About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1998


An Historical Analysis of the Binding Effect of Class Suits, Geoffrey C. Hazard, John L. Gedid, and Stephen Sowle

Discourses of Sexuality: Classical, Modernist and Post-Modernist, Eric Heinze


Off Broadway: The Supreme Court’s Criminal Law Decisions in the 1996 Term Take Second Stage in an Historic Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1996-97 Term], William E. Hellerstein


The Oklahoma Supreme Court's New Rules on Attorneys' Trial Publicity: Realism and Aspiration, Lawrence K. Hellman


Indian Reserved Water Rights in the Dual System State of Oklahoma, Taiawagi Helton

Securing Sovereignty: Enacting a Land Solution and Ending the Legacy of Allotment, Taiawagi Helton

Water Law: State and Tribal Water Rights in Oklahoma, Taiawagi Helton


Slashing and Burning Prisoners’ Rights: Congress and the Supreme Court in Dialogue, Susan N. Herman

The Embarrassed Believer, Hugh Hewitt

Freedom of Expression: An Essay on Rights, Relation and Recognition, Steven J. Heyman


Righting the Balance: An Inquiry into the Foundations and Limits of Freedom of Expression, Steven J. Heyman


Foreword, David R. Hodas


The Role of Law in Defining Sustainable Development: NEPA Reconsidered, David R. Hodas


Special Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 1997 Annual Report, David R. Hodas and

GOBILINK & SIRSI, Christopher H. Hoebeke

A Critical Assessment of the Uniform Adoption Act: In Whose Best Interests?, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


Who Should Adopt Our Children?, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe and Randall Kennedy


The Failed Case for Eighth Amendment Regulation of the Capital-Sentencing Trial, Scott W. Howe


Political Alienation in America and the Legal Premises of the Patriot Movement, Wilson R. Huhn

Quality First: Better Health Care for All Americans: Final Report to the President of the United States (Commissioner, President’s Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry), Nan D. Hunter


Accommodating Outness: Hurley, Free Speech, and Gay and Lesbian Equality, Darren L. Hutchinson


Brandeis, Progressivism, and Commercial Law: Rethinking Benedict v. Ratner, Edward J. Janger


Predicting When The Uniform Law Process Will Fail: Article 9, Capture and the Race to the Bottom, Edward J. Janger


Discretion and the Rule of Law in Federal Guidelines Sentencing: Developing Departure Jurisprudence in the Wake of Koon v. United States, Barry L. Johnson

At the Intersection of Bank and Finance Derivatives: Who Has the Right of Way?, Christian A. Johnson

At the Intersection of Bank Finance and Derivatives: Who Has the Right of Way?, Christian A. Johnson

Learning to Think About International Tax, Christian A. Johnson

Minimizing the Risks of OTC Derivatives Through Loan Documentation, Christian A. Johnson

Year 2000 Credit Risk and Derivatives: Insulating Banks from Counterparty Meltdown, Christian A. Johnson


Kentucky Domestic Violence and Abuse Act: Civil Remedies for Victims, Carol E. Jordan and Karen Quinn


Regulación de Seguros de Salud en los Estados Unidos, Timothy S. Jost


Reform of Environment Regulations: Three Points, Published in National Resources and the Environment, Ann C. Juliano and Lois J. Schiffer


Massachusetts Criminal Practice, 2nd, Daniel Kanstroom, Eric Blumenson, and Stanley Fisher

Massachusetts Criminal Practice, 2nd, Daniel Kanstroom, Eric Blumenson, and Stanley Fisher


Getting Permission to Live and Work in the U.S., Daniel Kanstroom, Sarah Ignatius, Elizabeth A. Ziemba, and H. Daniel Hassenfeld

Creating Law at the Securities and Exchange Commission: The Lawyer as Prosecutor, Roberta S. Karmel


Outsider Trading on Confidential Information: A Breach in Search of a Duty, Roberta S. Karmel


The Challenge to Financial Regulators Posed by Social Security Privatization, Roberta S. Karmel


Transcript of the Roundtable on Insider Trading: Law, Policy, and Theory after O’Hagan, Roberta S. Karmel


4. Reasoning about moral aspects of illness and treatment by preschoolers who are healthy or have a chronic illness., Pamela M. Kato and Thomas D. Lyon

Simultaneous Multichannel Television Access Control System And Method, Ron D. Katznelson


TV Modulator Phase Noise- Meaningful Performance Criteria, Specification And New Measurement Methods, Ron D. Katznelson


The United States: State Regulation and Personal Autonomy in Marriage: How Can I Marry and Whom Can I Marry?, Sanford N. Katz

Genetics and the Future of American Law and Policy, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Managed Care, Assisted Suicide and Vulnerable Populations, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Salute Della Donna e Diritti Umani, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Two Questions on Assisted Suicide and the Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Editorial, Child Support: Benefit Would Last Beyond Payer’s Death under Proposed Change in Custody Law, Mary Kate Kearney and J. Palmer Lockard

Cases and Materials on Tort and Accident Law, 3d ed., Gregory C. Keating


Teacher's Manual to Accompany Tort and Accident Law, 3rd ed., Gregory C. Keating


Book Review (reviewing P. Reed, The Role of Federal Courts in U.S. Customs and International Trade Law (1997)), Claire R. Kelly

