About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1995


Post-modern labor-management relations: the Southwestern Bell/Communications Workers Strategic Alliance, Roger I. Abrams

Expanding the Constructivist Metaphor: A Rhetorical Perspective on Literacy Research and PracticeExpanding the Constructivist Metaphor: A Rhetorical Perspective on Literacy Research and Practice, John Mill Ackerman Rose and Stuart Greene


Efectos de la devaluación del peso en los contratos de compraventa internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard


La controversias en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, Jorge Adame Goddard


Las relaciones de los tratados con las leyes nacionales (según una sentencia del pleno de la Suprema Corte sobre los poderes otorgados en el extranjero), Jorge Adame Goddard


Los derechos fundamentales de la persona humana, Jorge Adame Goddard

Naturaleza humana, persona y persona jurídica (primera parte), Jorge Adame Goddard

Persona humana y persona jurídica, Jorge Adame Goddard


Efectos de la devaluación del peso en los contratos de compraventa internacional, Jorge Carlos Adame


La controversias en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, Jorge Carlos Adame


Persona humana y persona jurídica, Jorge Carlos Adame

Ethics, Accountability, and Cost Benefit Analysis in Legal Research (with Molly Warner Lien), Susan Johanne Adams

Interés social y derecho de suscripción preferente: una aproximación económica, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real

Book Review of J.D. Simon, 'The Terrorist Trap: America’s Experience with Terrorism' (1994), Richard Allan

Making Lawyers User-Friendly, Stephen Alton

Review of The History of the Law in Massachusetts: The Supreme Judicial Court 1692-1992, Russell Osgood, ed., Alexis Anderson


Beyond Doctrinal Boundaries: A Legal Framework for Surrogate Motherhood, Lori B. Andrews

Genetic Discrimination and Health Insurance: An Urgent Need for Reform, Lori B. Andrews

Genetic Fallout: New Technologies Are Changing the Legal Landscape, Lori B. Andrews

Genetic Privacy: From the Laboratory to the Legislature, Lori B. Andrews

Informed Consent for Genetic Research on Stored Tissue Samples, Lori B. Andrews

Review of Dorothy Nelkin and Susan Lindee, The DNA Mystique: The Gene as a Cultural Icon (book review), Lori B. Andrews

Review of A Nation Under Lawyers: How the Crisis in the Legal Profession is Transforming American Society, by Mary Ann Glendon, Filippa M. Anzalone

Review of Books & Periodicals Online: An International Directory of Sources Available Online and on CD-ROM; Indexed, Abstracted and Full Text. 1994 Annual, by Nuchine Nobari, Filippa M. Anzalone

Review of Women Lawyers: Rewriting the Rules, by Mona Harrington, Filippa M. Anzalone


Special Committee to Explore the Special Characteristics of Law Librarians in Different Work Environments, Filippa M. Anzalone

2 Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports, Dennis W. Arrow

Book Review: Behind the Mask of Chivalry, The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan,, Richard L. Aynes


Book Review: The Supreme Court in the Current of Legal Thought, Richard L. Aynes


Charles Fairman, Felix Frankfurter, and the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes


Race and Gender Discrimination in Bargaining for a New Car, Ian Ayres and Peter Siegelman


Consorting With the Forests: Rethinking Our Relationships to Natural Resources and How We Should Value Their Loss, Katharine K. Baker

Review of When Death is Sought: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the Medical Context, by the New York State Task Force on Life and Law, Charles H. Baron


Defining “Property” in the Just Compensation Clause, Benjamin Barros


The maze of life styles, Enrique Barros Bourie


Mismanagement and Misinterpretation: U.S. Judicial Implementation of the Warsaw Convention in Air Disaster Litigation, Perry S. Bechky


Recognition of Domestic Partnerships by Governmental Entities and Private Employers, Lewis Becker


Anonymous Speech, Tom W. Bell


Writing to Learn Business Law, Robert B. Bennett and William Templeton

"Bill of Rights Redivivus: The Eighth Amendment Should be Interpreted to Stop Capital Punishment", Ursula Bentele


"Introduction [The Death Penalty in New York: Past, Present ... Future? The Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Forum]", Ursula Bentele

Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Ursula Bentele and Eve Cray

How Would or Should the Supreme Court Interpret the Definitions in Rule 801 [essay written as part of electronic Hearsay Symposium held on the Internet, Summer 1995], Margaret Berger


Economic Consequences, Nationalist Passions: Keynes, Crisis, Culture, and Policy, Nathaniel Berman

To Dream the Impossible Dream: Globalization and Harmonization of Environmental Laws, Alberto Bernabe

Tomorrow's Law Schools: Globalization and Legal Education, Alberto Bernabe

Tomorrow’s Law Schools: Globalization and Legal Education, Alberto Bernabe

A Products Liability Anthology (ed.) , Anita Bernstein


How Can a Product be Liable?, Anita Bernstein

Future Librarians, Robert Berring

The National Conference on Legal Information Issues, Robert Berring


The not-so Weisman: The Supreme Court's continuing misuse of social science research, Donald N. Bersoff


Director Liability Under FIRREA Redux: Moving Toward Synthesis, Norwood Beveridge

Oklahoma Report on Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 8 and Related Article 9 Amendments, Norwood Beveridge and G. David Bryant et al.

