bepress Legal Repository | Scholarly Research from All Areas of Law
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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1998


Intellectual Property and Economic Development: Opportunities for China in the Information Age, Pamela Samuelson


Maximum Copyright, Minimum Use, Pamela Samuelson

The Future of the Information Society and the Role of Copyright in It, Pamela Samuelson

The Tensions Between Intellectual Property and Contracts in the Information: An American Perspective, Pamela Samuelson


Facing a Pay-per-use Future, Pamela Samuelson and Lawrence Lessig

Clinical Methodology and the Presentation of Asian Pacific American Issues, Evangeline Sarda


Polishing the Tarnished Golden Door, Michael Scaperlanda

The Incredible Woman: Power and Sexual Politics by Jocelynne Scutt: Review, Anne Louise Schillmoller

Injured Women Before Common Law Courts, 1860-1930, Margo Schlanger


Feminist Legal Theory, Feminist Lawmaking, and the Legal Profession [Symposium: The Legal Profession: The Impact of Law and Legal Theory], Elizabeth M. Schneider and C. Grant Bowman

Perspectives on Women’s Subordination and the Role of Law , Elizabeth M. Schneider and N. Taub

Live(s) for the State?, Nancy Schultz

Don’t Overreact to Crime, Elisabeth Semel

Racial Injustice: Work to be Done Outside the Courtroom, Elisabeth Semel

Representing Death Row Inmates at the Outskirts of the Southern Front, Elisabeth Semel

Basic Narcotics Seminar, Miller W. Shealy


Freedom to and Freedom From: A Response to Garvey and Armacost with a Tinge of Legal Perfectionism, Steve Sheppard


The Perfectionisms of John Rawls, Steve Sheppard


All You Really Need to Know About Subchapter J You Learned From This Article, Jeffrey G. Sherman

Excellence Lost, Marjorie M. Shultz

Genetic Diagnosis and the Abortion Paradigm, Marjorie M. Shultz

Protection of Women By Exclusion or Inclusion, Marjorie M. Shultz

The Value of Legal Perspectives in Medicine, Marjorie M. Shultz

The Forms and Limits of the New Penology, Jonathan S. Simon and Malcolm M. Feeley

Cardozo’s Statement of Facts in Palsgraf, Revisited, Louis J. Sirico

Conducting Exit Interviews, Louis J. Sirico

Teaching Oral Argument, Louis J. Sirico


Three Concepts of Law: The Ambiguous Legacy of H.L.A. Hart, Brian Slattery

Economy, Ecology and Institutions in the Emergence of Humankind, Vernon L. Smith

Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith

Property Rights as a National Order: Reciprocity, Evolutionary and Experimental Considerations, Vernon L. Smith

The Two Faces of Adam Smith, Vernon L. Smith


Initial Cash/Asset Ratio and Asset Prices: An Experimental Study, Vernon L. Smith, Gunduz Caginalp, and David Porter

The Winner's Curse and Public Information in Common Value Auctions: Comment, Vernon L. Smith, J. Cox, and S. Dinkin

Development of Water Markets Using Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith, A. Dinar, R. Howitt, and S. Rassenti

Experimental Law and Economics, Vernon L. Smith, Elizabeth Hoffman, and Kevin McCabe

Reciprocity: The Behavioral Foundations of Socio-Economic Games, Vernon L. Smith, E. Hoffman, and K. McCabe

Reciprocity, Trust and Payoff Privacy in Extensive Form Bargaining, Vernon L. Smith, K. McCabe, and S. Rassenti

Numerical Computation of Equilibrium Bid Functions in a First Price Auction with Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes, Vernon L. Smith, S. J. Rassenti, and M. V. Van Boening

Deregulating Electric Power: Market Design Issues and Experiments, Vernon L. Smith and Stephen Rassenti

A European Private Law as a Mixed Legal System, Jan M. Smits

Free Air Time for Candidates and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla

From Paparazzi to Hidden Cameras: The Aggressive Side of a Free and Responsible Press, Rodney A. Smolla

Restoring Religious Freedom, Rodney A. Smolla

Fault Lies Not Only in Starr But in Law, Lawrence M. Solan


Law, Language and Lenity, Lawrence M. Solan

Linguistic Experts as Semantic Tour Guides, Lawrence M. Solan


Los mecanismos iniciales de defensa de la Constitución en el Perú: El poder conservador y el Consejo de Estado (1839-1855), Daniel Soria Luján


An Historical Analysis of the Binding Effect of Class Suits (co-authored with G. Hazard Jr. & J. Gedid), Stephen D. Sowle


Teaching Law With Computers (with Richard Warner & Will Sadler), Stephen D. Sowle

The 1996 Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children, Robert G. Spector and Gloria F. DeHart

Rose Macaulay, Robert Spoo


The Icebox Cometh: A Former Clerk’s View of the Proposed Ninth Circuit Split, Jennifer E. Spreng


