About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1995


Some Legal Problems with Trusteeship, Ruth Gordon

El fundamento de validez de la costumbre como fuente de derecho, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La influencia de la filosofía en el derecho con especial referencia al concepto de relación jurídica, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Las cosas incorporales en la doctrina y el derecho positivo, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Los orígenes de la noción de acto jurídico a través de la construcción de un sistema de derecho, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

¿Matrimonio indisoluble o unión disoluble no matrimonial?, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Para la historia de la formación de la teoría general del acto o negocio jurídico y del contrato, I: El vocabulario de la negocialidad jurídica en el derecho romano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito


About Outing: Public Discourse, Private Lives, Katheleen R. Guzman

May An Attorney In Illinois Be A Trustee?, Philip N. Hablutzel

Citizenship, the Demands of Justice, and the Moral Relevance of Political Borders (with J. Coleman). , Sarah K. Harding


Commentary: 1995 Banking Law Institute Confronts Challenge to the Industry, Alvin C. Harrell


Commentary: Consumer Credit in the 1990s, Part One - The Increasing Importance of State Law, Alvin C. Harrell


Commentary: Federal Credit Allocation and the Private Credit System, Alvin C. Harrell


Commentary: The Rise of Bank Substitutes and Why It Will Continue, Alvin C. Harrell


Disclosure of "Acquisition Fees" in Assignments of Consumer Chattel Paper, Alvin C. Harrell


Equal Credit Opportunity in the 1990s: Implications for Creditors' Institutions, Alvin C. Harrell


Recent Bankruptcy Cases Protect Contract Interest Rates, Alvin C. Harrell


Recent Cases Reflect Continuing Risks to Secured Lenders From Bankruptcy Preference Rules, Alvin C. Harrell


RICO Allegations in Consumer Secured Transaction Cases, Alvin C. Harrell


UCC Article 9 Revisions Confront Issues Affecting Consumer Collateral, Alvin C. Harrell


Updated 1995 Annual Meeting Draft Considered by UCC Article 9 Drafting Committee, Alvin C. Harrell

Wholesale Funds Transfer - UCC, in Joseph J. Norton ed., Alvin C. Harrell

Oklahoma Report on Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 8 and Related Article 9 Amendments, Alvin C. Harrell and Norwood P. Beveridge et al.

U.S. Supreme Court Applies the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to Litigation, Alvin C. Harrell and Margaret M. Clarke

Introduction to the 1995 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Dwight Golann et al.

1995 Update on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas


Understanding the FDCPA: A Comprehensive Analysis of Recent Case Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas

Oklahoma Code Comments to Revised UCC Articles 8 and 9, OKLA. STAT. ANN. tit. 12A, §§ 8-101 to 8-511 nn. & §§ 9-103.1 to 9-312 nn., Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller et al.

1994 Consumer Bankruptcy Developments - The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, Alvin C. Harrell and Robin E. Phelan et al.

Between the Flags: Cultural Property & Indigenous Peoples, Susan Harris Rimmer

Cui Bono: An Examination of International Humanitarian Law Issues in Ariel Dorfman's Death & The Maiden, Susan Harris Rimmer

Silent Leges Inter Arma: Rape as a War Crime, Susan Harris Rimmer


Choosing the Law Governing Perfection: The Data and Politics of Article 9 Filing, (with C. Mooney, Jr.). , Steven L. Harris


Negotiability, Electronic Commercial Practices, and a New Structure for the UCC Article 9 Filing System: Tapping the Private Market for Information Technology, (with C. Mooney, Jr.). , Steven L. Harris


The Color of Tradition: Critical Race Theory and Postmodern Constitutional Traditionalism, Robert L. Hayman


Chicken LIttle at the Reference Desk: The Myth of Librarian Liability, Paul D. Healey


Calmer Seas: The Supreme Court's Major Criminal Law Rulings of the 1993-94 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1993-94 Term], William E. Hellerstein

Who Will Tell Our Stories?, Taiawagi Helton

Crime Control and Civil Liberties, Susan Herman


Reconstructing the Bill of Rights: A Reply to Amar and Marcus's Triple Play on Double Jeopardy, Susan N. Herman

Científicos and Técnicos- similarities in Mexican economic policy under Díaz and Salinas, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez

Opiniones Públicas y sus efectos en las relaciones bilaterales entre los Estados Unidos y Colombia, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez

The NAFTA and its effect on Mexican agriculture and labor migration, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez


The Establishment of a Rule Against Hearsay in Romano-Canonical Procedure, Frank R. Herrmann


Enforcement of Environmental Law in a Triangular Federal System: Can Three Not Be A Crowd When Enforcement Authority Is Shared by The United States, The States, and Their Citizens?, David R. Hodas


The Climate Change Convention and Evolving Legal Models of Sustainable Development, David R. Hodas

Special Committee on Global Climate: 1994 Annual Report, David R. Hodas and

From the Corrupt Few to the Incompetent Many: Questionable Causes and Unintended Effects of the Direct Election of Senators, Christopher H. Hoebeke


The Road to Mass Democracy: Original Intent and the Seventeenth Amendment, Christopher H. Hoebeke


Cases and Materials on Bankruptcy, Margaret Howard and Peter A. Alces


Redefining the Transracial Adoption Controversy, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe

The Transracial Adoption Controversy, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