Endangered Species Act: Must Private Landowners Protect the Critical Habitat of Endangered Species?, Denis Binder

Index of Environmental Justice Cases, Denis Binder

Surveys on Massachusetts and Rhode Island Water Law, Denis Binder

Clinical Education Programs--An Overview, Robert M. Bloom

Criminal Procedure Mate: Searches and Seizures, Interrogation, Identifications, and Exclusionary Remedy, Robert M. Bloom

Awarding Punitive Damages in Arbitration, New Jersey Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Awarding Punitives in Arbitration, Legal Times, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Comments on Rumanian Small Business Administration Law, for ABA Central and East European Law Initiative, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Contracting for Unexpected Punishment?, the Recorder (San Francisco), RICHARD A. BOOTH

Half the Use of Punitive Damages, USA Today Magazine, RICHARD A. BOOTH


Profit-Seeking, Individual Liability, and the Idea of the Firm, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Punitive Damage Awards Hurt Consumers as Well as Businesses, The Daily Record (panel discussion), RICHARD A. BOOTH

Punitive Damages and Securities Arbitration in the Wake of Mastrobuono, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Scope of Section 12(2) After Gustafson, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Selective Disclosure in Cyberspace, Off-Line, RICHARD A. BOOTH

The U.S. Supreme Court Will Settle a Circuit Court Split Over Whether Punitive Damages may be Awarded in Securities Arbitrations Governed by New York Law, National Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Vicarious Liability and Securities Fraud, RICHARD A. BOOTH


Putting Faith Back into Constitutional Scholarship: A Defense of Originalism, Kathleen A. Brady

Conditional Strategies: A Response to Collective Action Problems in Non-Profit Fund Raising , Dana Brakman Reiser

Granting Prescriptive Powers to Nurse Practitioners: Economic and Political Motivations, Dana Brakman Reiser


Natural Law and Human Equality, Patrick McKinley Brennan and John E. Coons


The Idea of a Descriptive Equality: Lonergan Explains Jefferson, Patrick McKinley Brennan and John E. Coons

Business Transactions with Clients: Ethical or Ill-Advised?, Howard W. Brill

Specific Performance in Arkansas, Howard W. Brill

Real Estate Brokerage: Recent Changes In Relationships And A Proposed Cure, Ronald B. Brown, Joseph M. Grohman, and Manuel R. Valcarcel IV

Property Law: 1995 Survey of Florida Law, Ronald B. Brown, Joseph M. Grohman, and Manuel R. Valcarcel IV

Stark picture of justice - The judiciary in Latin America must be strengthened if the private sector is to prosper, Edgardo Buscaglia


Canonical concerns in Catholic health Care : proceedings of the Fourteenth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas, Nicholas P. Cafardi and Russell E. Smith


The Transformation of U.S. Banking and Finance: From Regulated Competition to Free-Market Receivership, Timothy A. Canova


The International Whaling Commission & The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission: The Institutional Risks of Coercion for Consensual Structures, David D. Caron

The Law of the Sea and the United States: Reflections Given the Small Likelihood of Ratification in 1995, David D. Caron

The UNCC and the Search for Practical Justice, David D. Caron

Post Award Proceedings Under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, David D. Caron and Lucy F. Reed

Post Award Proceedings Under the UNCITRAL Rules of Arbitration, David D. Caron and Lucy F. Reed


Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Through the Rule of Law, David D. Caron and Galina Shinkaretskaya

Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Eve Cary and Ursula Bentele


Death-Defying Feats: State Constitutional Challenges to New York's Death Penalty [Symposium: The Death Penalty in New York: Past, Present ... Future? The Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Forum], Eve Cary and Mary R. Falk


Death-Defying Feats: State Constitutional Challenges to New York's Death Penalty [Symposium: The Death Penalty in New York: Past, Present ... Future? The Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Forum], Eve Cary and Mary R. Falk

Introduction: Philosophy With a Focus, David S. Caudill

Lacan and the Critique of Legal Ideology: Reason and Religion in Law and Politics, David S. Caudill


Lacanian Ethics and the Desire for Law, David S. Caudill


Lacan's Social Psychoanalysis: Religion and Community in a Pluralistic Society, David S. Caudill


Radical Philosophy of Law: Contemporary Challenges to Mainstream Legal Theory and Practice, David S. Caudill

Re-returning to Freud: Critical Legal Studies as Cultural Psychoanalysis, David S. Caudill

Two Ideological Monsters: The Subject of the Bar and the Object of Desire in Bleak House, David S. Caudill


Consistently Inconsistent: Circuit Rulings on the Guidelines in 1994, Steven L. Chanenson