The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1998
Programa para un curso universitario de Literatura y Derecho, Leysser L. Leon
Miranda and the Problem of False Confessions, Richard Leo
The Miranda Debate: Law, Justice, and Policing, Richard Leo and George Thomas III
Global intersections : critical race feminist human rights and inter/national black women, Hope Lewis
Cleaning our own house : "exotic" and familiar human rights violations, Hope Lewis and Isabelle R. Gunning
Current Developments in International Securities Regulation Co-operation, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Dealing with Sovereign Liquidity Crises: New International Initiatives for the New World of Volatile Capital Flows To and From Emerging Markets, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Do Globalized Financial Markets Need a New Architecture of Regulation?, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Innoculating Against the Financial Flu, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Regional konsumtion i EU hindrar parallellimport från lågprisländer, Hans Henrik Lidgard
Contract before ‘Freedom of Contract’, David Lieberman
Sir William Blackstone, David Lieberman
Researching California Ballot Measures, L. Tobe Liebert
Book Review (reviewing Olufemi Taiwo, Legal Naturalism: A Marxist Theory of Law (1996), Robert Justin Lipkin
Taxing Women: A Book Review by a Non-litigator, Francine J. Lipman
Will the AMT Become the IRS' ATM, Francine J. Lipman
Editorial, Child Support: Benefit Would Last Beyond Payer’s Death Under Proposed Change in Custody Law, J. Palmer Lockard II and Mary Kate Kearney
Contract Law and Practice, Doris E. Long, Gerald Berendt, Michael L. Closen, Marie Monahan, Robert Nye, and John Scheid
Crisis en la Corte Suprema, Horacio M. LYNCH
An Expedited Practice: Serving Asylum Seekers Subjected to Expedited Removal, Beth Lyon
Fighting a Deadline on Fear: Asylum Practice Update as the One-Year Deadline Approaches, Beth Lyon
1. Where researchers fear to tread: Interpretive differences among testifying experts in child sexual abuse cases., Thomas D. Lyon and Jonathan J. Koehler
Choosing Words and Creating Worlds: The Supreme Court’s Rhetoric and its Constitutive Effects on Employment Discrimination Law, Mary Ellen Maatman
The "Shared Risk" of Potential Tort Liability of Health Maintenance Organizations and the Defense of ERISA Preemption, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall
The Uncopyrightability of Jokes, Allen Madison
Legal-Ware: Contract and Copyright in the Digital Age, Michael J. Madison
Taxing Personhood: Estate Taxes and the Compelled Commodification of Identity, Ray D. Madoff
The Foreign Notarial Legal Services Monopoly: Why Should We Care?, Pedro A. Malavet
Fathers and Parental Leave Revisited, Martin H. Malin
On the Scope of Legitimate Authority, Martin H. Malin and Robert F. Ladenson
Juries and Damages: A Commentary, Nancy S. Marder
Charging for admission: a lawyer’s guide to access pricing under Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act, Brenda Marshall and Rachael Mulheron
Unequal Shadows: Negotiation Theory and Spousal Support Under Canadian Divorce Law, Craig Martin
An Opportunity Not to Be Missed: The Future of Comparative Law in The United States, Ugo Mattei
The Issue of European Civil Codification and Legal Scholarship: Biases, Strategies and Developments, Ugo Mattei
Columnist, "Current State and Local Developments" , James Edward Maule
Recent Developments Continue to Foster Congruity in State Income Tax Treatment of LLCs, James Edward Maule
Member, Consultative Group, American Bar Association Ethics 2000 Commission (1998-2002), Judith L. Maute
Standing Committee on Women in Law, Oklahoma Bar Association (1998 - present), Judith L. Maute
Acerca de la calidad de los matriculados en el Ilustre y Real Colegio de Abogados en México: un discurso indiano sobre la limpieza de sangre, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Acerca de la calidad de los matriculados en el Ilustre y Real Colegio de Abogados en México: un discurso indiano sobre la limpieza de sangre, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Fuentes para servir a las biografías de abogados activos en la Ciudad de México durante el siglo XIX: matrimonios en la parroquia del Sagrario metropolitano, II, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Fuentes para servir a las biografías de abogados activos en la Ciudad de México durante el siglo XIX: matrimonios en la parroquia del Sagrario metropolitano, III, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Linajes de abogados en el México del siglo XIX o cómo es que de casta le viene al galgo ser rabilargo, Alejandro Mayagoitia
Entre l’expert et le juge: la science des souvenirs refoulés dans le droit américain, Laurent Mayali
