The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1998
When Entities Own Real Estate (Speaker), Joyce Palomar
Actualización monetaria y propuesta de acuerdo, Martin Paolantonio
Alternativas de Financiación de la Empresa (I), Martin Paolantonio
Alternativas de Financiación de la Empresa (II), Martin Paolantonio
Consideraciones sobre el contrato de factoring en la Argentina, Martin Paolantonio
Contratos. Parte General. Casos prácticos, Martin Paolantonio
Covenants y responsabilidad civil de las entidades financieras, Martin Paolantonio
El control judicial de las cláusulas predispuestas y un fallo ejemplar, Martin Paolantonio
La indicación del lugar de pago en el pagaré, Martin Paolantonio
Abuso de derecho y abuso de posición dominante, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
The Legality of Arbitration Proceedings before Sports Courts, Marios Papaloukas
‘Academic Life and Professional Development’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Department for Education and Employment The Career Service: Gatekeepers to Career Opportunities for Muslim Women. A study to address the methods, which are employed by the Career Service Staff in meeting the needs of Muslim women, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Inaugural Lecture, ‘School Discipline and Children’s Rights: A Framework for Beating the Odds’, University of Derby, UK., Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Keynote Address to the Derby City Council Conference on ‘Cultural Diversity in the Classroom’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Muslim Women: Career Destinations and Labour Market Implications, Leverhulme Trust, (co-authored), Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Sound Education, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Campaigns against Gender Violence (1977-1993), Professor Vibhuti Patel
La Revista Judicial de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Víctor Pérez Vargas
Tendencias jurisprudenciales del Derecho Privado, Víctor Pérez Vargas
Teoría de las situaciones jurídicas, Víctor Pérez Vargas
1998 Wiley Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt
Book Review (reviewing, Richard N. Haas, The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States After the Cold War, Henry H. Perritt
Chinese Economic Development, Rule of Law, and the Internet (with Randolph R. Clarke), Henry H. Perritt
Electronic Freedom of Information, Henry H. Perritt
Electronic Freedom of Information, Henry H. Perritt
How to Practice Law with Computers, Henry H. Perritt
The Internet as a Threat to Sovereignty? Thoughts on the Internet's Role in Strengthening National and Global Governance, Henry H. Perritt
The Internet is Changing International Law, Henry H. Perritt
Will the Judgment-Proof Own Cyberspace?, Henry H. Perritt
Contributions , Penelope J. Pether
Principles or Skeletons? Mabo and the Discursive Constitution of the Australian Nation, Penelope J. Pether
Pursuing the Unspeakable: Towards a Critical Theory of Power, Ethics, and the Interpreting Subject in Australian Constitutional Law, Penelope J. Pether
(Re)centering, Penelope J. Pether
Review: Tony Blackshield & George Williams, "Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials, 2nd ed.", Penelope J. Pether
Re/Writing Skills Training in Law Schools--Legal Literacy Revisited, Penelope J. Pether and Dean Bell
A Noble Roster: 150 Years of Law at McGill, Ian C. Pilarczyk
'The Terrible Haystack Murder': Prudery, Piety and Paradox in Antebellum America, Ian C. Pilarczyk
Corporate Governance: Monitoring the Board of Directors in American Corporations, Arthur R. Pinto
The Legal Basis of Corporate Governance in Publicly Held Corporations: A Comparative Approach, Arthur R. Pinto and Gustavo Visentini
Developments in the Law–The Effect of Court Imposed Jurisdiction on Arbitration, Michele R. Pistone
New Asylum Laws: Undermining an American Ideal, Michele R. Pistone
The Three Economies: Rethinking the Connections between Society, Ecology, and Money, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law and Policy: Nature, Law, and Society, Zygmunt J.B. Plater, Robert H. Abrams, William Goldfarb, and Robert L. Graham
The Underfunded Death Penalty: Mercy as Discrimination in a Rights Based System of Justice, Malla Pollack
Indian Nations on the Eve of the 21st Century (panel discussion), Frank Pommersheim
Plums: A Geography (Poem), Frank Pommersheim
Representing Native People and Indian Tribes: A Response to Professor Allegretti, Frank Pommersheim
