Clarify Doctors' Duty to Disclose, Marjorie M. Shultz

A(nother) `Critique of Pure Reason', Marjorie M. Shultz and Angela Harris


The Pedagogy of Legal Writing, Christopher Simoni



Transcending Community: Some Thoughts on Havel and Bergson, Brian Slattery

Can Electric Power - A Natural Monopoly - Be Deregulated, Vernon L. Smith

Experiments in Decision, Organization and Exchange, Vernon L. Smith

Humankind in Prehistory: Economy, Ecology and Institutions, Vernon L. Smith

The Robustness of Bubbles and Crashes in Experimental Stock Markets, Vernon L. Smith, R. R. King, A. W. Williams, and M. Van Boening

Designing a Uniform Price Double Auction: An Experimental Evaluation, Vernon L. Smith, K. McCabe, and S. Rassenti

Monetary Rewards and Decision Cost in Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith and James Walker

Rewards, Experience and Decision Costs in First Price Auctions, Vernon L. Smith and James Walker

On the Failure to Induce Meager Offers in Ultimatum Games, Vernon L. Smith and Eythan Weg

Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.: The Story of a Landmark Libel Case, Book Review, Rodney A. Smolla

Last in War, Peace, and the Supreme Court, Review of Exiled in the Land of the Free by Oren Lyons, et al., Rodney A. Smolla


The Language of Judges, Lawrence M. Solan

When Judges Use the Dictionary, Lawrence M. Solan


Criminal Procedure Rights Under the Pennsylvania Constitution: Examining the Present and Exploring the Future, Leonard N. Sosnov

Article 2A: What's the Point? Warranty, Remedies and Damages are Virtually Unchanged, Michael Spak

Implied Warranty of Merchantability: Why Not Just Examine the Consumer's Reasonable Expectations?, Michael Spak

Pledge Allegiance to the Code: Dodging the Draft with Liberty and Leases for All, Michael Spak

Uniform Commercial Code Update , Michael Spak

Analytische und postanalytische Ethik, Horacio Spector


Aristotle and the Dilemmas of Feminism, Andrew C. Spiropoulos


Natural Right and the Constitution: Principle as Purpose and Limit, Andrew C. Spiropoulos

Law of Reinsurance, Graydon S. Staring

Computer Law on Disk 2.0 Electronic Course Kit, Ronald W. Staudt


Does the Grandmother Come With It? Teaching and Practicing Law in the 21st Century, Ronald W. Staudt


Law Office Automation Approaching the Millenium, Ronald W. Staudt

The Electronic Law School: A 1992 Snapshot of the Center for Law and Computers at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Ronald W. Staudt


Where Have All the Computers Gone? Survey Checks Out Law Firm Usage (with R. Shiels), Ronald W. Staudt

Reverse Removal, Joan E. Steinman

Supplemental Jurisdiction in Section 1441 Removed Cases: An Unsurveyed Frontier of Congress' Handiwork, Joan E. Steinman


Political Federalism and Congressional Truth-Telling, Margaret G. Stewart

Annual Native American Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland


Back to the Future: A Proposed Model Tribal Act to Protect Native Cultural Heritage, Rennard J. Strickland

“Spider Women, Lady Lawyers and Damsels-in-Distress: The Legal Message Under the Feather Boa", Rennard J. Strickland


Yellow Bird's Song: The Message of America's First Native American Attorney, Rennard J. Strickland


The Dilemma of Preserving Tribal Culture and Promoting Resource Development: A Bibliographic Essay, Rennard J. Strickland and Maria Protti

Coverage By the Gallon, Stephen D. Sugarman

Disparate Treatment of Smokers in Employment and Insurance, Stephen D. Sugarman


Family Law for the Next Century, Stephen D. Sugarman

Les Projets de Reforme de la Responsabilite Medicale aux Etas-Unis, Stephen D. Sugarman


On Harmonizing Laws and Evaluating Claims Processes, Stephen D. Sugarman

Overview, Stephen D. Sugarman


"Pay at the Pump" Auto Insurance: The California Vehicle Injury Plan (VIP) for Better Compensation, Fairer Funding, and Greater Safety, Stephen D. Sugarman


Proposals for Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman


Reforming Welfare Through Social Security, Stephen D. Sugarman


"The Decline of Abstinence" Review of Burnham "Bad Habits", Stephen D. Sugarman


Deciding What's Best for Children, Stephen D. Sugarman, John E. Coons, and Robert H. Mnookin

Smoking Policy: Law, Politics & Culture, Stephen D. Sugarman and Robert L. Rabin