The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1996
Will Changes to the Passive Income Rules Renew Interest in Real Estate?, Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
Windfall Deductions from Changing Depreciation, Francine J. Lipman and James E. WIlliamson
International Intellectual Property Law Anthology, Doris E. Long and Anthony D'Amato
Women's Rights and Political Economy, Tamara Lothian
Atypical employment: A comparison of Japan and the United States, Vai Io Lo
Realidades nuevas, leyes antiguas, José Antonio Lozano Díez
Does Liberalism Cause Sex?, Kristin Luker and Jane Mauldon
The Effects of Sex Education on Contraceptive Behavior, Kristin Luker and Jane Mauldon
The Decline of Federal Common Law, Paul Lund
Derecho en la era digital, Horacio M. LYNCH
Notas sobre el Derecho en la Era Digital, Horacio M. LYNCH
Human Rights Group Defends Rights of Asylum Seekers: Two Case Profiles, Beth Lyon
New Regulations Impose Harsh Restrictions on Asylum Seekers, Beth Lyon
Revisiting APSO: Improving the System for Releasing Genuine Asylum Seekers from Detention, Beth Lyon and Michele Pistone
Revisiting APSO: Improving the System for Releasing Genuine Asylum Seekers from Detention, Beth Lyon and Michele Pistone
2. Assessing children's competence to take the oath: Research and recommendations., Thomas D. Lyon
3. The effect of threats on children’s disclosure of sexual abuse., Thomas D. Lyon
2. Medical evidence of physical abuse in infants and young children., Thomas D. Lyon, Elizabeth E. Gilles, and Lary Cory
3. The relevance ratio: Evaluating the probative value of expert testimony in child sexual abuse cases., Thomas D. Lyon and Jonathan J. Koehler
Listening to Deaf Culture: A Reconceptualization of Difference Analysis Under Title VII, Mary Ellen Maatman
Premises Liability After the KFC Case: Potential Liability of a Commercial Establishment to a Customer Injured by a Provocation of an Armed Robber, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall
Medico legal issues, Geraldine Mackenzie
Counsel for the Situation: The Latin Notary, a Historical and Comparative Model, Pedro A. Malavet
Arbitrating Statutory Employment Claims in the Aftermath of Gilmer, Martin H. Malin
Legal Developments in Employment Arbitration, in Proceedings 23d Meeting, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Martin H. Malin
Unemployment Compensation in a Time of Increasing Work-Family Conflicts, Martin H. Malin
The First Shall Be Last: A Contextual Argument for Abandoning Temporal Rules of Lien Priority, Ronald Mann
Feminisms and Feminist Voices: An Introduction, Nancy S. Marder
Recurso de protección y contratos, Juan Carlos Marín and Andrés Jana
Regulation of misleading or deceptive prospectuses: rationalising the replication, Brenda Marshall
Section 52 of the Trade Practices Act and the external legal order: lessons from the NRMA case, Brenda Marshall
The dilemma of market definition, Brenda Marshall
The penalty privilege: assessing its relevance in trade practices cases, Brenda Marshall
PATENTES DE INVENCION (Tesis de Maestria), Gabriel Martinez Medrano
Legal Systems in Distress: HIV-Contaminated Blood, Path Dependency and Legal Change, Ugo Mattei
The Legal Profession as an Organization: Understanding Changes in Civil and Common Law, Ugo Mattei
Protecting Possession, Ugo Mattei and James Gordley
Internet for Tax Law Professors, James Edward Maule
Partnership Model Continues to Guide State Tax Treatment of LLCs, James Edward Maule
Recent Developments Bring Few, if Any, Surprises, James Edward Maule
MoneyMoneyMoney: Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Construction Payment Process, Judith Maute and Gerald B. Kirksey
Abogados de algunas jurisdicciones parroquiales menores de la Ciudad de México, Alejandro Mayagoitia
El editor, el Santo Oficio y los abogados o de cómo, efectivamente, es mejor no estar entre los últimos, II, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Notas sobre las Reglas ciertas y precisamente necesarias para jueces y ministros de fray Jerónimo Moreno, O.P., Alejandro Mayagoitia
Book Review - La Memoria del Diritto Comune: Sulle tracce d'uso del "Codex" di Giustiniano (secoli XII-XV).Giuseppe Speciale, Laurent Mayali
Europäische und amerikanische Richterbilder (, Laurent Mayali, Andre Gouron, Antonio Padoa Schioppa, and Dieter Simon
Europäische und amerikanische Richterbilder, Laurent Mayali, Andre Gouron, and Dieter Simon
Derecho privado, derecho público y libertad, Eduardo Mayora
Corporate Compliance Programs: Protecting the Business from the Rogue Employee, Jeffrey M. McFarland and Gardner Davis
