The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1996
Chapter 7, §§ V and VI, John Cannon
Everything You Need to Know About Asian Americans, Lan Cao and Himilce Novas
A Year in Practice: The Journal of a Reflective Clinician, Stacy Caplow
Images of Law School and Law Teaching in "An Imperfect Spy", Stacy Caplow and Spencer Waller
Images of Law School and Law Teaching in 'An Imperfect Spy' (reviewing A. Cross, An Imperfect Spy (1995)), Stacy Caplow and S. W. Waller
Introductory Note to Decisions 24 Through 35 and Associated Panel Reports of the United Nations Compensation Commission, David D. Caron
The Present State of Research Carried Out by the English-Speaking Section of the Centre for Studies and Research, David D. Caron
Garbage In: Emerging Media and Regulation of Unsolicited Commercial Solicitations, Michael W. Carroll
Rights and Freedoms Under the State Constitution, Eve Cary
Third Party Rights in Criminal Forfeiture Cases, Stefan D. Cassella
Case & Statute Comments, "Public Education and Crime: Supreme Court Backs States' Rights, R. Michael Cassidy
"Book Review," 1 Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society 194(reviewing Anthony Elliot, Psychoanalytic Theory: An Introduction (1994)), David S. Caudill
In the Wake, or at the Wake, of Psychoanalytic Jurisprudence?, David S. Caudill
Law's Appropriations of Psychoanalysis, David S. Caudill
On the Naming of Paranoia in Legal Scholarship, David S. Caudill
Why Would a Lacanian Socio-Legal Analyst Care About Scientific Validity?: A Response to Redding, David S. Caudill
An Engine of Oppression, Maurya Vijay Chandra
From the Desk of Law Faculty, Delhi University, Maurya Vijay Chandra
From the Desk of Law Faculty, Delhi University (Right: Which was Denied), Maurya Vijay Chandra
The Tattered Net of Mercy, Maurya Vijay Chandra
Tihar Project: Some Early Reflection, Maurya Vijay Chandra
Tihar Project: Some Early Reflection, Maurya Vijay Chandra
Tihar Project: Some Early Reflection (August), Maurya Vijay Chandra
Managing the Competition: Massachusetts Initiatives in Workers' Compensation, Mary Ann Chirba and Troyen Brennan
The Financial System of Korea and Future Prospects, Sungjoon Cho and Jeongyeon Keum
The Enforcement of the Canada Health Act, Sujit Choudhry
Church-State Relations in the Czech Republic: Past Turmoil and Present Transformation, Elizabeth A. Clark
Foreign Arbitration Clauses and Foreign Forum Selection Clauses in Bills of Lading Governed by COGSA: Vimar Seguros y Reaseguros, SA. v. MIV Sky Reefer, Elizabeth A. Clark
Foreign Arbitration Clauses and Foreign Forum Selection Clauses in Bills of Lading Governed by COGSA: Vimar Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. v. M/V Sky Reefer, Elizabeth A. Clark
Apostilla a Beati Dictum. Cuatro Traducciones Catalanas, una Aragonesa, Otra Más Castellana y Ninguna Portuguesa, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Imperio de la Ley y Rule of Law. Léxico Jurídico y Tópica Constitucional, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Obra Historiográfica del Istituto Per la Scienza Dell'amministrazione Pubblica, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Tomás y Valiente: una Biografía Intelectual, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
National President of the American College of Trial Lawyers (1996-1997), Andrew M. Coats
Official Oppression: A Historical Analysis of Low-Level Police Abuse and a Modern Attempt at Reform, David S. Cohen
Restatement of the Law, Third: Suretyship and Guaranty (Reporter), Neil Cohen
Bankruptcy and Secured Transactions: An Electronic Casebook, Arnold Cohn
Led a group in direct-examination and cross-examination skills training, Dana K. Cole
Led a group in opening statement, closing argument and jury selection skills training, Dana K. Cole
Gestation, Intent, and the Seed: Defining Motherhood in the era of Assisted Human Reproduction, Malina Coleman
Administrative Law and Economics, Robert D. Cooter
Decentralized Law for a Complex Economy: The Structural Approach to Adjudicating the New Law Merchant, Robert D. Cooter
Decentralized law for a Complex Economy: The Structural Approach to Adjudicating the New Law Merchant, Robert D. Cooter
The Rule of State Law Versus the Rule-of-Law State: Economic Analysis of the Legal Foundations of Development, Robert D. Cooter
The Theory of Market Moderization of Law, Robert D. Cooter