Tribal Law and Tribal Courts, Frank Pommersheim
Nevada Court Abandoned Its Duty in Death Case: Allowing Execution Runs Counter to An International Treaty We Signed, Thaddeus Pope
Judicial Review of Arbitration Rewards: Manifest Disregard of the Law, Norman Poser
The Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege after Jaffee v. Redmond: Where Do We Go From Here?, Anne Poulin
The Rights of Racial Minorities: The Basic ACLU Guide to Racial Minority Rights -Young People’s Version, John Powell and Laughlin McDonald
Bribery in Commerce - New Zealand, Frank X. Quin Mr
Multiparty electoral competition in the Netherlands and Germany: A model based on multinomial probit, Kevin M. Quinn, Norman Schofeld, Andrew D. Martin, and Andrew B. Whitford
The Pre-Emption Presumption that Never Was: Pre-Emption Doctrine Swallows the Rule, Susan Raeker-Jordan
Our House, Our Rules: The Need for a Uniform Code of Bankruptcy Conduct, Nancy B. Rapoport
The Need For New Bankruptcy Ethics Rules: How Can “One Size Fits All” Fit Anybody?, Nancy B. Rapoport
Enforcement of High Seas Fisheries Agreements: Observation and Inspection under the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Rosemary Rayfuse
Reference re Secession from Quebec: Breaking up is hard to do, Rosemary Rayfuse
How Common-Sense Psychology Can Inform Law and Psycholegal Research, Richard E. Redding
Students' Evaluations of Teaching Fuel Grade Inflation, Richard E. Redding
The Jurisprudence of Doubt’: How the Premises of the Supreme Court's Abortion Jurisprudence Undermine Procreative Liberty, Elizabeth Reilly
Disolución y liquidación de sociedades, Francisco Reyes Villamizar
Four Stories about Copyright Law and Appropriation Art, Matthew Rimmer
Conflicting Ideologies of Group Litigation: Who May Challenge Settlements in Class Actions and Derivative Suits?, Susanna K. Ripken
Exploring the Concept of Post-Tenure Review in Law Schools, Ira P. Robbins
Exploring the Concept of Post-Tenure Review in Law Schools, Ira P. Robbins
Exploring the Concept of Post-Tenure Review in Law Schools, Ira P. Robbins
Exploring the Concept of Post-Tenure Review in Law Schools, Ira P. Robbins
Judge Wright and Her Husband's Advice, Ira P. Robbins
The Supreme Court and Inmate-on-Inmate Violence: Commentary on Luttrell v. Nickel, Ira P. Robbins
Sexualidad, Derecho y Políticas Públicas, Andrés Roemer
Of Normalcy and Anomaly: Thoughts on Choice of Law for the Indirect Holding System, James S. Rogers
Invited Participant at Colloquium on Collateral and Conflicts of Law, James S. Rogers
Legal Risk in the Securities Settlement System, James S. Rogers
Derechos y cultura indígena. Los dilemas del debate jurídico, José Roldán Xopa and José Ramón Cossío Diaz
The Outer Limits of Community Self-Governance in Residential Associations, Municipalities, and Indian Country: A Liberal Theory, Mark D. Rosen
Permissible Content Discrimination Under the First Amendment: The Strange Case of the Public Employee, Lawrence Rosenthal
Competitive Bidding Would End "Pay-to-Play", Ronald D. Rotunda
Epilogue, Ronald D. Rotunda
Remarks on School Choice, Ronald D. Rotunda
Reporting Sensational Trials: Free Press, a Responsible Press, and Cameras in the Courts, Ronald D. Rotunda
Resurrecting Federalism Under the New Tenth and Fourteenth Amendment, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Political and Constitutional Issues, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Power of Congress Under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment After City of Boerne v. Flores, Ronald D. Rotunda
Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Robert S. Pindyck
Postmodernism, Spirit Healing, and the Proposed Amendments to the Indian Child Welfare Act, Sandra Ruffin
From Grievance and Complaint to Sanction: Understanding & Bearing the Burden, John P. Sahl
New Conflict of Interest Case Takes Old Vague Twist, John P. Sahl and Robert Rutkowski
Correspondencia del Venerable Palafox hallada en el Archivo de la Basílica Catedral de Puebla de los Ángeles., Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Noteworthy PTO Trademark Decisions, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Significant Recent Trademark Decisions, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Database Debacle, Pamela Samuelson
Digital Rights War, Pamela Samuelson
Does information really have to be licensed?, Pamela Samuelson
Encoding Law Into Digital Libraries, Pamela Samuelson
Fair Use or Fair License?, Pamela Samuelson
In Defiance of the Public Interest, Pamela Samuelson