Juror Neutrality or an Impartiality Array? A Structural Theory of the Impartial Jury Mandate, Scott W. Howe


Rewarding Whistleblowers: The Costs and Benefits of an Incentive-Based Compliance Strategy, Robert Howse and Ronald J. Daniels

Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture , Nan D. Hunter and Lisa Duggan


The Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Responding to Smith; Reconsidering Reynolds, Keith Jaasma


The FDIC's Fraudulent Conveyance Power Under the Crime Control Act of 1990: Bank Insolvency Law and the Politics of the Iron Triangle, Edward J. Janger

Secured Credit, Reorganizations, and Workouts" [Lectures to judges of the Higher Arbitration Court (Commercial Court) of the Ukraine, sponsored by USAID and the Supreme Court of Ohio's Ukraine/Ohio Rule of Law Program , Edward J. Janger

Selecting the Jury, William M. Janssen


The Illicit Trade In Cultural Property: What is the Appropriate Response?, Stacey R. Jessiman

Wild Card Statutes, Parity and National Banks - The Renascence of State Banking Powers, Christian A. Johnson

Wild Card Statutes, Parity, and National Banks - The Renascence of State Banking Powers, Christian A. Johnson

National Banks and Section 91: Protection from Judgment Creditors Pending Appeal, Christian A. Johnson and William Deitrick


Problems in Raising Prayers to the Level of Rule: The Example of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 1, Patrick J. Johnston

Supreme Court Roundtable: Fogerty v. Fantasy, Inc. and Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. [panel discussion], Beryl R. Jones-Woodin


The Identity Crisis: A Vision of the Right of Publicity in the Year 2020 [Symposium, moderator], Beryl R. Jones-Woodin


Virtual Reality, Appropriation, and Property Rights in Art: A Roundtable Discussion: April 12, 1994" [The Herbert Tenzer Memorial Conference: Copyright in the Twenty-First Century], Beryl R. Jones-Woodin

The Top Fives: An Internet Pathfinder for Law Libraries, Yolanda Jones


Sales of Remainder Interests: Reconciling Gradow v. United States and Section 2702, Martha W. Jordan

Review of Lives of Lawyers: Journeys in the Organizations of Practice, by Michael J. Kelly, Gregory Kalscheur


Is the Shingle Theory Dead?, Roberta S. Karmel

Remarks: Progress Report on Securities Law Harmonization, Roberta S. Karmel

Law In A Digital World, Ethan Katsh

Multichannel Television Signal Scrambling And Descrambling System And Method, Ron D. Katznelson


The Judge and Child Custody Decision-making in the United States, Sanford N. Katz


Distributive Justice in the Era of the Benefit Package: The Dispute over the Oregon Basic Health Services Act, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Ethical Issues in Health-Care Restructuring, M. Cathleen Kaveny and James Keenan S.J.


Substantive Due Process and Parental Corporal Punishment: Democracy and the Excluded Child, Mary Kate Kearney

Setting the Legal Context: What is the Meaning of Equal Access to Mental Health Services, in Model State Mental Health Plan for Deaf Persons, Mary Kate Kearney and Randy Lee

What to Do with the Client Who Lies or Intends to Lie, in or out of Court, Alicia B. Kelly and David N. Hofstein

Agricultural Pollution: Amending the Clean Water Act, Drew L. Kershen


Agricultural Water Pollution: From Point to Nonpoint and Beyond, Drew L. Kershen


Article 7: Documents of Title, Drew L. Kershen


The Ethics of Ethics Consultation, Drew L. Kershen

Do law students benefit from specific training in problem-solving skills?, Patrick Keyzer

Problem based instruction in Australian legal education, Patrick Keyzer

Legal history and legal herstory – Introducing a feminist perspective to the ‘Introduction to Law’ subject at UTS, Patrick Keyzer and A Maloney

Ohio Employment and Labor Law and Practice, James M. Klein

Both-And, Toward Democratic Socialism, and the Communist Ideal, Thomas Kleven

Illinois Criminal Defense Motions (Supp. 1997-2014), Richard S. Kling


Debtors Who Convert Their Assets on the Eve of Bankruptcy: Villians or Victims of the Fresh Start, F. Stephen Knippenberg

Shifting U.S. Attitudes Toward China (op-ed) (with I. Oren)., Robert H. Knowles

Behandling som alternativ til frihedsstraf - samspillet mellem kriminalretten og social- og sundhedsretten [Treatment as an Alternative to Imprisonment - the Interplay between Criminal Law and Social and Health Law], Ida Elisabeth Koch

Gamle umyndiggjortes retsstilling. Valget mellem plejehjemsanbringelse og pleje i eget hjem, Ida Elisabeth Koch


Civic Virtue at Work: Unions as Seedbeds of the Civic Virtues, Thomas C. Kohler

Scientific Expert, Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences, Thomas C. Kohler


The Landscape of Reason: A Scheme for Representing Arguments Concerning Environmental, Health and Safety Effects of Chemical Weapons Disposal in the US, R. Steven Konkel, Edward Liebow, Judith A. Bradbury, Kristi M. Branch, Judith Heerwagen, and Jenniffer Leyson


Lethal Laws, David B. Kopel


Professionalism, Gender and the Public Interest: The Advocacy of Protection, Minna J. Kotkin


Of Diaries and Data Banks: Use Restrictions Under the Fourth Amendment, Harold J. Krent