Error iudicis : juristische Wahrheit und justizieller Irrtum, Laurent Mayali, Andre Gouron, and Dieter Simon
Unfinished Business: Restoring Water Quality in Delaware, James R. May
The Effect of Repeal of the Baseball Antitrust Exemption on Franchise Relocations, Jeffrey M. McFarland and Thomas Hurst
A Comparison of Likert Response Formats in Student Affairs: The ABC's of Assessment, Oscar T. McKnight, Robin W. Gagnow, and Sue Heimann
The Unification of Marketing and Assessment in Higher Education: A Model, Oscar T. McKnight and Ronald Paugh
Merging Retention and Financial Aid in Enrollment Management by Market Segmentation, Oscar T. McKnight and Ronald P
―Happy Birthday, Screw You‖: The Collision of Copyright Law, the Folk Song Tradition, and the World‘s Most Popular Birthday Song, Kembrew McLeod
Liz Phair, Sexual Agency Feminism and Rock Criticism, Kembrew McLeod
Teacher’s Manual to Accompany Materials for a Basic Course in Civil Procedure, Mary Brigid McManamon
The History of the Civil Procedure Course: A Study in Evolving Pedagogy, Mary Brigid McManamon
Defining Aboriginal Title in the 90's: Has the Supreme Court Finally Got It Right?, Kent McNeil
Delgamuukw in Context: Judging Aboriginal Rights, Kent McNeil
Reflections on clinical legal education, Michael Meltsner and Philip G. Schrag
Property Law and Policy: A Comparative Institutional Perspective, Peter Menell and John P. Dwyer
Institutions for Intellectual Property Property Transactions: The Case of Patent Pools, Robert P. Merges
Medidas Alternativas a la Reclusión, La experiencia de Chile, España, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra , Rafael Mery Nieto, María Antonieta Juste , and Catalina Mertz
Medidas Alternativas a la Reclusión, La experiencia de Chile, España, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra , Rafael Mery Nieto, María Antonieta Juste , and Catalina Mertz
Photon Gas Thermodynamics: Self-Inconsistency, Milan Meszaros
Victory for Kids: Standby Guardianship Advances, Cathryn A. Miller-Wilson
Ocaso del Ideal Codificador, Santiago Montt
Inexistencia y nulidad desde el punto de vista de los derechos italiano, español y peruano, Rómulo Morales
Assisted Suicide, Liberalism, and Law in the United States, Michael P. Moreland
Los actos jurídicos fraudulentos, el fraude a los acreedores, Roberto Moreno Rodríguez Alcalá
Técnica legislativa: apuntes, reflexiones y sugerencias, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez
Consumer Law: Cases, Problems, and Materials, Daniel J. Morgan, Alvin C. Harrell, and Frederick H. Miller
1998 Cumulative Supplement to John R. Morris, Daniel J. Morgan and Patricia W. Hatamyar
Distinguishing Hogs from Pigs: A Proposal for A Preference Approach to Pre-Bankruptcy Planning, Juliet M. Moringiello
Editor's Preface, Introduction, International Legal Developments in Review: 1997, John Murphy
Introduction, Symposium on Reclamation of Cultural Property on the International Front: Is Home Where the Art Is?, John Murphy
Editor’s Preface" and "Introduction," International Legal Documents in Review: 1997, John F. Murphy
"Editor’s Preface, Introduction, International Legal Developments in Review: 1997," The International Lawyer, John F. Murphy
International Legal Developments in Review, 1997: Foreign Claims, John F. Murphy
"Introduction" (Symposium on Reclamation of Cultural Property on the International Front: Is Home Where the Art Is?) , John F. Murphy
Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century, Samuel K. Murumba
Globalizing Intellectual Property: Linkage and the Challenge of a Justice-Constituency, Samuel K. Murumba
Internet Infoglut and Invisible Ink: Spamdexing Search Engines with Meta Tags, Ira Nathenson
A Pretext for Writing: Prologues, Epilogues, and the Notion of Paratext, Kristopher A. Nelson
Affirmative Exclusion? Sex, Gender, Persecution and the Reformed Swedish Aliens Act, Gregor Noll and Kristina Folkelius
Improving Compliance with the International Law of Marine Environmental Protection: The role of the European Union, André Nollkaemper
Rethinking States' Rights to Promote Extra-Territorial Values, André Nollkaemper
Product Simulation: From Tort to Intellectual Property, Samuel Oddi
Trademarks and Trade Names Regime in Nigeria: The Momentum for Reform, Chidi Oguamanam
Resurrecting the Dodo: The Unfortunate Re-emergence of the Puffery Defense in Private Securities Fraud Actions, Jennifer O'Hare
Institutional and Legal Frameworks for Water Dispute Resolution and Prevention, Valentina Okaru-Bisant
The International Practice, Matthew S. R. Palmer
Real Estate Defaults, Workouts and Bankruptcies (Speaker), Joyce Palomar
The Roles of Attorneys and Non-Attorneys in Real Estate Closings (Featured Speaker), Joyce Palomar
Unauthorized Practice Laws and Real Estate Transactions, Joyce Palomar