Crosscurrents: Supplemental Jurisdiction, Removal, and the ALI Revision Project, Joan E. Steinman


The Scope of Appellate Jurisdiction: Pendent Appellate Jurisdiction Before and After Swint, Joan E. Steinman


Notes on Notes, Margaret G. Stewart


Reconstructing Construction Law: Reality and Reform in a Transactional System, Thomas J. Stipanowich


The Multi-Door Contract and Other Possibilities, Thomas J. Stipanowich


Rules, Dispute Resolution, and Judicial Behavior, Alec Stone Sweet


Constructing a Supranational Constitution: Dispute Resolution and Governance in the European Community, Alec Stone Sweet and Thomas Brunell

Can the World Trade Organization Be Made Environmentally Friendly?, Andrew L. Strauss

Creating and Conducting In-Class Simulations in Public International Law: A Producer’s Guide, Andrew L. Strauss


From Gattzilla to the Green Giant: Winning the Environment Battle for the Soul of the World Trade Organization, Andrew L. Strauss

On the Creation of a Global Peoples Assembly: Taking the First Step, Andrew L. Strauss

Tapping the Environmental Regulatory Potential of the World Trade Organization, Andrew L. Strauss

The United States Constitution and the Proposed Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Satisfaction of Judgments, Andrew L. Strauss


The Genocidal Premise in Native American Law and Policy: Exorcising Aboriginal Ghosts, Rennard Strickland

Fulbright Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland

Lansdowne Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland

The Eagle’s Empire: Sovereignty, Survival and Self-Governance in Historic and Contemporary Native American Law, Rennard J. Strickland

The Genocidal Premise in Native American Law and Policy: Exorcising Aboriginal Ghosts, Rennard J. Strickland

The Genocidal Premise in Native American Law and Policy: Exorcising Aboriginal Ghosts, Rennard J. Strickland

The Genocidal Premise in Native American Law and Policy: Exorcising Aboriginal Ghosts, Rennard J. Strickland

The Genocidal Premise in Native American Law and Policy: Exorcising Aboriginal Ghosts, Rennard J. Strickland

Introduction, Stephen D. Sugarman

"Liability Issues" in Proceedings of the Conference on the So-Called Global Tobacco Settlement: Its Implications for Public Health and Public Policy, Stephen D. Sugarman


Quebec's Comprehensive Auto No-Fault Scheme and the Failure of Any of the United States to Follow, Stephen D. Sugarman


Suing the Tobacco Companies in U.S. and Japan, Stephen D. Sugarman


The Uninsured Motorist Puzzle, Stephen D. Sugarman

Comparative Economic Systems, Yane Svetiev and Tim E. Dixon


Technology on the Factory Floor III: Technology Use and Training in US Manufacturing Firms, Paul Swamidass

Autonomia e heteronomia na relação profissional/usuários de serviços e ações de saúde e as declarações de vontade viciadas, Rachel Sztajn

Consentimento informado e o Projeto de Código Civil, Rachel Sztajn

Consentimento informado e o Projeto de Código Civil, Rachel Sztajn

Futuros e Swaps - Uma Visão Jurídica, Rachel Sztajn

Notas de análise econômica contratos e responsabilidade civil, Rachel Sztajn

Autonomia e heteronomia na relação entre profissional de saúde e usuário dos serviços de saúde, Rachel Sztajn and Maria Mathilde Marchi

Notas de análise econômica: contratos e responsabilidade civil, Rachel Sztajn and Décio Zylbersztajn

Drafting Laws Relating to Natural Resources Use: The Case of Underground Water, A. Dan Tarlock

Foreword for Standards of Judicial Review in the Supreme Court Land Use Opinions: A Monograph (by R. Hopperton), A. Dan Tarlock

Future Issues in Instream Flow Protection in the West, revision of chapter prepared in 1988 and included in Instream Flow Protection in the West (University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center), A. Dan Tarlock

Hong Kong: One Country, Two Systems or Two Countries, One System, A. Dan Tarlock

Introductory Survey (with Stuart L. Deutsch), A. Dan Tarlock

Report of the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission, in Water in the West: Challenge for the Next Century (principal report writer)., A. Dan Tarlock


Touch and Concern is Dead: Long Live the Doctrine, A. Dan Tarlock


Abortion and Women's Legal Personhood in Germany: A Contribution to the Feminist Theory of the State, D. A. Jeremy Telman

Secretary, American Bar Association Section on Labor and Employment, 1998-99, Harry F. Tepker Jr.


What If ...? The Consequences of Court Invalidation of Lawyer-Accountant Multidisciplinary Partnership (MDP) Bans, Laurel S. Terry and CLASINA HOUTMAN MAHONEY


Letter to the Editor, Responding to Tom Bethell’s "Whose Country Is It?", Seth Barrett Tillman

Colonization and the Subject: A Manifesto of Destiny for Early American Legal History, American Bar Foundation Working Paper #9723 (1998), Christopher Tomlins