Caveat Mediator: Ethical Quandaries for Illinois Attorney Mediators, Pamela Kentra


Article 7: Documents of Title - 1997 Developments, Drew L. Kershen

The Urban Nexus: Open Space, Brownfields, and Justice, Paul Stanton Kibel

Trends and Inconsistencies in Sections 8, 9 and 14(c) of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, Shelley M. Kierstead

Czech: My Ode to Vaclav Havel, Matthew Wilburn King

Somlata Gorge: A Poem, Matthew Wilburn King

The War Against Authority: From the Crisis of Legitimacy to a New Social Order, Nicholas Kittrie

The Book of Genesis: A Commentary by Shadal (S.D. Luzzatto), Daniel A. Klein


Domestic Partnership and Same-Sex Relationships: a Marketplace Innovation and a Less Than Perfect Institutional Choice, Nancy J. Knauer


Heteronormativity and the Federal Tax Code, Nancy J. Knauer


Constitutional Structure as a Limitation on the Scope of the "Law of Nations" in the Alien Tort Claims Act, Donald J. Kochan


Pages Per Term in the United States Reports and Converting Supreme Court Citations to Term Announced: A Statistical Research Tool, Donald J. Kochan

"Public Use" and the Independent Judiciary: Condemnation in an Interest-Group Perspective, Donald J. Kochan

Folketingets tilsyn med behandlingen af administrativt frihedsberøvede, Ida Elisabeth Koch

Betriebliche Interessenvertretung in den Vereinigten Staaten: Ein Überblick, Thomas C. Kohler

Do We Own Ourselves?, Thomas C. Kohler

Labor Law and Labor Relations: Comparative and Historical Perspectives, Thomas C. Kohler


The Disintegration of Labor Law: Some Notes for a Comparative Study of Legal Transformation, Thomas C. Kohler


Bonding and Flexibility: Employment Ordering in a Relationless Age, Thomas C. Kohler and Matthew Finkin


On Seeking Controlling Law and Re-Seeking Death Under Section 2929.06 of the Ohio Revised Code, Margery M. Koosed


Creating True Believers: Putting Macro Theory into Practice, Minna J. Kotkin


Foreword: The Legacy of Chancellor Kent, Harold J. Krent


The Supreme Court as an Enforcement Agency, Harold J. Krent

Unitary Executive, Harold J. Krent


The Plausibility of Legally Protecting Reasonable Expectations, Bailey H. Kuklin

Regulating Trademarks on Exterior Signs: Should Local Law Trump the Lanham Act?, Roberta R. Kwall

Regulating Trademarks on Exterior Signs: Should Local Law Trump the Lanham Act and the Constitution, Roberta R. Kwall

United States Supreme Court Rules That Goods With Copyrighted Labels Can Be Imported Without Authorization Into the U.S., Roberta R. Kwall


The Foreign Base Company Sales Income of Controlled Foreign Corporations, Eric T. Laity

Le concentrazioni bancarie: concorrenza e stabilità nell'ordinamento bancario, Marco Lamandini

Must Mrs. Gregory Buy Fruit to Get Her Dietary Fiber Tax Break? An Argument for Giving Plain Meaning Primary, Generally Decisive, Weight in Construing the Internal Revenue Code, Michael B. Lang

Il Teatro di Barrie Stavis e i suoi ‘Personaggi forgiati’ in un’ epocha vada, Daniel Larner

Justice and Drama: Historical Ties and 'Thick' Relationships, Daniel Larner


A Proposal to Reform the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act to Allow Amortization of Nonconforming Uses, Michael Anthony Lawrence


Toward a More Coherent Dormant Commerce Clause: A Proposed Unitary Framework, Michael Anthony Lawrence

Notas sobre el régimen de las aguas en el Derecho romano, Patricio Lazo

Notas sobre la responsabilidad en el derecho público romano, Patricio Lazo


Equal Justice, Cornerstone of Freedom, May Be Found in Small Claims Court, Gerald Lebovits


How to Help Judgment Creditors Collect: The Effective Use of Civil Court Act Article 18, Gerald Lebovits


Small Claims Courts Offer Prompt Adjudication Based on Substantive Law, Gerald Lebovits


Small Claims President's Outgoing Message, Gerald Lebovits


Faith through Lawyering: Finding and Doing What is Mine to Do, Randy Lee


The Immutability of Faith and the Necessity of Action, Randy Lee


The Public Service Proposal: Educating Lawyers and Lawyers Educating, Arthur G. LeFrancois


The Rise and Fall and Perhaps Rise Again of the "Blindfold Rule" in Modified Comparative Fault Cases: A Proposed Experiment, Jordan Leibman, Robert B. Bennett, and Richard E. Fetter

Domestic Violence Primer, Nancy K.D. Lemon

Domestic Violence: What Every Judge Should Know, A Judicial Education Curriculum, Nancy K.D. Lemon

Automating Case Management: The Tanzanian Example, J. Rich Leonard

Judicial Reform in Africa, J. Rich Leonard