The Theory of Market Modernization of Law, Robert D. Cooter
Comparative Judicial Discretion: An Empirical Test of Economic Models, Robert D. Cooter and Tom Ginsburg
Comparative Judicial Discretion: An Empirical Test of Economic Models, Robert D. Cooter and Tom Ginsburg
First Flower - The Earliest American Law Reports and The Extraordinary Josiah Quincy Jr. (1744-1775), Daniel R. Coquillette
Jurisdicción Federal y Carrera Judicial en México, José Ramón Cossío Díaz
El Poder Judicial en el ordenamiento mexicano, José Ramón Cossío Díaz and Héctor Fix Zamudio
Booth v. Maryland, Randall T. Coyne
If You Don't Have Capital, You're Sure Gonna Get Some Punishment, Randall T. Coyne
McCleskey v. Kemp, Randall T. Coyne
Payne v. Tennessee, Randall T. Coyne
Recent Developments in Search and Seizure Law, Randall T. Coyne
Why the Murrah Building Bombing Almost Wasn't a Capital Offense, Randall T. Coyne
Report Regarding the Implementation of the American Bar Association's Recommendations and Resolutions Concerning the Death Penalty and Calling for a Moratorium on Executions, Randall T. Coyne and Lyn Entzeroth
The Case of the Wandering Wobblie: The State of Oklahoma v. Arthur Berg, Von Creel
American Jurist: The Life of Judge Alfred P. Murrah, Von Creel, Bob Burke, and Kenny A. Franks
En torno al concepto, marco jurídico y vigencia del corso español en Indias, Óscar Cruz
(Oxymoron?) Ethical Decision-Making By Attorneys: An Empirical Study, Susan Daicoff
Private Provision of Public Infrastructure: An Organizational Analysis of the Next Privatization Frontier, Ronald Daniels and Michael Trebilcock
Legal Remedies for Terrorist Acts, Joseph W. Dellapenna
Our Common Future, American Style (reviewing President’s Council on Sustainable Development, Sustainable America (1996)), John C. Dernbach
Out of Focus, John C. Dernbach
Acting as Agent Under a Financial Durable Power of Attorney: An Unscripted Role, Carolyn L. Dessin
The Troubled Relationship of Will Contracts and Spousal Protection: Time for an Amicable Separation, Carolyn L. Dessin
El derecho como tema literario, Fernando de Trazegnies Granda
Completeness and Indeterministic Causation, Scott DeVito
Benelux Gerechtshof geIERlustreerd (Summary of Case Law by the Benelux Court of Justice, Severin de Wit
Is een Gemeenschappelijk Europees Octrooirecht ook Octrooi Gemeenschapsrecht?, Severin de Wit
The Brussels Convention and Patent Litigation in The Netherlands, Severin de Wit
New Federalism and Constitutional Criminal Procedure: Are We Repeating the Mistakes of the Past?, James W. Diehm
Sum and Substance, Insurance Law (6 tapes), John Dobbyn
Evolution or Expediency: The United Nations Response to the Disruption of Democracy, Douglas L. Donoho
Do Librarians Deserve Tenure? Casting an Anthropological Eye upon Role Definition within the Law School, James M. Donovan
Multiple Personality, Hypnosis, and Possession Trance, James M. Donovan
Restoring Free Exercise Protections by Limiting Them: Preventing a Repeat of Smith, James M. Donovan
Does the U.S. Supreme Court's Schleier Decision Limit the Personal Injury Exclusion to Physical Injuries, Frank J. Doti
New Limitations of the Personal Injury Exclusion, Frank J. Doti
Microsoft as an Antitrust Target: IBM in Software?, Jay Dratler
Trade Dress Protection for Product Configurations: Is There a Conflict with Patent Policy, Jay Dratler
Intellectual property : trademark, copyright, and patent law: cases and materials, Rochelle C. Dreyfuss and Roberta R. Kwall
Understanding Justice Sutherland As He Understood Himself, John C. Eastman
Opening Our Doors to the World: Introducing International Law in Legal Writing and Legal Research Courses, Diane Edelman
Studying the Amorphous: A Theoretical Model of Organizational Culture, Lauren Edelman
The Internal Legal Culture of Organizations, Lauren Edelman
What is the Sociology of Law?, Lauren Edelman
The Legal Environments of Organizations, Lauren Edelman and Mark C. Suchman
Cadillac Contracts and Up-Front Payments: Efficient Investment Under Expectation Damages, Aaron S. Edlin
Holdups, Standard Breach Remedies, and Optimal Investment , Aaron S. Edlin and Stefan J. Reichelstein
Toxic Product Liability Under State Law After Cipollone, Jean M. Eggen
Consideraciones en torno al ensayo de un concepto sobre el buque, David Enríquez Rosas
Intoxication: More Than a Defense in Homicide Prosecutions, Jules Epstein