S. 1629B The Tenth Amendment Enforcement Act of 1996: Hearings on S. 1629 Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs 104th Cong. 2d Sess. 232-241 & 247-257, Mary Brigid McManamon
Establishing National Rules of Lawyer Conduct In Federal District Courts, Judith A. McMorrow
Preventing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment, Chris McNeil
Educating Consumers about the Environment: Labels versus Prices, Peter Menell
A Comparative Look at Intellectual Property Rights in the Software Industry, Robert P. Merges
Property Rights Theory and the Commons: The Case of Scientific Research, Robert P. Merges
Aging Workers in the Postindustrial Era, Gary Minda
Insider Trading, Gaston Mirkin
Harmoniserade tulltaxor - Införlivande, tolkning och tillämpning av internationella regler för varuklassificering, Christina Moëll
Teoría de la Causa, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Teoría de la Causa, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Psychological and scientific evidence in criminal trials, Jane Campbell Moriarty
A Mortgage By Any Other Name: A Plea for the Uniform Treatment of Installment Land Contracts and Mortgages Under the Bankruptcy Code, Juliet M. Moringiello
Decoding the Language of Etzioni's Moral Dimension in Complex Organizations, Calvin Morrill
"The Stake of U.S. Lawyers in the United Nations," World Order Under Law Reporter (Summer/Fall 1996). , John F. Murphy
The Constitutional Law of the European Union, John F. Murphy and James D. Dinnage
Passing Off, Samuel K. Murumba
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Litigation: The Law of Section 1983 (1991 & Cumulative Supp. 1996), Sheldon Nahmod
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Litigation: The Law of Section 1983 (1991 & Cumulative Supp. 1996), Sheldon Nahmod
Litigation and Regulatory Issues Affecting Managed Care (co-author), Mitchell J. Nathanson
The Growth of Enterprise Liability in the Managed Care Arena, Mitchell J. Nathanson
Constitutional Architecture: The First Amendment and the Single Family House, John F. Nivala
The Future of Our Past: Preserving Landmark Preservation, John F. Nivala
The legality of moral crusades disguised in trade laws: an analysis of the EC 'ban' on furs from animals taken by leghold traps, André Nollkaemper
"What you risk reveals what you value", and Other Dilemmas Entountered in the Legal Assaults on Risks, André Nollkaemper
A "Civil" Method of Law Enforcement on the Reservation: In Rem Forfeiture and Indian Law, Henry S. Noyes
Nature and Scope of the Agreement TRIPS - Natural Rights and a "Polite Form of Economic Imperialism", Samuel Oddi
Un-unified Economic Theories of Patents - The Not-Quite-Holy Grail, Samuel Oddi
La Relativa Autonomía del Estado frente a dos Leyes Recientes, Edgar Odio-Rohrmoser
Trademarks in Nigeria and the Challenges of TRIPs, Chidi Oguamanam and Abimbola Ogunbanjo
Trademarks in Nigeria and the Challenges of TRIPs, Chidi Oguamanam and Abimbola Ogunbanjo
Institutional Investors, Registration Rights, and the Specter of Liability under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, Jennifer O'Hare
Book Review: Multicultural Citizenship, Obiora Chinedu Okafor
Desperately Seeking A Stevens [Who Cares About The Federal Securities Laws], Karl Shumpei Okamoto
African Water Resources, Valentina Okaru-Bisant
Harmonizing World Bank Environmental Assessment Requirements and Procedures, Valentina Okaru-Bisant
Lectura N° 02: "El Derecho Constitucional en la formación del jurista", de Javier Pérez Royo, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Access Agreements for Purposes of Environmental Remediation (Chair of Panel), Joyce Palomar
Real Estate Transactions Issues Involving Entities as Grantor or Grantee, Joyce Palomar
Consolidación de Deuda Pública (Ley 23.982), ejecución cambiaria y discusión de la causa en el proceso ejecutivo en la doctrina de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, Martin Paolantonio
El pagaré nulo por defectos formales y el juicio ejecutivo, Martin Paolantonio
La responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios derivados de la traba del embargo ejecutivo y la situación del tercero cambiario, Martin Paolantonio
Los money market funds en la Resolución General 277 de la CNV, Martin Paolantonio
Concurso en caso de agrupamiento, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
El cheque en la ley 24.452: la teoría general de los títulos valores y la circulación de créditos, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
La ineficacia concursal en la ley 24.522, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Nulidad parcial y total en el derecho del consumidor, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel