The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1995
Securing Religious Liberty: Principles for Judicial Interpretation of the Religion Clauses, University of Chicago Press, 1995, Jesse H. Choper
Public opinion regarding end-of-life decisions: Influence of prognosis, practice and process, Sujit Choudhry, Peter A. Singer, Jane Armstrong, Eric M. Meslin, and Frederick H. Lowy
Cádiz Entre Indígenas. Lecturas y Lecciones de la Constitución y su Cultura en Tierra de los Mayas, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Colonos y no Indígenas. ¿Modelo Constitucional Americano?, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Tutela Administrativa o Diálogos con Tocqueville, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Trustee of the United States Supreme Court Historical Society, Andrew M. Coats
Baseball and the American Legal Mind , Neil Cohen
Subrogation: A Further Probing, Neil Cohen
Reexamining the Fiduciary Paradigm at Corporate Insolvency and Dissolution: Defining Directors' Duties to Creditors, Ann E. Conaway
Reforming the New Discovery Rules, Robert Cooter
Law and Unified Social Theory, Robert D. Cooter
Comparative Judicial Discretion: An Empirical Test of Economic Models, Robert D. Cooter and Tom Ginsburg
Comparative Judicial Discretion: An Empirical Test of Economic Models, Robert D. Cooter and Tom Ginsburg
Introduction - Conference on the Constitutional Law and Economics of the European Union, Robert D. Cooter and Dieter Schmidtchen
Lawyers and Fundamental Moral Responsibility, Daniel R. Coquillette
Abe Munson's Near-Death Experience, Randall T. Coyne
Death Penalty Trends, Randall T. Coyne
Death Row Suicide Attempt Raises Ethical Questions in Brecheen Case, Randall T. Coyne
Defending the Despised: William Moses Kunstler, Randall T. Coyne
Intellectual Property and Licensing in the United States, Randall T. Coyne
Legal and Ethical Issues Raised by the Internet, Randall T. Coyne
Marking the Progress of a Humane Justice: Harry Blackmun's Death Penalty Epiphany, Randall T. Coyne
Overview of Intellectual Property, Randall T. Coyne
Race, Gender, Poverty and the Death Penalty, Randall T. Coyne
Recent Developments in Fourth Amendment Law, Randall T. Coyne
The Death Penalty in America, Randall T. Coyne
The Death Penalty in America, Randall T. Coyne
The Federal Death Penalty Explosion, Randall T. Coyne
Update of Death Penalty Law, Randall T. Coyne
Why Does It Take So Long to Kill Roger Dale Stafford?: Delays and Costs of Capital Punishment, Randall T. Coyne
I Ain’t Gonna Work on Selig’s Farm No More, Michael J. Cozzillio
Notas sobre el concepto de rapiña según Domingo de Soto, Óscar Cruz
The Limits of Product Liability Reform Within a Consumer Expectation Model: A Comparison of Approaches Taken by the United States and the European Union, John G. Culhane
The Law of Deceit, 1790-1860: Continuity Amidst Change, Paula J. Dalley
Reconsidering Abortion Law: Liberty, Equality and the New Rhetoric of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Erin Daly
Corporate Decision Making in Canada, Ronald Daniels
Too Close for Comfort: The Role of the Closely Held Public Corporation in the Canadian Economy and the Implications for Public Policy, Ronald Daniels and Paul Halpern
The Future of Ontario Hydro: A Review of Structural and Regulatory Options, Ronald Daniels and Michael Trebilcock
It Takes Two: Remodeling the Management and Control Provisions of Community Property Law, Elizabeth De Armond
Legal Drafting: Teacher’s Manual, John C. Dernbach, Jane Rutherford, Laurel A. Vietzen, and Susan L. Brody
Legal Drafting: Teacher’s Manual, John C. Dernbach, Jane Rutherford, Laurel A. Vietzen, and Susan L. Brody
God Is as God Does: Law, Anthropology, and the Definition of "Religion", James M. Donovan
Relating Psychological Measures to Anthropological Observations: Procrastination as a Field Proxy for Death Anxiety?, James M. Donovan
Are Age Discrimination in Employment Recoveries Taxable?, Frank J. Doti
Does the U.S. Supreme Court's "Schleier" Decision Limit the Personal Injury Exclusion to Physical Injuries?, Frank J. Doti
Tort Taxonomy- A New Two-Part Exclusion Test, Frank J. Doti
Open to Merit of Every Description? An Historical Assessment of the Constitution's Qualifications Clauses, John C. Eastman
Introduction to Symposium on Law and the New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Lauren Edelman
Justice in the Workplace and Workplace Injustice: The Endogenous Construction of Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman
Rivalrous Benefit Taxation: The Independent Viability of Separate Agencies or Firms, Aaron S. Edlin and Mario Epelbaum
Specific Investment Under Negotiated Transfer Pricing: An Efficiency Result, Aaron S. Edlin and Stefan J. Reichelstein
Discouraging Rivals: Managerial Rent-Seeking and Economic Inefficiencies, Aaron S. Edlin and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Toxic Torts in a Nutshell, Jean M. Eggen
Understanding State Contribution Laws and Their Effect on the Settlement of Mass Tort Actions, Jean M. Eggen
Vampires Among Us--Does a Grand Jury Subpoena for Blood Violate the Fourth Amendment?, Floralynn Einesman
Strategic Goals in Jury Selection, Jules Epstein
Inejecución de Obligaciones y Acciones de Amparo, Freddy Escobar
Employee Privacy in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Articles, Law Review Competition Papers , Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Articles, Law Review Competition Papers , Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
Writing and Analysis in the Law, 3rd ed., Elizabeth Fajans, Marilyn R. Walter, and Helene S. Shapo
Justice Blackmun and Securities Arbitration: McMahon Revisited, James A. Fanto
Overview, James A. Fanto
The Future of Corporate Governance and the Institutional Investor, James A. Fanto
The Institutional Investor and the New Corporate Governance, James A. Fanto
The Transformation of French Corporate Governance, James A. Fanto
GATT Legal Restrictions on Domestic Environmental Regulations, Daniel A. Farber and R. Hudec
Prince, Richardson on Evidence (11th ed. ; Cum. Supp. 1997-2008), Richard Farrell
The Jury Trial in Historical Perspective: Social and Legal Factors Affecting its Decline, Malcolm M. Feeley
True Crime: The New Penology and Public Discourse on Crime, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
True Crime: The New Penology and Public Discourse on Crime, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
Responsabilidad Civil Médica, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Responsabilidad civil médica, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Foul Is Fair: What Shakespeare Really Thought about Lawyers, Judith Fischer
The Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Joel Fishman
The Reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Joel Fishman
La eficiencia de la justicia (Una aproximación y una propuesta), Héctor Fix Fierro
La reforma judicial de 1994 y las acciones de inconstitucionalidad, Héctor Fix Fierro
Los derechos humanos entre necesidad moral y contingencia social (un ensayo de sociología jurídica), Héctor Fix Fierro
La autonomía constitucional del Banco de México, Carlos Alberto Flores Hernández
Germany for Germans: Xenophobia and Racist Violence in Germany , Maryellen Fullerton
Refugees and Migrants: Hungary at a Crossroads (editor), Maryellen Fullerton, E. Sik, and J. Toth
NAFTA and the Creation of FTAA: A Critique of Piecemeal Accession, Frank J. Garcia
Contractarians, Communitarians and Agnostics, Alan E. Garfield
Hacia un régimen uniforme de garantías reales en los países del T.L.C., Alejandro Miguel Garro
On Some Practical Implications of the Diversity of Legal Cultures for Lawyering in the Americas, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Contribution of the UNIDROIT Principles to the Advancement of International Commercial Arbitration, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Gap-Filling Role of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Sales Law: Some Comments on the Interplay Between the Principles and the CISG, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Competition Law and Industrial Trade: The European Union and the Neo-Liberal Factor, David J. Gerber
Competition Law and International Trade: The European Union and the Neo-Liberal Factor, David J. Gerber
Dirigisme and the Challenge of Competition Law in France (with R. Azarnia), David J. Gerber
Apportionment of Federal and Oklahoma Estate Taxes and Planning Considerations, Mark R. Gillett
Apportionment of Federal and Oklahoma Estate Taxes and Planning Considerations, Mark R. Gillett
Steps to Prepare and File Estate Tax Returns Effectively, Mark R. Gillett and Joel D. Stafford
Dangerous! Our Focus Should Be Analysis Not Formulas Like IRAC, Jane Kent Gionfriddo
Top Officers of Local Unions, Michael J. Goldberg
Affirmative Action and the Jurisprudence of Equitable Inclusion: Towards a New Consensus on Gender and Race Relations, Steven Gonzales